Night Sky (Satan's Sinners MC Book 3) (23 page)

BOOK: Night Sky (Satan's Sinners MC Book 3)
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I love Ever and my brothers. I'm now glad that they did this for me. I wasn't thinking clearly before and now I know that it is time. “Hanger.” I use my voice so he will look at me.

Yeah brother?
he questions because this is the first I am speaking since that first day down here.

I want to tell you thank you for, you know, doing this. I realize you guys have only been trying to help me and when I get out of here, I won't fuck up again. I'll make it right with everyone, I promise.

It's good to have you back.
Hanger smiles and I already know he has forgiven me.

How is she?

Ever's doing okay, but she misses the fuck outta you.

I nod my head. She's still here! I am elated that she hasn't ran off again, especially after how I treated her.
I miss her too. Can you do something for me?


I need you to go into my room and get into the closet. Up on the shelf is a box. I need you to give it to Ever.

I can do that.
I'm glad Hanger doesn't question what is in the box. He just trusts me enough to know that she needs whatever I'm about to give her.

Thanks. How's the club doing?

We're good. Got some shit happening though. We'll catch you up when you get outta here. Don't worry about any of that, just finish getting better.

Tell Crazy Girl thanks for the food and I'm sorry I couldn't eat it the first two weeks.
Now that I am feeling almost normal, I feel bad about a lot of the shit I did and how I treated the people I care about.

You can tell her yourself when you see her. She is going crazy wanting to make sure you are okay.
Hanger's shoulders shake with laughter and it makes me smile because I know he is right.

I decide to tell him how I feel.
Fuck, Hanger, man, I tried to live my life better than my parents and ended up just like them. I have been mean to everyone I love and I have so much to be sorry for.

Everyone understands, Writer. It's time to move past it. Let all that shit from the past stay there, including the shit with Ever. Move ahead, brother. It's time.

Yeah, I know it is. I've let the shit with Ever go, but I am going to have to take care of one more thing before I can really let it all go.
Hanger watches me with skepticism in his expression.

I decide it's time for a subject change.
Can you have Bear bring food down with him? Give her that box, Hanger.

Will do, brother. I'll see you tomorrow.
I give him a nod as he gets up and goes out the door. I know he will lock it behind him because I have tried many times to leave. This time though, I stay where I am at.



Best Of Me by Brantley Gilbert

It's been three weeks since I last saw Writer. It's been three weeks that I have fought and begged to see him, but the guys won't let me. They won't let any of us girls see Writer. My sister is going crazy, I'm angry and worried, and Jacey, well she is the level headed one. She says that he is fine and when he is well enough, they will let us see him. I hope that's true because I miss him so much.

I’ve had to keep myself busy to keep my mind off of Writer so I have thrown myself into work. The shipments of stuff are coming in today and I have moving guys booked to set it all up. Whatever is going on with the club, they can't spare any of the guys, so I hired out to get enough help.

I didn't want to be alone with them, so I am now at the club getting Zoey and Jacey to come along and help me. I’m standing at the bar waiting, when I see Hanger walk out from the hallway with a box in his hands. He walks up to me, so I turn towards him and he sticks his arms out for me to take the box.
What is it?
I sign to him, confused as to what he would be giving me.

Hanger just shrugs his shoulder while I take the box. When it is in my arms, he signs back,
I don't know what it is. Writer just told me to give it to you.

I question before adding,
Is he doing okay? When will I get to see him?

The smile takes over his face and I am hoping that is a good sign.
He's doing good, it won't be much longer. He talked to me today and he is returning to his old self. Fuck, City, I'm glad to get him back.
My smile forms at the use of my nickname they gave me.

Ohmygod! He's really okay and he's coming back?”

Yes he is!

What are you guys smiling about?
My sister signs, as her and Jacey come out from around the hallway.

Hanger was just telling me that Writer talked to him today. He's gonna be okay, Zoey! He's coming back.

Her tear filled eyes match mine as her attention goes to Hanger.
Is that true, Baby? Is he really okay?

Yes, Babe.
Zoey and I both laugh while wiping away our falling tears. Jacey pulls me away as my sister talks to Hanger, and we walk outside to her Tahoe.

I sit the box in the backseat as I slide in next to it and Jacey gets in the driver's seat. She turns around in her seat.
What is that?

I don't know. Hanger said that Writer wanted me to have it.
I can feel my smile returning.

Are you going to open it?
I think about that question for a second, but something inside of me says I need to open it when I am alone.

No, I'll open it later.
She smiles and turns back around as my sister gets in the front passenger seat.

We pull off and I turn to look out of the back window to see that, in fact, they have sent Chasyr to follow us. They may not be able to spare the guys for a day, but they won't let us go without protection.


