New Species 09 Shadow (13 page)

Read New Species 09 Shadow Online

Authors: Laurann Dohner

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: New Species 09 Shadow
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Back inside her room, she shed her clothes and pulled on a nightgown. The sheets were cold when she lay down on the bed after turning off the light. She turned on her side and sighed. She wanted Shadow. Not just to curl up with in sleep—she wanted to touch him. Have him touch her back. The memories of her neighbors and their men kept flashing through her mind.

It was frustrating wanting something when she couldn’t have it. Breeze’s advice also came to mind but she discarded it. She didn’t want Shadow to ever feel as though she’d pressured him into having sex and he might if she stripped naked and just entered his room. Would he even agree to it if she demanded sex?

She shook her head. That definitely wasn’t how she wanted him. There was an awareness of her body that seemed unending. It was his fault. All those muscles and sexy sounds he made just made her think of sex with him. She wasn’t about to ever forget waking in that shed with his rigid cock nestled between her thighs.

Something tickled her ankle and she shifted her leg. It stopped, probably the sheet lying on her wrong. Her mind wandered back to thoughts of Shadow and how to get him into her bed. The days were ticking down until they’d return to Homeland. Her idea that frolicking with him in the water wearing the tiny bathing suit Breeze had packed might tempt him into sex hadn’t been an option yet. He wasn’t about to let her near the river again until one of them could swim.

Her eyes flew open as something tickled her foot again. Her heart jumped and her breath froze. Whatever it was moved again. She bolted upright and blindly reached for the light as she jerked her legs up to her chest. The lamp clicked on and she gripped the sheet, throwing it back.

A black spider was all she saw before she reacted. The shriek tore from her before she could stop it and she rolled right off the bed. The spider seemed to follow as her horrified gaze tracked it on the edge of the mattress. A loud thump sounded somewhere in the cabin and a door slammed into a wall. Heavy footfalls fell as she scrambled to put distance between her and the bed.

Her bedroom door flew open and Shadow stormed in. She turned her head, looking up at him. He wore nothing but a pair of boxers and a fierce look. “What is it?” His fingers were flexed into claws, his attention immediately fixing on the window. “Is someone outside?”

“Um, it’s a spider.” Her hand shook when she lifted it to point.

Shadow’s mouth fell open as he gawked at her.

“Look at it. It’s big. It was on my foot.”

“That tiny thing?” He crouched, staring at her instead of the intruder in her bed. “Did you fall out of bed?”

“It’s a spider.”
Why can’t he understand how scary they are? It touched me.

He glanced at it, then her. “Hell.”

He straightened, walked to the bed and picked up the spider. She cringed. The thing could bite. It might be small but anything with eight legs had to have sharp little fangs. It made sense to her. Maybe its little legs had clawed tips.
Eight of them. I hate spiders. The creepy, ugly things.

Shadow disappeared into the bathroom. She heard the water turn on. He returned and bent, his hands still damp as he lifted her from the floor. He tried to put her back on her bed but she clutched at his hot skin, shaking her head.

“It could have family. Maybe a nest in my bed.”

His eyebrows arched as he paused then turned and carried her into the hallway. He used his elbow to turn on the light before gently settling her on her feet. “Are you okay?”

“It was in my bed. On my foot.”

“Now it’s outside. I opened the window and put it out there. It won’t get back inside.”

“Why were your hands wet?”

“I washed them.” He gave her a concerned look. “I take it you’re terrified of spiders?”


His lips twitched. “It was tiny, Beauty. Not even poisonous. I’m pretty sure about that. Hold on. I’ll go check your bed and your room.”

She followed him just inside the room and watched as he shook out her sheets, bedspread, and even lifted the bed to peer under it. He swept the room, even opening drawers and pushing furniture around until he finally looked at her.

“No nest and no family.” Amusement glinted in his eyes. “It was a hermit spider.”

“That’s not funny.” She calmed though. “I’m sorry. I screamed, didn’t I?”


“I really hate them.”

“I realize that.”

She backed out into the hallway and he followed.

“Are you afraid to return to your room? Do you want me to check it again? We could change rooms. There’re no spiders in my bed.”

