New Species 07 Tiger (39 page)

Read New Species 07 Tiger Online

Authors: Laurann Dohner

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: New Species 07 Tiger
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“You shouldn’t be engaging in sex. I’m assuming that’s what you’re doing in there since I heard you and she’s in there naked with the door locked. Damn it, Tiger. Didn’t you hear me when I said you need to keep that leg still until the bone knits? Miss Gordon? He isn’t supposed to be doing that. He needs to lie still.”

He wanted to beat on Dr. Harris. Badly. A snarl tore from his mouth and he tried to get up. He’d make sure the doctor left them alone but Zandy pushed on his chest in an attempt to keep him still. He froze. She couldn’t stop him if he really wanted up, he was stronger, but his mate stared at him with a pleading look.

“You heard him,” she stated softly. “Please do what the doctor said.”

He relaxed. “Okay.”

A grin softened her features. “I knew a blowjob would mellow you out.” She winked. “Now why don’t you lie back and we’ll take a nap? I’m tired and I bet you probably didn’t sleep well last night.”

“I’ll do what you say on a few conditions.” He would use anything he could to get her to agree to his demands.

“What are they?”

“I want you to stay with me. Swear you won’t leave Reservation. It’s too dangerous. I won’t allow you to be put in danger again.”


“You’re not returning to the apartment. I’m taking you home with me when I’m released from here.” He held his breath, afraid she’d refuse.

“I’d love to see your house.”

“You’ll live with me.” He saw surprise on her features and she swallowed.

“Okay but you have to follow the doctor’s orders so you get all better.”

“I’ll do that if you’re with me.”

She nodded.

He shoved the pillows out from behind him and eased onto his back. His arms opened and Zandy instantly curled against his side, pillowing her head on him. It felt right having her there. The teasing scent of her arousal softly filtered through his nose. It made his dick harden again as his senses returned.

“May I ask you something, Tiger?”

“What do you want to know?”

She hesitated.

“Ask me.”

“Why do you want me to live with you?”

You’re my mate.
He didn’t say that aloud. She would be resistant to take one after two human males had failed to keep her happy. She’d chosen poorly in the past and he didn’t want to spook her. She’d need more time.

“I nearly lost you. I just want you with me.” He figured that was safe to say without her wanting to back away from him. “We enjoy sleeping together and you aren’t leaving Reservation. We’ll be more comfortable at my house.”

He heard a catch in her breath. “Okay.”

She didn’t say anything else and he relaxed again, grateful she wasn’t arguing. He’d get her addicted to him. She didn’t have a sense of smell to depend on but he wasn’t above using sex. A grin curved his lips. It would be a pleasure for both of them when he showed her just how happy he could make her if she agreed to be his mate.

* * * * *


Zandy had a hundred unanswered questions. Tiger was on drugs though and pestering him with them didn’t seem like a good idea when he wasn’t in his right mind. She’d wait until they left the Medical Center and the drugs cleared his system. Then they’d have a talk. She really wanted to know why he’d had unprotected sex with her, knowing there was a chance of getting her pregnant.

Was he one of those guys who didn’t care about consequences as long as he didn’t have to use a condom or was there a deeper meaning? She wouldn’t ever peg Tiger as being the irresponsible type. She was also afraid if she got too serious that he’d want to cut ties with her. He’d been really clear that he didn’t want a lasting relationship. She hoped that if they lived together he might fall for her as hard as she’d fallen for him.

Exhaustion hit her as she lay curled to Tiger’s side. They were both safe at Reservation and they were together. She’d take it one day at a time.

Chapter Twenty-One


Richard grinned at her. “Being with Tiger agrees with you. Hot sex?”

Zandy stared at him. “Is that the best you can do? I expected you to tease me more.”

“Well, I could ask if their dicks are bigger. Creek keeps assuring me that we’re smaller. I still refuse to drop my pants for her when she dares me to. So, is it rumor or fact?”

