Next August (5 page)

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Authors: Kelly Moore

BOOK: Next August
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The week has flown by. Sam’s high school graduation is tonight. He’s a smart kid, but he fell behind when he had surgery at sixteen to try to improve his lower body movements. He ended up with an infection, which delayed his recovery, but in the end, it did improve his mobility. He mentally gave up for about a year. Claire and I pushed him like crazy. He finally turned around, and he’s made so much progress.

I tease him about working for me, but I really want him to go to college. He’s a wiz at the computer, and with a minimal amount of guidance, he’ll do great things. I have given him some mock projects from work. I’ve been highly impressed with his skills.

I have been busy at work all week working on a design for a new car manufacturer in Italy. My team flies out today to make sure everything goes smoothly. I called Nashville before my plane took off in Seattle to see how her plans have progressed. I wanted her to come back over to meet my father and the staff that will be working under her. Plus, I really just wanted to see her. She has agreed to meet me at one today. Sam’s graduation isn’t until six.

My hand is looking much better and not as swollen. I look at myself in the mirror and decide I like my new beard. I’m not ready to shave it. Stella complimented me on it this week.

I flew Fred home with me to help with the driving, so I sent him to pick up Nashville. That was a struggle all in itself. She’s not very good at taking orders.

The front door opens and Nashville is calling my name. Stella greets her. I meet up with them in the kitchen. They are already laughing about something.

She looks beautiful as usual, a bit overdressed in black slacks, a blue button-down, and heels. Her hair is pulled back into a ponytail and those damn lips of hers are a soft pink. They are very distracting. I want to taste them.

“Good morning, ladies.”

“You missed breakfast this morning, Mr. Rylan. Can I make you anything?” Stella says as she stands up.

“I’ll just have a cup of coffee. Thank you.”

“Good afternoon, Mr. Rylan,”Nashville says, and smiles.

“Not you, too.”

“All your other employees call you Mr. Rylan, so I figured it was appropriate.”

“You figured wrong. You may not call me Mr. Rylan.” I am dead serious.

She puts down her cup of coffee a little too hard and it sloshes over the rim.” Okay, August.”

“You haven’t been here five minutes and you are already angry with me. Why is that?” I stare at her blue eyes.

“I'm not used to being bossed around all the time. Like insisting that I can’t drive my own car or that I can’t call you Mr. Rylan.”

“If you drove your own car you might be late. I’m on a schedule today.”

She sits back in her chair. Stella wipes up her spill.

“So are you always so controlling with your employees?” Nashville asks.

“Frankly, yes.” I glance at Stella. She’s giving me the evil eye. I choose to ignore her.

“Okay then, Mr. Rylan, I came here to meet your father and to see where I will be living during the week, so can we get on with it. I wouldn’t want to mess up your time schedule.”

Why do I find her defiance so damn sexy? I smile at her, rather than being angry. She will be a challenge for me. I stand up and pull out her chair and surprisingly she lets me.

“Follow me.”

She doesn’t answer but she does as I ask. We make it to the third floor and I decide to show her to her room first.

“This will be your room. If there is anything you need, please let Stella know.” She walks in and drags her hand on the silk bedspread.

“This is nice. A little too nice for me. Would you mind if I bring my own bedding?”

She doesn’t like silk, mental note.” Whatever is going to make you comfortable, but if you just give Stella a list, she’ll get you whatever you want.” I cock my head at her.

She looks at the paintings on the wall.” I can’t afford to buy all new things right now, so I’ll just bring my extra set over.”

“I didn’t mention you paying for anything Nashville. It is all part of your compensation package.” I walk over to her.

“I prefer to pay my own way if that is okay with you. You’re already paying me very well.”

I don’t know what possess me to lose control, maybe it’s her fucking pink lemonade lips taunting me, but I grab her and kiss her. She opens to me slightly and I take complete advantage of enjoying her sweet mouth. The intensity between us scares the hell out of me. I have lost control to this southern beauty.

I pull away from her, breathless, and stare down into her eyes. Her lips are even pinker and fuller from me tasting her. What she does to me has me so confused. We both hold our stare for a moment.

“Um…maybe…um. . . you should introduce me to your father.” She blushes.

I bite my tongue because all I want to do is consume her again.

“You’re right. You can meet your staff too. I had them all join us for your introduction to your new position.” I grab her hand but she doesn’t budge.

“I have staff?”

“Yes. He has round the clock nursing assistants caring for him. I need you to manage his care, and their care of him.”

She looks puzzled.” So what do you need me for if it's all already being taken care of?”