Here was her chance. She could use fear again to talk him into allowing her to sleep with him but she still felt guilty about doing that in the shed. Honesty was best. It was the Species trait she admired most and Shadow deserved that from a woman.

“I’m okay. I know you were thorough in your search and no more critters will bother me.”


It was impossible not to notice his chest. So broad, so bare and so close. The flat disks of his nipples were mesmerizing but not any more so than the way his stomach muscles tempted her to touch them, trace each one and keep going lower.


She realized she was staring at his boxers. Warmth heated her cheeks as she lifted her chin. “Sleep with me. Not because of the spider or because I just had a scare. I want you to hold me because I like it when you do.”

He said nothing but he swallowed hard enough for her to see his Adam’s apple bob.

She took a step closer, until they nearly touched. “Isn’t it time we got beyond our pasts? We’re two adults. I’m attracted to you. I think you’re attracted to me.” She glanced down and saw the way his boxers had filled out. The outline of his cock couldn’t be missed. “I know you’re attracted to me. Wasn’t holding me nice? I liked sleeping on you.”

“We should talk,” he finally rasped.

“About what?”



Chapter Ten


Shadow trembled, wanting Beauty so bad he froze up to prevent himself from following through on lifting her into his arms and carrying her to his bed. He wanted nothing more than to strip her out of that nightgown and explore every inch of her with his hands and mouth.

“Slow,” he demanded.

“I’m not doing anything.”

He was without humor. “I’m talking to myself, aloud.”

“You’re not doing anything. Why tell yourself that?”

“It’s what I want to do.” He peered into her eyes, searching for fear, but found none. She was entirely too trusting. It made him feel guilty, as though he were the animal Mercile used to accuse him of being. “You should go to bed alone, Beauty.”

“You slept with me before. I want you to hold me and we’ll keep talking.”

He clenched his teeth to avoid snarling. She was either attempting to provoke him or was just too naïve to identify a male on the edge of losing control. He was aroused and she’d stated she was curious about sex. No way could he just lie next to her and sleep.

“Come into my room.”

Her voice was so soft, whispered, as if she were afraid. He didn’t see that emotion as he studied her. Her cheeks were a little pink though, hinting that she was embarrassed by her request. She was shy—had admitted to that already—a unique trait amongst Species.

“I won’t just sleep with you.” He wanted to warn her. “I can’t. We should wait until tomorrow night if you just want to be held.”

“What does that mean?”

“Tonight I’ll touch you and do more.”

Her pretty eyes widened slightly and more pinkness bloomed in her cheeks. “Come into my room.”

It was an invitation and an acceptance of them sharing sex. He couldn’t deny the amount of pressure he suddenly found himself under. It would rest on his shoulders to teach her that males touching her could be a good experience.
, he amended.
One. Me.
The concept of someone else putting their hands on her made him furious.

“I trust you, Shadow.”

The sincerity in her tone humbled him. He didn’t deserve it. She had no idea of the demons he battled. He would do anything for her, including taking things slowly to make sure he didn’t hurt her. She wasn’t human although she appeared more so than other Species females. Never had he imagined taking a Gift to bed before meeting Beauty.

He took a deep breath and slowly rose to his feet. It just made him feel big and amplified their differences. She peered up at him nervously. He didn’t blame her, feeling the same. It had been a long time since he’d had a female. He’d avoided them because he’d been worried he’d fail to please them or his body would react negatively to the sight of them bare. Losing his erection during the sharing of sex would be humiliating but it happened sometimes when he remembered what had been done to him.

“Let’s go to my room.” He wanted her in his bed.

“Why yours and not mine?”

He hesitated. “It’s a male thing.”

“The women at the dorm always have men come to their rooms. I thought maybe it was a Species mating ritual.”

He couldn’t help but laugh. She was so innocent and cute. “The females insist on using their rooms mostly to help them feel in control and males tend to get territorial when they take females into their homes.”

“What does that mean?”

“Females don’t want to give males the impression that we can keep them.”

Her breathing changed a little, increasing in pace as her eyes widened. “Do you want to keep me?”

“Don’t be afraid.”

