Night Sky (Satan's Sinners MC Book 3) (27 page)

BOOK: Night Sky (Satan's Sinners MC Book 3)
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Jesus, with all that sleep and I still feel exhausted.

What about Chasyr? We had to leave him there. Did you guys find him?

Yeah. Crazy Girl and Lil Mama told the guys where they were keeping you all. They went and found him. He said he told you girls to leave him so he could try and find the other guys. He put up one hell of a fight, killing one of them. Your sister killed the other after you were shot.

A nurse walks in with Zoey and she gives me a kind smile while my sister says,
You're awake!

Yeah. What is that?
I ask as the nurse hooks a tube up to my I.V., inserting some kind of liquid.

You are on mega doses of antibiotics to fight infection and some pain meds. The doctor said if all goes well you will be going home tomorrow, but no strenuous activity for three to four weeks.

Nurse Zoey takes over as she relays the information for me. When the nurse walks out of the room I start the conversation back up.

Writer, you said they only found two bodies. Where is the third guy?

We don't know. He wasn't anywhere to be found when they got there. We are also trying to figure out who the fourth guy was at the store.

Another question comes to mind.
How did I end up here?

Zoey answers this one.
We carried you all the way to find a house, then I called 911. Jacey called Hanger before the ambulance picked you up and everyone met here. Hanger came up with a story to keep the cops off of it.

I don't know. He said for me not to worry about it and that they won't be talking to any of us girls.

That's Hanger for you. He is gonna want to handle this himself instead of getting the cops involved.

Thank God everyone is going to be okay,
I respond as my shoulders sag with relief.

Okay sister, I'm gonna get out of here and give you guys some alone time. I'm sure Mom and Dad are gonna want to come see you in a little bit though. I'll hold them off as long as I can

Zoey bends down, giving me a hug and kiss on my forehead before she tells Writer bye and walks out the door.

I turn my attention on him.
Did you make it through your detox?

Yes, and I will never fuck up like that again. I promise.

I know you won't.

My eyes start to feel heavy.
Writer, I'm scared the other men are still out there.
He stands up out of his chair and sits on the edge of my hospital bed.

Baby, don't be scared, we will find them. Close your eyes now. I'm here and I'm not going anywhere.


I promise.

I scoot over to make more room for him. He lays down on the bed with me and starts to hold me the best he can. I give in to the sleepiness the medicine has caused.


My eyes open to a dark room. The hospital, I'm in the hospital. I feel someone on the bed next to me so I look over. Writer's still here, it wasn’t all a dream. I got shot, but everyone is going to be fine.

Writer must feel me move because he gets off the bed then walks over, turning the light on. He gets back over to the bed and sits on the edge.
Your sister gave me the box with your letters in them. I know you told me you didn't do anything in New York, but I had no idea that you were holding on. You never lost faith in me, you never lost faith in us, and you held on to your love all that time. Christ! Ever, if I would have known, I wouldn't have done any of the shit I did.

I grab his hands, stopping him from saying anymore.

Hey there's no going back, not anymore. I shouldn't have thrown my phone away, but I did. It probably would have saved us a lot of heartache and anger. I can't take that back now and you can't take what you did either, but we can't dwell on it. From this point on, we can only move forward.

Okay, I can agree to that.
Writer’s smile is beautiful.
I talked to your dad while you were sleeping.

You did? How'd it go?

His beautiful smile turns to a smirk. Well
, he was pissed at first when they walked in and I was in the bed with you. Then I told him how I detoxed and I wouldn't fuck up again. He said he has always thought of me as a son and that he was glad that I was back. I then told him I was gonna marry you one day. He said, I know and wouldn't want it to be anybody else, and that he is proud of me. He told me that if I hurt his baby girl or do any kind of shit like that again, he would chop my dick off and feed it to me.

My laugh bursts out.
So overall it went pretty good. And is that a proposal?
I ask as I wipe away the tears from laughing.

Not a proposal, just letting it be known. If it was you would have a whole lot more than this hospital bed.

Writer brings his mouth crashing down on mine, he bites down gently on my bottom lip then runs his tongue across the seam of my mouth.

I give him the opening he is looking for, and that first touch of our tongues has them fighting for control. My hands find his hair, I grip onto it so he can't move away from me. I never want this to end. I never want to be without him again.

When he finally is able to pull away, we are both fighting for air from the breathtaking kiss.

I don't know Writer. I'm starting to like this hospital bed.

He starts laughing causing me to laugh with him. It feels so good to be back where we should have been all along.

We stare at each other for a moment before he says,
I know about the store.
Then he adds,
Why didn't you tell me?

I was going to. I just wanted to wait until it was all done. I wanted you to know that I wasn't going to leave again.

He nods then admits,
I was too hard on you about it, I realize that now. I should have believed you and trusted you like you always did with me. I'm going to make up for it.

Hey it's okay, I know you had lost a lot when I left and I don't blame you for that. We can only move forward from here and I want to Writer. I want to move forward with you.

