Nightshade (34 page)

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Authors: Andrea Cremer

BOOK: Nightshade
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It had only been a matter of days since Shay and I battled Logan’s spider and took Haldis from its resting place. I’d lost so much blood, it could have seeped into stone, staining the cave walls. Maybe the spider’s scent would cover mine? But what if it didn’t? What would Ren do?
I snapped at a squirrel that darted in front of me. Mason nipped at my jaw.
You okay?
I responded.
Let’s slow up; we should start tracking here.
We spread out, noses low to the ground, moving at an easy lope, searching for scents that were out of place, clues I knew we wouldn’t find. Knowing that we had nothing to search for but evidence of me and Shay made tracking an exercise in tedium. I caught his scent early on our patrol, knowing it would be unrecognizable to my packmates. I dutifully led Nev, Mason, and Sabine through the motions of a hunt, all the while wondering what was happening in the cavern.
Can we grab something to eat?
Mason’s voice interrupted my own thoughts.
I saw a grouse back there and I’m starving. I don’t think there’s anything to find. Just a stray wolf who’s been wandering in this range.
Though I’d expected it, Mason’s assumption about the unfamiliar wolf sent a wave of relief over me.
That’s all I’ve got too. I vote for lunch,
Nev answered
. Not grouse, though. I hate the way feathers stick to my tongue. What about rabbit? I love a fat rabbit.
You two need to focus,
Sabine snapped.
We should wait to eat until we finish patrol. If there’s a new wolf pack coming into this area, we’ll have to chase them out. It will get too confusing.
It’s just one wolf, Sabine. Stop showing off for Calla,
Nev responded.
I’ve hunted with you. You’ll go after the first rabbit we see.
She sniffed the air disdainfully.
My own stomach rumbled, reminding me that we’d been at our pointless task for hours.
I was about to answer them when a howl stopped me in my tracks. Ren’s long, keening cry pierced the mountain air, summoning the pack to their alpha. All the ease I’d felt knowing that Shay’s identity would remain hidden vanished. In a few minutes I’d face Ren, and I didn’t know what he’d found in the cave.
Maybe that’s the lunch bell.
Mason wheeled in the direction of the howl.
Let’s find out what he wants.
I turned, leading the way back up the mountain.
Ren, Bryn, and Ansel were waiting when we arrived. I shook my ruff nervously when I saw the place he’d selected for our rendezvous—the very meadow where I’d first saved Shay’s life. I pawed at the dirt, not wanting to share this place with others, suddenly wishing that Shay were here and my packmates weren’t. Trying not to seem skittish, I approached Ren cautiously. He appeared calm, silently waiting for the rest of the pack to arrive.
Fey and Cosette darted out of the eastern forest.
Where’s Dax?
Ren’s voice filled all our minds.
He got hungry,
Fey answered, looking over her shoulder.
Dax appeared from the woods, dragging a freshly killed doe with him.
Three cheers for Dax.
Nev darted forward, sinking his teeth into the deer’s haunch to help Dax drag the carcass the rest of the way.
Ansel’s tongue lolled out as he trotted toward our meal.
Alphas eat first.
Dax lowered his muzzle, baring his teeth at my brother.
Ansel dropped to the ground, ears flat.
Sorry, Ren.
Don’t worry about it.
Ren padded to my side, laying his muzzle atop mine.
He nuzzled my jaw, giving no sign of hostility. Maybe he hadn’t found anything. Reassured by Ren’s easy manner, my stomach rumbled at the suggestion of fresh meat.
I guess.
What’s your favorite part?
He nudged me toward the deer.
The smell of fresh blood edged out my irritation.
The ribs.
I licked my chops.
Have at it.
I tore into the carcass. Ren settled beside me, pulling chunks of flesh from its shoulder.
The rest of the pack joined us, keeping a respectful distance.
I know you’re all enjoying the food.
Ren’s voice reached us even as he continued to eat.
But I need to fill you in on some things, so pay attention.
What was in the cave?
Dax asked, his muzzle crimson with blood.
You won’t believe it,
Bryn said, hackles rising.
A very big, very dead spider.
Ren tore the deer’s leg from the shoulder joint.
That sounds awful.
Sabine strayed away from the gorging pack, either not hungry or put off her meal by the idea of a mutant spider.
How big?
Mason asked.
Dax times three.
Ansel licked Bryn’s jaw.
That’s Logan’s idea of a pet?
Nev snarled, tearing more ferociously into the deer’s flank.
I think it was more of a sentinel than a pet,
Ren replied.
Nice to know he has such confidence in our ability to defend the cave,
Sabine sniffed.
Ren flashed his teeth at her.
Anyway, it’s dead and Logan asked me to call him immediately if the cave was no longer guarded by that thing.
When did he ask you that?
I looked at him, not recalling any such conversation.
He called last night, after we left your house.
I laid my head on my paws, wondering how many times Ren would get orders that I didn’t know about.
He wasn’t happy,
Ren continued.
My father, Logan, and Efron are on their way to the cave now. They wanted to look at something else, but it’s something that doesn’t involve us.
Haldis. I rose, pacing around the group, trapped in my own thoughts. They were coming to check on Haldis. They had to be.
Did any of you find anything on patrol?
Ren asked.
There’s a lone wolf on the mountain.
Fey stretched back, shaking her ruff.
I haven’t seen it yet, but that’s the new scent. Otherwise it’s just us.
Shay. They’d also found Shay’s trail. My hackles rose.
No Searchers, though,
Dax added, gulping down a massive hunk of venison.
We didn’t find anything either.
Nev rested on his haunches.
Not even a fat rabbit.
Mason nipped at Nev’s ear.
Let’s keep tracking down the slope, just in case.
Ren walked away from the deer, which had been reduced to bones.
