New Species 05 Brawn (12 page)

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Authors: Laurann Dohner

BOOK: New Species 05 Brawn
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He breathed her scent in, his arms held her yielding body
and the thought of sexual contact wasn’t a hardship. Guilt swelled inside his
chest because he half hoped rescue wouldn’t come before the deadline passed.
She’d offered to touch him and the idea made his cock hard. It was trapped
between his thighs where she wouldn’t feel how aroused he’d become. Shame came

His desire for her was stronger than the alarm of being
captured and kidnapped. It gave him an excuse to hold her in his arms and if
the rescue team didn’t show up soon, he’d have no choice but to do a lot more
with her.

Thoughts of her had kept him up after he’d walked her to the
bedroom the night before. Holding her in his arms, the fact that she admitted
she found him attractive, had made him consider what it would have been like if
they were still free and she’d come to him willingly.

A bad idea, a disaster in the making and wrong. He had taken
the assignment to help his people, not harm them by making an enemy of Tim
Oberto. It was clear that Tim didn’t want his daughter getting too close to a
Species and he’d eavesdropped on the conversation held inside her bedroom
yesterday with her father. They may have closed the door but that hadn’t done
much to prevent his keen hearing from picking up most of the words. Tim
believed he was dangerous to Becca, would attack her if she flirted and end up
hurting her.

“It is going to be fine,” he bluffed, not sure of that
outcome at all.

A hundred things could go wrong but he kept those thoughts
to himself. His gaze traveled the roof, sought any signs of explosives and he
sniffed. He didn’t glimpse or smell them but that didn’t mean they weren’t hidden
somewhere. Their captors could blow up the building if the rescue teams were
able to locate them and breached security.

“I know my dad will find us,” Becca whispered and clung to
him a little tighter.

Every protective instinct inside him surged to life. She
needed him to be strong, supportive and she wasn’t used to being at the mercy
of others. He’d do whatever it took but the bottom line couldn’t be ignored.
The human guards had dart guns that could render him unconscious. They could
take Becca away while he was down, do anything to inflict pain upon her and he
wouldn’t be able to protect her unless he made her necessary to them. They
wanted her to help him give sperm and he’d give as much as they wanted to keep
her safe.

He bit back a groan when his cock stiffened even more.
are becoming as sick as the ones who enslaved you.
The human on his lap
would be horrified and disgusted if she knew his thoughts or how aroused he was
at that moment. He’d read the report about the humans who had grabbed Valiant’s
woman. They’d wanted her to breed with a Species male. Would they order Becca
to do breeding tests with him?

He bit back a growl of excitement at the thought of actually
mounting her. The memory of her ass bent over the bed in front of him in the guestroom
flashed through his brain and he furiously tried to get a handle on his
desires. The stress brought out his animal side.

“Are you okay? Do your legs still hurt from where they shot

His dick hurt, not his thighs, but he just shook his head.
“I am well. I heal quickly.”


She petted his bare chest, her touch featherlight and he
squeezed his eyes closed, knowing it wouldn’t take much from her to release his
seed if she were to help him. It reminded him that he wanted her to feel at
ease with him. He was a sick bastard, he acknowledged, when he decided how to
do that.



“Look at me.” He pulled back enough to stare down at her
upturned face. She was beautiful, even with her auburn hair flowing in disarray
over her shoulders. “They will probably ask you to touch me.”

Her cheeks turned pink and her blue eyes widened. “I figured

“I want you to feel comfortable with me. It might be a
stressful situation. I don’t know if they will treat us the way they did inside
the testing facilities. When they wanted us to breed they put us in a room
alone but there was a camera. They’d monitor us.”


He lifted an eyebrow.

“Sarcasm. It’s how people react when they are trying to be
brave about something.”

Her response made him smile. “I see. I won’t harm you if
they don’t restrain me. I’m not sure if they will or not.”

“They restrained 919.”

“I know. You described in detail what they did to him.”