That sexy smile returns as he signs,
The first time, I loved you hard. I loved you fierce, but I let you go. Now I'm going to love you harder, fiercer, and with everything I have inside of me. You won't be going anywhere this time.

My eyes go wide, mouth drops open, and all I can do is nod my head. Because really, what can I say to that?
Does that mean you wanna move forward? Are we back together?

He smiles wider and so do I.

Yes I wanna move forward, and we are so fuckin' back together. I'd show you just how much if you could do strenuous activity. It's gonna be a long four weeks.

I think my face is red because it suddenly got hot in this room and it is super hot between my legs. His words were so fucking sexy!

He laughs at me before saying,
I wanna take back what I said.

My smile falls and I feel devastated. Writer hurries to continue.
Sugar, not all of it, just the proposal part. This may sound insane, but I can't be without you another minute, Ever. I thought I fuckin' lost the love of my life forever and that will put some things in perspective. I told your dad someday and I told you not here, but I can't not do it now.

Writer's chest expands heavily then deflates before he continues with shaky hands.
We've never been the couple to go cause a scene and I think if I was to do this at some fancy-ass restaurant or in front of our families, it would embarrass the shit out of you. So here and now with just me and you, like it's always been...just us...nothing more, nothing less. Will you marry me, Ever Lee Porter? Will you become my wife and let us get our forever thing? Fuck baby, I will make up for all the lost time, just please give me forever because I can't live without you anymore.

I hit his hands, making him stop.
Shut up! Ohmygod, of course I will marry you. Yes! Yes! A thousand more times yes.
His lips descend down on mine once again in a heated passionate kiss that leaves me wanting so much more.

Writer breaks away.
Say it one more time. I want you to say it with your lips

I smile and nod. I hold one arm up and for the first time in over a year I make the sign for ‘I love you’. He puts his thumb, pointer finger, and pinky against mine, then Writer looks at my mouth. I move my lips, telling him, “yes!” Then I add “I love you.” He smiles, nods, and looks at our connected fingers. When he looks back at me, tears are falling down his cheeks which makes my own fall.

I watch his mouth as he says, “I love you too.” Writer goes back to signing.
It's a forever thing, you and me.
This is how we used to say I love you and it fills my heart with so much love that we are back.

I respond,
You and me, we're a forever thing.

Do you remember the first time I told you I loved you?
We both burst out in laughter.

Yes, when I thought you were teaching me olive juice,
I tell him, making us laugh even harder, so much so that we are crying.

I'll be right back, wait here,
Writer commands before he stands up from the bed.

I give him the are-you-crazy look.
I don't think I'm going anywhere anytime soon.
He laughs some more before going out of the door.

When Writer returns he has my parents, all the guys, my sister, and Jacey with him. There isn't much room as everyone crowds in. Writer grabs a pen and paper then tells everyone we are back together and engaged, which makes our families happy.

An hour goes by when the nurse comes in, making everyone leave my room because visiting hours are over. One by one they kiss my forehead or cheeks then all leave until it's just Writer and the nurse. He gives her that sexy smile and she agrees he can stay with me.

He comes over to the bed, lies down, and pulls me to him as the nurse gives me morphine for the pain. It doesn't take long before I am asleep in the arms of my forever.



Burning House by Cam

Sugar, I gotta go to church,
I tell Ever before bending down and giving her a slow sweet kiss. Pulling back, I look at my beautiful fiance in the eyes.
You are so fuckin' beautiful. I still don't know how I got so lucky with you.

I feel the same way, baby. Now get your ass outta here before I hold you hostage.
I laugh, thinking back to that first day Ever came back and how I thought it might not be so bad if she held me hostage. At that time, I didn't think I would see her again. Now look at us.

Two more weeks and I get to have my way with you. Get to have my tongue on you, tasting you. I'll get to have my cock so deep inside you. Your honey scent will surround me and I'll make you cum so fuckin' hard.
Fuck, I was trying to be funny torturing her, but my cock is growing and twitching against my zipper, wanting to be set free.

Jaxon Slade, I swear to God if you don't get out of here...
Then my pillow hits my face and I double over laughing. Ever crosses her arms over her chest and gives me that cute as hell stank eye.

I walk out, shutting the door behind me. It's been two weeks, two amazing weeks since Ever was in the hospital. I stayed with her night and day, never leaving her side. Crazy Girl would bring me food and clothes so I could shower, but that's it.

Ever got discharged the next day and was sent home with a prescription for a high dosage of antibiotics and pain medicine. Since I don't have my bike anymore, and she couldn't ride it anyway, Crazy Girl had us ride with her to the clubhouse. Ever didn't know it at the time, but I moved all of her clothes here so she could stay with me. That is, until she gets better, and then we will get our own house. Ever may have acted mad at first, but she really wasn't, inside she was happy about it.

BOOK: Night Sky (Satan's Sinners MC Book 3)
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