New Beginnings (True Hybrid Book 1) (22 page)

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I’m just glad I don’t have to go through what every female in my blood line goes through. Every woman who bares children in my blood line gives birth to at least 1 set of 4, and loses 2 for every set. 2 are born healthy and 2 appear to be healthy, but are stillborn. Being a new mother I can’t even begin to fathom how they deal with the loss.


The babies are in lotus form and will change back into human looking babies when they are ready. I can’t count fingers and toes, but I can listen to the steady breathing and heart beats of my 4 healthy babies. I smell them, trying to learn their individual scents.


“You are all healed, Lizzy. You cease to amaze me.”


I looked at Sonny and send a silent thank you to her. I’m glad she was here. Lotus knows what could have, or would have, gone wrong if she wasn’t.


“We need to head back. Sonny can carry the babies in the blanket on Lizzy’s back. Lizzy and I will fly and Zack and Zander can run. No one found Alek-Xander or Samuel at the compound. So, we need to leave in a hurry. If I found y’all. Then I’m sure they can.”


Zander growls at One. He doesn’t like being bossed around. I give him a stern look as I get up. He turns his head, but I know he will do it.


Sonny wraps the babies in the blanket they were laying on when I came to. I bow down so she can climb up on my back. I feel her hands wrap around my feathers as she settles. I stand up completely just as One comes out of the woods in his lotus form.


He is bigger and more muscular than I am. He appears to be about 12’ tall, 20’ long, and has an approximate wing span of 30’. I feel so small and frail as he stands next to me. I also know even on his darkest days, he can’t nor will hurt me.


Ok. Flying is easier than it looks. You might have to focus on your wings moving up and down at first, but it will eventually be second nature. Just focus on flapping your wings and following me. I will lead you to safety.


Ok, One. I trust you.


I do as he instructs. I focus on the up and down motion of my wings. It doesn’t take long for my feet to leave the ground. I follow him up through the trees. As we level out to stay above the trees, it seems to get easier. By the time we cross 2 state lines, I don’t have to even think about it anymore.


Alek-Xander and Samuel had us in an abandoned compound in Arizona. Come to find out they turned it into their own personal prison/torture chamber. We weren’t the first people they brought there. I’m sure we won’t be the last either.


It only takes us a couple of hours for us to get home from Arizona. It seems like the fastest, yet longest, trip of my life. Zander won’t leave me alone. If I block him out he will bother Sonny. I’m so ready to be back on the ground.


As soon as we arrive, the pack runs out to greet us. I still haven’t learned everyone’s faces and names, but they all smell like home. All but one. It is the female Zander was going to choose to be Luna.


She’s petite, but her size doesn’t fool me. She’s a hunter. They are exceptionally fast and strong. The worst part is she’s mad at me. I take the one thing she will stop at nothing to get. Maybe if I find her bond, she will back off.


Sonny slides off my back with the babies held tightly to her chest. She signals for me to follow her, and I do. We walk for about 5 minutes before we reach her house.


“You know they are not going to stop until they have all of y’all? So, we need to come up with a plan of action.”


I nod at Sonny and mentally smile. I’m starting to rub off on her. First things first. Someone needs to teach me how to shift back.


I spend the next 4 hours trying to switch back to human form. It’s a lot harder than it looks. Zander is telling me to picture what I look like. Sonny is telling me to clear my mind. Zack is telling me I’m much more tolerable this way. One is just sitting back, laughing at my futile attempts.


This isn’t fun or fair. They are skilled at switching back and forth. I, on the other hand, am having problems. I can’t picture anything or even clear my mind. Jackass 1 telling me I look better, and jackass 2 laughing. Then boss 1 and boss 2 telling me to do totally different things isn’t helping either.


Eventually I ignore them all and just try to relax and meditate. As soon as I’m able to block everyone out of my head, Zander included, I feel a pain so intense that my vision becomes blurry and I can feel myself losing consciousness. My bones begin to break and bend and I let out a scream of pain. I find myself laying in a heap covered in sweat. I did it! I managed to shift back into my human form and it only took 6 hours.


