New Markets - 02 (10 page)

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Authors: Kevin Rau

Tags: #Science Fiction

BOOK: New Markets - 02
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"Not yet.  I'll assume everything is the way it should be.  What's the latest on the kidnapping case?  We're here; we can handle the raid on the kidnappers for you once Psystar gets the details.  We won't have to worry about getting hurt."

"Psystar made the same type of comment before she went to apprehend the kidnapper she's with.  I heard she got shot up pretty badly.  Besides, it’s not so much
getting hurt that’s the problem.  It’s the victims getting injured during a fight."

That shocked me.  "That's odd, she's not a fighter."

He shrugged.  "I don't know much more than that.  I wasn't at the scene.  I take it you guys are combatants?"

"Pretty much.  One would think the claws, and Spartan's giant size would make that obvious.  I’m not concerned about being shot too much.  Spartan here could probably laugh off a machine gun, perhaps even a sniper rifle or rocket launcher.  Hey, Spartan, we need to test that on you."

"One can't be sure of anything with a meta you're meeting for the first time, I’ve heard that even some small women like Psystar could be armored."

I nodded my agreement at that.  Even among mutants there was a great variety in strength, speed, and potential off abilities.  Like that Shrinker mutant that was still on the loose.  At first glance you would think she was a normal mutant, but she could also reduce a person down to action figure size.  Stephanie was shrunk down the last time our groups met. 
I should check on that metal super lady that changed the other day.

Spartan said, “Not sure where we’d be able to buy that stuff.  Too bad we don’t have any military contacts; I could give them a moving target to practice on.  In return I’d get to see what live fire feels like.”

I replied, “Actually, the Metrocity S.W.A.T. team probably has all but the rocket launcher, they might be willing to try it.”

“Good idea.  You going to be out on the range with me?”

I laughed, “Yeah, right.  Hell no.”

“Hmm, the more I think about it, the more I like the idea.  The S.W.A.T. team goes into a lot of dangerous situations.  I could see us getting involved with them many times in the future.  I’d like to be on good terms with them.”

Agent Dunsworth said, “You guys always jump into other agencies busts for an extra payday?”

Spartan cocked his head to the side as he said, “Do you honestly believe that’s why I do this?”  His expression was harder than normal to read without being able to clearly see the eyes and eyebrows.

“You get a commission for each bust, right?  Plus an awful lot of news time.”

“True, we do get a commission, but I’d help with the kidnapping thing without getting one.  My motivation is to save people, and prevent others from getting injured.”

“I have difficulty believing that.  I’ve seen enough heroes to see how they act.”

“It might be how they were brought up.  Most supers seem to be randomly selected for being ‘activated’ with powers.  Take any random Joe on the street, and check out his personality profile.  I was raised with the idea of being a hero.”

“How could you be raised in the hopes of something extremely rare happening to you?  That sounds suspicious.”

I said, “Our parents were supers.  I’m pretty sure one of them knew a long time ago it would happen, got us together as children, and put us under the care of the two parents that had a hero mindset the most.  Psystar’s father made sure we were at the right place to be transformed.”

Spartan looked at me.  “You think he’s a psychic too?”

“I’m positive.  In fact, now that I think about it, you notice how he always sent Ste … Psystar over to your mom’s with extra things that she just happened to need later on?  I mean, there were times I didn’t have stuff with me when I hung out at your place, but Psystar never had that happen.”

Spartan looked thoughtful; he scratched his chin as he seemed to go through memories.  “Dang.  You’re right.  I can’t think of a single time he hadn’t sent her over with everything that she needed.”

Agent Dunsworth said, “So … you guys both have parents that are supers too?”

I said, “Right.”

“Wow.  What was that like?  Were they H.E.R.O. agents too?”

“My father was.  I have no idea what Psystar’s father was, but he was gone a lot.  I mean, almost weekly he’d be gone for days.  My father was gone a lot too, but mostly in the evening or at night, not for days.  Needless to say, I found I couldn’t pull much over on the old man.  Now I know that he had enhanced vision, hearing, possibly smell, taste and touch as well, like I do.”

Spartan said, “My mom’s great, she’s a brick as well, but not a hero.  Well, not an agent at least.  I know she’s saved a few construction workers before that got into situations on the site.”

Agent Dunsworth asked, “She ever spank you?’

Spartan laughed, “Heck no.  She’d probably have broken my bones if she did.  She’s one of the calmest people I know.”

I said, “My dad didn’t need to hit me.  He had this … aura about him.  When he got mad, I knew he was mad.  Just seeing him look at me while angry was enough to put fear into me.”

Agent Dunsworth said, “I can’t imagine having you as a father.  I mean, who needs a monster under the bed?  You look pretty intimidating all on your own.”

“Actually, since a kid would grow up seeing me this way, they ought to be used to it.  It’d be the norm for them.  If anything, what would any child of mine have to fear from a monster under the bed?  Dad could whoop it up on the monster.”

