Night of Seduction (3 page)

Read Night of Seduction Online

Authors: Iris Bolling

Tags: #music, #family relationships, #brothers and sisters, #iris bolling

BOOK: Night of Seduction
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Am I dreaming?
Siri thought as she gazed into warm hazel eyes. His breath against
her skin felt so real and his lips so tender. Unable to stop the
action, she swallowed as the intensity of their stare continued. If

m dreaming, don

t wake me. I want to
enjoy every minute. Afraid the dream would end, she closed her eyes
and continued the kiss. The pressure increased and she
instinctively parted her lips.

Not one to miss an opportunity, Eric eased
his tongue inside her parted lips. Their tongues began to move in a
slow enticing rhythm, producing a sweet moan from her. Encouraged,
he eased his hand around her waist pulling her body closer to his.
The kiss deepened as she wrapped her arms around his neck. Not sure
if the second moan came from her or him, he returned to his knees
while removing the blanket from between them. As their bodies made
contact, he could feel her nipples harden against his bare chest.
Leaving her lips, he placed a trail of kisses along her neck and
down her shoulders. His previous thoughts were right. Her skin was
smooth as silk. Easing the strap to her top down, he immediately
captured the tempting peak of her nipple between his lips. His
tongue roamed the erect bud as he felt her cradle his head with her
hands to hold him securely in place. She began to place kisses on
top of his head and the side of his ear. Her breath was so
tantalizing against his ear, it caused him to return to her lips.
She greeted him with the desire of a woman demanding more to quench
her thirst. Giving what was demanded he slid his hand down her flat
stomach and inched his way beneath her skirt. His hand encountered
silk lace material that was wet with her desire. He eased his
fingers to the soft mound and gently stroked. She tightened the
hold around his neck merging their bodies closer. As he eased a
finger inside her, he heard her slight intake of breath and felt a
shudder. The reaction brought him inexplicable joy. He slid another
finger in and began to stroke her. Her body moved feverishly
against his hand as her head fell backwards, breaking the kiss.
There was a strong need for him to see the expression on her face,
he opened his eyes. He watched as her expression changed from
anticipation, to need for fulfillment, to astonishment as her body

Her eyes flew
open as she stared, stunned at her reaction.


m not dreaming am I?

she asked

“If we are

t wake me now.

Placing her
head on his shoulder she tenderly kissed his neck.

Thank you.

She said again.

He had no idea
why she was thanking him, but he would gladly take her gratitude.
He captured her lips again as she rubbed her hands over his chest.
When her hand caressed his nipple, he moaned. The fire was building
so fast within him he couldn

t control what was
happening. He quickly lifted her from the sofa onto the floor as
she clung to him. Holding her against his chest, he pulled her top
over her head. She held her arms up to allow the top to fall, and
then returned to the assault of kisses against his chest. Unzipping
her skirt from behind, he lifted her and pulled the skirt away. Not
wanting to place her almost naked body on the floor, he carried her
to the bed. Standing above her looking down he could not believe
how beautiful she was with the rich cocoa brown skin, the long
lashes covering her cheeks, the pint size nose, and her sensuous
lips. Nothing about her read call girl to him, as she shyly laid


s your

he asked.

She opened her
eyes and he could see the realization that he was half naked appear
there. Then the look changed to appreciation

she liked
what she saw. He raised an eyebrow.

Are you sure you want
to look at me that way?

he hungrily

She sat up and
came to the edge of the bed on her knees. The man was perfection
with muscles in all the right places. He wasn

t as tall
as her ex-husband, but he had to be at least six feet tall.
Curiously, removing the towel from his waist, she inhaled as the
evidence of his need was revealed. She reached out and encircled
her hand around him. Reactively he closed his eyes and

Hmm. What

s your

he was barely audible.


she replied in a whisper.

She slowly
began stroking his already engorged member.

Are you
sure you want to be here?

he asked reaching
out threading his fingers through her hair.

Moving closer,
she kissed his chest, then ran a single finger down his abdomen
counting the muscle ridges. She stopped at four before


Not wasting a
minute, he reached into his wallet that was on the nightstand and
pulled out several foils packages. He dropped them on the bed and
pulled one apart. She grabbed his hand,


Taking the condom from his hand, she tenderly covered
him, then laid back across the bed.

Thank you for
protecting us.

If she thanked him one more time, he was
going to lose it. He reached down and slid her lace panties down
her legs. Smiling he joined her on the bed and wondered, What kind
of call girl wore panties and not thongs? Mesmerized by the shear
essence of her body, he leisurely ran a finger down the inside of
her breast down to her thigh. He journeyed up the inside of her
thigh until he reached her center. He placed his full palm against
her and began to massage. He placed his head in the crook of her
neck. The feel and smell of her was intoxicating. She moved and
straddled him. Her hands braced against his chest as she closed her
eyes and eased down on him.

