New Title 1 (12 page)

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Authors: Allen Takerra

BOOK: New Title 1
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Jordin gripped the sheets for dear life as her clit was caressed tenderly by the softest and most precise licks. Her pussy became wetter and wetter as shocks of pleasure jolted through her body and her hips rotated in harmony. The oral sex she was receiving had her literally floating.


Mmm, yes,” she moaned lightly. “Oh yes, ooh that feels so gooddd.” Her legs tensed, cramping just a little as she felt her climax nearing.


Ooh, I’m cumming,” she whispered, throwing her head to the side, squeezing her eyes shut, and rubbing her hands over his head.


She could feel the nut rising, like hot lava out of a mountain. And as the pressure built up, harder, faster, higher, and she felt her ecstasy on the brink, she opened her eyes and looked down between her legs, locking eyes with… Julez…


No!” Jordin jolted up from her sleep and gasped, mouth still opened from her too realistic dream. “Oh hell no,” she repeated, feeling horrible for even dreaming it. But she hadn’t controlled that, and she wondered what had. She pressed her legs together to try to fight the throbbing that was pulsating her lower lips, and as her thighs touched, she felt the immense wetness.


Oh my god.”


She took a deep breath and looked over at the clock, seeing that it was after 4 am and Slim still was not in. She was getting sick of his shit. A noise coming from downstairs snapped her out of her thoughts and she rose up and treaded softly to the bedroom door.


Boom! Boom! Boom!


There was a banging on the downstairs front door.


Boom! Boom! Boom!


Jordin stepped out into the hallway cautiously, and was instantly greeted by Julez, who was wearing only a pair of boxers and clutching a Beretta 9 millimeter in his hand. He was heading for the stairs.


Oh my god, Julez!” He had scared her. “Is everything alright? Why do you have a gun?”


It’s aight J, go back to bed. I got it under control.” Jordin felt weird standing next to him having only dreamed of him pleasuring her moments earlier. And not to mention his cut up body, half naked in front of her. She had never seen a man that looked like that before. Well actually, she had never seen a man besides Slim. And Slim was just that, slim. Noelle stepped out of their bedroom behind Julez.


Hey J, I think that’s Freckles at the door. He’s drunk again.”


Last time Freckles, Noelle’s baby’s father, had shown up at their house drunk and asking to see McKenzie, Julez told him if he came back like that, he was gonna kill his bitch ass. That was four months ago and he clearly hadn’t gotten the message. He was a dead beat, a loser, and Noelle was tired of the back and forth games he played with their daughter. One minute he wanted to see her, the next minute he didn’t. Noelle was just happy that McKenzie was at her mom’s house for a long weekend and not here to witness this shit.


The girls followed behind Julez as he stormed down the stairs in anger and yanked the door open. Freckles stood there, looking like shit. Pale, messy, and fucked up.


Nigga, fuck is you doing banging on my muhfuckin’ door at 4 in the morning?” Julez barked. Freckles couldn’t get a word out before Julez hauled off and punched him dead in the face, sending him crashing down to the floor.


Julez!” Noelle and Jordin screamed in fright. It took Freckles a minute to focus.


Y-yo Julez,” Freckles mumbled, drunk as hell, and in deep pain. “This aint got nothing…nothing to do….with you!” He tried to pick himself up but fell back down as blood poured from his mouth. “That…bitch…won’t let me see my daughter!”


Julez leaned down and grabbed the back of Freckles head and then he brought the gun swiftly down onto his mouth with force.
Knocking out his two front teeth and busting his lip.


is my fucking wife, nigga!” Julez warned in a zone; he cocked his gun back and was ready to kill Freckles for his disrespect. By this time, Noelle and Jordin were crying and begging him to put the gun away.


Please Julez, please papi,” Noelle begged, walking up to Julez carefully. “P-put the gun down baby.”


Put the gun down Julez,” Jordin pleaded. Noelle saw the old white lady who lived across the street peel her curtains back and then disappear behind them again.


Julez…Julez, the neighbors, baby. They gonna call the cops.”


Julez thought long and hard, and then he hesitantly lowered his gun. Before it was completely by his side, he bent over and sent one more blow to Freckles’ face.


Now get the fuck outta here, bum ass nigga. Fuck off my step before you bring police ‘round this bitch, then I’ll really have to kill ya bitch ass.”


Freckles stumbled, half-consciously, down the steps to his car. Then he got inside and peeled off with the quickness, swerving and getting the fuck away from Julez like a bat out of hell. He seemed to sober up real quick.


Noelle stood trembling and Jordin stood in a silent shock as Julez turned to go back inside. He pointed his finger in Noelle’s face.


Noelle, you better work something out with this nigga. If you don’t want me to end his punk ass life, then stop playing these fucking games wit’ him and let him see McKenzie. ‘Cause if he come around here one more time on this bullshit, it’s fucking curtains.” Everything in Julez’s tone was dead serious and Noelle nodded, listening. Jordin had already been telling her to stop taking her personal feelings for Freckles out on the relationship between him and McKenzie.


