Read New Species 03 Valiant Online

Authors: Laurann Dohner

New Species 03 Valiant (6 page)

BOOK: New Species 03 Valiant
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her. Inches separated their bodies as they stared into

each other’s eyes.

“Spread your legs for me, sexy. I’m going to touch

you.” His voice came out gruff, raspy and deep.

She locked her thighs tightly together and reached up

to push against his chest again. He had a sexy voice

when turned on, but she couldn’t allow him to have sex

with her. She needed to remember that she didn’t do

strangers, no matter how much she wanted to, or how

bad she ached for his touch. New Species. Part animal.

So wrong. Yeah. Remember that. She pushed again.

He wouldn’t budge and looked really amused that she

even attempted to move him. She tried to ignore how

sexy he looked with those exotic eyes and those bulging

muscles, from holding his weight off her. She had the

urge to stroke about every inch of his amazing body that

her fingers could reach.

“This is so not happening, Valiant.” Saying his name

sounded strange coming from her lips but she got it out.

“You stated I’m ovulating, right? You can really smell

that? For real?”

He chuckled and gave a sharp nod. “I can scent it.

That’s why I’m so aroused. Do you know how hot and

wet you’re going to be for me with your body in heat?

Haven’t you been feeling your sexual desire rise while

you’re in this state?”

She swallowed. “Nope. My fingers were a little

swollen this morning but that’s about it. I wouldn’t have

known that was the reason without you telling me.” She

cleared her throat. “I’m not having sex with you. I don’t

know you and I don’t do that with strangers.”

“Spread your thighs and I’ll change your mind.”

She stared up into those beautiful eyes of his. She

knew how he kissed and how he could make her feel

when he touched her. No one had ever tempted her that

much and her body had reacted to him in ways it never

had before to any other man. She still ached between her

thighs and her breasts were tender.

“Spread your thighs,” he softly growled. “I want to

taste you so bad I’m trying not to drool from the need.”

He drools? That’s totally NOT sexy. Yeah. Focus on

that. She frowned and pushed against his hot-skinned

chest once more but he didn’t budge an inch. He shifted

his weight, lowering down her body and his legs slid a

little off the bed so, instead of hovering over her face, he

hesitated over her stomach. His gaze left hers to stare at

her thighs. A nother soft growl came from deep in his


“Open up for me. I need that at least. Your scent

calls to me so strongly I hurt. Let me lick you until you

come, screaming for me. Let me enjoy your cream.” He

purred suddenly, his head lifted until those catlike eyes of

his locked with her shocked gaze. “I love cream.” He

licked his lips slowly.

Her body throbbed. Damn, he doesn’t fight fair. Her

traitorous body responded full force to his words when

mental images shot through her brain of him settling

between her thighs. She bit her lip hard before softly

cursing, losing the battle with desire and knowing she


“I can’t believe this. This never happened, okay? I’ve

lost my mind but I’m hurting for you.”

She unlocked her knees and felt her cheeks heat with

embarrassment. She had let few men go down on her

and while it wasn’t bad, it wasn’t that great either. She’d

sworn off doing it again unless she was drunk or with

someone she really, really cared about. She didn’t do

strangers but she’d never seen this situation coming.

She spread her legs a little and watched Valiant’s

head snap down. A nother growl rumbled from his throat,

this one deep and a little scary. She grabbed for his thick

hair, holding his head up until he met her gaze.

“Don’t bite me. You’re not going to do that, right? I

want to be sure we’re on the same page and you need to

be careful with those vampire teeth of yours. You’re not

into blood, are you?”

He suddenly flashed a grin. “I know what I’m doing

and there will be no pain. I’m not going to bite you.”

She released his mane of hair, embarrassed as she

spread her legs a little more, and tried not to tense up.

She glanced down once when the bed moved to see that

Valiant had totally slid off the bed and knelt next to it.

Big, strong hands gripped her hips, pulled her ass to

the edge of the mattress and gripped her knees, gently

nudging her into the position he wanted, which was her

heels on the edge of the bed, legs spread wide apart. His

gaze fixed on her totally exposed pussy, a purr came

from him and she looked away to stare up at his ceiling

as her fingers clutched at his comforter. She wasn’t sure

about this at all.

“You have no hair anywhere.” He sounded surprised.

She wondered if she could actually die of

awkwardness. “I shave it off. Either get on with it or let

me go. I can’t even believe I’m agreeing to this because

it’s totally insa―”

She gasped instead of finishing her sentence when

Valiant pushed against her knees to widen them even

more. The guy had broad shoulders and his hair fell over

her stomach as he leaned in closer to her until she

couldn’t miss feeling his hot breath fanning over her

exposed sex. His hands were gentle as he spread her

labia to expose even more of her to his view. A nother

loud purr came from him and his hot tongue swiped her


Her fingers clawed the bedding as he started to lick

her in rapid, long strokes. Pleasure was instant and

intense. Valiant’s tongue was raspy and he could move it

in ways she’d never thought possible while he teased and

zoned in on the exact spot that sent raw ecstasy

cascading through her body.