That is a feeling that I can live the rest of my life without having to experience again. Unfortunately I have a bad feeling that I’m going to have to anyway. Sonny comes to my side to tell me that I figured it out faster than most. I guess some kind of encouragement is better than none right?


“Well! I have some bad news for you.”


“Oh yeah, Sonny? What’s that?”


“You are going to have to shift back. The babies are hungry and you have to feed them.”


“Couldn’t you have reminded me of that hours ago? I thought you were my friend, but you’re more like the master of pain.”


I’m hurting and taking it out on her. I better apologize before I hurt her feelings too bad.


“Look Sonny. I’m sorry for what I said. It’s just that with everything that happened to me today I’m tired and sore. It’s not your fault.”


“I know this is all hard for you Lizzy. I was so focused on helping you I forgot about everything. I will help you as much as I can, but nursing is not one of them.”


We both laugh. It feels good. I know she will help as much as she can to help me.


“Ok. You need to block everything out and concentrate on your lotus. Let your body relax and the shift should slowly work over you.”


I take a deep breath and try to do as Sonny says. It is working until someone brings the babies outside and they are whining. Hearing my babies in distress forces the shift.


It is fast and even more painful than the first time. After I’m able to regain my bearings and catch my breath I run to my babies who are fussing. They all start nuzzling my stomach. So I carefully lay on my side and let my babies feed. They are so beautiful. In this moment it hits me harder than ever, not only would I kill for my babies but I would even lay down my own life.


After the babies finish nursing they fall asleep. Sonny and I bring the babies inside, where I lay with them and we all sleep in a pile. It is the greatest moment in my life.


I wake up to Sonia Abigail fussing, she is in human form. All of my babies are in human form and so am I! We all slept through the transformation, I can live with sleeping through shifts.


The babies and I sleep in the living room in the middle of the floor. It is the only room in the house big enough to accommodate my size. Sonny walks in when she hears the commotion Sonia Abigail was causing, and screeches in excitement.


“You are all in human form!”


As she says this I look at her with a smirk on my face.


“Stop getting so excited and help me get the kids settled down so I can pump some milk.”


After I finish pumping Sonny grabs two bottles to help me feed the children. She chooses to feed Savana Bell and Sonia Abigail. The boys are harder to feed this way. They don’t want to latch onto the bottle nipple at first.


Now that feeding is taken care of and the kids are sound asleep again, One comes to talk to me. I don’t think I’m going to enjoy this conversation because it’s not going to be us catching up on these past few years.


“You know why I’m here Elisabeth. Alek-Xander and Samuel are after you. You need to train using your newly acquired skills. It’s not going to be easy, but it’s what’s best for you and the babies.”


I know he’s right, but it doesn’t make it any easier. There is something I need to do before. The training can wait until morning.


“I agree One, but I need to speak with Zander first. Do you know where he is?”


“He is in his office. Just remember I would kill to be in your position. I think I’m close to finding my bond.”


It warms my heart to hear him wanting to find his bond. Especially being the stone cold assassin he is. I think they might bring some light into his dark existence. I know it has mine. Zander and I might not always get along, but I know unless it comes to the kids he will come first.


“Thank you. And you’re more than welcome to stay as long as you like. I hope you stay long enough for us to catch up.”


We smile at each other as I start to head to Zander’s office.


“Good night Elisabeth.”


“Good night One.”


I walk out of the living room. Zander’s office door is open. That’s very unusual. It’s always closed. I peek inside the office and notice Zander is sitting behind his desk. He must have heard me walking up, because he is looking directly at me.


“Can we talk?”


Zander gestures with his hand for me to enter and have a seat.


“Thank you.”


I walk in and sat down in an overstuffed chair. Zander walks from behind his desk and sits in an overstuffed chair across from me. Not sure how to initiate the conversation, I decide to just dive right in.


“You can see the babies under one condition.”


I pause for a moment. Knowing this conversation might not end very well.