“I’m not. I’m asking a question.”

“I would never force you to stay where you didn’t want to be. I just want you in my bed.”

“I’m not them, you know.” She swallowed. “I don’t want to have different sexual partners. I’m not opposed to dating you.” Her gaze dropped to his chest and stayed there, her embarrassment showing again in her cheeks. “That is, if you want to try out being my boyfriend. I’d prefer to have a monogamous relationship.”

He released her hip to cup her face. It was so delicate in his hand. She met his gaze.

“I mean,” she spoke quickly, anxious. “I don’t want anybody else and I would hope you wouldn’t, you know, sleep around.”

“You really don’t know much about Species males.” He wanted to pick her up and carry her to his bed so much he actually ached to do it.

“Is it wrong to hope you won’t have sex with other women and that maybe we could try to have a real relationship?”

He backed up but kept hold of her, urging her to follow. She did and his dick throbbed, filling with blood. He wanted her so much it hurt.

“You are telling me that I can have and keep you.” He winced a little at how deep his voice sounded but hormones raged inside him. “Big turn-on,” he admitted, softening his tone. “It makes me want to claim you.”

Interest sparked in her gaze. “What does that mean?”

He groaned, wanting to show her instead of vocally detailing it for her. “It means you shouldn’t say that to me unless you really mean it. I’d keep you in my bed, Beauty. You don’t need to worry about me with other females. I already avoid them. You’re the only one who tempts me to the point where I’d face anything to touch you.”

They stopped by the bed and her lips parted, her surprise clear. “Really?”

She was so small but she could bring him to his knees. Muscle mass and physical strength had nothing on her when she placed her palm on his lower stomach. Her smooth fingertips rubbed and made him want to howl. Pleasure from such a light touch rushed through his system from his brain to his dick.

“I could be really bad at this, since we’re being so honest. I’ve read books and watched porn on the internet.” She blushed again but kept eye contact. “Should I, um, take off your boxers? I know guys enjoy oral sex. I’ve never actually done that but I know the basics.”

It would be a miracle if he didn’t die before morning. He was going to have to kill himself with restraint. A memory flashed of one of the videos he’d been shown. It had been a camera angle panning down with a human woman on her knees taking a male inside her mouth. The sight had been appealing and made him release his seed but he’d never had it done to him. He shook his head quickly, terrified of shocking her by his raw animalistic reaction or losing control if she attempted that.

“No.” His voice came out as a snarl and he winced. “Let me tend to you.” It would be all about her. He swore that.

“Are you angry?” She tried to remove her hand but he covered it with his own, holding it against his stomach.

“No. I’m turned-on. Very much so. My voice deepens and I might make scary sounds. Ignore them.”

She nodded. “I have heard those sounds through the walls when the women next door had men over. I expected it but I know you’re still upset with me.”

“I’m not,” he swore, already over her catching him masturbating. Now he was focused on getting her into his bed. “You’re going to need to trust me. Can you do that?”

“I already do.”

Yeah, I’m going to die before morning.
Beauty was going to kill him. She was so sweet he just wanted to eat her. He smothered a growl at the mental image of her spread out on his bed with his mouth between those pale thighs, licking her pussy. He released her completely to step away.

“Take off your nightgown and lie on your back in the middle of my bed. There’s no need to feel shy. You’re beautiful.”


Beauty hoped she wouldn’t faint. She felt lightheaded and her heart raced so fast it felt as if it might explode from her chest. It wasn’t fear she felt but close. Shadow was going to touch her and she’d finally get to understand why the women at the dorm invited men into their rooms.

Shadow was sexy and big, two things she appreciated. He was the kind of man she’d had fantasies about since she’d gained her freedom. He was strong, intelligent, and she knew he’d actually tend to her, just as he said. She wanted to know what that entailed. First though, she’d have to find the courage to remove the nightgown. He’d already seen her naked but that had been an accident.

Her hands shook as she gripped the hem of the thin cotton and pulled it up slowly. His gaze riveted on her thighs and the hungry expression on his face encouraged her to just whisk it off. His tongue darting out to wet his lips implied he liked what he saw as he openly stared at her breasts.