“I need you to take care of his medical issues and manage his medications. Make sure the staff is meeting all of his needs.”

We cross the hall to his room and the staff is already waiting for us.” Good morning, ladies. Thank you for meeting me here today. This is Nashville. She’s my father’s new nurse and she will be working on your scheduling needs for you. You will report to her any issues that may arise with my father. She has my complete trust, so she’s your new boss.”

There are six staff members, and I pay them well. They rotate out twenty-four seven. They all seem very receptive to Nashville. She wins them over easily with her southern accent. I stand back and watch her in action. She is beautiful and sexy as hell. Those high heel shoes on her are killing me. I liked the cowboy boots, but what she does to those heels should be illegal. My heart is racing visualizing removing them from her. My libido is in overdrive.

“We have worked out what minor issues they have. I would really like to do a complete assessment on your father.”

“Okay, I have some work I need to do in my office. Why don’t you meet me down there when you are all done?”


I call Sam to let him know that Fred will be picking him and Claire up at five, then he’ll come back and pick me up.

“Are you bringing Nashville with you?” he asks.

“I had not planned on it.” I would really like to keep as much information away from her as possible. She knows Sam, but she has no idea the role I play in their lives, or how I got involved with them.

“You should bring her.”

“I’m not bringing her Sam. Let it go.”

“Then why don’t you take her out on a date afterward?”

I don’t reply.

“Okay, okay,” he says. “I just want you to have a little fun.”

“I’m going to have fun watching you graduate tonight. I’m so proud of you. Have you thought any more about college?”

“Actually, I have. I’ve looked into Main Sail. It is a good computer graphic college. I can take most of my classes online, but I really want to get out and meet some people my age. Maybe even meet some pretty little girl from Tennessee.”

“You don’t give up do you?”

“I learned from the best. Mister control freak.”

“I’ll see you and your mom later.” I hang up before he can rip on me anymore and return to the pile of papers on my desk.


I recently expanded my company to design planes and boats, and we have a product launch next week. The expansion is the biggest endeavor I’ve taken on since I gained control of the company. I hired the best designers from all over the world. The launch will be at the Royal Hotel downtown Seattle next Saturday. I wonder if I should ask Nashville to be my guest. Lisa has been my date at the last few events, but I like the thought of Nashville being my side.

I’m totally absorbed in my work, so I jump when Nashville storms into my office.” August, I need to talk you about Tom.”







After everyone but the aide on duty left, I meticulously read all the physicians’ reports on Tom. His stroke left him flaccid on the right side of his body. He has no muscle movement at all in his right arm or leg. He gets a lot more personal attention than your average stroke patient: regular physical therapy so his muscle atrophy is minimal and he has no contractures of his hand or limbs, and he’s turned regularly so his skin looks good. He’s fed high nutrient calories through a feeding tube in his abdomen. He voids in a brief and as adequate output.

I spoke with him as I assessed him. Everything in the reports said that he is nonresponsive, so why did I catch him following me with his eyes? I believe he’s more responsive everyone thinks. He didn’t follow any commands, but I know I caught him watching me. He is in there. Suddenly, my job has new meaning. I’m determined to bring him out.

I don’t mean to startle August when I bust into his office, but he jumps. I hope he’s not annoyed with me. As he shuffles his papers, I try to think of where to begin.

“I’d like to spend a few hours a day alone working with your father. I really think I can improve things for him.” I don’t want to give August any false hope so I don’t expand on what I think the possibilities could be.

“You’re the boss. Make it happen.” He seems so nonchalant.

I can’t even tell him how excited I am.” I’d like to get started sooner than we planned. My last shift at the hospital is Tuesday. I could move in here on Wednesday. If that’s okay with you?”

He smiles, and it's beautiful. “Absolutely.”

My mind goes back to that kiss. I wasn’t misreading him. He does like me. I could feel the sexual energy literally vibrating off of him.

“Do you have plans Saturday?” he asks.

“I was thinking about visiting my parents. Why what’s up?”

“I have this… this thing… on Saturday. I was wondering if you’d accompany me?”

I get the feeling that “this thing” is something big.” What thing?”

“I’m launching a new branch of my company. The party is in Seattle Saturday night. It’s black tie.” He suddenly looks shy. “I’d love to have you by my side.”

“I don’t know. I’ve never been to a fancy party like that. I wouldn’t know how to act. I definitely don’t have anything to wear.” I bite the inside of my lip.

“Why would you want to act any other way than who you are? You’re a little feisty at times, and you have a potty mouth, but other than that you’re charming.”

