New Markets - 02 (14 page)

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Authors: Kevin Rau

Tags: #Science Fiction

BOOK: New Markets - 02
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"That's probably enough for a test.  Again, I don't want you going all happy on everyone all day.  They'll think you're the one on drugs."

He smiled broadly at me, and hugged me to him.  I returned the hug.  It was hard not to with his happy state practically radiating off from him.  Whereas the criminals I'd thrown into fear pools had radiated a distasteful aura of fear, not to mention the screams while I was in their mind, Professor Zilgard's happiness was a joy to be around.

We walked back out to his central mental chamber, and I found his subconscious door open, thick grass spread through the chamber, and a beautiful forest scene appeared around us.

"Wow, I didn't realize anyone could control their own mental landscape like this."

"I did this?  I thought you did."

I held up my hands, "Not me, I'm innocent.  I just find and see things in here, I don’t think I’ve ever created anything new in someone’s mind."  I realized that I'd best get out of here before something really strange occurred.  I quickly flew to the mindview exit and left his mind.  It was a shock, as usual, and I was stunned as I regained my own view.


My mind cleared after an unknown time.  I found myself lying on a table, Professor Zilgard stood next to me, holding my hand.  He was smiling broadly as he looked down at me.  His mindview sharpened into focus as usual in a moment.  I felt the flow of happiness and concern mixed together through his mindview.

I asked, "Did I fall unconscious?"

"No, but you almost fell over, I helped you onto the table.  Are you all right?"

"Yeah, I'm doing good now, thank you.  How about you?"

"I feel wonderful.  So that wasn't my imagination?  Did you do, well, this?"

"I tried to make you happy, are you happy?"

"Very.  This has to be one of the best days ever.  And here I have a super girl in my very own class!"

"Uh, can you please keep that quiet for now though?  Please?  I'm sure some genetics and perhaps biology professors will be in on a study group class that Professor Gently is trying to start up, but until then I don't want everyone knowing what I am...."

"Sure thing!"  As I sat up he gave me a hug and tight squeeze.  I could feel his exuberance in the hug. 
Obviously having them touch their happy pond makes them happy in the real world too.  Very cool.  Wow, that opens up some interesting possibilities.  I wonder if I could pull someone out of a depressed state.

The wave of happiness poured so strongly through his mindview into me.  I couldn't help but smile and return the hug.  I'd felt a variety of emotions up close, but this level of happiness from someone touching me was intense.  I couldn't bring myself to pull away from him. 

Finally he stopped hugging me and said, "Thank you for that.  Did the mind reading thing work?"

I had to blink and focus for a moment; I'd been purely enjoying the happiness coming from him.  "Let me check."

I thought of his memory and was able to review it as usual.  I lost bits here and there, but in general I gained far more from it than I had sitting in class for two hours.

I said, "Wow, yeah, I got a lot from it.  Kind of cool getting your viewpoint of teaching the class.  I, ah, never realized how much you noticed students not paying attention.  Thank you, though."

"You're most welcome!  Now, I'm off to a lunch meeting.  You have a wonderful afternoon!  Oh, and I love your perfume."

"Thank you, you too, Professor!"  I grinned at him.

He rushed over to his class materials and packed them up.  He started humming to himself as he did so.  I did the same with my notepad and pen, and then left the room.  He smiled broadly at me as I left the room.

My stomach growled as I walked down the hall.  I debated flying off campus to get something at some out of the way place, but it didn't seem wise to fly in and out of the campus too often.  Someone would see, and eventually spot me wearing what I flew in with.

My feet carried me to the cafeteria, and I stood staring at it from the corridor nearby.  It was as busy as ever.  My happiness eroded quickly as the fear of entering flooded through me.

A mindview stared at me as it grew in my vision.  I let them approach and speak before I turned toward them.  Someone wanted to ask me to lunch.

A male voice asked, "Hey, uhh, care to join me for lunch?"  Mentally he prepared himself for rejection.  He'd only had the bravery to ask because a friend dared him.

I looked at him and grinned. 
Hey, this could work.
  I said, "Hi, I would, but I can't go into the cafeteria.  Something in there, umm, sets off allergies."  He was a computer geek, or perhaps math major from the looks of him.  I thought I recalled seeing him in the library sometimes during my study groups there.

He looked dejected, and mentally kicked himself for even asking me. 

That gave me an idea, and I said, "But ... if I gave you money, would you pick me up lunch and I'll eat it with you in one of the corridor alcoves?"

His face brightened and he grinned broadly.  "Sure!  Yeah!"  He gave a thumbs up signal behind his back, unfortunately for him I caught the mental thought of it.  I smiled even more and laughed.

I said, "I saw that, you know."  I winked at his friend, another computer type if my hunch was correct.

I dug out some of the cash I'd stashed in my belt, making sure no one would see the golden belt hidden in my backpack.  I handed him the cash and asked if he'd get me a large burger, fries and soda.  Just talking about food reminded me about how hungry I was.  If Agent Carson was correct, I needed more calories than before, and had definitely been using more of my powers this morning.

I smiled and said, "By the way, I'm Steph."

