No Choice (11 page)

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Authors: C.M. Steele

BOOK: No Choice
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I worked through the staff meeting, and I watched as my assistant’s face look more and more pissed as the meeting carried on. The stupid bitch didn’t have any idea what she started. She was in for it.

I walked back to my office and called Natalie, bracing myself for the fight.

“Hey, baby.”

“Don’t baby me. I’m not a kid, you ass. I told you I didn’t want people following me, and yet you’ve got three of these punks walking all up in my shadow.”

“What’s gotten into you? I thought we worked this out earlier. You can’t go without them until we find the person who tried to kill me.”

“I’m not here just for your pleasure, you know.”

“It’s for your pleasure too, baby.”

“Sex, even fabulous sex, isn’t everything. I need a life besides being the wife of an oversexed man.” I wanted to grin at that shit. She wanted that shit. I bet even right now her panties were fucking dripping.

“But, baby, I love you.”

“Well, I need a life. I’m going out to meet with the directors of that charity group at three, and I’m not taking these numb nuts with me. If you push the issue, I’ll go back home, and I won’t be coming back.”

“No, babe. You can’t leave me…” I paused and took a breath before I continued, “Fine. You can go by yourself.” I sounded frantic, and part of it was true. I feared for her safety, and I was sending her out unprotected.

“You promise?” she said, full of optimism.

“Yes, I’ll give the guys a call and tell them to back off. Please be careful.”

“Goodie!!! I’ll see you later.”

“I love you, Natalie,” I said solemnly. I didn’t like this plan one damn bit.

“I love you too, my Cam!” She hung up the phone, and I wanted to call her back and not let this shit happen, but Tim told me that he wasn’t going to be out of sight of my Natalie. Tim already had a friend on the police force who was willing to be waiting.

It was as I was walking to my next meeting that I knew we were right. “Cam, I need to leave early. My home security just went off. I’ll be back later.”

“Did you send me the emails I needed for the next two meetings today?”

“Yes, I did,” she said as she placed her hand on my forearm. I tried not to be disgusted by her touch. She was a beautiful woman, and I assume that was why it bothered her so much that I didn’t want her. I really never had an interest in her—that was why I’d hired her. If I’d been slightly attracted to her, I would have sent her packing and moved on to the next candidate for the position.

“Great. I hope there is no serious trouble at the house. Do you want me to send one of the security team members with you?” Would she take the bait? I watched as she paused nervously, then gave me her answer.

“No, the police will be there and so will the apartment management.”

“Okay. Well, let me know if you need anything,” I offered before I walked to the elevator. My mind was working overtime. I needed to get to the meeting area without Crystal noticing. With the other phone, I called Natalie back.

“Cam! What are you doing calling me?”

“I’m not liking this shit. It could be dangerous.”

“You’re overreacting. I’m going to be fine. Tim is already here.”

“I love you. Be careful. I’ll see you soon.”

I got to the meeting area, and twenty minutes to three, I spotted Natalie driving my green Lincoln MKX. Just one minute later there was an older Ford truck that passed by, and I wouldn’t have caught that it was Crystal if it wasn’t for the bright red streak of hair.

“It’s her,” I said frantically. I called Tim and let him know she was right behind them. Just as I was about to hang up, I heard the crash.

I rode in back of the squad car, just in case I went crazy on the bitch. We were the first to head out. I’d been so high on anger and adrenaline I would kill her if she touched Natalie.

We pulled up to the scene, but it seemed like Tim had it under control until my little Natalie started to run after Crystal. I caught her ass around the waist, pulling her back onto my chest before she got more than one swing in.

“Baby, calm down, sweetie,” I whispered in her ear, while looking at the bitch in custody. I couldn’t believe that I had that bitch that close to me.

“Why her?” she shouted at us.

I didn’t answer because I was trying not to go over to her myself and rip her fucking heart out. I used Natalie as my reason for not going after her. By restraining her, I was holding myself back. With the wiretaps, we’d narrowed down who the possible suspects could be, but she tipped me off the other day when I mentioned something only on the phone to Tim, which of course I played off. I needed to get her for more. The police had searched her vehicle while we waited and found that more we needed in her truck.

She’d had a whole murder kit: rope, duct tape, a drop cloth, large trash bags, gloves, two guns, and three bowie knives. The whole damn shebang was in there. What she had in mind for Natalie terrified me. There was all the evidence I needed to nail her there. She was caught red-handed with a premeditated attempted kidnapping and murder. Had Tim not been hiding in the back seat, she would have taken my woman for good.

The more I considered what could’ve happened if we hadn’t noticed the phone tap, the more I became angry. I knew she couldn’t have been the one who cut my brakes because that would take me away from her and defeat her purpose. I could feel Natalie shaking in my arms. What a fool! I put her in danger, and it was finally hitting her. I turned her to me and shouted her name.