“Right. Yeah. I did.” She licked her lips. “I trust you. I
really do. I know you’re not going to hurt me so you don’t need to keep saying

“Good.” He paused. “I wish to be honest with you to lessen
the horror of what might happen.”

She blinked a few times and just waited for him to continue.

“I heard that a lab technician once was ordered to take a
sample from a male and she manipulated his dick with her hands to get it.” He
didn’t want to mention Fury and Ellie by name. “It might be what they ask you
to do.”

More heat rushed to her cheeks. “I figured that out on my
own unless they want to hook you up to that machine without the goggles on and
I’m supposed to do whatever it takes to turn you on.”

Brawn’s raging hard-on throbbed and it took everything to
hold still to prevent him from shifting to ease the pain of keeping it trapped
between his thighs. “They believe we are in a sex-sharing relationship and I am
afraid if they learn the truth it will put you in danger.”

“Okay. Do you really think it matters?”

“It might. They brought you to control me. I agree with your
assessment on that matter. As long as they continue to believe you are my
female they will not harm you as long as I comply. I just want you to be as
comfortable as possible with my body but I don’t want to upset you by sharing
the only way I can think of to make that happen.”

“What are you thinking?”

He took a deep breath. “You could kiss me and become
accustomed to my body while we are alone before they take us wherever they


Becca let Brawn’s suggestion sink in and had to swallow
Kiss him? Oh shit.
Her gaze widened as she stared at him before
she glanced at his mouth. It sounded reasonable and she’d wondered what it
would be like.

“I’m not very forward.” Her gaze lifted to his. “You kiss
me. I wouldn’t know where to start.”

That made his eyebrows arch. “You are inexperienced with
sharing sex?”

No hole opened up under her so she could disappear but she
wished one would. “I’ve had it with a few guys but I’ve never initiated a kiss
before. Guys always made the first move.”

“I understand but it is surprising. Your males seem so
docile that I assumed the females were the aggressors during intercourse.”

“We’re just kissing, right?”

“Yes.” He took a deep breath. “Close your eyes and just
focus on me. Pretend we’re alone in your bedroom or mine. I can see your
nervousness and you need to relax.” Arms wrapped around her middle and Brawn
tugged her against his chest more firmly, bent his head and nuzzled the side of
her face with his own.

His beautiful gaze searched hers, she knew he had to see her
hesitancy, but then his hands lifted to cup her face.

“Forget about everything but me,” he ordered. “There’s just
us. Remember yesterday when we met?”

She nodded, happy for the distraction.

He smiled. “You like my eyes. You’ve never seen anything
like me.” His palms slid from her jawline to her cheeks. “You’re strangely
attractive even with your funny little face.”

She smiled back. “I have a funny face?”

“Your little pointy nose.” His thumb brushed over it. “Your
small mouth.” His thumb lowered to caress her bottom lip. “The tiniest ears.”
His fingertips traced the shell of them as he leaned in close enough for their
breaths to mingle. “Kiss me.”

She relaxed, focused solely on Brawn and admitted that he
did have amazing eyes. They were so blue and the oval shape of them was exotic.
Yellow swirls were spread through some of the blue. Her trepidation faded and
she closed her eyes as he inched closer, sure that she wanted it to happen.

His lips barely brushed hers, so soft and warm it amazed her
that anyone so tough could be so tender. He opened her mouth under light
pressure and his tongue delved inside. It was hot, teased her own and he
deepened the kiss as her hands gripped his shoulders to keep steady, needing
something to cling to.

All tenderness fled as his lips and tongue manipulated the
kiss into something wild and passionate. Her eyes closed and she tilted her
head to open up to him more, desperate to forget everything but Brawn.

Kissing him was like sticking her finger in a light
socket—shocking and powerful. All-consuming. No one had ever made her respond
the way he did. It was extremely passionate and he put everything he had into
it. Her hands lowered to roam down the front of his broad chest, sought skin
and found plenty of it. A soft purr rumbled between them.

Becca jerked away in astonishment. Brawn eased his hold on
her face, dropped his hands to her sides and just smiled.

“I make noises. Sorry. Just try to ignore them. I don’t
really control it.”