"Hi, I'm Jim, Jim Bronin."

"Nice to meet you Jim Jim."  I winked at him and grinned.

He laughed nervously and said, "Just Jim.  I'll be right back!"

His friend rushed to join him, pushing him on the shoulder as they entered the cafeteria.  I snickered to myself. 
Boys.  Well, if I can't get my own food, I guess I can lure in some nice guys every day to get my lunch for me and eat with them.  At worst I meet a bunch of new people, and have some possibly boring lunches.

As I waited by the wall, I noticed that I attracted a lot of stares from people entering or leaving the cafeteria area.  Those I didn’t see look at me I caught either thoughts from outside mindview range, or what they looked in within mindview range.  A few walked close to me, and commonly they thought I wore some pleasant perfume. 
I’ll have to make up a name for my, ah, perfume I guess.  I’m bound to get asked more about it.  Maybe I should claim I make it myself – something I learned in a chemistry class.

My heroes appeared again exiting the cafeteria.  I heard their thoughts as they looked for me, wondering if I’d still be there.  Jim debated if I’d be okay if his friend Mike joined us during lunch.  Mike waited back a ways to see if Jim would ask.  This was one of those times telepathy could prevent shy and awkward situations.

I said, “Jim, I noticed that your friend was with you, why doesn’t he join us as well?”

He immediately wondered if I liked Mike more than him. 
Ah, insecurity. 
I rolled my eyes at the thought, then slipped my left arm around Jim’s right and motioned for Mike to join us.  Mike’s jaw dropped when he saw me close and actually touch Jim.  Jim was practically in shock as well. 
Wow, these two don’t get girls touching them very often…

Jim stammered, “Uh, Steph, this is Mike.  Mike, Steph.”

I leaned forward to shake Mike’s hand.  I didn’t often shake people’s hands, friends and acquaintances I normally hug, so discovering how, well, weak his handshake was felt very odd to me.  His thoughts were similar, except he wondered how I had such a strong grip.  I hadn’t thought I’d squeezed that hard.

I asked, “Shall we?”

Jim replied, “Yeah, there ought to be some alcoves over here.”  He led us away from the cafeteria until we found a quieter hall with raised carpeted platforms for students to sit and study on.

He was let down when I slid my arm out of his, so I sat down cross legged, making sure that my knee stayed in contact with his leg.  I smoothed out the skirt as I settled into place.  Every little touch seemed to make him so happy, it amused me greatly.  It certainly made it easy to keep smiling.

Jim handed me a bag and soda, then opened his up.

I asked, “So are you guys in Comp Sci, or Math degrees?”

They nodded.  Jim said, “Computer programming.  How about you?”

“Genetics, well, the bachelors for it.”

For a moment their thoughts were in disbelief.  Their preconceptions of people in the genetics program were quite different from how I apparently looked.  Although, I suppose I profiled them the same way thinking they were computer geeks.

Mike asked, “Really?  For plants and stuff?”

“Some of the classes have to do with plant genetics, yeah.  I found those pretty boring though.  I’m far more interested in superheroes and mutants.”

Jim looked surprised.  “Really?  You’re into superheroes?”

“Yeah, I love ‘em.  I want to get into research on them.”

“I wish I could meet a superhero.”

I choked on the bite of hamburger I was eating at the irony of that statement.  Jim awkwardly patted me on the back while I cleared my throat.  I said, “Yeah, uh, me too.”

He asked, “So what’s your favorite super power?”

I looked surprised for a moment. 
How did he know?
  Then I realized from his thoughts that it was a hypothetical question.

“Oh, um, I like flight a lot.  It gives a lot of freedom of movement, the speed is, well, would be a rush.”

Mike jumped in, “Yeah, but unless you had some protection from the wind and particles in the air you’d have to wear a helmet and oxygen supply.  Unless you had slow ass flight.  Plus clothes would get torn up, and also, you couldn’t take along passengers.”

I realized I sat there with my mouth open staring at him until I noticed my own expression in their mindviews.  I said, “Well, what if you had some kind of field around you that reduced the wind shear.  That would protect your clothing, make the air more breathable, assuming there was enough oxygen, and the field made carrying others easier?”

“Okay, now you’re really stretching what a superpower would give.  You’re including some kind of force field, plus a weight distribution or some such?  Come on.”

I shrugged, “Well, if flight had a field like that I’d like it a lot.”

“I guess I would too, I just don’t see that happening.”

“Regeneration is pretty cool too.”

Jim said, “Yeah, but that’s not an active power, it’s definitely passive.  Not much exciting about someone just healing damage.  I mean, it’d make for a good TV show where the good guy rushes into the bad guy infested building and gets shot up.  He takes them out and heals up the damage.  But generally … not exciting.”

I said, “I agree with that.  But if you’re a hero that is getting injured, healing fast is pretty huge.  Can you imagine being out of action for a few weeks after every fight with villains?”

“Ouch.  Yeah, that would suck.  People in the comics don’t seem to get injured that often.  Either they dodge a lot, or they have body armor.”

I snorted, “Hmph, I wish.”

Both of them looked at me oddly, they wondered where that comment came from. 

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