New Love (4 page)

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Authors: MJ Fields

BOOK: New Love
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oo early to tell,” she smiled at him.

She clicked a few buttons taking measurements.

“It looks like you are about twelve weeks, so we won’t be able to tell for at least another two months,” she said. “Excited daddy, huh?”

“Actually I’
m a bit confused,” Lucas said, “Sadi is five months pregnant, not three. Can you check again?”

She looked at him “
Sure. No… she’s twelve weeks, so just through the first trimester.”

, that’s not right. Is it possible that something is wrong with our baby?” Lucas asked concerned.

“Actually everything looks great, a strong heartbeat, all the measurements are good, every
thing is perfect.”

“Okay could we
please talk to the doctor? She’s five months, she came here about two months ago, and you guys told her she was pregnant so obviously something’s not right, and I would like to make sure our child is healthy.”

“Okay, I’
ll get the Doctor” she left the room.

“Are you alright Sadi?” he asked

She looked at him and turned away.

, are you okay?” Lucas asked again firmly.

The doctor walked in and introduced himself, “So you’re concerned about the size of your child?”

“Yes, Sadi was here two months ago, and she was told she was three months pregnant. Now that woman said twelve weeks. I’m confused as to why it’s not a concern and that we shouldn’t be doing further testing.”

“Sadi I’
m your doctor so if you would like to discuss this with me in private, please say so.”

, do you need a minute or are we in this together?” Lucas looked confused.

“Go ahead,” she whispered to the doctor.

“Sadi is twelve weeks pregnant. She was in here a few months ago and had a false positive home test. We did blood work that proved otherwise. She wasn’t pregnant, and we clearly told her that.” The doctor explained.

sat down and was stunned, shocked, and speechless. Finally he spoke, “Do you know what you have done? Do you?”

“Mr. Links,” the doctor said in a warning.

“No, no, no! You aborted a baby behind my back about eight months ago. I brought you here and paid to get you on the pill and still dated your crazy ass. Then I finally find someone who I love and you fake a pregnancy?” Lucas started to laugh, “Doc she’s crazy, what the fuck?”

“Listen son, did you sleep with her two and a hal
f months ago?”

“Yes, I thought she was three months pregn
ant, and I fucked her.”

“Well then you had sex with her willingly and you have a 12 week o
ld baby growing in her body. I would suggest you take responsibility and stop talking to her like that,” he scolded Lucas.

“Holy Fuck!
Sadi--- what is fucking wrong with you?”

Sadi looked at him, and tears fell down her face, “I love you.”

“What the fuck ever, get dressed. Doc can she be put on Meds to fix her fucking head before my helpless child is born?”

“That’s enough son,” the doctor said.

“No shit!” he said, “After I pay your fucking bill I’ll be in the car, hurry up.”  Lucas stood and walked out the door.


Lucas dropped her off at her house and went to his. He took his little pipe and flopped on his bed.
What the hell was he going to do now? This was crazy. What had he done? How was he going to tell Tessa, his family, Tommy? What was he going to do?

walked out of his house and drove to the farm. When he got out he realized Sadi left the sonogram picture in the car and he grabbed it. He walked around outside and tried to wrap his brain around what had just happened.

Tessa walked outsi
de, “So is it a boy?”

walked past her and flipped the picture at her and walked towards the back of the farm.

Tessa caught up to him, “Hey
Lucas, what’s going on,”  he laughed and squatted down and looked at her, his eyes were red, and he was pissed. “Lucas are you stoned?”

“Maybe buzzed,”
Lucas laughed again.


“Hey Tessa wanna hear a funny story?” Lucas asked running his hand through his hair.

“Sure?” she said with concern in her eyes.

“Oh wait first check out the picture baby. Look at all the cool numbers at the top.”

Tessa looked at the due date and all the numbers, “Hey my little stoner buddy, I think you got the wrong pictur

“Baby you’
re smarter than that, look at the name on it,” Lucas laughed.

Lucas, I’m confused.”

be Tessa… ask the questions I’ve never lied to you.”

“Is she tw
elve weeks?”

“Yep… I fucked h
er when I was living here. She got pregnant then, as a matter a fact she had a false positive pregnancy test and had blood drawn, they told her she wasn’t pregnant.  Sadi fucked with the paperwork and flat ass lied to me. Oh but remember as the good doctor pointed out to me I fucked her, it’s my responsibility. I’m sure my hot bodied little blonde here would agree, wouldn’t you baby?”

She just looked at him.

“And that’s what I thought,” he stood and walked away.

Lucas wait,” Tessa said and ran up to him,“Is he healthy?”

“Sure is,” he said laughing.

“Okay-- that’s good right?”

“Are you fucking insane too?” he snapped
. “That’s good? Fuck Tessa! She’s put me… us through hell, I would prefer she go play in the fucking road right now instead of fucking caring about how that nut job is going to take care of my child.”

“Well, no-- I’
m not insane. But if you don’t think she could take care of him, then maybe you could get custody.”

“Fuck you Tessa
-- I’m eighteen years old. I was raised by a lush whose head I pulled out of the toilet almost every night from the time I was three years old, on. I know nothing about taking care of a kid,” he yelled at her.

Lucas, yes you do, you took care of yourself, and you can do this.”

