NEWBORN: Book One of the Newborn Trilogy (30 page)

Read NEWBORN: Book One of the Newborn Trilogy Online

Authors: Shayn Bloom

Tags: #vampires, #paranormal, #wizards, #werewolves, #vampire romance, #vampire erotica, #newborn, #paranormal erotica, #magical romance, #magical erotica

BOOK: NEWBORN: Book One of the Newborn Trilogy
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Geez, the simple act of him carelessly
discarding my clothes is incredibly arousing.

But it’s superfluous.

Because his tongue’s inside me, searching me,
looking for my womanhood and finding it. My whole body is heating
up. Parts are already on fire. I feel it most in my breasts and
groin. I feel
for him down there, wet and glistening.
Will it hurt? I find it hard to care right now. I’m too ready. As I
feel my body shuddering for him I realize I’ve been ready for an
extremely long time.

Then I remember.

“Gabriel!” I gasp mid-kiss.

Flustered, Gabriel releases his claim on my
mouth. “What is it?”

“We – we can’t do this!” I exclaim through
clenched teeth. I want him so badly! Yet I can’t have him. I know
it now. This denial of my needs is
painful. Bordering on
torture. How did I forget?

Because you’re an idiot
, my alter ego
informs me.
That’s how

Stay out of this!
I shout at her.
Go away!

“What’s with it?” Gabriel asks, panting.
“What’s wrong?”

I face-palm. “We forgot!”

“Forgot what?”

“The Puridites!” I’m so ready to make him
mine! To be rid of my virginity forever. None of that will be
happening. I can’t think about it anymore. It’s too painful. “We
can’t do this,” I tell him. “Remember? They’ll come here if we do!
be with Immags – you said so yourself! Did you

Swiping his blond hair to the side of his
forehead, Gabriel gazes past me and out the window, the turquoise
of his eyes lost to unknown thoughts. “No,” he says finally, “I
didn’t forget. I
forget. Try having a political party
as unreasonable as the Puridites rule your world. Trust me – they
ways into your skull, but I wasn’t going to let
them get in

I stare at him, my body still hot. “You can’t
be serious.”

“I am,” he counters. “I’m not afraid of them,
Nora. I – I like you,” he says falteringly. “I like you a lot. I
may be an asshole sometimes. That’s the way I am. Doesn’t mean I
can’t – can’t…

Oh geez. There it is!

“You love me?” I gasp, staring into his eyes.
“For real?”

He blinks. Nods. “I think so, Nora. Lord help

Oh shitballs!

What do I do now? Do I say ‘I love you’ back?
Or would that be unspontaneous? If I don’t say it, he may think I
don’t love him. Everything could fall apart.
Fucking fuck!
What do I do? What do I do? I’m lost for actions. I can either be
unloving or unspontaneous? Which should I choose?

I open my mouth. “Gabriel, I –”

Seizing me, he kisses me hard, filling me –
my every crevice, my every inch with the majesty of his being. Oh
sweet tickling gloriousness, how you fall upon me. Mercy! My
breasts and pussy are aflame, burning me down. Oh geez, he’s inside
me! Inside my mouth with his tongue. Massaging my soul.

Turquoise eyes are alight. “I’m taking off
your shirt now.”

“But!” I splutter, “the Puridites?”

Gabriel grins, dazzling me in white teeth.
“Fuck ‘em.”

Grabbing his face, I start kissing him
furiously. Gabriel pulls my turtleneck up to my neckline and then
over my head. For the merest second our connection is interrupted
and it’s agony to my hungrily lapping consciousness. He’s visible
and I’m upon him, sucking the sweet of his lips.


I’m so blinded by my appetite for him it’s a
moment before I realize my breasts are free. Completely visible. No
sooner do I realize this then break from him, releasing his face
and covering myself with crossed arms. Turquoise eyes are alive
above a wide smile. I’m blushing furiously, tightening my arms.

“Stop looking at me!”

He leans back on his hands. The better to
take me in. “Bashful? I wouldn’t have guessed. Your clothes came
off so easily!”

I blush still further at this. “I was

“I could tell,” he murmurs.

“Yeah, well,” I begin distantly, “good luck
getting the rest of my clothes off!”

Some of my dignity will be preserved. I still
have my blue jeans and panties on. Gabriel draws his wand from the
pocket of his tangerine robes and begins twirling it between his
fingers. Never a good sign.

“You wouldn’t dare!” I hiss.

