New Species 05 Brawn (15 page)

Read New Species 05 Brawn Online

Authors: Laurann Dohner

BOOK: New Species 05 Brawn
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Where the hell were her father and his team? Why were they
taking so long if they could track Brawn? She knew they’d traveled for hours
but the NSO had been warned when they’d received the call from Brawn. A team
should have already been dispatched by the time they’d been taken from the
property yet they hadn’t shown up.

What if the damn tracker is defective?
She pushed
that thought back, unwilling to even consider it. Hope of being rescued was all
she had to keep her sanity. Otherwise at some point that bitch doctor would
have enough money to flee the country, she’d sell Brawn and the three other New
Species to some pricks in Europe after they kidnapped a primate and that would
leave Becca shit out of luck. They’d either kill her outright or leave her to
die inside the cage.

If abandoned, it would be a toss-up what killed her first.
Starvation or the insanity caused by being left in the dark, locked up with no
hope. It would be pure hell either way. She’d have water, thanks to the hose
they’d dragged to the side of the cage to let her wash her hands and face. Of
course they could take that away too if they decided to just abandon her when
they left.

Hot tears seeped out and she muffled a sob. She was afraid
and hated it. The fact that Brawn was acting so distant made it worse. He was
being a shitty teammate.

“Becca?” A firm hand gripped her hip.

“I’m fine.”

“You’re not. Look at me.”

“No.” She sniffed. “I’m just being emotional. I’m okay. Go

He softly growled and forced her to roll onto her back. She
opened her eyes, had to blink a few times to see him through her tears and he
leaned over her until his nose nearly brushed hers.

“What is wrong? Are you hurting? Still hungry? You should
eat more.”

“I’m scared,” she admitted, whispering. “They should have
found us by now and they haven’t. I don’t think they are going to.”

Shock didn’t register on his face and it sank in that he
might have already considered that possibility. It just made the horrible
possibility more real and fresh tears spilled out.

“I’m going to die here and you…” She reached up and cupped
his face. “You could fight. You could get away if they weren’t using me to keep
you in line, couldn’t you?”

Anger sparked in his eyes. “I won’t do anything to put you
in danger.”

She rubbed his cheek. “We have to be realistic. I’m a
military brat. Sometimes you have to sacrifice one life to save the rest. You
have a real chance of escape if you take them by surprise. The next time they
come for us, act like you’re not going to fight and take those fuckers down.
Get out of here. You could save yourself and maybe those other New Species. It
will take them some time to move your guys, they need to keep them alive for
the money they are making, but I’m just a pawn with limited use.”

“Becca,” he snarled.

“It makes sense and my dad would totally get it. Tell him
what I said if you get out of here. We’re fucked and we both know it. Do you
really want to end up in Europe in some place that could be far worse than this
hellhole? They want to use you and those other Species to make babies to sell
on the black market. They are planning on kidnapping a primate Species and you
have someone who works at Homeland who will set it up the way it happened when
you left. You can’t allow that. I’m dead either way, Brawn. They aren’t going
to ship me off with you. There’s nothing special about me once my use with you
is done here. They’ll drug you, take you away and I’m dead. Period.”

He gripped her arms, his hold nearly bruising. “You are very
special and I won’t allow you die just to gain my own freedom or that of those
other males.”

“They are your kind, Brawn. Your men. You’ve got to save
them. You’re the only one who can do this.”

“I don’t care.” He lowered his face until their noses
pressed together and anger sparked in his eyes. “I won’t let you die.”

Fresh tears blinded her as she slid her fingers into his
hair. “You’re a stand-up guy and terrific if anyone hasn’t ever told you that
but you need to be smart.”

He jerked back and released her. “This conversation has

He stormed across the cage and gripped the bars, his back to
her. Becca sat up, her own anger flared and she stood. Her gaze drifted to the
camera, she remembered that she needed to keep her voice very low and marched
after him.

“Brawn?” She tapped his shoulder.

He turned his head and glared down at her. “Go to sleep. You
are tired and not rational.” He looked away.

“You know I’m right,” she whispered. “It’s fucked up but
true nonetheless. Face me, damn it.”

