Read New Species 03 Valiant Online

Authors: Laurann Dohner

New Species 03 Valiant (3 page)

BOOK: New Species 03 Valiant
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animal protecting his favorite toy. Well, that’s about what

we have here.”

Tiger remained silent for a full minute. No one

spoke. He finally must have decided on a new approach

when he began to speak again.

“Valiant? I can find someone willing to take her

place. You have to let her go. She’s not Species, she’s

human, and you’d break her. Look how little she is. She’s

puny, a real runt of a female, and you know you don’t

want her. I realize she smells pretty good to you and

hell, I noticed right off the bat that she’s attractive, but

again, she’s human. We had some sodas together a few

weeks back and discussed how frail they are. We don’t do

them, remember? Just back away from her and I’ll call

our females. One of them would be more than happy to

come out here to take her place if you’re in the mood to

get frisky. Sound good, man? Work with me here.”

“Mine,” Valiant growled.

“Fuck.” Tiger groaned. “Where is that tranquilizer

gun? We’re going to need it fast.”

“I’m coming, Tammy,” Ted shouted.

“Don’t,” Tiger yelled. “He’ll tear you apart.”

“Well, do something,” Ted demanded. “I won’t stand

here just watching her be raped by that…that…person.”

Valiant turned his head. His face was a foot from

Tammy’s. She stared into his eyes. A t close range they

were amazingly beautiful. She saw swirls of color inside

them that resembled spun, melted gold. His eyelashes

were very thick, reddish orange, and long. On his hands

and knees, he stood face level with Tammy, kneeling on

the grass. His mouth was closed, his sharp teeth hidden,

as he inhaled again. A soft sound came from his throat, a

deep purr. He blinked at her while inching closer.

Move, damn it. She ordered her body to fall back, do

something, but it didn’t listen. He reached up with one of

his large hands and she saw his fingernails. They were

thicker than normal, almost pointed, but with normal-

sized, human-looking nail beds. He moved very slowly as

his rough-feeling fingertips brushed her long hair back

away from her cheek. His fingers caressed her face. The

tips of his fingers were calloused. Goose bumps rose on

her body and it was a weird but good kind of feeling. His

hand cleared all her hair over her shoulder before it

moved lower to cup her waist.

“Beautiful,” he rumbled softly. “So beautiful.”

She swallowed. “Tha—” Her voice broke. “Thank

you,” she got out in a whisper.

She wasn’t sure what he thought was attractive about

her. Was it her long hair or her face? She’d been told that

she had beautiful blue eyes. Whatever it was that he

found appealing, she was just grateful she’d finally found

her voice. It wasn’t much since she seemed to only be

able to breathe out words but she hoped now that it

worked, she might manage an ear-splitting scream if the

need arose. She had a bad feeling it would be soon if this

guy wanted to have sex with her.

He closed his eyes, inhaling deeply. “You smell so

good. Strawberries and honey. I love those.” He made

another soft rumble deep within his throat. His eyes

opened. “Don’t be afraid. I wouldn’t ever hurt you,

Tammy.” He shifted his big body closer.

Heart pounding, Tammy closed her eyes when his

hair brushed her face and she stiffened as his cheek

brushed against hers. His skin felt hot and his warm

breath fanned over her neck, which he’d bared when he’d

cleared the area of her hair.

What is he doing now? Some of her fear eased since

he’d sworn he wasn’t going to hurt her and he hadn’t so

far. Scared the hell out of me, yes, but he hasn’t done

anything painful. She jumped a little when he licked her

where her neck and shoulder met.

“Uh,” she got out but shut up. The feeling was unlike

anything she’d ever experienced. His tongue had a

slightly sandy texture but not gritty or abrasive. Shivers

shook her body and somehow it seemed oddly erotic. His

sharp teeth lightly brushed her skin next, creating

another oddly seductive sensation.

“Shush,” he breathed the word, as his tongue and

teeth left her. “I’m not going to hurt you.”

“What is he doing to her?” Ted’s voice rose with

alarm. “Make him stop.”

“Where is that tranquilizer gun?” Marcy spoke.

“Everyone, shut up,” Tiger demanded. “He isn’t

hurting her and we’re going to anger him. He’s got his

hands on her so just be quiet.”

The sound of a vehicle approaching broke the

silence. A growl tore from the lips next to Tammy’s neck.

The sound made her eyes fly open and she whimpered,

staring at his sharp teeth, which he bared as his head

turned to glare at the source of noise. The hand cupping

her waist tightened but it didn’t hurt.

She gasped suddenly as his other arm curled around

her back at her middle. In a blur of motion he stood,

easily hauled Tammy to her feet with him, and jerked her

tight against the front of his body, keeping his arm

around her.

Tammy stared up at the much taller man who held

her against him with his strong arm. Her legs turned to

rubber, collapsing, but his hold on her was enough to

keep her locked against his big, solid body. The guy was

terrifyingly powerful.

He glared at something over the top of her head. He

had a really angry expression and suddenly another roar

broke from his lips, loud enough to hurt her ears. She

saw his sharp, white teeth flash again as he snarled, and

he lifted her higher against his chest when he yanked her

completely off her feet. He held her there, her body

dangling above the ground, and he fled the yard.