She glanced down, wondering what he was thinking. Her boobs weren’t perfect, a little on the small side, and they were currently showing that his room was a bit chilly since the window was open to allow in the evening breeze. She hoped he didn’t hate the way they looked puckered up tightly.

It took a lot of restraint not to put a hand down to cover her mound. She had a little hair there, unlike other Species women.
Will that matter? Turn him off?
She hoped not. It embarrassed her slightly when he looked lower, fixing on that fact.

“It’s just a little,” she whispered. “Should I shave it off?”

He shook his head. “No.” His voice came out odd, kind of raspy.

“Are you okay?” Concern over his well-being overrode some of her shyness. He had issues too, something she wasn’t about to forget.

“Yes,” he replied more firmly, in a slightly deeper tone.

She swallowed hard and stepped closer to his bed. The sheets and blankets were tossed at the end where he’d thrown them when he heard her scream. She had to climb up on it—Species’ beds were higher than those she’d slept on before moving to Homeland. Species were tall and they tended to take that into consideration when buying or building furniture. Gift Species just had to make do with hip-high mattresses.

A deep growl from behind her made her pause and look back as she crawled to the center of the bed. Shadow had turned, his intense stare locked on her bent ass. She hated the way her cheeks warmed, knowing he could see everything from that position. He didn’t look angry though, just really fixated on her body. She glanced at his boxers and it prompted her to roll over onto her back.

He looked huge down there. His cock was hard, thick, and barely contained inside the material that was pulled taut in the front. The waistband actually wasn’t touching his stomach in the center anymore because he was so aroused. Shadow was well hung, a saying she’d learned in romance novels she’d begun to read. A little anxiety arose but she figured it would be okay. Sex books had also been on her reading list. They claimed a woman’s vagina would stretch to accommodate a penis, even if it didn’t seem possible to her way of thinking.

She settled flat and waited for instructions, peering at him to see what he’d do next. He didn’t remove his boxers but instead walked to the end of the bed, put a knee on the mattress and it dipped with his weight.

“Spread your thighs apart and bend your knees up.”

A shiver ran down her spine at how he growled the words. It was sexy and kind of wicked, in the best way, showing his animal side. Species men were known for being protective of women and she liked that side of him being more prominent than the human one.

“No kissing first?” She thought that was how sex started.

His gaze lifted to hers. “You said you’d trust me.”

Beauty tried to relax but it was difficult. “I do. I’m not turned-on yet and…” She wanted to die from embarrassment. “I, um, I’m not ready for you to go inside me. You’re big. I read that the wetter I am, the easier it will happen.” Shadow had admitted it had been a while for him so maybe he had forgotten. She wanted to work with him so they could help each other. “You can take off your boxers. You won’t scare me.” She glanced down his body. “They don’t really hide your size anyway and I’ve seen it.”

“I’m not going to just mount you from the front immediately.” He bent forward and his hands flattened next to her knees until he was over her lower legs. “I want you open for my mouth.”

Her eyes widened and she fisted the flat sheet under her. “Oh.” She knew he meant oral sex. “Um, are you sure you want to do that?”

One eyebrow lifted. “Why wouldn’t I?”

Beauty glanced at one of his broad shoulders, unable to keep looking him in the eye. “I’ve never done that before or had it done. I mean, what if I…” She couldn’t say it, sealing her lips.

“You won’t enjoy it? I’ll make sure you do.”

She glanced into his dark, piercing gaze. “What if I don’t taste good?” There. She’d said it.

His nose flared as he inhaled and another low growl came from him. “You will. You smell incredible. Sweet. I’m Species.”

“What does that mean?”

“I want to. I need to taste you. I crave it.” He took a heavy, shuddering breath. “Open up for me and stop thinking. Just feel. Trust me, Beauty.”

She hesitated, not sure she could expose herself that intimately. She experienced a new level of vulnerability but that moment was about trust. She wanted to know how it would feel to be touched and it wasn’t going to happen if she didn’t do as he said.

Shadow reached out and his big hands caressed the tops of her thighs. “Just open them for me. It’s that easy. Lift them up and spread your knees apart. Please.”

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