I smile at his description of me.” I’m not sure all of that was a compliment, but I’ll take it as one. I guess once I get settled here on Wednesday I could go shopping for a dress.”

“I’ll have Fred, my driver, bring you to the airport Saturday. He’ll fly with you on my private plane, then he can drive you to the hotel.”

“You have a private plane?”

“I own the private airport too.” He says this as if everyone has their own plane and airport.

He is not just rich. He’s uber rich. I’ve always wanted a simple life. A small house on a ranch, away from everything. My goals are not big. I like him, but I would never fit in his world.

“Are you okay?” He is frowning at me.

“You and your money are a little overwhelming.”

He pulls me from the chair into his arms.” I may be overwhelming, but you are intoxicating to me.” He kisses me lightly this time.

“I thought you didn’t date your employees?”

“Well, I could fire you before you start, or I could make an exception for you.”

“I like the exception part, but honestly August, you scare me.”

“I scare you?”

“This.” I wave my hand around.” You and your planes and cars and your mansion of a house. You’re so out of my league.”

He grabs me and kisses me again. Deeper this time.” I’m just a guy. The rest doesn’t mean anything. Besides, you scare the hell out of me too.” He whispers the last part.

“I scare you?” I don’t think I’ve ever scared anyone.

“You scare me when you take my breath away.” He kisses me again. “You scare me when you infuriate me when you argue with me.” And again.

“You scare the fuck out of me when you wear those damn cowboy boots and it makes me hard.” The kiss deepens and I can feel how turned on he is. He picks me up and wraps my legs around his waist, and sets me on the desk. He kisses a path down my neck to the top of my breast. I feel the wetness between my thighs. He reaches behind me and flings everything off his desk, just like in the movies. I giggle and he hushes me with his mouth.

“Now is not the time for laughter, Nash.” He’s so serious. It’s hot but intimidating.

A shrill noise pierces the moment. It’s either the burglar alarm or the fire alarm.

“Damn it.” He says and helps me off the desk. We run into the kitchen.

Stella is speaking in Italian and waving an oven mitt. She’s coughing from the smoke billowing from the stovetop. August grabs a fire extinguisher from under the bar and puts out the flame.

“I’m sorry, Mr. Rylan. I only stepped away for a minute.” Stella is crying.

She’s gripping her arm.

“Did you burn yourself?” I ask.

She winces and nods.

“August,” I say, “I saw a medical bag in your dad’s room. Get it for me, please.”

He runs to the stairs.

“Sit down,” I say to Stella. “Let me take care of you.”

“He’s going to be so mad.” She whimpers.

“Don’t be silly. It was an accident.” I wonder if he has been angry with her before. Maybe he has a temper and I haven’t seen it yet.

“Here you go.” August has returned with the bag.

“I’m so sorry, Mr. Rylan. I will pay for any damages.”

“Don’t be ridiculous, Stella. I just want to make sure you are okay. This stuff can be replaced.” He rubs her shoulders.

He seems honest in his response to her. I don’t think he can fake that. I find the burn cream and rub it on her arm and then wrap it with gauze.” You will want to redress this tomorrow and apply more cream. It should keep it from blistering. You are lucky it isn’t any worse.” I turn to August.” While I have this medical bag out, why don’t you let me remove your stitches?”

He places his hand in mine and smiles.



I’m under his scrutiny as I carefully remove each stitch. His face is so close I can feel his breath on my face.

“There. All done,” I say.” It looks really good. Does it still hurt?”

“No, not at all.” He examines it.” Now I can actually shave.” He rubs his chin.

I pout at him.” I really like your scruffy face.” It’s funny how he sometimes intimidates me, and sometimes I really get a kick out of sassing him.

“Do you now?”

Stella interrupts our moment again.” I’m sorry, sir, but you asked me to keep you on schedule today. If you don’t hurry up, you’re going to be late for Sam’s graduation.”

He closes his eyes tight like he is trying to switch gears.” Thank you, Stella. Call someone to repair the kitchen, please. And please, don’t worry about it.”

“Yes, sir,” Stella says, and I can hear the relief in her voice.

“It’s okay,” I say. “I need to get going anyway. I promised Anna a girls’ night out.” I grab my purse and August follows me to the door. He calls Fred and asks him to meet me out front. As we reach the front door, he has a crease in his forehead.

“What are you worried about?” I ask him as I rub the crease between his brow.

“Will you ladies be drinking tonight?”

“I’m sure we will.”

“Let me have Fred be your designated driver.”

“That’s not necessary. We’ll take an Uber. Besides, Fred is tied up with you and Sam tonight.”

