No Choice

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Authors: C.M. Steele

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No Choice

C.M. Steele


Copyrighted ©2015 C.M. Steele

All rights reserved. Except for the use in any review, the reproduction or utilization of this work in whole or in part in any form by any electronic, mechanical, or other means is prohibited without the express permission of the author.

This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, and settings are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events, names, locales, organizations, or persons living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

Chapter 1

It was chilly outside for mid-April, but my sister and I were roaming her college campus before I took off for home. I knew it wasn’t easy for her here, but she wanted me to see that life away at school was pretty nice, so she decided to drag me along on a tour of her school and her daily life.

“Van, where are you taking me now?” I groaned in frustration. I didn’t have time for this. My company was my baby and only true love. I needed to be taking care of it, making it grow, and not taking a tour of the school. Most of these campuses looked the same. I needed to get back to my cushy office making plays that earned me the most money in the least risky manner.

Time was money for me. I’d been that way since I graduated college. I entered into the business world only to have the markets crash in 2008. It was a struggle to prove myself and get out of my dad’s shadow. Fear of failing had been on my mind all the time.

My dad had always been proud of me, but it was his friends and associates as well as my classmates and supposed friends that believed I got my success through my father. My mother was only concerned with me giving her a grandchild, but I wasn’t ready for that.

I was still young and needed to screw for fun before I settled down for life. Hell, I didn’t even know a girl worth settling down for. There were quality women out there. I just hadn’t found one I was interested in. Then, there were the stuck-up debutants in my parents’ circle. They tried to be the one, but I wouldn’t even bother taking them on a date let alone marry any one of them.

“God, bro, stop being so grumpy. I wanna grab something from the student union cafeteria,” Vanessa said.

“I’m not grumpy. I’m annoyed and chilled. I’ve got a flight back to Seattle that leaves this evening. I still have to stop at the hotel and get my shit.”

“Damn, someone needs to get laid—you’re being a dick. Why didn’t you just use the family jet instead?”

“Because I don’t need it. It’s useless for one person.”

“What if you pick up one of your women here?” she said with a smirk and a raised brow. She was getting a thrill out of the fact that I’d been anxious to go as soon as I got here.

“I didn’t come here to pick up women. I came here to see you and make sure you’re golden. Now that I’ve done that and handled the unpleasant business, I’ve got to get back. Besides, I don’t bring women on the plane—you know that.”

“Look, we’re here. It wasn’t far at all, Mr. grumpy. Now let’s get a bite to eat, then you can go on your merry way. They’ve got this dessert I want you to try. It’s heavenly.” Vanessa was a foodie. If she actually liked cooking, she’d have a shot at being a chef.

“We might as well go in and eat. I am kind of hungry.” I don’t remember eating anything. I’d been busy working on the latest investment report I got from my assistant last night.

We walked into the student union cafeteria, and I was surprised that it actually smelled good in here. I don’t remember college food being that edible. It was getting crowded, but I still had my choice of a seat. I picked the table farthest from the doors and with my back to them. I didn’t want any attention from these young girls. They had the tendency to ogle me and go all stupid like they’d never seen a handsome, well-dressed man before.

I’d let Vanessa pick my meal since she wanted me to taste something awesome. When she brought the tray, the food did look appetizing, and it was good. We’d been sitting down, almost done eating our food when I felt a strange sensation come over me. Then, I heard the sound that changed my world in an instant.

I turned to see who the owner of voice was and was taken by surprise at the girl who possessed natural beauty. She was halfway turned in her seat, looking at the jock who was talking to her and some other pretty girl with really curly hair. Which gave me a hell of a view. She was tall, about five seven or so. Her hair was a wavy brown color that went down to her waist. I wanted to run my hands through it. Her body, although covered up, was curvaceous as hell. I couldn’t take my eyes away. I continued to stare, trying to get a better view of her face, but she was a good distance away.

The girls were both giggling at something the jock had said. He touched her hand twice while I just sat there and watched, and I was ready to walk over there and knock the big guy out. He may have had me by thirty pounds, but I didn’t doubt that I could fuck him up. I ignored the guy and focused on her.

She was something else. Her beauty was on full display, but naturally and not from makeup or sexy clothes. I wanted her, and I knew that it wasn’t the kind of want that I was looking for, but one that I knew I had to have.

“Cam, are you paying attention or not?” Not, I wanted to say. I didn’t know what she was talking about.

“Huh? You said something?” I asked. I wasn’t paying any attention to my sister since I’d been admiring the beauty.

“Yes, I was asking you if you liked the pie,” Van said, clearly irritated with me.

“Yeah, it was really good,” I answered enthusiastically, but I didn’t take my eyes off the mystery girl. The jock just got up and left, but the two girls giggled some more. It was clear the jock had been flirting with
. Suddenly, I felt possessive. I narrowed my eyes at her, angry that she enjoyed someone else’s company. 

“So which one are you interested in?” Vanessa smugly asked.

I turned back to her. “Which one what?” I asked, pretending she was delusional.

“Please, Cam, you look like you want to tear him in two. Are you going to pee on her leg and mark your territory?” She laughed hysterically.

“Shut up, Van. Who is she?” I said as I looked back at the fascinating creature who had just swept a strand of her long hair behind her ear.

“The one with the super curly hair is Emmy Watts. She’s in one of my Chem classes. The other one with the long brown hair, I think that’s her bestie, Natalie.”

“Natalie,” I sounded out her name, tasting every syllable. That was a very nice name. I could get used to saying that every day.

“Yes. Na...ta…lie,” she said it in slow exaggeration, trying to make fun of me, but I didn’t give a shit. So I was interested in the girl. No big deal.