Julez didn’t even give her a chance to respond, he just walked back into the house without another word. He was so tense, so angry, and so powerful. It reminded Noelle of when he used to run the streets. She knew at that moment that she really didn’t know what she wanted because her husband had her turned the fuck on, the way Slim did it for her, and he was the one she was lusting for at that moment. Little did she know, it had Jordin turned on as well, even though she tried to deny it. And the fucked up thing was that neither one of them would get to do anything about it. Julez wasn’t fucking anybody that night; he was taking his ass back to bed.




Now, you have to understand, Mr.…”




Yes, well…Mr. Slim. You have to understand, I don’t usually take on new…clients, so to speak. I have no more than five customers. I know them, I trust them, and they do me great, fantastic business. We have a relationship.”


Slim nodded and sat upright in the chair, leaning forward with poise and confidence, his dark unblemished skin and piercing stare emulating his swagger.


Yeah well, with all due respect Mr. Dupree, I’m trying to build that same type of relationship with you, if possible.”


Duval, Julez’s former connect, grunted in assessment and glanced at his eight henchmen who were sporadically posted around the room of the old warehouse building. Slim seemed like he passed the test. He had the nature of a leader, and he had the aura of a gangster.


Hmm, and do you think that you can bring me the same type of business that our friend used to? Julez was a helluva friend if you know what I mean.” Duval shot Slim a grin. Julez had made Duval Dupree a lot of money.


I do,” Slim nodded, feeling that he could.


So you can guarantee me the same amount of purchases, and the same profit, every month? No excuses.” Duval wanted him to be crystal clear that if he agreed to these terms, he would have to abide by them.


Slim became frustrated because he felt like between Julez and this guy, people were frontin’ on him like he wasn’t capable. He was a hustler at heart; he’d been doing it his whole life.


Absolutely. We starting wit’ five right? I’ll have that done in a month. Then it’ll be more, never less.” Slim was promising steady purchases of at least five kilos. And that was small change to Duval, but a favor to Julez. He relied on the fact that Slim promised steady business, especially for the price he was getting them at.


Duval nodded and then he stood and extended his hand.


Okay very well, let’s give it a shot.”


Slim stood up, smiled, and shook his hand, anxious to get his business back running. He had a small team, a few purchasers set up, and he was sure this would put him on top. And then maybe, just maybe, he could get what he really wanted…


The gentlemen bid farewell with the agreement set, and as Slim turned to head out, mind in full works, Duval called out to him.




He turned.




You remember, this is a favor to Julez. He’s vouching for you, so you owe him. Remember who your friends are.”


Slim nodded and turned and walked away, taking no heed to the words. As far as he was concerned, he had no friends. Julez was a means to and end and the husband of the girl he was fucking. Period.








Melodrama...And Yet Another Juicy Episode




Jordin stood up hastily and lit the Vanilla Cupcake scented Yankee candle when she heard the footsteps approaching the bedroom door. Although they weren’t in their own place yet, and only had this one room, Jordin still tried to make that room as romantic as possible for tonight. She had the scented candle burning, sweet music, a bowl of strawberries, champagne, and a sexy negligee under her baby pink silk robe. She was looking forward to celebrating her first big day on the job with her man. She had interviewed Gloria Givens and she was ecstatic.


Slim finally stepped inside of the room and closed the door behind him, seeming exasperated and worn out, and not bothering to look up at her at first.


Hey baby, how was work?” She asked as he leisurely walked over and sat down on the bed.


It was a Monday, and Mondays were always long and hard days at the construction site.


Slim finally glanced up at her and then took in the ambiance of the room. He sighed, thinking of how he had just got done working a ten hour day, with an hour long lunch break session squeezed in with Noelle. He couldn’t muster up enough strength for Jordin if he tried. And it was clear by the set up that it was her agenda.


Work was cool. I’m tired as hell, though.” He was trying to drop hints.


Jordin smiled lightly and strolled over to him, untying her robe along the way, figuring she could sway him.


Here baby, let me help you relax.” She gently positioned herself on the bed behind him on her knees and began to rub his shoulders with expertise. Slim closed his eyes briefly and allowed himself to get lost in the moment for a second, as Jordin’s hands pleased him.


You know, I don’t know if I told you but I’m real proud of you, Slim. You really doing what you gotta do to leave the streets alone, and you really handling your business like a real man, baby,” she told him, encouraging him. Slim had promised Jordin when he was released from prison that the streets were over for him. Jordin figured if Julez could do it for Noelle, then Slim could make the same sacrifice.


Slim blew out a deep breath of air and maneuvered out of her grasp, becoming frustrated. Living in another man’s home was the furthest thing to him from handling his business. He stood up and began to undress.


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