Bryn, go with Dax’s group; I’ll join you too. Ansel, you track with Calla.
You’re the boss,
Ansel replied, craning his head to scratch his ear with his back paw.
The pack split, moving off toward the woods.
We’re right behind you.
Ren sent the thought to the group.
I need to talk to Calla for a minute.
I watched my packmates disappear among the pines before turning to face Ren.
What’s up?
Ren came close to me, locking me in his charcoal eyes.
Why were you in the cave?
My pulse jumped, but I sniffed at the ground, feigning disinterest.
I don’t know what you’re talking about.
He lunged forward, knocking me onto my back. I tried to roll over, but he was above me, pinning me down, my belly exposed. His jaws locked around my throat, pressing on my windpipe, making it hard to breathe.
I know your scent, Calla. You’d been in there. Two, maybe three days ago.
I kicked at him, scraping at him with my nails.
Stop. Let me up!
Bryn and Ansel must have recognized your scent, but they claimed not to notice anything, which means they lied for you too. Are you trying to divide the pack’s loyalties? Do you really want to work against me?
His teeth bit into my neck, forcing me to submit. I’d never thought I could hate Ren, but in that moment I was close. He clamped down harder, making me writhe from the pain. I kept kicking and he snarled.
Don’t fight me. Just tell me the truth.
I whimpered and went limp beneath him.
I’m sorry, I should have told you. I was curious, so I went in this weekend during patrol.
A low growl rumbled in Ren’s chest.
Did you kill Logan’s spider?
My mind raced as I weighed the risks of lying or stretching the truth; telling the real story was out of the question.
I replied, choosing the lie.
The cave smelled all wrong, dangerous. I didn’t stay there long.
I waited, hoping he’d believe me, wondering how closely he’d been able to track my progress through the cave.
Why didn’t you say anything?
He was still growling, but his grip on my neck loosened.
I whined again but remained still.
I’m sorry, Ren. I thought Logan would punish me. You know we’re not allowed to go inside.
You’re braver than I am. I’ve wanted to sneak into that cave for years.
His growling stopped and he released me, nudging my head up, helping me stand.
I didn’t enjoy doing that to you, Calla. I will always protect you, but you can’t keep secrets from me. And your packmates can’t either—I’ll talk to Bryn and Ansel about this later.
I’m sorry.
I couldn’t meet his eyes.
He pressed his nose into my shoulder.
I need your trust. Do you understand?
My limbs were shaking.
What do you think killed the spider?
The only other scent was the lone wolf,
Ren replied.
I’m guessing it’s the same one your group and Dax’s tracked on the slope. It’s hard to believe it could have taken Logan’s pet out by itself—that wolf must be some fighter.
I thought of Shay wielding the ice axes, about how much I’d admired his courage, his skill as a warrior.
I’m only trying to keep you safe, Calla.
Ren licked my muzzle.
Don’t take unnecessary risks. You’re too important for that. I need you by my side. I’m sorry if I hurt you.
You didn’t.
I let him nuzzle me despite my humiliation, relieved that he didn’t press the issue further.
Without another word he darted into the forest, leaving me alone in the meadow. When I closed my eyes, I saw Shay, felt his lips on my arm, those first sparks of desire when he touched me. I raised my muzzle, wanting to howl my frustration, hating the silence forced upon me. The Keepers would be hunting for Haldis’s thieves soon. What would they do then?
Rowan Estate before terror locked me in place. Shay had to drag me the rest of the way.
“I’ve changed my mind.” My feet skidded along the paving stones.
“Too late.” He gritted his teeth and kept pulling.
“I never should have turned you,” I said. “You wouldn’t be able to drag me anywhere.”
“You’re not exactly making it easy.” He strained to get me another foot forward. “You owe me, remember? You abandoned me at the bar last week. I think Ren spent the rest of the night planning the order in which he was going to break every bone in my body.”
“He probably was.”
“Exactly. You’re lucky I’m even here to give you a tour of the place.”
“You have my eternal gratitude for the offer. I’m sure it’s a lovely house.” I squirmed in his arms. “Now let go of me.”
“Come on, Cal, go up the steps. You agreed to this. Are you really going to make me carry you inside?”
I gazed at the solid ebony double doors. “Maybe.”
“If you do, I’ll fling you over my shoulder caveman style.” He grinned. “It won’t be pretty.”
My eyes narrowed. “You’d enjoy that, wouldn’t you?”
“Wanna find out?”
I twisted out of his grasp, scurrying up the stairs. Shay drew an enormous brass key from his jacket. My gaze traveled over the face of the mansion while he unlocked the door.
The imposing manor cut a stark outline against the sky, its facade the lonely color of fog. The building stretched out for an incredible length to either side of the main entrance. Tall, mullioned windows lined each of the three floors. The gables were filled with stone creatures: coiled snakes, rearing horses, shrieking griffins, and roaring chimeras. Winged gargoyles crouched along the roof, as if prepared to spring from its eaves.
“Are you coming?” Shay held the door open.
I pulled my eyes from the statues, took a deep breath, and walked into the darkness of the mansion. Once inside, I gasped. The doors opened into an enormous hall. A balcony encircled the broad space. Two marble staircases rose in opposite directions along the far wall. An elaborate crystal chandelier was suspended from the ceiling. Its prisms caught the sunlight from the windows, throwing infinite rainbows along the stone floor. Though devoid of furniture, the room was ringed with art that ranged from exquisite porcelain vases that reached to my waist to full suits of armor grasping fierce halberds and wicked maces in their gauntlets.

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