Eyebrows rise. “Think so?”

Oh fuck!
So much for my dignity.

Curling up against the wall, my arms covering
my exposed breasts, I glare at him. Secretly, I’m crazy turned on
by his threats to charm my clothes off. “If you do,” I threaten,
“I’ll write the Bureau of Magic! Tell them what you’ve been doing
with me. They’d fire you as a Releaser, I’m sure!”

He cocks his head to the side. “Ingenious,”
he says, “except not. The Bureau would never take the word of an
Immag over that of a wizard, not even concerning the wizard’s
breach of the law. The system is rampant with abuse and you can see
why. The Bureaus biggest enemy is its belief system.”

Fucking shitballs

He got me there. I’m too turned on to care.
Grabbing him, I suck his face. Oh he’s wonderful in my mouth!
Spectacular. Everything I thought he’d be and more! His tongue is a
tickling massage inside me. That’s not to mention his taste.
Cinnamon and sugar. Unbelievable.

I’m stripping him. Pulling tangerine robes
from his shoulders I take them from his body. It’s a bit of a
struggle. Soon they’re sprawled on the floor. I notice he’s
retained his wand. Worrisome or wondrous? I dearly hope the

Under the robes he’s wearing T-shirt and
jeans. Very Immag. I kiss him intermittently as I pull his shirt up
and over his head. I suckle his lips a while longer before glancing
down. Instantly I’m reminded of my dream in the forest. Of Gabriel
and myself on a bed of white surrounded by trees. Of his naked,
marble white chest. I can’t help the gasp that escapes my

The naked chest here is exactly the one I
saw. It’s hairless, more toned than muscular except for his nicely
shaped pecks. His nipples appear firm to the eyes but are soft to
the touch as I feel them with my fingers, rubbing his chest up and
down. I’m not controlling myself, my inner animal has taken

Sinking his lips to mine, Gabriel devours me,
eating me whole, sucking the need from my body through my mouth.
There are no words for what he’s doing to me. Only flames. I’m
covered in them – my entire body. Most of all my breasts and groin.
My breasts are so hard, thirsting for his mouth. My pussy is so
wet, thirsting to be dry. It needs him, the power of him, the
satisfaction of him, but nothing more than the

I’m so ready!

My fingers are moving without consent. They
sink to his waistline and find his zipper without help from my
eyes. They roll it down before finding the rims of his jeans and
boxers. They pull. Hard! Gabriel is naked before me on the bed, his
back against the wall, his blond hair a mess and his eyes crazed
with delight.

His cock is madly hard.

Surrounded by the backdrop of his thin frame,
it only looks harder. He’s cut – I can tell that much. With my
limited experience there’s not much else I can discern. Big or
small? I have no comparison.

“What are you staring at?” Gabriel is
grinning magnificently. “My face is up here!” Despite him, I can’t
rivet my gaze from his throbbing, erect penis. “What? Not big
enough for you? I’ll have you know –”

“I wouldn’t know,” I interrupt. “I’ve never
seen one before. Not in real life.”

This seems to cheer him up. Fixing me with
his blazing turquoise eyes, he doesn’t look away. Not as he unzips
my jeans. Not as he pulls them from my body. Not as he pulls my
panties down my legs and tosses them aside.

We’re naked in bed. Possibilities!

“Deep breath,” Gabriel says, sliding one arm
under my neck and pushing me down on the pillow with his free hand.
I’m prostrate on the bed facing the ceiling. “That’s it,” he
murmurs, his hand now massaging my chest. “Nothing to worry about,”
he reassures, accurately interpreting my nerves. “Nothing to see

Unbelievable. How exciting it is having a guy
touch my chest at last. Not simply touching, but massaging –
feeling every part of me. One second sliding over my stomach, the
next circling my nipples with his thumb. Gabriel is
at it. They harden and then soften and then harden and then soften.
He’s torturing me with pleasure. It’s so,
working. I
can’t get enough!

He kisses me, the cinnamon of his tongue
blessing my mouth. Conflicted thoughts falling away, I’m airborne,
flying through the sky on a sugary carpet ride. What a transport!
What a kiss! I’m lost to him.

Slowly – so slowly – his mouth leaves mine.
Sinks to my chest. He’s drenching my left nipple in his tongue,
swirling around me and lighting my every fuse. I am burning alive
under the expert move of his every flick. Geez, I thought getting
felt up was good! I couldn’t begin to imagine a minute ago.

