
Read Orgasmatron Online

Authors: Brynn Paulin

Tags: #BDSM

BOOK: Orgasmatron
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By Brynn Paulin

Resplendence Publishing, LLC

Resplendence Publishing, LLC

2665 S Atlantic Avenue, #349

Daytona Beach, FL 32118


Copyright © 2011 Brynn Paulin

Edited by Christine Allen-Riley and Jason Huffman

Cover art photography and design by Les Byerley,

Electronic format ISBN: 978-1-60735-356-0

Warning: All rights reserved. The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000.

Electronic Release: July 2011

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and occurrences are a product of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, places or occurrences, is purely coincidental.

Chapter One

Prysm Matthews rushed into her apartment and slammed the door behind her. This morning a large box had arrived just before she’d had to go out to run errands. Knowing what it was, she’d paused long enough to open it. Unfortunately, there hadn’t been time to play with her new toy, the latest from Vibe-com, her very own Orgasmatron.

She’d been testing toys and writing reviews for the company for over a year now. Vibe-com paid in credits and she’d been saving hers for just the right buy. When the new Orgasmatron, Man Friday, came on the market, Prysm hadn’t wasted any time. He was hers!

And there he was, standing right where she’d left him in the center of her living room.

Slowly, she circled him. He was purported to be the perfect toy—lifelike, voice activated, programmed to follow her every command and deliver her desires.

She’d see about that. She’d been afraid to ask any man for what she really wanted, so getting the new Orgasmatron was the perfect option.

Geez, he was hot. Her teeth sank into her lower lip as her body vibrated with need, her pussy dampening as it prepared for him. She couldn’t wait to sink her hands into the lush black hair crowning his head or to gaze into his eyes, which were closed right now. She knew they’d be blue. The toy was made in the image of Vibe-com’s founder and CEO, Friday McCall.

“Narcissistic, isn’t he?” she mused, examining the thick muscles barely hidden by a white T-shirt and jeans that appeared worn. Was the Man Friday’s build true to the actual man?

She jumped as the bot’s eyes popped open. Deep, alluring blue.

“How may I serve you?” he asked.

Serve? Um…?
She whipped up the instruction book so she could give him the right command. A list of several options was conveniently located on page two.

“Option Two,” she told him, following the script provided for the best bot recognition.


“Very good,” he replied. “Safe word?”

She quickly flipped the page for the section on Option Two. “Bed.”

“I’m sorry. Invalid option. Please choose something unrelated to sexual activity.”
Hmm, right…okay…

She looked around the room. “Apple,” she amended, spying a bowl of fruit on the counter.

“Thank you. Your safe word is apple. Name, please.”

“Prysm,” she told it…him…the, uh, bot.

“Prysm,” he repeated with an added growl to his voice. “Remove your clothes. Now.” She blinked at Friday—her Friday bot, anyway.

“Now, Prysm,” he repeated, those life-like eyes probing hers.

She swallowed, hoping this wouldn’t be too much for her. Well, what the hell. She had her safe word, and the bots were programmed to recognize the orgasm and slowly downgrade until reaching the off position. Time to try out her new toy!

Quickly, she tugged off her shirt while she kicked off her sandals. She shimmied out of jeans.

“Everything,” Friday commanded when she straightened in just her panties and bra.

Oh, they’d done a great job with programming. The gravel in his demanding voice sounded like harsh desire, and they must have developed some sort of skin recognition software.

A shiver went through her as he reached out and grasped her arm. “Take off all your clothing.”

He was just like a real man. There were even slight calluses on his fingertips. This toy was getting an A-plus review so far.

Friday released her as she reached for the closure of her bra. He watched her closely as she skimmed off her panties then stood naked before him.

Turning, he took two steps to the couch then turned again and sat. The movement was slightly clumsy, but she forgot that as he beckoned her forward.

“Kneel before me,” he said. “Open my pants and suck my cock. Now, slave.” A shiver worked through her, and she fell to her knees. This was the best investment she’d ever made! His jeans opened easily, and she found that the designers hadn’t made Friday with underwear—perfectly fine with her. She didn’t want to mess with that anyway. He was also hairless. Interesting but not shocking.

His fingers drove into her hair as she leaned over him.
. Geez, this was good.

Opening her mouth, she sucked in the wide girth of his cock, loving the life-like texture of the bot’s cyber-skin. To her surprise, he tasted…minty. Experimenting, she sucked harder and was rewarded with a moan. His fingers tightened, and his hips jerked.

“Enough. Stop,” he rasped before she’d barely gotten started. A slight flaw. The bot moved fast. To her surprise, he dragged her over his lap. “You’re trying to make me come before I can fuck you,” he accused. “That won’t make me forget your punishment.”

His hand clapped down on her bare ass, sending flames spiking through her. She squirmed, but his free arm clamped on her, holding her in place. Panic shot through her. She was trapped in the grasp of her sex toy while he spanked her ass like a…a…machine. The more that wide palm smacked onto her behind, the more heat flooded her.

“Stop,” she begged.“Stop! I’ll be good.”

Her pussy was starting to quiver as the fire traveled from her ass into her damp cunt.

Hell, she was going to come from this spanking, and it felt so damn good.