She wiggled her eyebrows at him. “Fact.”

“Damn. I’ll make sure I never share a urinal area with one of them.” He laughed at his own joke. “Are you two going to do the whole mating thing?”

Longing hit her hard. “I don’t know. We haven’t discussed it.”

He frowned. “You’ve been living at his house for the past, what? Week? He hasn’t asked you to be his mate yet?”

“No and stop this line of questioning. I don’t want to discuss it.”

“I’m your friend.”

“I know. It’s just that I’ve been living with him for eight days but I don’t know if he asked me to live with him because he knows I can’t go home until my house is fixed by my insurance company or if he wants me to live with him. Things are…complicated.”

“I’m a man and I know how men think. Tiger is nuts about you. I see him drop you off every morning and the way he kisses you goodbye. He lingers as long as he can because he doesn’t want to part from you. Every day he spends lunch with you and he isn’t even a minute late at the end of the day to pick you up. That speaks volumes to me. He could have had you stay at the human-housing apartment building after you were kidnapped but instead he had you move into his place. That’s something a man does when he’s serious. Trust me. We don’t give up the bachelor pad easily.”

“He’s New Species.”

Richard waved his hands. “What does that mean?”

“You can’t compare him to a normal man.”

“Just because his dick is bigger doesn’t—”

“Shut up. That’s not what I was talking about and you know it. Who knows what it means to him to have me live there. It just might be for sex instead of code for ‘I’m serious about you’.”

“I don’t buy that for a second. He came here yesterday with a surprise picnic and you said he’s planning on doing it again today. He was so eager to spend time with you alone that he shoved me out the door before my escort could even get out of his Jeep to take me to lunch. He’s nuts about you.”

“Maybe. He’s got commitment issues though so we don’t talk about the mate thing.”

Richard sighed. “You guys are just going to play house and leave it all up in the air?”

“That about sums it up.”

“What do you want?”

Zandy hesitated. “Tiger.”

He smiled. “I’m sure it will work out. You two are happy together. Anyone with eyes can see that.” Richard glanced at the front windows. “Ah. My escort for lunch is here a few minutes early.” He stood and put his shoes on. “Have a good picnic with Tiger.” He winked. “And please don’t have sex on my desk.”

She laughed. “You’re so dirty minded. There are cameras in here and there’re no blinds on the windows. Anyone going by can see inside. Do you really think that’s what we did yesterday? It was just lunch.”

“The security officers who watch the live footage from those cameras would sure appreciate it if you did. It would give them something good to watch for once.” Richard laughed as he walked toward the door.

Torrent, a tall, black-haired New Species, opened the office door before Richard reached it. He held a bag in his hand and his gaze fixed on her.


She smiled at Richard’s escort. “Hello, Torrent. What’s up?”

He approached her. “A meeting has been called that Tiger had to attend. He will come as soon as it ends. It shouldn’t be long but he didn’t want you to go hungry. He ordered your lunch.”

Zandy stood and walked closer to him. “Thanks.” She held out her hand.

He inhaled and softly growling at her. It shocked her enough to step back. His gaze narrowed as he inhaled again. He growled deeper, his body tensing. Richard and Zandy exchanged glances before Richard moved in front of Zandy.

“What are you doing?” Richard frowned at him. “You’re scaring her.”

Torrent seemed to shake himself. “I’m sorry.” He shoved Zandy’s lunch bag at Richard. “I’ll wait for you outside. Tiger didn’t warn me that she was in heat. I have to leave. The scent drives me nuts. I haven’t shared sex with a female in a while and I have to go before I do something Tiger will kill me over.” He fled the building.

Richard turned, holding Zandy’s lunch, and chuckled. “A laugh a day. You’re still ovulating? I thought that was supposed to just last a few days. What are you? A one-woman egg distribution center?”