Mine. The thought wouldn’t leave Valiant’s head. It

repeated over and over. Mine. Mine. Mine. His moved

faster, to take her somewhere private, away from the

others, inside his home. They weren’t going to take her

away from him. He’d fight to the death to keep her and

kill anyone who tried to tear her from his arms. The

scent of her flooded his nose, made his body ache with

need, and nothing else mattered.

She’s a human. She’s not what I had in mind or what

I thought I wanted. Things change. It doesn’t matter.

She’s all mine. He glanced at Tiger, the two Species

males with him, and the two humans to make sure they

didn’t invade his territory.

The human male had a red face and gripped the

fence, appearing ready to climb over it, and the human

woman’s mouth hung open as if she wanted to scream.

He knew he horrified them but he didn’t give a damn.

They posed no threat to him. It was the Species he might

have to fight if they attacked. He’d do it. He wasn’t going

to let the woman go.


His arm tightened around the glorious woman he

held, careful not to crush her, and grateful she didn’t

fight. She almost seemed docile in his hold, as if she

knew as well as he did that she belonged to him. Hope

soared that she’d want him as much as he did her.

You’re not acting sane, he silently admitted but it

didn’t matter. She smelled wonderful, her delicate

features were something he wanted to stare at forever,

and holding her in his arms made the desire to keep her

only stronger. The idea of spreading her out on his bed

and stripping her bare to explore every inch of her skin

had his dick aching painfully.

She’ll be someone to talk to, someone to hold, and

I’ll convince her we will be happy together. I can do it.

She’ll want to stay. She has to. Mine. Mine. Mine. She

belongs with me.

He had no real idea how to make it happen but he

was a strong male, determined, and anything was

possible now that he was free. He’d spent a lifetime

locked in a dank cell, hurting most of the time, and

always so lonely. The idea of having a mate, someone to

get to know, to share life with, had become his ultimate


He held her more tenderly, swearing to protect her

with his life and not allow anyone to take her from him.

It didn’t have to make sense. She was in his arms, he’d

claimed her, and he wasn’t about to release her.

Somehow, some way, he’d convince her he was the male

for her.

He’d once dreamed of living outside the concrete

walls and that had finally happened. A nything was

possible. He inhaled her wonderful feminine scent, his

arms secured her more firmly against his body, and one

word repeated in his head.


Chapter Two

“Damn it, Valiant,” Tiger yelled. “Bring that woman

back this instant!”

“Tammy!” Ted screamed. “Put her down! He’s going

to kill her. Do something!”

“Leave,” Valiant roared over his shoulder as he

sprinted toward the house.

“Bring her back, man!” Tiger shouted. “Don’t make

me bring a hunting party in there to retrieve her. Justice

is going to have your balls if you hurt her.”

Tammy gripped his shirt when he slowed to a walk

and clutched her against his body a little higher as he

stomped up some steps. She couldn’t see a thing but his

tan T-shirt in her face.

The man-beast suddenly paused, they turned, and

she heard a door slam closed. A second later the distinct

sound of locks being turned registered before he moved


They climbed a lot of stairs. She closed her eyes and

didn’t fight. She could feel the strength of the arms that

held her pressed tightly against his firm, hard body. She

inhaled and admitted the guy smelled great, that

whatever cologne he put on was a good one that wasn’t

too strong.

She bit back some self-loathing. She was losing her

mind to be thinking about the guy’s delectable-smelling

cologne under the circumstances. She was being taken

somewhere by Valiant, the man-beast, and was locked

inside the house, which it turned out was his.

A nother door slammed and Valiant stopped walking

but his body twisted around and another lock being

turned registered in her mind. He turned again, her legs

swinging slightly from his sudden movements, and took

about ten steps before he suddenly released her.

Tammy gasped as she fell but she didn’t hit a hard

floor, dropping onto a soft bed instead. She landed on

her back with her legs over the edge of the massive

mattress to stare up in mute shock at the man standing

between her thighs. Valiant’s exotic eyes were fixed on


Oh shit. She finally found the ability to move. She

was on his bed and it smelled the way he did. She

instinctively knew it was his bedroom. She glanced at the

large room with the dark-wood bedroom furniture. She

backed up, using her elbows and dug her feet into the

bed to try to get away from him. The huge man watched

her silently.

“Don’t,” he growled softly.

Tammy froze. “You don’t.”

His lips twitched and his eyes narrowed a little. “Don’t


“Don’t…” She frowned at him. “Stop scaring me.”

Full lips curved into a smile. “A re you afraid of me?”

She nodded. “Of course I am.”

He suddenly moved, his hands flattened on the

mattress as he bent toward her on the bed. Her body was

under him instantly as he stretched his body over her,

knocked her flat, and halted her plan to crawl backward

away from him.

“Why? I won’t hurt you. What I want to do to you

will feel really good.”

Is he kidding? She didn’t believe he was, considering

the intense look he directed her way. This situation was a

lot of things but humorous wasn’t one of the descriptions

that came to mind.

“You’re huge and you have sharp teeth and…you

took me from outside. I want to leave.”

“I don’t want you to go. A s you pointed out, I’m


Her mouth opened and closed as she stared up at

him. “They will come in here to get me.”

He nodded. “They will.”

Huh? She frowned at him. “Why are we here if you

knew that already?”

“Time.” He actually grinned at her. “It’s going to take

them a lot of it to get enough of my people together to

BOOK: New Species 03 Valiant
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