New Markets - 02 (56 page)

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Authors: Kevin Rau

Tags: #Science Fiction

BOOK: New Markets - 02
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I directed the E.M.T.'s to take care of the mercs who had been stabbed and were bleeding.  The police were chatty, as they knew the paperwork would be handled by a H.E.R.O. agent and C.S.I. personnel, so they had time to talk with Gatecrasher and I until Agent Carson arrived a while later.

We gave our stories to him.  He asked for some clarification on a few points, as was usual, and soon left.  By the time 12:30 came around we had just finished up with the scene.

Hellshock was showing signs of coherency by the time everyone left.  Daphne showed no signs of waking any time soon.


Chapter 33 - Reunited


Stephanie's Viewpoint



Rael answered my call.  "Hello?"

"Heya Tiger, it's Steph."

"Steph?!  You're okay!"  I looked at Megan, I was sure even she heard that through the phone.

"Yeah, I'm fine.  I'm at school.  Megan's with me."

"Rock on!  Damn, I'm really glad to hear your voice.  Wait, you're at
?  Why didn't you call me when you woke up?  I assumed you were unconscious in the air."

"I was.  A passing jet woke me up right before class, I barely had time to get home and get ready for class, and then I didn't think to look at my calls again between classes."

"Okay, okay.  I'm just glad that you're safe.  Can you meet up so we can go over where we are at?"

"Sure, let's meet at the hospital on the restricted floor."

"Great, I'll drop off my clothes and pack and meet you there."

"Clothes?  Oh, you mean your school clothes."

"Well ... duh.  Of course."

I chuckled.  "Never mind, just naughty thoughts.  See you soon.  It'll take us about twenty minutes to get there."

"Not a problem, that'll give me time to fill in the others about missing the study group ... again."

Rael hung up.  I looked at Megan.  "I really need to get back with my pal on this kidnapping thing.  Will you tell the guys that I'd like to do another evening study session in the next night or two if they are willing?  I'll buy food again."

She asked, "Do I get to come this time?  Or is this just time for you to hang out with the guys?"

I laughed, "No, I don't think that way about any of them.  Ask them, I'd love to have our entire group there."

"Cool.  I'll text you the response.  Oh, and tomorrow night is the party … err, alcohol tolerance test."

I rolled my eyes.  "Great, thanks Megan."  I hugged her close.
  I don't know what I'd do without you in class at this point.

She didn't back away from me, and I had to gently push her back again.  It took her a few seconds to come out of her fugue.

I held her at arms length and said, "Sorry about that."

"It's all good.  Don't forget to eat something at home.  You seem to forget until you are really hungry and try to go into crowded places."

"I ... hmm.  I think you're right.  I'll do that."

She picked up her bag and left the classroom, we walked together down to the north exit and I waved goodbye as I flew away.

A few minutes later and I was at home changing back into my costume.  I made a quick sandwich and ate as I looked back over my messages.

I called Jim back, he answered after a moment.  "Hey Jim."

"Stephanie?  You okay?  Are you joining us for lunch?"

"No, sorry.  I've got heroing stuff I'm in the midst of.  You said something about the auction closing?"

"Yeah, it's closing on Saturday at 6 p.m."

"Cool, that's good to know.  We have two days to free everyone."

"Not sure I'd wait that long, but true.  By the way, we've been trying to hunt down where the work on the site's being done.  It could be hosted on a server anywhere in the world, so that won't help us, but I think we're close to getting to whoever is updating it."

"You and Mike?"

"And a few others.  We're kind of a worldwide community.  I've talked with some of the best hackers in the world, we'll find them."

"Wow, that's cool.  Let me know what you find out."

"Sure thing.  Are you going to be around for lunch tomorrow?"

"I sure hope so.  Put it this way, if I'm not unconscious or in the midst of hitting these guys I plan on it."

"Awesome!  See you then!"

"Later Jim."  I hung up.

The other message had been from Anne.  She was probably at work on patrol somewhere.  I called her phone.


"Hi Anne.  I'm really sorry about last night.  Spartan's been kidnapped, and Rael and I both got knocked out trying to get him out yesterday afternoon.  I didn't even wake up until this morning."

"Wow, that's harsh.  Are you doing okay now?"

"Yeah, I'm about to head to the hospital to meet back up with Black Tiger.  Hopefully we're going to try again this afternoon."

"Do you need help, like with the mutants in the warehouse?  I'll come."