Her fingers fisted on a throw-pillow that had fallen to the floor as she let the sensations take her. Her orgasm built in her womb, threatening to explode with each stroke of his hand.

“You’re a bad, naughty girl,” Friday grated. “You won’t sit until next week.” Probably not, but she was far from complaining as she screamed, release slamming over her. The bot took her to the carpet, his hands manacling her wrists over her head as his cock unerringly found her opening. He pushed inside while she thrashed and tried to free her wrists.

“You like me in your pussy,” he growled.

Yeah, she did.

“Fuck me. Fuck me hard,” she begged, hoping he knew the voice command. His hips surged forward, and her reddened ass skidded on the rug. She moaned, pushing up into his powerful thrusts. “Yes, Friday,” she screamed. “Yes!”

“Take me, Prysm,” he rasped. His rhythm changed, and he knelt up, dragging her with him. His fingers dug into her hips as he held her for his drives.

“Yes,” she screamed as her climax clawed over her. Reaction ricocheted to her extremities, scalding her with the fire he’d ignited. His pelvis rubbed into her making circles as her orgasm kept on. By slow increments, his pace decreased until finally, he released her.

As she collapsed to the floor, he stood. His eyes closed, and the Orgasmatron shut down.

Chapter Two

Exhausted, Prysm did little but lock her front door and crawl into bed. She’d left Friday in the living room. No one was coming to visit, and tomorrow, she’d have to clean him—and she definitely wanted to play.

Good lord, Friday McCall was a fucking genius.

When she woke, she wandered into the living room. Friday stood right where she’d left him. That was good or she’d be a bit freaked out. She scooped up the instruction manual and plopped down on the couch, with a wince, to read up on her new toy. He’d paddled her ass but good last night. And when he’d held her down…

Wow! He made her breathless.

Apparently, he not only had scenario modes, but she could adjust his settings. He had a long, multiple oh-oh-
! setting she’d have to work her way up to.

Whoever had designed Friday was versed in female fantasy. The bot could be a sheik, a cop, a headmaster and a cowboy, among other things. He had a mode called slow romance, the BDSM setting she’d already tried, and a rough sex function she
wanted to
try. There was also one called Backdoor Man that made her a little afraid—she would not be trying function ten any time soon.

She flipped through the pages. The bot turned on with the voice command, “On Man Friday.” Strange, that wasn’t what had prompted his response last night.

“Narcissistic,” she tried.


“On Man Friday.”

His eyes popped open, and his gaze fastened on her. “How may I serve you?” he asked.

“Off Man Friday,” she ordered.

His eyes closed, and his chin lowered as he shut down once more.

The perfect man
, she thought with a grin. First things first, she had to clean her toy before more play. She should have last night but he’d worn her out. The box had a special cleaner in it, and following the directions in the manual, she turned on the toy then instructed him to undress—which he did with the titillation of a professional stripper. Holding her gaze, he pulled away his shirt then slipped off his jeans. She wanted to jump him then and there.

Safety first
, she reminded herself.

After shutting him off again, she quickly wiped him down while she examined how he’d been put together. Other than the mouth that didn’t appear to go anywhere and a marked lack of hair except on his head, Friday could pass for a real man. He had no seams, skin that felt utterly real and all the requisite parts.

For that exact reason, she couldn’t leave him in the living room. She might have company someday.

“On Man Friday.”

“How may I serve you?” he asked.

Prysm referenced the page in the manual for moving the bot. “Follow.” She walked into her bedroom. Friday moved silently on her heels.

According to the book, he could learn. She decided to try it out. “Remember Man Friday.


He looked around as if scanning the location into his memory banks. “Remembered.”

“Follow,” she said again and walked back to the living room. “Remember Man Friday.

Living room.”

Again, he looked around. “Remembered.”

“Man Friday, go to the bedroom,” she ordered. Immediately, the bot turned and headed into her room. When she followed, he was standing in the middle of the area. Amazing. It was probably basic robotics, but she thought it was pretty cool.

But she didn’t want to play “program Friday” all day. She wanted more of his true function. “Off Man Friday,” she told it.

As soon as he shut off, she removed her robe and tossed it into the chair in the corner of her room. Naked, she climbed back on her bed with the manual. Her only question was what mode she’d go with. She closed her eyes and pointed at the page, deciding to do whatever her finger landed on.

“Oh hell no,” she muttered when she opened her eyes. Trying again, dropped her finger once more. She smiled. “Much better.”

“How may I serve you?” he asked.

Wait a second…
Was her Man Friday malfunctioning? Nah. Maybe “Much better” had come out sounding like “Man Friday”.

“Option thirteen,” she said.

“Very good.” His bland expression hardened. “Get up against the wall and put your hands where I can see them.”

Mmm…she loved the idea of a naughty cop. Eagerly, she leapt from the bed and went to the wall next to the door. She placed her palms on the wall.

“Feet apart,” he commanded.

She moaned as she complied. This one would be good.

His hands landed on her hips in an iron grip. “You have the right to remain silent,” he said, “Except when I do this…” He slid his fingers forward until he cupped her pussy. Two of those digits pressed inside her, filling her passage.

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