“Before you try to give me orders, you need to understand they are just as much mine as they are yours. We will raise them together. Whether you like it or not you’re stuck with me. There is nothing you can do that will change that. We are both going to have to make some changes. I need to work on being not only an alpha, but a family man too. You need to work on not jumping down my throat every chance you get. I’m new to all this, just like you. We are both going to have to learn this by trial and error. No matter what you think of me they are my number one priority from here on out. Your opinion of me… What’s wrong Elisabeth?”


I don’t realize I start tearing up at hearing him lay our flaws out and saying we need to work on them together. I was coming in here expecting this to be an argument, but he surprised me.


“The kids are with Sonny and One in the living room why don’t you go see them.”


Zander smiles and stands up. As he is walking out of the office I stop him with a few words.


“I love you Zander, always remember that.”


A grin spreads across Zander’s face.


“I love you too Elizabeth”


He walks away.


I sit in that overstuffed chair for a while thinking of how Zander had surprised me and exposed my flaws as well as his. That moment of brutal honesty not only caught me off guard but gave me more respect for him than he will ever know.


I don’t know how long I sat in that chair lost in my thoughts but when I come back to reality Zander is standing in the doorway watching me.


“How long have you been standing there?”


“Only for a few moments beautiful, what were you thinking about?”


I stand up and begin walking towards the doorway where he is standing.


“There is a lot on our plate right now, I was just making sense of it all.”


“The kids are getting hungry we should get back to the house.”


Zander reaches out and puts a hand on my back.


“They are so beautiful. You did such a great job.”


Zander and I go back to the house and take care of our children. We clean them up and got them ready for bed. We decide to have the babies sleep in the bed with us. That way they will be close incase anything happens.


The kids are curled up in bed against Zander and me. Zander looks me in the eye.


“Thank you.”


I look at him curiously.


“Not only do you make me happy but you also made me a father. I couldn’t ask for more from anyone.”


Not only does he sound and look sincere, I actually believe him.


“Good night.”


“Good night.”


I kiss each of my babies as I get ready to let sleep take over me. I’m exhausted after the day I’ve had. I’m so impressed by the initiative Zander took with the conversation earlier and the effort he is putting into trying to be a good father to the babies. I lay in the bed getting lost in my thoughts until I fall asleep.


It seems like 5 minutes later Wrath starts crying. He’s a growing boy and I guess he needs to eat a lot. I get up to fix the bottles while Zander try’s to console him. It takes me a few minutes to walk to the kitchen, make 4 bottles, and walk back up stairs.


By the time I make it back to the room Zander has finished changing Wrath’s stinky butt. The whole room smells like his nasty diaper. The one thing that makes it worth it is the utter look of disgust and trauma on Zander’s face from changing Wrath’s dirty diaper.


I notice Zander has even opened the window. I can’t help but laugh. Men are definitely not equipped to handle babies.


“A little green around the gills, Zander?”


Only his eyes move. He is staring daggers at me. I can’t help but to laugh even harder.


“That was horrible. How can something so little make such a big, stinky mess? I think I’m traumatized for life now.”


I walk to the bed and hand Zander 2 bottles. He looks at me questioningly.


“Just do as I do.”


He nods. I sit on the bed with my back against the head board. I cross my legs Indian style. I picked up Wrath and place him in the crook of my left leg. I pick Donovan Lysander up and place him in the crook of my right leg.


Taking a bottle in each hand I place one in each boy’s mouth. Zander mimics me with the girls. When the boys consumes their bottles and are burped and changed I lay them next to the girls. All the babies are sleeping on their sides facing me on Zander’s arm.


I study my family for a moment. Appreciating everything I have been given. Nothing could be more perfect in this moment. I lay down on my right side, facing the babies. I drape my arm over them and place my hand on Zander’s chest. I fall into a deep sleep.


In the morning, I look worse than ever before. Zander helps as much as he can with the babies, but the packs alpha can only do so much. Sonny meets the babies and I early. Today Zander and One start training me. I know how to fight and I’m very good at killing, but now I have to learn to basically be in 10 places at once.