I smiled, "I'll give you a call if we need more people.  This seems more dangerous, though.  They are using a lot of automatic weaponry."

"I'm still there if you need me."

"Okay.  I'll let you know.  Can we reschedule the date night for one soon?"


"I'm not sure when yet, Spartan works nights almost every Friday and Saturday night, so for sure those nights he's out."

"What in the world does he do, is he a bartender?"

I laughed, "Pretty close, he's a bouncer."

"Ooh, yeah, he'd be a force doing that."

"Yeah.  Everyone seems to love him at the club, too, so I'm sure he'll want to stay there."

"Not a problem, we'll work around it.  Why are you meeting at a hospital, is Black Tiger injured?"

"No, but the supers released from there have been getting kidnapped, it's kind of been our central spot for working on this with the F.B.I."

"Ah, gotchya."

"Again, I'm
sorry about last night.  I really would have called if I'd been conscious, and I think Lance would be mortified if he left someone hanging like that."

"He sounds like a nice guy, I'm hoping we can meet up soon."

"Me too."

"Okay, back to patrol - go catch those kidnappers."


I hung up, and then flew to the hospital.

My mind was on meeting up with Rael, and I didn't notice Darian McDermit standing off to the side snapping pictures of me as I landed.  His thoughts gave him away, however.

He walked up and held out his hand.  Even though it was kind of rude of him to sell those pictures of me to the supers rag, I couldn't be mean to him.  I shook his hand.

He said, "Nice to see you again, Psystar.  Any chance you'd pose for some more pictures?"

I wanted to say ... yes.  "I'd ... be ... glad to."  He had a clear image of how he'd like me to stand for each pose, and I found myself doing them.

Someone broke his line of site - an officer.  I heard, "What the hell - you two can't use this spot as a picture shoot."

Darian answered, "I just asked her to pose for some pictures - she said yes...."

"Get off the hospital property."

I slowly came out of my stupor and shook my head.  I rubbed my face and looked up at the officer.  I had no idea why I was on my knees.

Darian walked off.  The officer turned to me as I slowly got to my feet.

"What were you thinking, having pictures taken here like that?"

"I ... I don't know.  I didn't want to have him take any pictures.  I don't know why I did that.  I'm sorry."

"You can't promote their activities or they start bothering anyone they please coming into the building."

"Yeah.  I agree.  I ... sorry."

He put his hands on his hips and stared at me like I was a delinquent.  "Well, go on then.  No use hanging around here."

"Thanks, officer."

I walked slowly into the building, trying to think about why I started doing every pose Darian wanted. 
Great, I'm not even sure what poses I even did.  I hope none of those were bad....

I made it to the elevators and headed up to the restricted floor.  A pair of officers checked my ID and let me onto the level.

"Great, that telepath bitch is back."

I looked around and spotted Agent Dimmer standing off to the left. 
Wonderful, nothing like having to deal with jerks.
  I ignored him and went to the nurse at the desk.

"Is Black Tiger here yet?"

"He was here a few hours ago, but he's not here now."

"Hmm, he'll be here soon.  I'll wait."  I walked over to a few chairs on the side, sat down and closed my eyes.

I heard Dimmer's mental voice as he told Agent Willman that I was here, and to hope I didn't give everyone migraines again.

Agent Willman told him, "Don't start, damn it I don't need this crap from either of you."

In a moment I heard him looking for me, and his mindview appeared with me centered in it after a few seconds.  I opened my eyes and looked at him.

"Hi, Agent Willman."

"Hello.  I heard you had some problems last night?"

"Yeah.  It didn't go well.  I fought their telepath."

"The fight against her didn't go well?"

"Hold off for a bit.  Black Tiger will soon be here, and I'll fill you both in together."

Agent Willman took out his phone and typed a text or something, then showed me the message.  'Give me his phone number, I need to talk to him before he comes in.'

I filled it in for him.

He went back to the room he was in and called Rael.  He must have stayed within thirty feet of me, for I could hear his side of the conversation.

"Black Tiger, this is Agent Willman.  Psystar just mentioned you are coming back here, were you attacked?"


"She's here now."


"Yeah, we could try that."


"Sure, I know where they bring it.  I'll send her along with the nurse."


"I'll call you shortly then."  I heard him think about hanging up his phone then.

He walked out and sat down next to me.  He looked me in the eye and said, "Can you hear me?"

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