Night of Seduction (2 page)

Read Night of Seduction Online

Authors: Iris Bolling

Tags: #music, #family relationships, #brothers and sisters, #iris bolling

BOOK: Night of Seduction
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“Did he put on
a show or what?

TK exclaimed as she rejoined

Standing and
folding the lounge chair, Siri stopped, looked towards the stage
nodding and agreed with her sister.

If I had the nerve I
would take off my wet panties and give them to

Shocked at her
words, TK stopped and stared with her mouth open at Siri. Then she

Well I

ll be damned. Look
out world, the real Siri is re-emerging. Come

she said while gathering her things.

I have to get a few shots of the after party at the

Making their
way through the crowd, the privileged few, including TK and Siri,
climbed the steps from the park area into the breezeway leading to
the lobby of the hotel. Showing press passes, TK and Siri entered
the elevator leading to the penthouse suite of the hotel. Upon
entering the reception area, they joined a small entourage of
people that traveled with Silk.


ve lived in Richmond all my life, but I never knew
this was here.

TK marveled at the room. Before Siri
could respond, a man with a determined swagger approached

Ms. Kendrick?

he extended his

Good evening. I am Jason Davies. I understand you
are one of the photographers for this event.

“Yes I

TK replied smiling. The air between the two was
electric as she took his hand. They faced each other staring. As if
suddenly remembering, she turned to Siri and introduced her.

Um, this is my sister Siri.

Extending his
hand Jason smiled,


s nice to
meet you. Would you mind terribly if I steal her away for a moment?
I promise it won

t be

“No, not at

Siri replied as she released his hand. Jason turned to
call someone over, while TK raised her eyebrows at Siri and

He is so fine.

Siri nodded her head
in agreement.

“Stan, would
you keep Siri company for a moment?

Jason patted the
young man on his shoulders and turned back to Siri.


he gave her the glass of wine he was

Thank you,

Jason said as he
placed his hand on the small of TK

s back and guided her
away. Siri took the glass and watched as the two strolled away.
They made a stunning couple. She smiled as a pleasant thought
crossed her mind. This was not going to be the last time she saw
the two together.

“Is that smile
for me?

Stan asked with a wide grin and what appeared to
be drool coming out of his mouth.

This is going
to be a long night, Siri inwardly sighed and then took a sip of
wine. Certain wines always had an adverse effect on her and she
usually stayed away from alcoholic beverages for that very reason.
However, trying to keep Stan in check would cause anyone to drink.
His hands seemed to continuously touch her in places they

t. To make matters worse his conversation was
limited to,

You sure are


You know

m with the band


I got a room a few floors down.

Doing the best
she could to be civil, she scanned the room. She noticed Jason and
TK on the balcony engaged in what appeared to be a very enjoyable
conversation, for they were both displaying smiles bright enough
for a Crest toothpaste commercial. The last thing she wanted to do
was interrupt that, but she needed a reason to escape Stan. The
third glass of wine was affecting her system and she would never
forgive herself if, in the morning, she awakened with Stan next to
her in bed.

Reaching deep
into the recesses of her mind, she found the one thing that always
got rid of a man. She downed the remaining portion of her third
glass of wine and cleared her throat,

Stan would you
excuse me? I need to find the ladies room. It


you know

that time of the

The deflated expression on his face was exactly
what she wanted. Walking away, she smiled triumphantly.

s right buddy you will not be getting any

In search of a
quiet place to wait, Siri ventured down the hallway until she
reached a set of double doors. She tentatively knocked. Receiving
no response, she tried the door handle. It was unlocked. Stepping
inside she called out,

Hello. Is anyone

Receiving no response, she closed the door behind
her. It was amazing how the noise from the party evaporated once
the door closed.

Finally, a quiet

she exhaled. She reached into her purse, pulled
out her cell phone, and pushed a button. Looking around she noticed
the room was a bedroom suite and a very elegant one at that. She
sat on the sofa near the door while waiting for TK to pick

Hey. I could see you are in the midst of a deep
getting-to-know-you conversation and did not want to interrupt.

m taking a cab home. Enjoy the rest of your

She teased.

“Did you drink
that glass of wine?

TK asked with a giggle.

“Yes, that one
and more, Mother. You apparently have never been in the company of
Stan, the man with the hands. It took everything in me not to slap
him and cause a scene,

Siri replied with a
bit of a slur.


m coming to get you.
Where are you?

“Girl, please.

m a twenty-nine year old woman. I can take care of
myself. You stay put and take care of that fine man you are

“Are you

TK asked concerned.


m sure. I

ll talk to you when
you get home.

Siri disconnected the call and laid
her head back. The wine had affected her more than she thought. She
decided to lie down on the sofa for a minute, to get herself
together. Then she would have the clerk in the lobby call her a cab
to take her home. She stretched out on the sofa and before she knew
it, she was sound asleep.