She tensed hard, her back arched, and she would

have slammed her legs closed to stop the too-powerful

feeling but his shoulders held her pinned open and his

hands held her labia spread to expose her clit to him. He

held her down when her hips started to rise from the


The climax tore through Tammy brutally and she

cried out. She was shocked at how fast and hard she’d

come. Her eyes were closed when she floated down from

the euphoria and tried to calm her ragged breathing. She

heard Valiant panting harder than her and gasped when

his tongue suddenly lowered to the opening of her pussy.

He growled, vibrated against her, and his thick

tongue breached her body as he parted her vaginal walls.

Her muscles were still twitching and contracting with her

release and his hands slid under her ass, lifting her from

the bed a few inches to give him deeper penetration.

“Oh God,” she moaned.

He growled deep in response and his tongue moved

inside her, in and out, before it withdrew completely. She

forced her eyes open and stared in stunned shock as he

lifted up until he bent over her. He had a wild look in his

amazing eyes and he nearly lunged for her breast, drew

it into his mouth hard and frantically suckled on her. It

made her cry out again at the new, wonderful sensation.

Something thick and hard nudged her pussy. She gasped

as his cock started to press into her where his tongue had

just been.

He was thick and incredibly hard. He lowered over

her, her body pinned flat under him with just enough

weight on her to keep her where he wanted her. Her

muscles stretched to accommodate his size. He entered

her slowly, allowing her body to adjust to his cock, and

her fingers grabbed at his head, sliding into his thick

tresses for something to hold on to. Pleasure and near

pain gripped her as he sank into her. She experienced a

wave of panic when he drove in even deeper.


He froze and his mouth left her breast. He had a

definitely wild look in those exotic eyes, the sheer need

of his desire marked clearly by the harsh tension of his


“Don’t make me stop.” His voice was so deep and

gruff that he didn’t sound human. “I need you.”

“You’re too big.” She was afraid.

“I’m turning us, all right? You’re going to be on top

and take as much of me as you can. I don’t want to hurt


He rolled, displaying his immense strength. One

second Tammy had been under him and the next she

straddled his lap. He made sure he didn’t enter her any

deeper by holding her slightly away from him and waited

until she braced her knees on either side of his hips

before he released her. One of his hands wrapped

around her waist, holding her in place, while his other

hand slid under her to position his fingers to massage

her clit. She threw back her head and sank down on him

a little more.

His cock felt really thick. It had been a long time

since she’d had sex. She lifted up and the pleasure of him

inside her forced a moan from her lips. He was merciless

with his fingers as he played with her sensitive bundle of

nerves, making her pant. She moved up and down, only

taking as much of him as her body desired.

The feeling of being stretched, filled, the sheer bliss

of those sensations, shocked her because it was the best

thing she’d ever experienced. She could feel every

extremely rigid inch of him inside her and, combined

with what his fingers were doing, she needed to come


She rode him frantically, taking his cock a little

deeper each time she ground her hips down. Moans tore

from her throat as her body seemed to ignite into flames.

The man under her growled and snarled, making noises

she’d usually find terrifying but instead it just heightened

her passion. Her body tensed, shook, and she cried out

when she climaxed hard again, her muscles clamping

around his thick shaft as she jerked violently from the

force of it.

Valiant roared as he climaxed and she wasn’t even

startled at the sound. His steel-hard cock was buried

deep inside her and his hips shook under her and warm

heat spread into her pussy as he kept coming. She

collapsed onto his broad chest.

They were both winded. One of his hands gripped

her hip and his other hand moved to her back to caress

his fingertips up her spine until he fisted her hair in his

hold at the base of her skull. He didn’t hurt her but he

forced her head up until she had no choice but to meet

his gaze. His golden eyes appeared absolutely gorgeous

in the aftermath of sex. He smiled at her, showed sharp

teeth, and his hand slid from her hip to cup her ass


“I’m keeping you forever.”

She stared at him in shock. “What?”

“I decided I’m keeping you forever. You’re mine.”

He was good at making her speechless. Tammy

stared at him and was absolutely mute. He wants to keep

me? Forever? For real? Does he think I’m a pet? She

wasn’t even sure how to take his words or exactly what

they meant. I’m his? He decided? She didn’t even know

where to start or what she thought of him making those

wild statements.

The smile died on his lips as he suddenly tensed

under her, his big body seeming to turn to stone.

Tammy gasped when he rolled them over and slowly

withdrew his still-hard shaft from her body. He gave her

one last passionate look before rolling away to leave the


“They are coming for you but I won’t allow anyone

take you from me.”

Who is coming for me? Tammy sat up on the bed.

She realized her shirt remained on, bunched up over her

breasts, and her sliced-apart bra cups were under her

arms. She watched him quickly yank up his pants,

growling and cursing under his breath the entire time.

She removed her damaged bra and pulled down her

shirt while she scooted off the bed to stand next to it.

She watched Valiant carefully. His expression was scary

when he turned to face her. She hadn’t known him long

but she could identify rage when she saw it.

“Stay inside this room while I handle them. No one is

taking you away. You’re mine now.”

BOOK: New Species 03 Valiant
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