“Yes, you fucking pain in the ass. I want to know all about her. Tell me what you know,” I snapped as my jaw clenched in annoyance. I normally wasn’t short with her since she was my baby sister, but this Natalie broad was doing something to me.

“Yes, sir,” the brat saluted me. If she was a boy I would’ve kicked her smart ass already, but nope, Mom had to have a girl. Simon, our older brother, and I always fought each other. Vanessa always got away with everything.

“I really don’t know her, but Emmy mentioned her to me a couple of times. She was dating a football player, but I think they just broke up a few weeks ago. That’s all I really know. Sorry.”

I turned back to see her again, but she was gone. She’d been there a moment ago. If my sister and I hadn’t just been talking about her, I’d have thought she was just my imagination. I stood up and looked around the room, but she’d disappeared.

Suddenly, I felt my heart racing in a panic, like something was going to happen to her. There was no rationale to it, and it confused the hell out of me. I needed to get my act together. I’d never given that much thought to women, even when I was fucking them. The more I thought about it, I realized I must have over exaggerated her appeal. She’d been too far away to see her heart-shaped face and her full pink lips closely. Her eyes were a mystery to me even though they’d looked light. I started to wonder what color they were when I heard my sister ask if I was ready to head out.

I walked my sister to her dorm, gave her a hug goodbye, and then jumped into a waiting cab. I told my sister I was leaving to head back home, but when I got to my hotel, I just couldn’t make myself leave. I couldn’t go without knowing more about her. After calling the airport and rescheduling my flight, I searched through the student database to see if I could find her on my own, but I was out of luck. I didn’t realize how many damn Natalies there were in this school.

So I called my sister and told her my flight had been cancelled.

“Bullshit! You’re such a fucking liar. Just admit it. You’re still here because of Natalie.” She laughed like she’d known I wasn’t planning to leave when I dropped her off.

“All right, you win. I’m here because of her. Now, why don’t you find out more about her from her friend; like how old she is?” That would suck if the woman I wanted was a teenager. What’s fucked was that I’d still fuck her into a coming mess. The ache in my cock was getting out of control, and I’d only seen her for a few minutes.

“I think she’s older than me, but then again most people are older than me,” she said depressingly. Something was bothering her, but I wasn’t sure it was anything I could help with. She needed some damn girlfriends to talk to about her problems.

“There’s a whole class of freshmen that are as old as you. Can you call her right now?” I wanted answers no matter how pathetic I sounded. It’d been a few months since I’d fucked, and that shit was sadly unmemorable.

“I don’t have her number, and I don’t have that class until tomorrow afternoon.”

Damn. That meant another day of waiting. I’d need to make some calls to my assistant Crystal and try to make things happen from here for the next two days. As much as I hated the thought of missing potential profit, I hated the feeling of loss I felt when I thought I was going to leave her.

“Fine. Get me the goods so Tim can pull her information.”

“No ‘thanks’ or anything? Sheesh, you’re an ass,” she joked. I knew she was getting a kick out of my sudden psychosis.

“Whatever. Just do it. I’ll thank you when I get the info,” I barked.

“Why don’t you just talk to her tomorrow?” It was a reasonable question, but I wanted more info before I jumped in to what could be a life-altering meeting. I didn’t know her, and I couldn’t let my dick rule my life.
I never let it before. Why should I now?
I thought.

“I want to go in fully prepared. For all I know, she could be a money-grubbing whore, and you don’t want one of those as a potential sister, do you?”
Did I just say that? I’m going insane
. I heard my sister’s brief gasp of shock, but she just responded to my pessimistic personality.

“I’m pretty sure she’s not, but I’ll do it. Get some work done or try to get some sleep, lover boy.”

“Goodnight, terror.” I hung up the phone and thought about the girl who fucked up my equilibrium. I sat there for about five minutes attempting to think about anything but her. My cock, though, had a mind of its own, and he was busy thinking about Natalie. Pure lust.
That’s what it is,
I thought. That was easier for me to understand. I jumped into the shower, trying to cool down my hunger, but it wasn’t working so I took care of business myself.

Once I got out, I decided to call Crystal. It was still really early in Seattle, so she’d still be in the office.

“Hey, Cam,” she said cheerfully.

“Crystal, I’m going to be staying here for at least the next two days. I’ve got something important to handle here. I need you to email me anything important and cancel anything I’ve got scheduled.”

“Whoa, I hope you’re sister’s okay. You’d never miss work for anything less. You’re so diligent when it comes to working.”

“No, it’s not my sister. It’s a potential business deal.”

“Oh really? Anything I need to do for it?”

“No, I’ve got this.” There was no need for her help. She didn’t have anything to do with any of my lays. I kept that shit as private as I could. I didn’t appreciate talk. It could ruin my company stocks.

“Oh,” she said like she was upset, but she was an overachiever. She’d always get to the office the same time as me and leave when I’d kick her out for the night. I didn’t think she had to work as hard as me. I was the boss, and it was my company.

“Call me if you’ve got any questions.”

“Okay, have a good night, sir,” she said sweetly. Did I hear that right? No, she couldn’t have meant it as sensually as it sounded. I think Natalie’d gone to my head and all my thoughts were leaning to the dirty side.  

“Goodnight.” I needed to get some sleep. My mind was going crazy.

I lay in bed for about an hour, but sleep wasn’t coming. Even after a cold shower and solo session, she was still in my mind. There was something about Natalie that beckoned me like a siren.

I thought about the giggle coming from her as she smiled at that fuck. I normally hated when women giggled because it was usually fake or over the stupidest things, but hers was real. I don’t know why she was giggling like a little school girl at him, but it had a killer effect on me.

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