Zandy felt stunned. “I shouldn’t be.” Her conversation with Dr. Allison tugged at her memory. “I was given a shot after I was rescued from the creeps who kidnapped me. The doctor said it would mess up my cycle. Maybe I’m ovulating again instead of having double periods. Tiger didn’t tell me.”

“I wonder why not? Maybe it just started.”

“Maybe. I don’t know but obviously it’s happening. Their sense of smell is amazing.”

“Do I want to ask how you know that since you sound as if you’re pretty knowledgeable about it?”

“Tiger can tell me what ingredients are in my shampoo just by sniffing at me. I had to change brands because he isn’t a fan of avocado. I used it once and he never saw the bottle since he had to go out to do a security check when it was delivered to me. I showered while he was gone and he knew the second he stepped in the bedroom.”

“I’m glad my sense of smell isn’t that great. I’m going to lunch.” He suddenly laughed. “Remember those cameras when Tiger shows up if he reacts the way Torrent just did. The guy looked like he wanted to grab you and take you on the floor.”

Zandy carried her lunch to her desk and opened it. She wondered why Tiger hadn’t said anything to her about going into what they considered heat. Creek assured her New Species could smell a woman’s cycles coming. She suddenly froze in her seat, tensing. That morning Tiger had been particularly frisky.

He woke her up and made love to her until she thought he’d never let her out of bed. He was usually a passionate lover but that morning he’d been more aggressive than usual. It was possible he hadn’t noticed or it hadn’t started until after he’d escorted her to work. She shrugged it off and ate her roast-beef sandwich, the chips and drank the soda they’d included.

Her phone rang. “Zandy Gordon here.”

“Hi, little one. I’m sorry but I won’t make lunch. The meeting ran long and I have to wait on a report to come in. I have to call Homeland when it does. I’m stuck in my office.”

“Is everything okay?”

“Yes. We’re no longer on high alert. The United States government has taken a stronger stance against hate groups after what happened to you. They’ve been tracking down and arresting the most outspoken hate groups who have made public threats against the NSO. It’s rid us of a lot of the more hostile protesters. They’re pushing legislation to make it a hate crime to even threaten us.”

“That’s great news.”

He chuckled. “I could almost thank Brother Adam if he wasn’t dead. He made sure there were enough cameras and reporters present when he tried to kill you that it made worldwide news. Everyone had to take notice of what we deal with and the public outcry is forcing all the politicians who wish to be reelected to back us.”

“You were a hero when you saved me by risking your own life. It showed what great guys New Species are. Plus you’re sexy hot.” She chuckled. “We’re getting fan mail just for you. Most are from women. I hope that doesn’t go to your head and you dump me.”

“You’re the only female I want.”

“I’m really glad to hear that because you’re all I want too.”

Tiger softly purred into the phone and Zandy’s body instantly responded. The man made the best noises that turned her on. She bit her lip and closed her eyes and admitted what she was thinking.

“I miss you.”

“I’m going to pick you up at four today instead of five.”

“What would my boss think?” Zandy teased and knew he’d laugh. “I don’t want to be fired.”

He chuckled. “Your boss would think I could sexually harass you and you’d enjoy it.”

“Promises, promises.”

“It is a promise.” Tiger paused. “I have to go. The report is in and I have to call Homeland.”

“I’ll see you at four.”

“Yes, you will.” He hung up.

She finished her lunch and noticed that Torrent didn’t walk Richard to the door when they pulled up to the curb in front of the building. It was unusual since they always did. Richard came in grinning.

“How was lunch with Tiger?”

“He couldn’t make it. Something came up but I’m leaving an hour early today. Tiger is picking me up at four to make it up to me.”

He chuckled. “See? He’s nuts about you. Creek misses you and wanted to know if you’d be having lunch in the cafeteria tomorrow. I said you were in heat and she said she’d see you in a few days.”

Zandy turned back to her work and started scanning in letters. They had a lot of mail pouring in. Mostly it had been supportive over the last week. The hate mail was down. It was a nice change.

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