I have to be able to protect my babies and be there for the pack and alpha. Plus I have to be able to control my newly acquired skills. Don’t need them popping out when they aren’t expected or needed. Makes you venerable during a fight.


Sonny helps me feed, change, and get the babies ready for the day. It’s around 0630 (6:30am) when the babies are sleeping in a pile together on a pallet in the living room.


“If it becomes too much or anything, just come and get me.”


“We will be fine. Now go so you can get this over and done with.”


I laugh at Sonny’s light mood this morning. She seems to know what to say to lift my spirits. I open the front door and look around. Fall appears to be in full swing. Almost all the leaves have fallen off the trees. There is a slight chill in the air.


Who am I kidding, I live in Louisiana. The only place where it can be 110°, sun shining brightly, and storming all at the same time. I tend to wear shorts threw most of the winter. We only get a handful of really cold days. Most of our winter is spent in light jackets or shorts.


I walk out the door and make sure it’s secure. We might be home but I don’t know most of the pack. So, I don’t trust them around my babies. It’s nothing personal. The only one it’s personal with is the almost Luna.


It only takes a moment to make it to the empty field. Being lost in my thoughts makes it feel even shorter. Zander and One are no where’s in sight. They must be running a little late. So, I sit in the middle of the filed to meditate and prepare for what’s to come.


I hear leaves being crunched to my right. I turn my head and see nothing. Must have been the wind moving them. The field is surrounded by wood line. It is the only place in New Orleans where a forest grows.


I attempt to meditate again. I can’t focus this time because it feels like someone is watching me. I study the wood line, but notice nothing out of place. Everything is too quiet around me. No birds chirping. No animals scurrying in the underbrush. Nothing.


The hair on the back of my neck is standing on ends and my senses are in overload trying to find the intruder. I decide it’s time to play as bait.


I sit back in the middle of the field, pretending to meditate. I stretch my senses out. Looking for anything that doesn’t belong. I hear leaves rustling behind me. I don’t move a muscle. I know the intruder is looking for a weak spot and I just give it to them.


The intruder and I are at an impasse. They are not moving, and I am solely focused on them. I feel so naked without a weapon. I’m focusing so hard on the intruder I can hear his heart and breathing patterns.


It happens so fast I don’t see or hear it coming. The intruder starts running at my back. If he thinks he caught me off guard, then he has another thing coming. What I don’t expect is another intruder. He comes and assist with an aerial attack.


I’ve been in a lot of fights and I know how to kill. Most of my experience though, has been with me being the attacker or with my arsenal of weapons on my side. Hand on hand combat is not my specialty. I excel at close quarter combat with knives. I usually have knives hidden all over my body and with a knife in my hand I am deadly.


Zander is in his wolf form and is charging at me. One is flying at me from above. He has wings of an angel and the talons of his lotus. I must admit it is one of the weirdest looking shifts I have ever seen. I’m not used to someone being able to shift certain parts of their body and not others.


I jump in the air over Zander, and One plants both feet on my back and drives me into the ground. It takes my wind away but strangely it hurts more than it should. One’s talon tear a huge gash across my back. I know I’m hurt and I think about what Sonny told me when I was in labor. Shifting will help me heal faster and I know if I shift it will help me in the fight.


I clear my mind for a brief second and picture a lotus. It happens faster than it should have, but I feel an incredible pain run over my body. Within seconds I feel heavy and incredibly strong. I have shifted into my lotus. It seems like the more I shift the better I can deal with the pain. I take a quick check of my wounds. They aren’t healing, but they aren’t bleeding anymore.


I turn my head to see Zander in midair trying to pounce on me. I throw my right paw into the air to block the attack but I guess I don’t realize my own strength. Zander flies back across the pasture with a groan of pain. I look for One but I can’t seem to find him. A terrible noise comes from the wood line to my left. A huge cheetah tears out of the woods and straight for me.

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