Dunsworth laughed.  “You’re right, I guess.”


My phone rang.  I answered, “Black Tiger.”

The voice said, “Hey, Tiger.  It’s me.”  I let out a breath, and felt my shoulders relax just hearing her voice.  I couldn’t believe how glad I was just to hear Stephanie’s voice.  Dunsworth’s eyes flicking toward my fingers made me realize my claws had receded.

“I’m glad to hear from you.  Everything okay?”

“It is now.  I’ve got a location, and some names that Agent Willman will look into.  We can handle the grunt work while they handle the intel activities.”

“Kick ass.  We’re at the kidnap victim’s house, want to meet us here?”

“Sure, I’ll be there in a minute or two.”  I heard her ask someone else, “Are you headed back to the house, or to your office?”

I heard Agent Willman answer Stephanie in the background.  “My office is in Metrocity.  I’ll make some calls here, and then head over to the location you found with some other agents.”

“Sounds good.  You there, Tiger?  I’ll be there in a few.”

“Yeah, still here.  See you when you get here.”

“Okay, see you soon.”  She hung up.

Hmph, the agents didn’t lie after all.  Which means I was being an asshole to this guy, I suppose. 
I decided to suck up my pride and make good with the agent.  “Agent Dunsworth?”

Agent Dunsworth looked eager for any news.  “Yeah?”

“I, uhh, I’m sorry for getting on your case earlier.  Psystar’s on her way here, Agent Willman’s going to meet us at the kidnappers location.”

He looked surprised.  “Well ... sure thing.  It could have gone better, I suppose.”

I asked, “Do they have a photograph of the victim here?”

“Yeah, come in.”  He led the way into the house.  Once inside, he introduced us to Mr. and Mrs. Lieberman.   He explained to them, “Spartan and Black Tiger will be working with us on the extraction of your daughter.”  We shook hands with them.  Mr. Lieberman appeared very impressed by Lance’s size.

I caught movement outside the window, and saw Stephanie standing up from a crouched position on the lawn. 
I see you, babe!

She glanced quickly at the window and grinned at me, and then walked to the front door.

I slapped Spartan’s chest with the back of my hand.  “She’s here.  Let’s go kick some kidnapper ass.”  We met her outside.

She hugged me and said, “What an awful morning so far.”

I wonder what the feds avoided telling us?

She held up her hand.  “I’ll tell you later.  It’ll just make you mad.”

She stepped back after the hug, and I noticed that her costume had traces of red mixed in with it.  There was a faint smell of blood around her, almost overwhelmed by her natural fragrance.

She put a hand on my chest and said, “Later.  Not now.  Here’s the address they brought Zena to.”  She held out her H.E.R.O. phone with the address displayed.  Lance and I entered it into our phones to display a map of the location. 
I wonder if these have any games on them….

Lance said, “I’ll meet you guys there.”  He turned, scanned the street and leaped away.

I watched after him and joked, “Ribbit!”

Stephanie grinned again as she slid her arm around my waist.  She winked at me as she gave me a squeeze.  I followed suit on her, and then watched her leg as she appeared to step up onto some kind of invisible step and pushed off.  We floated up into the air.  We coasted upwards slowly for a minute while she looked at her H.E.R.O. phone for the direction to fly.

We flew over a suburban business district for a few minutes before hovering over a building near a defunct oil change business.

She pointed, “That’s where they’re at.  As soon as Spartan shows we can hit it.”

I asked, “How many kidnappers are there?”

“There ought to be four in there.  The other guy was supposed to pick up some food and such before they left for Metrocity.  He had the van.”

“Metrocity?  This wasn’t a kidnapping for money from the parents?”

“I don’t know.  The guy I mind read wasn’t the leader.  He just knew they were heading back to Metrocity.”

Why would they want to go back to Metrocity?  They had to have had other plans for the girl in that case.  She’s only thirteen or so, not old enough to be considered for some kind of bride for sale.  Maybe some kind of sick organ thieves?

Stephanie looked quickly up at my face. 
Oops, sorry.  Was just thinking to myself, forgot about your overhearing thing.

She squeezed my arm and said, “No need.  It’s not your fault to think about the possibilities, nor that I can hear them.  You wouldn’t believe the thoughts – or looks – I see from some people.”

I spotted a flash of color in the sky and pointed Lance out to her.  She flew us down toward a large building top to meet him.



Chapter 5 – Rescue


Third Person Perspective



Lance landed a short distance from Stephanie and Rael.  He straightened from his leap landing crouch, and walked over to them.  They walked to the edge of the building top to look over the target building.

He said, “So what’s the plan?  I go in the front, you two go in the back?”

Rael shrugged, “Works for me.”

Stephanie nodded, “They might have automatic weapons; the guy I nabbed earlier had a fully automatic submachine gun.  They all had some type of rifles from the guy's memories.”

Rael said, “Let me lead the way in, then.  I’d rather not see you get shot.”

“Yeah, me either.  Last time sucked.”

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