Night Sky (Satan's Sinners MC Book 3) (33 page)

BOOK: Night Sky (Satan's Sinners MC Book 3)
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They are standing there talking when Hanger pulls in. Gunner and Hanger get out at the same time. Hanger yells something at Crazy Girl who keeps the woman facing away. I turn to Bear.
Who is that?

He is beaming, and you don't see Bear smile often. He is out of his chair.
Would you believe me if I said it was Chatty?

Chatty? No fucking way!

Come see for yourself, brother.

That gets the rest of us out of our chairs and we head over to them. Gunner gets his back slapped and hugs from everyone while Chatty gets just the hugs and picked up a few times. Shit, we are all together again for the first time in three years. All is forgotten from just a little bit ago, until Dr. Greene comes back out. She doesn't stick around though, just gets back in her car and leaves.


The girls come tell us that the food is ready, and just as I am about to get up to get my plate, Ever is next to me.
You just sit right there baby, I'll get your food.
I look up to her face to see her biting down on her bottom lip. My brows pull down tightly, but I just give her a nod. She is up to something. When the fuck did my Ol' Lady start making my plate?

Everyone is sitting at the picnic tables we have set up with plates piled high with food. They are stuffing their faces while I’m still sitting and waiting for my food.

I'm hungry as shit!

Finally, with a shaky hand, she sits the plate in front of me. Why is she shaking? I look up at her with concern until I look at my plate. My concern turns to a scowl at the plate, then her, because what the fuck is this?

I look around to everyone and see hidden smirks, some laughing. Is this some kind of fuckin' joke? Out of all the fuckin' food everyone has, she sits a plate in front of me with one baby back rib, baby corn, baby carrots, and fuckin' bite size bread. I want some goddamn food! I look at my plate again then up at her to see her still biting down on her lip.
Sugar, what the hell is this?

It's your food,
she states simply with a shrug of her shoulder and then bites down on her thumb, I think to keep from laughing.

I think you are confused, Babe. I see it's food, but not my food. I need meat and I want plates like those fuckers over there.
I point to Pretty Boy and Hunter's plates, then look at Hanger and Bear's plates as well to see them piled high with food.

Well Baby, do you see a theme here?
Her eyebrow cocks like I am supposed to be catching on to something.

The fuck you talking about?

Well you have baby everything...

I cut her off,
I can see that!
Then I look at my plate again, going over the foods and saying them in my head. No, no fucking way! I look up at her again, with a smile this time.
You have something you wanna tell me?

The smile takes over her beautiful face and she nods.
I'm pregnant.

You fuckin' with me?
She shakes her head no. I jump off the bench and wrap my arms around her. Once I set her down, we are surrounded by everyone, hugging us and congratulations all around. I wanna talk about it with her, but now's not the time. I'll wait until we are alone.

Sit back down, I have your real plate,
she laughs before spinning around and heading back into the clubhouse. This time when she comes out she has a heaping plate full of food. Ribs, hot dogs, hamburgers, and all the other shit that they made. That's what I'm talking about! Ever sits next to me and I wrap my arm around her shoulder and give her a kiss on the top of her head before I dig in.


After everyone ate, another car pulled up and another girl got out. Apparently, she is Chatty's cousin, Tinsley, who brought her back and might be staying for awhile. I don't know the girls story, but she has one, you can tell. We all sat around shooting the shit for awhile until Sophia and Grant came and picked up all of the kids.

Hanger called church so now we are sitting in the chapel, waiting for him to start. It is a good feeling to see Gunner taking his seat as VP again. For the first time in three years the table is full. Not one seat is empty.

Chasyr and Romeo, you two need to wait outside until we come get you,”
Hanger says to them with that serious look he gets. Looking at them, I almost laugh at the confused and scared looks on their faces, most of us guys know what this is about but we were waiting for Gunner.

They push back from their chairs and head for the door. We watch as they shut the door behind them.