She looked for his keys and saw his pocket bulging,
she thought.

Lucas would you come here just for a minute.”

He walked towards her, she pulled his head down and kissed him,
and he moaned and grabbed one of her breasts and squeezed it hard. He took the other,
t she thought, she reached under his shirt, and rubbed is stomach. He groaned as she reached into his pocket.

“Oh fuck baby,” he
reached down low and rubbed her hard.

Lucas don’t,” Tessa whispered.

“Come on baby, I need you right now, you love me right?” he asked she didn’t reply.

She grabbed his keys and whispered in his ear, “I do, and don’t be mad at me please.” She turned and she walked away.

“Get back here
baby,” he his nostrils flared.

She kept
walking; he ran up and grabbed her.

Lucas I love you, please be nice to me,” she hugged him, “I’m so sorry this happened to you.”

He didn’t hug her back, he was pissed, “Give. Me. My keys Tessa.”

She let go of him and looked up, “Nope.”

“I have shit to do
, Tessa,” he growled.

"What do you need to do

He grabbed for the keys
and she took off running. He stood there with his arms crossed, she turned around.

"If you can catch them
, you can have them," she lifted her shirt and put his keys in her bra.

shook his head and took off after her. She ran for the woods as fast as she could. He was right behind her, she ran harder and turned up the field and headed back towards the farm. Eventually, he slowed down and then walked. He looked up, and she was smiling tapping her wrist and beckoning him with her hand to come on.

was pissed and flipped her off. She smirked and then laughed out loud. She walked into the barn and sat on a bale of hay. He walked in breathless and looked at her, she was smiling and laughed.

"I never thought about it before, but quarterbacks don't ru
n very much, do they?"

"Enough to catch your buddy Ben’s ass before he
made a touchdown," he snapped.

"But not as fast as me," she beamed.

"Fine, you win. But I’ll go after them if you don't hand them over.”

, you won't," she said breathlessly.

He walked towards her and stopped and looked at her.

“Tessa? Are you scared of me?" he asked and she walked past him.

"No," she
walked towards the house, he followed her.

“You look better. Your eyes don't look like someone poked you in them, buzz gone?" she asked.

He shook his head yes, and he looked tired.

Do you have the Munchies?"

He smiled softly, and she told him to sit on the couch. She made popcorn and turned on the TV and handed him the remote. She rubbed the back of his head and ate popcorn. He leaned in her shoulder and eventually he fell asleep. She scooted out and laid him gently down and covered him up, she grabbed the bowl and cleaned up a little. She sat in front of him on the floor and watched him sleep. She wanted to scream at him, and she wanted to kill Sadi, but regardless, the situation was not going to change and she needed to help him get through it.


gathered together marinated steaks, started twice baked potatoes and grabbed frozen corn from their field out of the freezer. She texted Jade, Tommy, Phoebe and Ryan and asked them to come for dinner, they all accepted. She was baking when he woke up.

He walked into the kitchen, "What are you doing?"

She smiled, "Good nap?"

"It was nice.”

“I am making dinner, Tommy, Jade, Phoebe, and Ryan are coming over. Does that sound fun?"

He looked at her, and she couldn't read his face, "Sure."

"Lucas I just thought you would want the people who love you around right now, I'm sorry."

"I appreciate it. Could I plea
se take you out tomorrow? Alone?" He asked, her face froze, "as my friend Tessa."

"Of course," Tessa blushed.

Tessa made a big salad and Lucas helped. He turned on some music hoping she would dance around the kitchen. As usual Tessa started bopping around. Lucas smiled a bitter sweet smile knowing this be the last night he spent watching her dance while she cooked for him.


They all started coming in, and Tessa tried to allow Lucas ample time to talk to the boys about what had happened today if he wanted to. Tessa got out cards, and they sat around and played five card draw.

watched her laugh and smile and nothing else in the room mattered. He had broken and shattered her, and that didn't work, she still loved him. He didn’t look forward to what was to come.


That night she woke him up at 2:30 in the morning again. He knew she would, he made sure of it. She was much harder to calm down. She was angry and hurt and scared, he regretted it almost immediately. She sobbed and begged him not to go, he couldn’t tell her he wouldn't. He kissed her each time she cried until she fell back to sleep.


The next day was a blur. Sadness and heartache filled the house. By the end of the day the house was spotless and Tessa had gone for two runs despite the bitter cold air.


The next morning Tessa had gotten up and made breakfast and left a note.

-I have some things to do
. Breakfast is ready, see you all later.

Tessa drove up to camp and went inside and lay down and sobbed.
Lucas was taking his things home today, and she didn’t want to be there. Tessa opened her bag and took one of the pain pills from her ankle injury. She drank it down and fell asleep.

Tommy, Ryan, and Alex helped
Lucas move, they were done by noon. Lucas was going to cook for the Ross’s tonight as a thank you. He had bought Prime Rib and googled how to cook it. At two o'clock, he wondered where she was, and by five, he was going out of his mind. He texted her again.

Her phone chimed, and she finally woke up

-Tessa we’re all worried where are you?...LL


she thought, she had slept way longer than she had hoped, she jumped up and got in the truck and drove home.

“Where have you been,”
Lucas asked as he was checking her out.

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