Releasing my nipple, he finds my mouth.
Something new is happening. His hand is massaging me. But not just
massaging me. It’s going lower and lower, closer and closer to
where I’m afraid of it going. Then he’s there, first massaging
around it. Then massaging around it more. Then more.

He’s inside me!

Turquoise eyes find me. Their flames are
alive above an unrepressed smile. “My finger’s in your cunt.”

The nerve!

“I noticed,” I inform him.

“How does it feel?”

I try and swipe my hair behind my ear. Hard
when a pillow is right behind you. “It feels fine.” I’m trying my
best to sound cool and nonchalant. “I was hoping for something else
there to be honest.”

He dazzles me in a fresh smile. “I know you
were,” he remarks. “I’m testing the waters. Literally,” he adds,
pulling his finger from me. Geez, it does look wet! And – swiping
his blond hair to the side of his forehead with is free hand –
Gabriel raises his freed finger. “To your health, Nora.”

He licks his finger dry.

Not gonna lie – kinda turned on by that. “How
does it taste?”

Geez, I feel so dirty saying these

Turquoise eyes meet the ceiling, his
expression thoughtful. “Like chai latte!”

“Yay!” I exclaim.

I want to start kissing again so I sit up. He
pushes me back down. He’s grasping his wand. His magical wand… I
guess that doesn’t narrow it down much either. “Be still!” he
commands, raising his wand.

“What are you going to do?” I gasp.

Geez, I didn’t mean to sound that

Yes you did
, observes my alter ego.
You confused thing, you!

Shut the fuck up!
I shout her down.
I’m trying to have fun here!

“A couple of spells,” Gabriel responds. “Be

Not entirely convinced, I refrain from
moving. Instead, I stare at him as he raises his wand. If he’s
going to curse me he’ll at least have the guilt of my lingering
stare forever stamped on his soul.

“Alleviate!” Gabriel enunciates, pointing his
wand at my pussy.

Nothing happens. What the fuck?

I prop myself up the better to see my no-no
place. “What did you –?”

“Shh!” Gabriel interrupts. Looking down at
his naked form, he taps his erect cock with his wand. “Affixi!” A
ghostly sheath enwraps itself around him, tightens, and disappears.
What the flying shitballs?

“What –?”

Grasping my breasts with his hands, his mouth
finds me, burying his tongue inside me. I’m his everything! His
host. His meal. His consciousness inside another. I love it! I love
the feeling of his mad desire, of his hands grasping at my chest
like an animal, of his turquoise eyes lost of all sense of sight,
blazing and luminous. He’s taken. Gone. Lost to his urges. I
wouldn’t have him any other way!

My turn.

Pushing him from me hard, I dart from his
grasp. He lunges for me but I dodge him. He raises his wand. Now’s
my chance to do something I’ve been wanting to do for a while.
Without waiting for his curse, I snatch his wand away and throw it
across the room. It hits the wall opposite, falling behind my bed.
Good! Hard to get at. Swiping his blond hair to the side of his
forehead, Gabriel is looking daggers at me. He throws himself at
me. I dodge him, waving. Baiting him.

“No wand dear wizard,” I taunt, “we’re on
even footing at last!”

Turquoise eyes narrowing, Gabriel launches
himself at me. He catches me near the headboard. Sinking his lips
to mine, he’s ready to consume me. With an almighty heave, with
everything I’ve got, I push him hard. He falls backward on the bed
with an unrestrained gasp, facing the ceiling.

I sit up as he’s doing the same. I don’t have
much time. Grabbing him by the feet, I pull him closer to me. This
destabilizes him and he falls backward with a grunt. He’s nearly up
again – looking furious now – when I manage to do what I’ve been
to do this whole fucking time.

I grasp his penis.

And lick it.

Softly at first. Then furiously. Putting
everything I have into it.

The fight goes out of him instantly.
Breathing hard, he falls back to the sheets, prostrate. Staring at
the ceiling. His heart haywire. Feeling the tickle of my tongue on
him. Snuggling into the sheets, he moans my name.

Geez, I didn’t know I was that good!

The taste? Well, it doesn’t taste like chai
latte… Let’s put it that way. It tastes like warm salt water.
Smells like chlorine. He
better. I’m loving this – the
feeling of his throbbing fullness inside me. If his tongue is
satisfying it’s nothing compared to this. Though his tongue tastes

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