“Okay, so we need to vote and we wanted to wait for Gunner. Chasyr risked his life for the girls. He did what he had to get them out of that fuckin' factory. Even though he fucked up by drinking that champagne, he knows what he did was wrong, but Crazy Girl takes the blame for that one. Romeo, he has been prospecting for a while. He was close to patching in before, but fucked it up. He has put in another three years, he's a good brother. So give me your votes on patching in Chasyr and Romeo.”
It goes around the room in head nods and mouths moving.

Hanger continues,
“Alright, so it is unanimous. Ghost grab the cuts. We also agree that Romeo says the code first.”
Another round of nods.

“Get 'em in here.”
Hunter goes to the door, opening it, and they all walk back in and take their seats once again.

“Okay guys, we have taken a vote about your dedication to this club. Chasyr, you drank a glass of champagne when you were supposed to be watching our women. Romeo, you let a rat into our club and fed her information to use against us.”

I look to both of them and their heads are hanging down they think they are being kicked out.

Hanger goes on torturing them,
“Romeo, I want to hear you say the code, and since you know how to sign, I want you to sign it for Writer while you say it.”

I look at Romeo as he starts,
“Bikers believe in and live by an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. In the world of bikers, there's no such thing as just let it go. Bikers can be a blessing or a nightmare. Treat bikers right and they'll treat you better.”

I look back at Hanger.
“Very good. Now what are our rules?”

Romeo lists them,
“The club comes before all else. We have each others backs always and handle business ourselves. We respect all women and if you want to have an Ol' Lady you make sure that shit is forever.”

Hanger goes on, “
Good. Now with that being said, Chasyr, we know how Lil Mama and Crazy Girl can be. We know that you told them no several times to drinking that champagne, but they weren't having it. Romeo, you have put in another three years of prospecting and we believe that you learned your lesson. We took a vote and it was unanimous that your prospecting days for the Satan's Sinners are over.”

When I see the crushed expressions on their faces, I have to tuck my chin against my chest to keep from laughing. I move my eyes around the room, the other guys are trying to hold it in also.

Romeo and Chasyr's heads are down, they just nod and move to get out of their seats, but Hanger finally puts them out of their misery. Ghost lays the cuts on the table as Hanger tells them, “
Even though your prospecting days are over, your time here isn't. Welcome our two newest patched in members. Congratulations guys!”

We all laugh at their shocked expressions and pound our fists on the table.

After it settles and they get their new cuts on, Hanger starts talking real club business and filling in Gunner.

“We know that Deuce was on of the guys that helped kidnap our women. We haven't found him nor the Four Kings since it happened. We believe they have went into hiding, but we need to stay on it. We also need to plan a new attack before they try something else on us. Hacker has the new strip club up and running, which is bringing in a lot of money for us. We have distributed the rest and invested in the recording studio, Ever's store, and Stilettos. So there is no way to detect any unaccounted for money. We do need to find an accountant to do the books, but it has to be someone we can trust, so we are still looking for that.”

He looks at Hacker.
“You, brother, need to get your shit under control with Doctor Greene. I don't know what the fuck happened between you two and I won't ask. I will tell you though, you keep acting the way you do every time she comes here, I will step in.”

Hacker just stays sitting back in his chair, arms crossed and that rage rolling off of him.

He then turns to Doc. “
It seems to me that you have some shit going on too. You wanna talk about what the fuck happened out there? Doc, you are usually the quiet one.”
Hanger looks around the table then adds,
“For some reason ya'll can't get your shit together. If you can't get your heads clear then these Four King Cunts are gonna take us down. Do you wanna lose this club? Because I sure in the fuck don't.”

I have never seen Doc angry and right now that is exactly what he is. I know what sad looks like and there is a little bit of that too. I thought it was bad with Hacker towards Dr. Greene. Or when Jacey came to the club with Bear's shirt on with a big ol' belly and had to tell him she was pregnant with his baby. But they don't have shit on the storm that's brewing within Doc and I think he is real close to fuckin' losing his shit right now. Apparently, I missed a lot because I have no idea what the fuck is going on.