As I stood there staring at the woman who wanted me dead and almost had her chance, I felt my blood turn cold. She was looking crazed, but not as crazed as she was after ramming Cameron’s truck.

We’d been driving down the road with just two miles until we reached town, and I almost thought she wouldn’t show when I heard the phone go off and a second or so later felt the impact of the collision. I guess years of go-kart racing for fun with Emmy had paid off because I was able to keep us from careening down the side of the rural road and into a tree-lined ditch.

I was woozy from a cut to my head and about to start driving again when I saw the shadow of the barrel.

“Get out!” she shouted at me. “Get out before I put a bullet in your pretty little head.”

I watched the look in her eyes. It was scary, cold, and determined. I knew that Tim was in the back, but I didn’t hear any movements. I thought he’d gotten knocked out cold by the collision. All I could think about was the pain I put him and Vanessa through with this scheme, even if it’d been Tim’s idea. It was me this nutty broad was after.

I opened the truck door and climbed out. After facing her, I closed my eyes waiting for my fate when I felt movement around me followed by scuffling. Opening my eyes, I saw Tim tackle the bitch to the ground, disarming her and binding her hands in cuffs.

It was then that the other vehicles pulled up, but all I saw was my Cameron. Seeing him unleashed the pain and fear that I would never see him again, and I needed to avenge those emotions. I ran after the bitch and started to attack, but Cam grabbed me and held me to him. All of the sudden I felt safe. I stayed in his arms, feeling his heart racing in time with mine. It wasn’t until she asked “why me” that I lost it and felt the gravity of the situation engulf me. I felt the warm blood trickle down my face, and I shivered, feeling really cold.

The last words I remembered before I blacked out were “Damn it, Natalie!”

Tim and the other two available officers ran to my side to help me with Natalie. It was then that the crazy bitch laughed. It was one of those god-awful witchy laughs.

“Ha, she fainted, that stupid broad, and you wanted her to have your babies! Please—she is pathetic,” shouted the nutball being put into the back of the cop car.

“Do yourself a favor and shut your fucking mouth. That man is looking like he’s moments from ending you. I’m sure no one would mind,” Tim told her before he turned back to Natalie and me.

The other two cops were photographing the evidence in the truck while they waited for the forensic team to come and bag all of it. They had their own evidence bagging kits, but it wasn’t enough for all the shit Crystal had in her vehicle.

It took a minute before she came back to me, but it felt like ten. She looked at me with glossy eyes, and I knew she needed a doctor. I took her to the nearest hospital, and she was taken in immediately, especially since we were given a police escort to it.

“They were involved in a car accident,” I said to the nurse at the front desk.

“Sir, why didn’t you call an ambulance? She could have spinal damage.”

“She fainted after the cops came,” I stated as they placed my drowsy woman with blood dripping down her lovely face on a gurney.

I wiped some of it in the car, but like head wounds, it was bleeding a lot. I tried not to think about how this was all my fault, but it was eating at me when they took her into the ER and refused to let me go in with her as they tended to her.

I paced the waiting room, thinking we should’ve gone about it in a different way. My parents arrived with Vanessa, who was in Tim’s arms the moment they saw each other. Thankfully, Tim hadn’t been hurt at all and was able to do what he’d planned.

I rested against a wall while my family interrogated Tim. They knew from the look on my face that it was best to leave me alone. I didn’t want to speak to anyone but Natalie at that moment.

I jumped out of my chair as soon as I saw the nurse I knew was attending Natalie.

The nurse walked up to me and said, “Mr. James, Natalie wants to see you.”

“How is she?” I said as we walked to the back.

“Nothing more than a mild contusion and a cut. The shock of the situation caused her to faint. It’s pretty normal after a car accident.” I felt like I could breathe a little better, but it was when I saw her smiling at me the weight on my chest lifted.


Chapter 11

It’d been a week since Crystal tried to kill my reason for living. She’d been arraigned already, but they were going to send in a psychologist to see if she was mentally fit. I knew the bitch was sane, and I was certain that the doc would see it the same way. She worked for me the last two years and had done a great job, but she was just a jealous bitch.

I’d been working hard to make sure that there was no way she was going to get away with what she tried to do. The thing was that, during the investigation, she refused to admit to trying to kill me. It was an open investigation. I didn’t even need to mention it to the detectives, but she claimed she had nothing to do with it. Crystal wanted me alive so that she could get me to love her, which was what I thought.

I just wanted the incident behind us, but until the bitch was doing time, Natalie was stuck with the reminder. After we got out of the hospital, she seemed back to normal. I wasn’t sure I believed her, but she promised me she was great.

