New Beginnings (True Hybrid Book 1) (12 page)

BOOK: New Beginnings (True Hybrid Book 1)
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"If you don't I will."


I hear a gasp from the doorway.


"I like her. She's feisty."


The comment is followed by deep laughter.  I think we are going to get along just fine. I decide to stay in the shower just a bit longer.


Once my muscles are fully relaxed, I get out. I grab a towel and wrap it around myself before stepping from behind the shower curtain. I close the bathroom door and lock it. I get dressed quickly and walk into the cold room.


I notice a male Damon with red hair and black eyes, about 7’ and muscular; a female archer with brown hair and silver eyes, about 6’6 and slender; a male Gargoyle with grey hair and purple eyes, about 6’8 and defined; and an Incubus with black hair and ice green eyes, about 6’4 and perfect.


“I think that’s enough of your thinking missy.”


I look at Zander, and realize he’s mad. What did I do now? I look at him questioningly.


“You thinking about how Dustin is perfect.”


Oh. So the Incubus is Dustin. I decide to get under Zander’s skin a little. I walk up to Dustin and put my hand on his chest. Walking around him I let my hand slide across him as Zander watches.


I stop when I make it back to the front of him. I grab Dustin by the back of his head and pull him to me. Before our lips touch Zander jerks me away from Dustin.


He is furious at me, guess that will teach him to tell me what to think about. He is shaking with anger. It is actually cute. His face and ears turn red. I know what is going to happen if he doesn’t calm down.


“You need to relax or your wolf will take over and you’ll shift. Now do you really want to do that with me standing this close?”


He looks at me for a moment. I’m smashed against his chest, with his face pressed into my neck.


After a few moments his breathing evens out and he kisses my mark. The sensation shoots straight to my core, and everyone in the room can smell it. I know because everyone’s head jerks in my direction. I growl at Zander.


“You did that on purpose. You’re such a jerk. Ugh!”


I try to push him away but he holds on.


“What? Don’t like the payback?”


I stick out my bottom lip, and he laughs.


It isn’t fare. He used my mark against me. Guess it’s time to return the favor. I wrap my arms around his neck and pull him to me. He leans forward without a fight.


At the last second I move my face and bit down on his mark, grabbing his shaft at the same time. He growls and everyone laughs.


“I really like her. She’s going to keep you on your toes Zander.”


I like Rage’s compliment. Zander just stares at me. I meet his eyes before I speak.


“What? Don’t like the payback?”


I laugh and walk away from him. I don’t know where this brave me is coming from, but I like her. Zander storms into the bathroom, mumbling about taking a cold shower. Which cause everyone to start laughing again. The archer decides to break our laughing fit.


“I’m Alek. The gargoyle is Gabriel. You already met Rage and Dustin. We are here to help y’all.”


I look at each of them for a moment, and think they are and odd group.


“Thanks but you see I don’t want anyone to get hurt. So, thanks but no thanks.”


Alek looks taken back by what I said. They must obviously not realize who I am.


“You must not know who or what I am. So, I’ll clue you in. I am the Reaper. The only true mixture of every species.”


Everyone’s jaw drops to the floor and stares at me. What’s the big deal? Am I not what they expected?




I look at each of them and see resignation on their faces.


“You're not what I thought.”


Dustin says what everyone is thinking. The rest just nod in unison.


“Oh yea? Why is that?”


I look at him waiting for my answer.


“I thought you would be bigger and male.”


I raise an eyebrow at his answer.


“Well guess what? Dynamite comes in small packages, but I’m sure your shaft is the complete opposite according to everyone you’ve ever slept with.”


I left it as it is. He will either find the compliment in that, or the criticism. By the look on his face, he heard the criticism. He turns around so I can’t see the expression on his face. I wait while everyone around us snickers and giggles.


Dustin finally turns around and starts laughing. I’m confused, but apparently he appreciates my humor. Zander is taking a long time in the shower. Then it hits me.


My body lights up like the fourth of July. I turn around and run into the bathroom. I walk toward the shower, opening my mind to what he is thinking about. I pull the curtain back and see Zander leaning against the wall.


His shaft is in his hand and he is stroking himself. His eyes open and he stares right at me. Not once stopping his assault on his shaft.


“Why didn’t you just ask me to join you?”


He stops and grabs me. My clothes instantly turn wet and become harder to get off, but we manage.


“I want to taste you before I take you.”


He doesn’t give me enough time to respond before dropping to his knees and placing his mouth on my core. I’m holding on to the wall and shower curtain for support as he licks and nibbles me to my climax.