He released the bars and slowly turned. Becca should have
been afraid at seeing his rage but she knew she made sense. He had a real
chance to escape by taking the goons by surprise the next time they tried to
move them from the cell to get more samples from him. She stepped so close
their bodies brushed.

“Here’s the plan. The next time they come, offer to hold me
again. Pick me up and the second you’re free of the cage, throw my ass at them,
attack and run. We’re at least three levels underground.” She swallowed. “It’s
the double doors you haven’t seen them walk through. The ones to the left. A
warehouse sits above us and that’s where the stairway leads. There are windows
high up if the doors leading outside are locked. I didn’t see any bars over the
glass. You can leap, right? I heard one of them say that. Break a window, get
out and run until you find help.”

He leaned down. “That’s your plan?”


His eyes narrowed dangerously and his voice came out soft
but harsh. “What happens in your plan when I throw you?”

“They will shoot me, I’ll take at least one of them down
when I hit him if you throw me hard enough for my weight to knock him on his
ass and I swear that I’ll try to blind him or something before I die. I really
want to scratch out someone’s eyes at the very least.”

Brawn snarled loudly. The sound startled her and his hands
gripped her hips before she could even gasp. Her feet left the floor as he
lifted, spun and her back hit the cage doors. He pinned her there with his body
pressed tightly to hers, held her face-level to him and bared sharp teeth.

“No,” he rasped.

She gripped his shoulders, trying to ignore the cold, hard
press of bars against her back and the way her feet dangled a foot from the
floor. “Yes. It’s a good plan and one of us is going to survive this, damn it.
I can’t leap up and break a window if that’s the only way out of the warehouse
even if you were willing to take bullets to give me time to reach the door
before they shot at me. I don’t have the strength you have either and I suck at
running. I would probably pass out after jogging up three flights of stairs.”
She hated to admit it but it was true. “I’m kind of out of shape if you haven’t

“You’re perfect,” he hissed. “Shut up and stop talking.”

Why won’t he listen to me?
Frustration rose. She
didn’t want to die but he had a real chance of escape. Why couldn’t he see that
the rescue team would have arrived if they’d been able to track his signal?
They were looking at possible months of captivity, then he’d be shipped off
somewhere else farther from the possibly of help finding him and she’d be dead

“You’re being stupid and stubborn. I’m not perfect but I
also don’t want to die by starving to death or being shot like some rabid dog
by these assholes. I’d rather go out fighting for a purpose. Now stop being so
naїve and man up.” That line worked for her father when he tried to rile
his men in training. She hoped it had the same effect with Brawn. “Do the smart
thing and stop being so damn sweet,” she hissed.

He threw his head back and roared. Terror gripped Becca in a
flash, her jaw dropped open and she realized she’d pushed him too far. His head
lowered and his mouth sealed over hers. His tongue thrust between her parted
lips and he kissed her.

The shock quickly faded as she realized he wasn’t going to
kill her. It was worse. He was going to make her want him and his gift of
manipulating her mouth was golden. She kissed him back, her arms wrapped around
his neck and she barely noticed when he adjusted his hold from her hips to grip
her thighs, which he spread apart. She wrapped them around his hips.

They were moving, the motion barely registered in her mind,
too caught up in their dueling tongues. He promised all kinds of hot things
with the passion he shared while fucking her with his tongue, making her body
respond full force. Her breasts smashed against his solid chest, only the thin
material of her nightshirt a barrier, as he walked. His hard shaft couldn’t be
missed as it rubbed against her clit with her wrapped so tightly around him.

She gasped and pulled away when she realized he’d just
slammed his knees on the floor when they’d either given way or he’d purposely
dropped onto them. They were next to the cot, both out of breath and he
released one of her thighs to fist her hair at the back of her head. She met
his gaze when he forced her to look at him and he took possession of her mouth
again with a burning kiss.