Doc usually just sticks to himself. I don't know who he would have a problem with, but I guess it was someone that showed up today. It had to be bad if Hanger is saying shit to him. I look at Doc, who says something and shakes his head ‘no’ before getting out of his chair so hard it falls to the floor. He storms to the door and I have no doubt he slams it shut behind him. I have never seen someone walk out of church before Hanger dismissed it.

I watch as Hanger just shakes his head, picks up the gavel, pounds it down and says,
“Get the fuck outta here. This meeting is over.”

When we go back out, the party starts up. Everyone grabs drinks and Crazy Girl makes a speech about being happy everyone is back. She then wants to play her signature drinking game of sixes. Since I'm not drinking and Ever can't, we take a seat watching everyone else get shitfaced. I have her in my lap, my head resting on her shoulder and her back pressed against my chest. Her hands are in mine, wrapped around her. I tap my thumb against the top of her hand, getting her attention. When she turns to me, I remove my hands from her and ask,
When did you find out?

About the baby?
she questions as I wrap my arms back around her and nod.

Well I missed my period, so I had a feeling, but I asked my sister to get me a test. I knew she would have some because Hanger is always trying to get her pregnant. I took it when you went outside. It was positive. Jacey then called Doctor Greene and she confirmed it. She said I probably got pregnant from when I was in the hospital. The drugs or missing my pill could have messed it up. Are you happy about it?

Her face turns to a worry so I once again withdraw my arms from her.

I am so fuckin' unbelievably happy, Ever. Thank you for not giving up on me.
I give her the reassurance she needs. This is all I have dreamed about since I met Ever. She was different. She was everything more from the day I met her. I knew it then, I know it now, and that will never change.

I will never give up on you, Writer. You and me, we're a forever thing. I love you.

It's a forever thing, you and me.
I grip her head, bringing her in close so I can plant my lips against hers. This woman, my woman, has given me so much already and she continues to do so. I will give my life to make her happy for the rest of hers.

I can see the party is starting to get pretty wild, with clothes coming off, chicks getting pulled to couches and dark corners. It's time for me to get her out of here. I can't wait for us to get home so we are staying at the clubhouse. I stand up from my chair, taking her with me and carrying her bridal style all the way to my room. I pull my keys out of my pocket, unlock my door, carry her inside, and shut the door with my foot. When we moved into our house, I didn't want to take anything with me from here so I left it just how it was and got all new shit for our new life together. I get to the bed and let her stand back on her feet before I demand,
Clothes off now.

The corner of her mouth starts to lift as she grabs her cut, removing it and laying it over the desk chair. Then gripping the hem of her shirt, she starts to slowly pull it over her head. I never break eye contact with her as I watch her take off one item at a time until she in naked and waiting.

I shrug out of my own cut and hang it over my desk chair on top of hers before I start removing the rest of my clothes. When I get the last item off, I grip my already hard cock in my hand, pumping a few times. Ever's lips part and her chest starts rising and falling quickly, taking in the scene before her.

On the bed,
I command and watch as she sits down then shimmies the rest of the way up. When she is at the head of the bed, her legs part, showing me her pretty pink pussy. I keep a slow steady up and down motion on my dick as I watch her hand slide down her stomach and onto her glistening bare cunt. Her finger dips inside then back onto her clit, making my hand work just a little bit faster.

I stalk towards Ever, bringing my body down on to hers, making sure to hold my weight with my forearms. I find her lips with my own, and starting slow, I run my tongue across her bottom lip before slipping it into her willing mouth. She doesn't try to fight for control, just submits to everything I am giving her. I move my mouth from hers and go across her cheek to her neck, working my way down to her perky tits.

I swirl my tongue around one nipple then taking it between my teeth, applying just the right amount of pressure to be painful and pleasurable at the same time. Just how my girl likes it. Her back arches and I move to the other, showing it the same amount of attention. Before going back to the other, I stop in the dip between to take in the honey scent and to have a little taste. Fuckin' hell, she always smells so fuckin' good and tastes even better.

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