After the quakes of my climax start to settle down, Zander stands up. He picks me up and I wrap my legs around his waist. Hands on my thighs, he guides me down onto his shaft. Once he is fully sheathed he stops.


“I have to make this last. You're so tight. I’m not sure how long this will last.”


His voice is husky and strained. It turns me on even more, causing my core to squeeze his shaft. We gasp at the pressure. He starts to move. His hands are on my butt, pulling me up and down his shaft.


I enjoy the feel of the building pressure inside my core. It is amazing, but something has changed. I look at Zander, and get scared. He stopped moving and kisses me.


“Is there something you need to tell me love?”


I look at him in confusion. Not understanding what he thinks I’m hiding from him. He moves one of his hands to my stomach.


“Don’t try to play coy with me. I can sense you’re pregnant.”


I look at him in utter shock and disbelief.


“I’m not pregnant. You're mistaken. I’ve only had sex with you and it was only one other time.”


I focus all of me on my stomach, and gasp at what I find. There is a tiny heartbeat that doesn’t belong to me. I look at Zander with tears in my eyes.


“This can’t be.”


Zander stares at me with a blank expression.


“I’m not going to let you out of my sight. We are heading back to my pack as soon as we get everything packed. You and my pup needs to get examined by the doctor.”


Zander places me on my feet. My arm shoots out to catch myself when I fall. Zander catches me at the last second. The last thing I heard is Zander asking if I’m ok, before everything goes black.


At first I hear several voices, but they are too far away to make out. I try opening my eyes, but they are weighed down. The voices are getting farther and farther away. I feel strong arms around me. Then all of the sudden everything is gone.


I can hear someone calling my name.


Oh Lotus please wake up.

I don’t know what I’d do without you.”

I can hear someone crying.

Everything is dark and no one is around.

I feel strong arms wrap around me and soft lips press against my mark.

I enjoy the comforting feeling.

I want to stay here forever.


I open my eyes to a bright world. What happened?


“Oh my Lotus! You're alright. I was so worried about you.”


I look around and notice everything is the same as a bit ago. I look at Zander and notice his eyes are red and puffy.


“What’s wrong? Why are you crying? Is something wrong with the baby?”


My hands go to my stomach. I know I just found out I’m pregnant but I enjoy the thought of becoming a mother.


“No love. The pup’s fine. You on the other hand passed out. You had me worried sick.”


I notice the sun had gone down some.


“How long was I out for?”


I look at Zander and he smiles.


“You weren’t out long. It’s only been about an hour.”


He is right. It hadn’t been that long.


“I didn’t fall or anything, did I?”


He just shakes his head.


“I caught you before you fell in the shower.”


I was in the shower? I look down and notice I’m only wearing a towel.




I reach for the blanket and cover up. That is so wrong.  I’m around complete strangers and practically naked. What’s wrong with him?

“Why didn’t you make them leave the room and dress me?”


My face is red from blushing. I push everyone out the way as I get up to get dressed. Zander follows me around like a shadow. I walk into the bathroom and shut the door. Which doesn’t do a lot of good, since Zander opens it. He watches me get dressed. The heat for me is gone from his eyes. He’s more worried something might happen to me while he’s not around.


“Can’t I get dressed in peace? You’re giving me the creeps, following me around.”


He looks me straight in the eyes before talking.


“I’m not leaving your side for any reason. I’m going to be with you at all cost. You’re my bond and that is my pup. So, that means I go wherever you go.”


I don’t argue. He somewhat has a point. I want him around. So, if I fall again he can catch me. So, I don’t hurt the baby. I just nod and finish getting dressed. I understand him being over protective. Can’t expect anything else when I’m carrying his pup, especially with him being an alpha.


After I finish getting dressed, I head out of the bathroom to pack my clothes. I don’t have much. So, it doesn’t take me long. I walk to the door but get stopped by one massive arm. Rage is blocking my way.


“Where do you think you’re going missy?”


I look at him.


“I’m gonna put my stuff in my car. Do you mind moving your arm?”


He just looks at me for a moment.


“You're not leaving until Zander leaves, and by the looks of it he’s not ready yet.”


Is he really doing this to me? I spin around and run into solid muscle. Zander is walking up behind me and I run into him. Yay! Show off your clumsy side Lizzy. Zander laughs and I give him a pointed look.


Oh. He thinks my thoughts are funny, huh. Let’s see what he thinks of this. Me laying on a bed naked with a female. Playing with her and teasing her nipples. Leaning forward letting my tongue barely touch the pebble. A deep growl breaks me from my thoughts.


“What? Thought you’d think it was funny like the last.”

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