The world tilted and her back pressed against the mattress
of the cot as he leaned over, pinned her under his bent form and his cock
ground against her pussy. She moaned against his tongue. She wanted him, needed
to forget where they were and her thighs tightened around his hips to urge him

He suddenly pulled back, broke the kiss and let her go as he
straightened. His hands covered his face and a muffled snarl sounded. Becca
watched him, her legs holding him against her and tried to come to grips with
what had just almost happened. She wanted him to continue but he’d stopped.

“I’m sorry.”

She sat up, her hands splayed on his chest and his body
quivered at her touch. “Brawn? Look at me.”

He shook his head, kept his hands over his face and turned
his head away. “I could have hurt you. I’m sorry,” he repeated.

His rigid cock still pressed against her. It was obvious how
much he wanted her and he was afraid he’d cause her pain. She licked her lips.
They felt a little swollen from his fervent kisses but she liked the result.
Her clit throbbed and her nipples were hard pebbles under her shirt. Her gaze
lowered to his sweats, the bulge beneath, and she rubbed him more.

“Brawn? Please?” He lowered his hands slowly, his face
flushed and his eyes filled with regret. She hated to see that look in them.
“You’re sorry for what? Kissing me until I couldn’t think straight and enjoying
it? Wanting me? I feel the same way about you. My only regret is that you

Surprise quickly etched away regret and his lips parted.

Becca slid her hands to his shoulders, gripped him and
pressed her chest against his. “Life is so short.”
Damn short
, she
amended, since their outlook was so grim, hers especially. “We’re together.
Let’s make the best of what time we have. Kiss me.”

He hesitated. “I’m afraid I might harm you. I want you too

“You won’t hurt me. Have a little faith.” She smiled. “I’m
tougher than you think and I’m not afraid. I can’t even think when you’re
kissing me. You’re totally incredible.”

“So are you. It makes me forget you’re just a mere human.”
He smiled, teasing.

She massaged his shoulders and glanced down. His arms were
thick bands of muscle and he had the broadest chest. He could hurt her if he
wanted to but she really had no fear of him. Their gazes met and he lowered his
head. Becca closed her eyes, expected his kiss and he didn’t disappoint when
his mouth took possession of hers.

She tensed a little when she felt Brawn’s hand slide up her
thigh, wiggled enough to make her release his hips and pushed her nightshirt
higher. His fingertips were textured with calluses when he shoved her underwear
aside to stroke her clit. His mouth worked hers, turning her focus there.

Pleasure rolled through Becca as he teased her clit, drew
little circles around the bud. She kissed him wildly, moaned against his tongue
and her nails bit into his skin. He slowly withdrew from her mouth but his lips
brushed hers as he spoke.

“Open your thighs wider for me, as much as you can. My hips
are large.”

His arm hooked her gently behind her ass, tugging her closer
to the edge of the bed. If it wasn’t for his body she knew she would have slid
right to the floor. She did as he asked, wanted to give him as much access as
he desired.

“They can’t see what I’m doing to you,” he rasped.

She realized he meant that stupid camera on the ceiling
across the room. His body was big, he was on his knees and between her and it.
She glanced to the side, saw both New Species in their cages were still on
their cots and probably asleep. It was about as private as they were going to
get. She met his gaze and nodded.

“Tell me if you want me to stop.”

“I don’t.”

He groaned, closed his eyes and kissed her. His mouth and
tongue melted with hers as she wrapped her arms tighter around his neck and
hooked her legs around the back of his thighs just for something to cling to.
His fingers tormented her, stroked her clit until she hurt to come and he
seemed to sense how close she was. He eased off the bundle of nerves and one
finger slid lower, tested the slit of her pussy and slowly pushed inside. She
moaned at the feel of him slowly finger-fucking her, going in, sliding out,
before going deeper.

Her hips rocked and she used her hold on him to press her
pelvis closer to give him better access. His finger totally withdrew, she
uttered a protest by groaning, but he responded by stretching her vaginal walls
with two fingers. That made her cry out her enjoyment and hold onto him

He brushed her clit with his hand and rubbed a spot inside
her pussy that made her moan. He zoned in on it, rubbed it again, finger-fucked
her a little harder and she went a little wild from desperately needing to
come. Brawn growled in response to her vocal pleas and withdrew his fingers.

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