There were no
words to describe the way he felt embedded inside of her. They both
laid there immobile adjusting to the overwhelming feeling that
flowed with their joining. Eric closed his eyes, basking in the
moment. His hands traveled up her thighs and gently massaged the
muscles. Feeling the pressure of her hands against his abs, his
eyes opened just as she eased up, then back down on him. His eyes
rolled back and closed again as she continued the movement slowly
over and over and over. When the momentum reached the point of no
return, he flipped her onto her back. She wrapped her legs around
his waist tight, drawing him in deeper. Suddenly, time disappeared.
There were no sounds in the room, only the overwhelming melody that
began playing in his head. As his tempo increased, so did the
rhythm in his mind. Holding her waist, he continued the sweet
torment until he and the melody reached the crescendo. Every vessel
in his body exploded as he desperately tried to control all of the
melody flowing through his mind. He lay on top of her as she
embraced him. She gently rubbed the back of his head as he relaxed
in the crook of her neck. He kissed her neck and whispered,

Thank you, Siri.

He rolled to her
side and pulled her into his arms. Exhausted, Eric surrendered to
the melodies playing in his mind while thinking; when I wake up I
definitely want to take that journey again.


Chapter 2

Eric and

ager to feel the
incredible pleasure of before, Eric reached out for the woman. This
one was definitely worth whatever price Jason had shelled out.
Instead of cursing him to the core, as he had planned to do, he had
to thank his brother. Apparently, he needed a woman more than he
thought. As his body reacted physically to his thinking, he
reached, further across the bed. Void space. He adjusted the
direction of his hand. Opening his eyes dubiously, he raised his
head slightly off the bed and looked around. She was gone. The
thought bothered him. Why would she leave without being paid?
Sitting there contemplating the situation, he decided to check the
bathroom. Wrapping the sheet from the bed around his waist, he
walked into the bathroom and looked around. There was nothing out
of order. He frowned as he scanned the room. There was no sign of
her clothes anywhere. When his vision reached the nightstand, he
noticed his wallet was there. Exhaling and shaking his head,

the oldest trick in the book.

He disappointedly
stated. Picking it up, and checking the contents, his brows formed
into a frown again. Nothing was missing from his wallet, which
contained a thousand dollars in cash, plus two credit cards he
carried when he traveled.

Dumbfounded, Eric never noticed Jason
standing in the doorway watching his frantic movements from the
other room. He turned to look at the bed. Had it been a dream? Was
she a figment of his imagination? Lifting his hand up to run it
down his face, a portion of the sheet fell to the floor.

“As amusing as
this scene is, I

ve had

Jason joked raising an eyebrow out of curiosity
at his brother.


s good you
slept late. It gave me a chance to take a good look at the schedule
for the week.

Turning to his
brother, Eric wrapped the sheet back around his waist and sat on
the edge of the bed, a bit perplexed.

Who was she? He
asked with a quizzical look.

“I ordered a
couple of cups of cappuccino from Starbucks.

stated nonchalantly as he stepped into the room and sat the
paperwork in his hand on the table by the window. He took a seat
and continued reviewing the schedule for the week.

A little
irritated with his brother, Eric

s replied,

The woman you sent here last night. Who was

“What woman?
Which one? Where? Who?

Jason teased as he
continued reading, unconcerned with his younger

s question.

“The call girl
you sent here last night. I assume she was from an exclusive

Jason looked

You had a woman here last night?

His brow
creased with a frown. Jason did play games, but not to this

Did you send a woman to my suite last

“No, I was busy
with a woman of my own,

he replied with a
smooth smile.

Eric looked
around the room as Jason looked on inquisitively.

You don

t know who you were
with last night? Huh, I

m proud of you little
brother. You needed some release. You

ve been kind of
uptight lately.


m not

Eric stated as he abruptly stood, walked over to
bathroom and closed the door just as he heard

s last comment.



you look very relaxed this morning.

s what a good lay will do for you.

When he
returned from his shower, Jason was in the sitting area on his cell
phone. Eric pulled on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt then sat on the
bed to put on his socks and shoes. On the floor near the nightstand
was a pair of black lace panties. He picked them up and

I haven

t lost my


m glad to hear

Jason yelled back.

Now can we hit the
road? We are already running behind schedule.

Smiling at the discovery, Eric placed the
panties in his suitcase with his dirty clothes and closed the top.
Questions surrounding the woman still lingered in his head. Who was
she and why did she leave without payment?

The midday
warmth from the sun was the catalyst that snatched Siri from her


the memories of the
night before. If the Lord came down to take her home, she would
have no complaints. Only a heavenly being could have made her feel
so precious, so sensuous, so complete. Thinking back to the night,
she covered her eyes and turned her face down into her pillow
smiling. She held her breath for a moment, and then released a
scream into the pillow. She sat up in the bed and pinched


she exclaimed and
rubbed the spot.

Okay, it

t a dream.

She pulled her knees
up and hugged them, trying to remember everything that

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