Refreshed from a long relaxing shower, Eric
wrapped a towel around his waist and grabbed another for his head
of dread locs that hung to his shoulder, then walked into the
bedroom of the luxurious hotel suite. He sat on the side of the bed
and laid back. As with every performance, the day was long. The
stage check was at ten, but Eric was up by six that morning. With
every performance, there was an uncertainty and nervous energy that
always hit him early in the morning. With the addition of
interviews with the local television and radio stations, there was
no time for relaxation. Thankfully the regular meeting with the
crew after the performance was cut short. Apparently, his brother,
Jason had other plans for the evening.

Running through
the performance in his mind, he thought things went rather well.
Tonight he felt the crowd was with him every step of the way,
especially that one woman on the front row. As always, he attempted
to find one person to connect with in the audience. At first sight,
he was drawn to her. After a song or two he would normally move on,
but tonight, this woman held his attention. Several times, he
walked around the stage, but found himself drawn back to her. There
was something so longing in her eyes that he could not pull away.
Suddenly words to a song came to mind. He sprang up from the bed to
search for his laptop

he had to get the
words that popped into his mind down.

Remembering his
bag was in the sitting area, he purposely walked into the room.
Reaching for the bag on the desk, he stopped midway and looked
towards the sofa. He could not believe what he was seeing. He
closed his eyes, thinking he must be seeing things. Slowly
reopening his eyes he could not believe the woman from the audience
was actually there, on the sofa. He looked around the room to see
if Jason was lurking somewhere waiting to jump out and yell,


It didn

t happen. Taking a
step forward he took a closer look. Standing less than ten feet
away from her, he could see she was asleep. Had she been waiting
for him to come out of the shower? Disappointment spread through
him, as he realized, Jason, his brother and manager must have sent
her. Since the beginning of this tour four months ago, Jason had
been on him to get a woman to help him release his pent up stress.

s way of getting him to relax was sending him a woman.
That was probably why she had front row seats. Damn, he thought, I
must be losing my grip. I was about to write a song for a call

Disappointed or
not, the woman did have an effect on him. The provocative position
she held on the sofa exposed her entire body, and what a body it
was. Her arm was over her forehead, with her other hand resting on
her stomach. Viewing her profile from head to toe, her curves were
a feast for his eyes. From the v-shape of her spaghetti strap top,
he could tell her breasts were more than a hand full and firm. The
skin beneath the hand resting on her flat stomach seemed so smooth
he was tempted to touch it. The skirt covered her thighs, but the
portion of her legs that were not covered revealed the same even
toned cocoa brown skin as her face. She had the daintiest feet, he
had ever seen in a pair of open toed sandals. He loved a woman with
pretty feet. If a woman took care of her feet, she took care of her
body just as well. His lips curved into a cryptic smile. He wanted
to taste her toes

run his tongue over
her navel

taste her lips. Damn, am I that horny? He thought
for a minute, when was the last time I had a woman. Well over a
year, he remembered. Nodding his head, okay that makes sense.

s why his reaction was so strong towards this

Returning to
the bedroom, he retrieved a blanket out of the closet, unfolded it,
then walked back into the sitting room to place it over her. He
gently removed her shoes and placed them beside the sofa. Looking
into her face as he covered her, he wondered. How someone that
looked so much like an angel could be a call girl? Kneeling next to
her he stared intently at her. She just did not fit the profile.
But who knows, circumstances could have forced her in that
direction. With his finger, he removed a single curl from her face.
He smiled at the way her lashes rested against her cheeks and the
way her lips were shaped. Surprisingly, there was no makeup on her
face, not even lipstick. Frowning he wondered what kind of call
girl did not wear makeup? Rethinking his first assumption, he
examined her hand. No ring. For some strange reason, that
revelation pleased him. The sudden movement of her head startled
him, but her whispering his name in her sleep amazed him. Well, it

t exactly his name

it was his stage
name, but it was still him. Is she dreaming about me, he wondered.
Unable to resist he leaned over and whispered in her ear.


m here.

Her lips curved into a sensuous smile. He
grinned in response.


she whispered so sincerely it sobered him a

Why was she
thanking him? Whatever it was, there was certainly no reason to be

You are welcome,

he replied. The
expression on her face softened and that touched him deeply. His
entire body began to spring to life. A man could spend a lifetime
looking into that face. Other than moving the single curl from her
face, he had not touched her. The urge to do so became
overwhelming. He stood and braced his arm against the wall above
the sofa to keep from touching any other part of her body, then he
slowly touched his lips to hers. The first kiss was a soft, barely
touching the center of her lips, and then he feather kissed the
left side of her mouth. When he reached the right side, he saw her
lashes flutter open. That was his undoing. The longing he saw there
during the concert was reflecting back at him now, through the most
beautiful black eyes he had ever seen.

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