Hands cupped her face before she could turn her head away
and held her still while he gazed at her deeply. Once again she was struck by
the beauty of his compelling eyes. He inched his face closer. She knew he would
kiss her again and welcomed it. He did wonderful things to her body, made her
belly quiver and he had a real talent for distracting her with his mouth. The
fact that they were locked inside a cage, held prisoner by monsters, was easy
to ignore.

There was only Brawn, his mouth heating her up and his
wonderful skin under her hands. He released her face to grip her hips, turned
her more to face him and shifted under her. It was impossible to miss the hard
ridge that pressed against the underside of her leg when his thighs parted
slightly. She knew what it was, that he was turned-on and so was she.

She moaned and clawed at his abs, wanted to draw him even
closer. It didn’t work with her sitting sideways across his lap so she reached
up, gripped his shoulders and moved enough to press a foot on the cold concrete
floor. She scooted a little off his lap and straddled him instead.

Firm hands cupped her ass, jerked her tight against his lap
and his trapped cock rubbed against her underwear through the layers of their
clothes. Becca ached painfully, her breasts were heavy and hurt and she just
wanted to release him to yank her shirt over her head and rub her nipples
against his skin.

He kneaded her ass, his fingers digging in to the soft
flesh. He lifted her a little to adjust the angle of his cock to press against
the seam of her pussy. Her fingernails dug into his skin as she tried to pull
him even closer, the heat of him penetrated through her thin nightgown and she
hated having anything between them.

She urged him on by rocking her hips, moaned louder and her
fingers slid upward into his hair and held him closer to deepen the kiss even
more. He bucked his hips, used his hold on her ass to shift her and they moved
together. The slow rocking against each other made his cock incredibly hard, it
notched up her pleasure and it felt so good she knew she’d come. Her clit
seemed to swell painfully. She wanted him to move faster, take her over the
edge of ecstasy.

Brawn suddenly twisted his head away, breathed hard and
shoved his face against her throat. “We have to stop,” he growled.

It slowly sank in what she’d done. If he wasn’t wearing
sweats and she didn’t have underwear on, he’d be inside her. She knew that as
well as he did. They’d dry humped as though they were horny teenagers, in the
worst possible place and the timing couldn’t have been more wrong.

She turned her head against his cheek, slid her hands out of
his hair and hugged him around his neck. It was tough to try to slow her ragged
breathing. Half of her wanted to ask him to keep going but the memory of the
cameras along the ceiling had her silence that plea. Clinging to him helped but
her body was on fire.

He inhaled loudly and a hot, wet tongue licked her throat.
“You smell so good and taste it too. I wish I could strip you bare and explore
every inch with my hands, nose and tongue. I’d lick every spot that would make
you moan my name.”

“You’re not helping,” she said in a shaky tone. “I want you

“You want me to help you calm or lick you?”

“Lick me.”

He growled viciously, a scary sound if she had the brains to
be afraid, but her libido was in charge. He reached between them instead, his
hand wiggled in the tight space between his lower belly and hers, until his
fingers brushed over her underwear.

“Hold onto me,” he urged softly. “Scoot back a little.”

She had to concentrate to follow his orders, her arms
tightened around his neck and she wiggled enough to give him more room with his
hand. An image of him shoving her underwear to the side, jerking down his
sweats and taking her filled her mind. Of course she remembered at that point
what he’d said about being larger than human guys. It didn’t matter at that
moment. She’d heard other woman had hooked up with Species. Obviously sex was
possible and she was beyond fear, more into the take-me-now stage.

His deft fingers shoved the scrap of material way and he
growled again at feeling how soaked with need she was for him, something that
should have been embarrassing if she wasn’t beyond caring about anything but
the fact that his broad fingertip located and pressed against her bare clit.
Her face pressed against his chest, sucked in his masculine scent and it
muffled her moan of pleasure.

“Easy,” he rasped. “I’ve got you.” His arm tightened around
her waist and kept her in place as his finger teased the bundle of nerves.
“Feel me.”

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