New Title 1

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Authors: Allen Takerra

BOOK: New Title 1
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Copyrighted Material




This is a work of fiction. Any characters, places, objects, or situations in this book are solely of the Author’s imagination.


Any resemblances are purely coincidental.




Introduction and story ©2011 by Takerra Allen in c/o Angelic Script Publishing.






Copyright ©2011 by Angelic Script Publishing. All rights reserved. No part f this book may be reproduced in any form without permission from the publisher except for quotations in review form.






ISBN-10: 0984415025


ISBN-13: 978-0984415021






Printed in 2011


Printed in the USA






Angelic Script Publishing






Welcome to the City of Angels!


















GOD. I never felt your presence as strong as I do now. Every day I grow more and more in awe of your power and love. Thank you for my many blessings. I am humbled to you. MOMMY. I am so lucky to have had such a wonderful, loving, strong, classy, and independent mother as the woman that would mold me to the person I am. I pray I will be half the woman you were and I know you would be so proud. BOOK #4 MOMMY! I love you and I miss your warm hugs and the smell of your perfume so much. My mother was the BEST. DADDY. I realize that the bond that we share is truly one of a kind. All fathers and daughters don’t talk politics, love, and life? You’ve got to be kidding me? ;-) I love you Daddy. Thanks for always having my back. If I sold oranges on the side of the highway you’d tell the world that they were the best oranges ever! *Thanks Alex for coming into his life and being so amazing* PUMPKIN. You make me laugh. You make me hoarse… I hate how you know me so well, everything, even the flaws the world doesn’t get to see. I love how you love them all, every follicle of my being; I know you wouldn’t change a thing about me. I can be my utter self with you and I love the intelligent, rational, low key, and loving man that you are. *Boobs, Baby munchies, my liddo diva, Mommy loves you* DEE-DEE. So I found this amazing friend, someone I admire. Someone with a heart of gold. A wonderful person, an incredible mother. And she’s on my side. How did I get so lucky? I cant imagine how you could believe in me so much that you dedicate a large part of your life to this. I love you so much girl. And it aint us that’s crazy…it’s them! The whole word! Haha! I appreciate you. Thanks for crying when I cry and smiling when I smile. *Oh, thanks E-jay for driving to the AALAS and the post office drops! And for being this great woman’s husband!* BABY SIS LESLIE. So, our connection is beyond special. Had to be a gift from God. Remember people would ask how we were sisters and you would sing that we were “soul sisters”? Everything about our bond represents youth and laughter and just a sense of happy. I put it in a jar and open it up when life gets too serious. I’m so proud of you and the woman you are. Love you. *Thanks Dave for making her happy and for being a great father!* BIG SIS N’NEKA. You are so amazing to me. I think aobut the things you’ve accomplished and it’s so admirable. And you’ve got the biggest heart in the world. You are just one of the best people to walk the earth, it’s like you embody love. A truly beautiful spirit. Thank you for always being my SISTER. COREY. I love you so much. I know you’d give your right arm for me and you best believe I’d do the same. You are truly a great big brother. When we going shopping? Teehee ;-) LITTLE BILLY. I’m so proud of you. Life has bumps but you keep moving, and oh my god, did you! But I knew you were destined for success. I love you. (half-a-lang! insider) LANDON AND MALIK. Thank you for being the big brothers that I know I can run to when anyone talks slick. ;-) We don’t talk often but I love you guys. Love and blessings to your wives and families. JOE. At the end of the day, you are my brother. And I know you love me. TUPAC. Thank you for being my inspiration. I miss you down here, more than anyone can imagine. Is it better to have had and lost or to never have had at all? I love you. And I love you too. NANA. Oohhh Nana, you know you don’t need to be reading this! I hope you like this the way you loved Heaven’s Hell. And by the way, all of that strength and beauty that I spoke about regarding my mother? She got that from you. I come from a generation of amazing women and you are an icon in my book. I know your heart is heavy from some of the things life hit you with, Nana. (and I know you wish I’d visit more ;-)) Just know I love you so much, Nana. AUNT LESLIE. When I was young