With Crystal in jail I was out an assistant, which really sucked. It made my day a lot harder. I’d gotten home from the office early today because frankly, the damn stress was giving me a headache. Maybe I could get Natalie to help me relax. Then I had an idea. What if I made her my temporary assistant? I’d have to bring it up with her.

I walked into the house and up to my room without encountering anyone. I didn’t tell anyone I was coming home early, but I still expected someone to be here. I called my woman and got no answer. It would’ve freaked me out, but I knew that they were going shopping this morning for wedding stuff.

After stripping off my clothes, I changed into some workout gear and headed down to the home gym. It was about an hour into my workout when my body sensed the change in the room. I pretended not to notice her even though there were mirrors all around and just focused on my biceps, but I was hard pressed to ignore what she was wearing. She had on a tight pair of cream-colored cargo shorts with a tight red tank top that hugged her skin. Her hips were swaying as she approached me in a stealthy manner. She had no idea how amazing she looked. I wanted to strip her bare and do her on the bench.

I came home and noticed his car in the driveway. He should still be at the office, but he wasn’t. I went up to our room and put my bags down. I noticed his clothes on the chair in the corner. After checking the bathroom and seeing he wasn’t there, I headed to where I could usually find him when he wasn’t with me.

Wanting to surprise him, I crept into the room, but I was the one given the surprise. The man was too freaking hot. I watched him as he lifted the dumbbells, working his biceps. His body glistened with a sheen of sweat, soaking his shirt and filling the air with my man’s delicious scent. I wanted to walk over there and lick it off of him. Mesmerized by the way his muscles flexed, I slowly approached. 

I was almost right behind him when I saw him look up into the mirror and smile wickedly at me. My thighs, already wet from watching him, got another blast of moisture. The man had a natural sex appeal about him. It was no wonder that the broad went batty over him.

He set the weight down before grunting, “Lose the clothes.” Instantly my panties ignited. There should be a law against how much power this man wielded over me and my body.

I complied because there was nothing I wanted more at the moment. He licked his lips while staring right at my center, and I knew what was on his mind, but I was feeling greedy too. I walked up to him, completely nude, and lifted his shirt over his head before falling to my knees. My hands caressed his sweaty, hard abs. I grabbed the band of his shorts and shoved them down in complete need. His cock popped out, hard and glistening. I didn’t go slowly. No, I took what I wanted. There was no need to hesitate, and he didn’t think so either, since he gripped my head and began to fuck my mouth.

He was salty and smooth, and it turned me on. I moaned and purred as I got wetter and wetter from his dominance. I opened my eyes to look at him when I noticed someone’s hairy legs in the doorway. I didn’t stop, though. Why bother? It wasn’t like I could stop them from seeing me suck my man’s cock, so I sucked him harder and deeper, letting the Peeping Tom know that I enjoyed what I was doing to my man.

Cameron groaned and grunted as he felt my mouth hum around his cock. I could feel him getting close, but I knew that he wanted to eat me out, so I was in for swallowing his come in what I knew would be our first round. Right on cue, he gave me a warning with a tug away from him, but like always, I just took it down.

“Fuck, babe. I love watching you take me down this slender throat. I can see the outline of my cock in it,” he growled as he caressed my neck.

I smiled up at him as he helped me to my feet. He didn’t say a thing as he instantly pushed me up against the support beam and dropped to his knees. My lips were already dripping in need and desire, which he let me know turned him on.

“I love looking at how wet you are for me,” he whispered before lifting my thighs onto his shoulders and making love to my pussy with his talented tongue. I’d been so ready from the moment I walked downstairs that I was purring and crying out with the gentlest lick. His hands gripped my thighs as he buried his face in between, eating me out voraciously.

He moved his mouth away from my pussy for a mere second to remind me who my pussy belonged to with a growl, “This is mine.”

“Yes,” I cried, barely cognizant of anything but the pleasure he was bringing me. If we still had an audience, I didn’t care. Right at that moment, it was just me in my world of ecstasy being cared for by my loving and hungry beast. He consumed my juices and tasted my flesh over and over again, until he nibbled on my clit, spinning me into an intense and heart-stopping orgasm.

This was heavenly
, I thought as I continued to taste her release. I wasn’t done—no way, shape, or form. My cock may have gotten her mouth, but his greedy ass wanted her warm, tight cavern. After drinking up all her release, I dropped her legs down, although she wasn’t very steady on them yet. Then I rose up and kissed the fuck out of her, our releases mixing together as we kissed. I rubbed my fingers down to her pussy, feeling her wetness returning quickly.