We walk into the store that I have now named Lady Sinners Clothing and More. I sit the box down on the counter as I walk around, looking at the space one more time before everything gets here. I come out of the back and find my sister and Jacey sitting in chairs that were left here from when we painted, so I go sit in an open one.

I want you to know that I am so proud of you, Ever,
Zoey signs to me while she looks around the room. When she looks back at me I tell her,
Thank you. I can't believe it's almost ready.

I'm proud of you also, Ever! I can't wait until this place is open and we will be working next door to each other
, Jacey tells me with a cheeky grin on her face, and my shoulders shake with laughter.

How is the studio doing?
I haven't had a lot of time to talk to her about it since I have been back so now seems like a good time.

It's going good. I'm super busy with paperwork so I am thinking about getting someone to help me out. The guys are out on tour right now and the crazy bastards are living it up. I tell ya, they got that sign on bonus and they went crazy, getting tattoos and new looks
. She laughs, then continues.
Eli said they have to look like rockstars, it'll help with the ladies.

Sounds like they are an interesting group of guys
, I respond while laughing some more.

Oh yeah, you could say that. I remember the first time I met them with Bear. I thought he was going to kill Dawson for flirting with me.

The smile drops from my face.
I missed so much while I was gone...

Zoey stops me from going any further.
Hey, let's not worry about that. Besides, the men are here to unload everything.

I turn to look out the windows, and sure enough, there is a big white truck parked against the curb that four guys are getting out of. Zoey jumps up and goes to open the door for them. They all walk in, with Chasyr behind them of course. We all shake hands and then get down to business.

While I sign, Zoey interprets for me.
Okay guys, the cash register will go on the counter right there. We need to space out some of the racks in this room and we need to hang up some of the holders on the wall so clothes can hang. Now, if you will follow me.

We walk into the next room.
I want some racks and holders in here as well. This will be a room for separate clothing.
We get into the back and I let them know this is where my office slash storage space will be.

I already have boxes of clothing that I have made over the last month sitting, just waiting to be hung up. I make sure that they know where my desk, computer, and drawing board will go. Then I show them exactly where I want the shelves to sit for the stock.

Zoey tells me that they understand and will get started right away. We all go back into the front, where I see the box from Writer still sitting on the counter. I forgot about it for a minute, but now it is nagging at me to see what it holds. I walk over to the counter, pick it up, and walk over to a corner and sit on the floor. I pull the top off the box and my eyes immediately fill with tears because I know exactly what this is.

One by one, I pull the letters out and sit them next to me. Then I see drawings, so I pull them out as well and look at each one of them. Some are just of my face with me smiling, or biting my lip.

Others, I have lust filled eyes, or sadness shining through. Some of them, Writer is inside of a small room, with me looking through a window. He tries reaching for me, but never quite makes it. There are a few where he is standing at the window, gripping onto the bars and his mouth is open like he is yelling something. Those are the ones I am like a ghost in the room with him.

The last of the pictures are the ones that gut me the most. They are drawings of Writer and I together, looking at each other or holding each other. The last one is from that Valentine's Day when he drew me naked. The love we had shines through these so much so, my chest starts to ache.

I feel wetness on my cheeks and realize that I started crying as I went through the drawings. Writer has put all of his emotions into these and has drawn every expression he ever witnessed from me.

They are exquisite. I knew he could draw and I knew he was talented, but these are on a whole new level. I have no doubt in my mind that if he went to New York with me, then he would be a successful artist now. I place them gently back in the box, then start with the first letter. It is dated from the day I left.

Dear Ever,
I just got back from the airport trying to catch you from leaving. I saw you there, ya know. I saw you standing in line, waiting to board the plane. Do you know what it felt like seeing you and not being able to get to you? It was hell, Ever. I feel like my whole world came crashing around me today. I have no air in my lungs because I can't breathe without you. You are everything to me and I don't know how I am going to survive without you. I love you so much and I am hoping you will come back to me.

With all my love, Writer

Fresh tears fall on the piece of paper. I try to swipe them away with the back of my hand, but I can't keep up, no matter how many I wipe away, more flow down. I move on to the next letter and then the one after that. They all say about the same thing, but they get a little more angry as they go. About halfway through the stack, I hit the six months letter.

Dear Ever,
Well, it's been six months since you left. I'd say since I last saw your face, but we both know that's not true, since I have to look at your sister everyday. I wonder how you are getting along in that big city you ran off to. I really hope everything is working out for you, since you haven't come back and I don't think you will be.
What have I been up to, you ask? Nothing you would be proud of, I'm sure. I fill my days with drugs and women, trying to keep you off my mind. It doesn't work though. Do you think about me? Probably not, what is there to think about really? Have you moved on? Probably, because I wasn't anything but a fucking biker. I'm not one of those high society fuckers that wear the suits and are all business like. Is that what you are into now up there in New York?

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