I wanted to be just like you. My aunt had the Salt & Pepa hair-do, the red sports car, and you took me to the nail salon ad I watched you get acrylics. You had bamboos and herringbones and you were so independent and I knew I wanted to be a lady like that. I know that is what made me grow up and want to carry myself like you. And you’re still so fly! I love you. When we going to see Trey Songz? Haha! *Ivan, thanks for the love, support, for being a great husband, and for the job! Haha* AUNT BARBARA. I remember you and my mom taking me to Journal Square on Saturdays. Remember Strawberry’s and the vendor hot dogs? It was like I had two mothers with you being right down stairs. And I thank you for always being there for me. And by the way, you’re a fighter. You kicked the devil’s ass! I admire that fight in you and I try to keep that in me. I love you. *June, I love you. You guys are so cute. =)* To the rest of my vast family – The Floyds, The Johnsons, The Garlands, The Andersons, The Bakers, The Taylors, The Smiths, The Mirandas, The Romans, all my cousins, uncles, aunts. I love you all so very much. I know y’all got my back when they come for me. THE BABIES. THE YOUTH. Trey, Naomi, Alexis, Ayesha, Greylin, Leilani, Kamani, Kendal,Layla, Marcus, Brianna, Malcolm, Jasmine, Lil’ Ivan. Follow your dreams! Chambray – I love you baby. I’m so glad you got your head on straight. Tanaia – I love you girlie! So proud of you. You little artist! ;-) TO THE INDUSTRY. The ones that do help, thank you. I appreciate you supporting. You have no idea. To the ones that don’t. Who cares? ;-) To the reviewers – Urban Reviews, OOSA, and APOOO. Thank you. Special shout out to Tazzye and the WDS boards. Special shout out to LaQuita Adams and TLJ. Girl Fuggin’ Power! Power Jasmin and Comedian Talent-thanks for looking out! To Kathy Lantigua-THE cover model. You are hawt mama! Thanks Eli “Elisee” Designs. LAMIA ASHLEY. Thanks for your extra set of eyes and for the kind words. NOW. For the grand finale. Facebook has been an incredible marketing tool, but it has most importantly given me an outlet to connect with the readers. Now over time, I have come to realize that they are so much more than readers, they are even more than supporters. They are so filled with passion, and fire, and so powerful and show so much love that I have become overwhelmed with love in return for them. And that is why they are my luvs. About a month ago, I put up a status because I had a surprise for them. The surprise was that I wanted I wanted to say an extra special thank you to them, and that I didn’t want to forget anyone. And I know it will be impossible to name all of the supporters and readers and even all of the luvs, and please don’t be upset at me. I appreciate you all beyond words. But for the luvs that checked in that day, this is for you. I love you so much. Chevy Jackson, Nene Marie, Lashonda Farmer, Shanequa Farmer, Pep Ebony Monique, Shonda Greene, Doresha Best, C’mor Kitt’e, Kim Juicy Kee B, Ashley Nikia, Cola Brown, Sondra Morton, Lamia Ashley, Jillian Hunt, Raenisha Smith, Erica Nicole Sims, Joy Douglas, Chiyere Chi-Chi Barber, Yolanda McLeod, Latonya Hall, Kerry Sheridan, Rahsheena Chester, Sonya French, Anele Howell, Andrea Atkins, Diona Brooks, Tilly Archer, India Johnson Williams, Dominique Hodges, Teedra Tandy, Delonya Conyers, India Sade, Brandi McClinton. Thank you so much for going super duper hard for me! I know there are more luvs out there and please know that I love you so so much. I asked for the names because my mind is not as big as my heart. If I forgot you, let me know and I will catch you on the reprint. ;-) I LOVE YOU. And to any new readers, supporters, and luvs that may be reading this, know that I love you too. There is absolutely no me without you and I appreciate you more than anyone or anything! THANK YOU for investing your time and money into me. I hope you are left satisfied. So here it is guys. RESTRICTED. I dreamed the beginning of this book, the whole first chapter. I really hope you love it. Please don’t’ forget to tell me what you think at
[email protected]
! You know, we went through a lot in this past year in the industry. A lot good, some tough. Some people tried to hold us back, but we are back fighting. We may be new, we may be young, we may not have a major deal and be self-publishers, but we have you! And that’s all we need. Thanks for riding with us luvs and Pink Diamond Angels. Angelic Script is here to stay. Welcome to the City of Angels! I love you! Enjoy!




















































And Now the Season Premiere... Prologue



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