“I can drive the Jag. I’d rather know you two be safe.” Before I can argue with him, he has Fred back on the phone. He gives Fred the new plan: to be my chauffeur. Poor Fred, August runs him everywhere.

Fred is already parked in the driveway. August opens the limo’s back door.” Give me your phone.”

I dig it out of my purse and decide not to argue with him. He takes it and programs in a number.” This is Fred’s number. Call him anytime you need him.” Fred nods in agreement and August kisses my cheek.” He will stay close to you tonight. Have fun, but not too much fun.”

I climb into the limo and August shuts the door. Fred eases out of the driveway through the front gates.

“I’m sorry Fred. You don’t have to be at my beckoned call.”

He smiles at me in the rearview mirror.” It’s my job miss. Wherever Mr. Rylan wants to send me, I go.”

“Is he always so bossy and controlling?”

He laughs, “Yes. Yes, he is.”

I don’t think I like the idea of being bossed around, this is something we are going to have to discuss outside of our employee-employer relationship. I do like how he took control when we were in his office. When he kissed me and hushed me at the same time it turned me on. No doubt. I scowl. So I like him to be in charge, but not too much in charge.

My last boyfriend, in college, had no idea what he was doing during sex. It was all about his pleasure, not mine. I get the feeling that August knows how to please a woman. Everything about his is commanding. I want him to touch me. And I want to touch him back.

I think about his hard body next to mine. His arms and shoulders are well defined. I would love to see him completely naked. I’m getting wet just thinking about him. I need to stop.



I thank Fred for driving me and rush into the apartment. I can’t wait to tell Anna about the kiss, and how close we were to having sex. I know I signed a nondisclosure with him about his father and I will have to honor that, but he didn’t say I couldn’t talk about him with my best friend.

I tell her all about it as we get ready for our girls’ night out.

“I told you he liked you!” she squeals.” I can’t believe he is flying you in his personal plane to Seattle. I have always wanted to visit that town. I’ve heard its so cool. I’m so jealous.”

“Don’t be jealous. I’m scared to death. I don’t know anything about fancy parties.” I plop down on the bed.

“Just be yourself. Don’t let people with money intimidate you!We’ll have fun dress shopping.” She is so excited.” But for now, let’s get you in something really hot for our night out. I want to dance and pick up men. If we show a little bit of that cleavage of yours, men will be falling over to dance with us.” She hands me a low-cut, form-fitting gold dress.

“I thought we were going line dancing?”

“We are. And we are going to look hotter than hell while we’re doing it.”



The bar is packed with cowboys wearing tight jeans. Anna is dancing a jig at the prospects. My mind keeps wandering back to city boy with a scruffy looking face. For the first time in my life, cowboys don’t interest me.

We sit at the bar and order our first round of drinks. After that, the drinks just show up, one after another.

“My favorite song!” Anna drags me onto the dance floor. We line dance to the next five songs, surrounded by hot sweaty male bodies.

“I need some water!” I yell to Anna over the music. She waves me off and continues dancing.

I push through the crowd toward the bar and see a familiar face. Fred is at the end of the bar, talking on the phone. That doesn’t sit well with me. I was supposed to call him when we were ready to leave. I finish my water and sip at another drink, this one from a blonde guy in a tight tee-shirt who can’t stop staring at my breasts. I’m starting to feel a little tipsy. Anna grabs my shoulder, trying to pull me onto the dance floor again.

By one in the morning, I’m really lightheaded. Anna is making out in the back of the bar with some dude. I clumsily make my way over to her. “It’s time to go,” I say, and the words sound garbled in my own ears.

She briefly disconnects her lips from the cowboy’s mouth.” I have a ride home.” She laughs and runs a hand down his chest.

I walk into the bathroom to splash water on my face. I dig out my phone and call Fred.” Can I still have a ride home? I know it’s late.”

“Your ride is outside the bar.”

“Thank you so much.”

The crowd is still rocking, so it takes me a while to get to the door. I walk outside, but I don’t see the limo. Instead, I see the Jaguar. The windows are so black I can’t see inside, but my heart starts beating faster at the thought that August must be inside. The driver's side door opens and he steps out, wearing a perfectly tailored suit. I wonder if there is enough room in that Jag to fuck him.

He puts an arm around my waist.” Why are you here?” I scowl at him.

“Because I want to be.” He steers me into the passenger seat, and buckles me in, like the last time.

“Did you have Fred watching us?”

“Yes. I wanted him there in case things got out of hand.” He puts the car in gear.” Here I brought you a coffee.” He hands it to me. “I want you sober by the time I get you home.”

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