My heart pounded as I pulled my mouth from hers. “Damn it, Natalie. You’re so fucking sexy,” I groaned before lifting her onto my waiting cock and pumped up into her. I felt her clinch as she did every time I entered her. She wasn’t used to my thickness that left her feeling full, but she never complained. She only asked for more.

“I can’t get enough of you,” I growled before bending down and capturing her nipple in my mouth. I sucked hard as I continued to lift her up and down on my dick.

“Cam!” she cried out.

“What do you need, baby?”

“More, more. I’m so close again,” she breathed out heavily. My hand held her head as she threw it back, crying out, squeezing down on me and coming on my cock. I came once already, so I wasn’t done yet with her. I turned us around and sat us on the bench and roared, “Ride me, baby.” As worn as she and her pussy were, she jumped back to life at my command. Bouncing on me with her breasts pressing against my chest and her hands in my hair, she kissed me passionately. It was that bit of tenderness that brought me close as fuck. I groaned in pleasure and pain as she tugged at my hair and ground her sweet pussy onto me.

Man, I wanted her on her hands and knees. While still sitting on the narrow bench, Natalie climbed off me and turned around. My girl must have been reading my mind, or fuck, for all I knew I could’ve said that shit out loud. Straddling the bench, her ass pointing up and wrapping her arms around it, she turned her head and gave me an eager smile. I scooted up closer to her, and in a squatting, bent position, I drove into her from behind.

The sound of our flesh slapping together echoed through the room. Her cries and murmurs of love had me bucking hard into her. I bent lower, gripped her hair, and bit her neck before I shouted, “Damn it, woman, I fucking worship you!” I came hard into her womb, jetting plenty of seed in her.

We both collapsed our torsos on the bench with our legs on the floor. It took a moment to find my breath enough to ask her how she was doing.

She managed to have enough energy to murmur, “Wonderful.” Once she stood up, she asked, “Ready for a shower?”

“Yes, a separate one, though. I don’t think I could handle another round so soon.” He smirked.

“Did I wear you out, big man?” she asked teasingly.

“Yes, you damn did, and I’m not ashamed to admit it. Shit, my dick needs some relief from your tight-ass walls.” She giggled with her face into the bench, but I wasn’t afraid to admit it. We’d been fucking like bunnies since our first time together. I pulled out of her dripping cunt and gave her a good smack on the ass before jumping off the bench and tossing a towel at her.

“Hey,” she shouted.

“That’ll teach your little ass to laugh at me, especially since I know your pussy is swollen and sore. Come on. I got to go find my brother and kick his ass.”


“While you were giving me the most spectacular blow job, he walked in but took his time walking out. He only left after giving me a thumbs-up.”

“It’s my fault. I should’ve locked the door,” she guiltily replied.

“Don’t worry, babe. It’s my fault too. I forgot that he said he was leaving early too and was going to hit the gym.”

I took a shower in the gym, and Nat went upstairs to our room to clean up. After changing into the clean clothes I brought down with me, I went looking for my brother. I wasn’t pissed, but I wanted to fuck with him for getting too much of a view of my woman.

He was in the den watching a tennis match, but heard me walk in and jumped off the sofa in a quick motion before trying to make it to the door.

“Running like a little bitch, bro?”

“Hey, when you look like you’re ready for murder? Yeah, I am.”

“Just mind your own business next time.”

“Next time, lock the fucking door. Then, I won’t catch my future sister-in-law deep-throating your dick.”

“Just don’t let it happen again.”

“Hey, you two need to be more careful. One of your guys was going to look for you when Mom held him back, like she knew something was up down there.”

“Fuck, no. You can’t be serious.”

“Yes, I am, you lucky fuck.”

“Don’t be fantasizing about my woman.”

“I’m not. Her friend, though, I wonder?” I knew my brother hadn’t stopped thinking about her and even dumped his girlfriend via text after the graduation.

“What if she’s a fucking pro at swallowing a guy’s load?” I smirked. He rushed up on me and got in my face.

“Don’t say shit like that. I don’t want to know if she blows fuckers,” he roared.

“Chill, bro. Jealous much?”

“Look who’s talking—your girl looked like a pro down there.” I knew he was saying it to get back at me, but I knew she’d taken only me down her throat, and I’d be the only one.

“Don’t be a prick. She was all brand new when we met. And all her pro skills were learned and practiced on me only.” I stuck out my tongue and walked out the room like a boss.

I grabbed us some drinks before going up to our room. She was sitting on her feet reading a book.

“Hey, baby. Whatcha reading?”

“Nothing,” she said apprehensively before hiding the book under the pillow.

“Sweetheart, you know now I really want to know, so give it to me or I’m coming to get it.” I gave her a look that said I wasn’t playing. I wasn’t some tyrannical ass or anything. I just didn’t like that she tried to hide what she was reading like she was uncomfortable sharing with me.

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