Never Say Never (12 page)

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Authors: Kelly Mooney

BOOK: Never Say Never
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Lunch is flowing smoothly. Gabby, Kat and two other girls are laughing at their table. I’m happy to see the smile on her face as I look over. If she’s upset, she’s holding her own.

Stephanie is in line grabbing a slice of pizza she’ll probably be throwing up in twenty minutes. I approach her from behind, “Stephanie,” I whisper in her ear.

She turns smiling, tossing her blonde hair over her shoulder, “Hey, Cameron.”

I don’t miss a beat, I keep going with my plan.

“So listen, how ‘bout you and me, Friday night?”

Her smile broadens, stretching across her face like she’s just won the grand prize. Think again psycho.

“I knew you’d come around,” she says as she pushes her tray further across the silver rails. “I can’t for the life of me figure out what you ever saw in her.”

I force a smile, “I’ll pick you up after the game.”

She leans back, running the tip of her finger across my chin, “Perfect.”

I pull back, glancing around the cafeteria, “Hey, do me a favor?”

“Anything,” she says, as her tongue slinks out, licking her lips. Usually that would work for me, but now it’s just creeping me out.

The only thing I can think of right now is getting back at her. I never thought I’d stoop so low, but for Kat I’ll do just about anything. Even if it means putting on this charade to make her mine.

“Wear that little red dress that you wore on our special night.”

She nods, smiling. Her eyes glisten at the mention of that evening months ago. That night in question, I never told anyone. It was a night I swore I’d never forget. Now, I just had to re-create it, and get it on video. I figured it shouldn’t be too hard, she’d pretty much do anything for any guy who was willing to spend time with her. She is pathetic, and for once, I actually hate this girl.

I know by the expression on Kat and Gabby’s face they’re not too happy with me. I figure by Kat’s, she’s pissed, but this is the only way I know how to deal with this situation right now. Because every time I see Kat’s face, it’s a reminder of everything that I want, and I never wanted anyone more than her.
















As I sit there watching Cameron flirt with the bleach blond bimbo, I hate the way I feel. I told myself time and time again, not to care, not to pay attention to him. Truth be told, I did pay attention, even if it isn’t part of my grand plan to go the unemotional route. Ever since the ride from hell, leaving all I knew behind, that was my one goal. Get in, graduate, and get out, no ties to anyone here.

Yet, here I am, sitting with Gabby, who I already let in way too much and now Cameron, who gets to me in ways no other person has. I hate him for it. Okay, I don’t hate him, but I hate the way he makes me want him.

I can’t let myself think too hard when it comes to him, today my life sucks. Flyers are being disbursed announcing free lap dances, and stripteases by none other than me. This is exactly why I didn’t want to go to the party in the first place. I mean, I wasn’t expecting to get drunk and dance, but then again, I never expected my father to forget my birthday. I’m eighteen. A milestone I couldn’t wait to reach. And how do I feel? Absolutely horrible.

I smile all day, pretending that none of this bothers me, but it does. I mean, how could it not? It’s not everyday that the entire school knows what an ass I made out of myself. As if I didn’t have enough to worry about. First there is college, then there is Rebecca, and then there is the lack of presence of a mother. God, how I could use her now. The one thing I will give her, is the fact that since she left the emotional part of my brain is drained. I can shut down in a matter of minutes if someone let’s me down. That’s what I need to do right now, shut out Cameron and everyone else around me. Pretend they don’t exist. Besides, he’s obviously made his choice, as I see him leaning in, whispering in her ear. All these thoughts are creeping into my head, when Gabby nudges me back into today.

“Where are you?” She asks, flickering her fingers in front of my face.

I look around at the table, five girls that aren’t my friends, were waiting for my reply. “I was just thinking of some stupid homework assignment.”

I watch her as she pushes the onions on her salad to the side. “Let’s go into to town later, okay?” She looks all around, “You guys in?”

They all nod as I start to speak. “I can’t. I’ve got this paper due,” I lie.

I’m not going anywhere with these girls, no way. Right now, I don’t even think I’d go with just Gabby. The only thing I want to do is run home, crawl into bed, pull the blankets over my head and cry. Oh, and never come out again.

She shrugs. “You’re loss.”

I smile back, pretending everything is fine. My life right now, is nowhere near as fine as I want it to be. If it were, I’d be in flip flops and shorts, hanging with Jess in Savannah, not sitting a train ride away from Oprahville.
















I was nervous as hell when I woke up this morning. Now, I’m sweating bullets as I step closer toward my locker. Stephanie is standing there, waiting for me, dressed in her orange and blue cheerleading uniform. A few months ago, I wouldn’t have hesitated to take her to the storage room down the hall and have my way with her. Everything’s changed, because now the only person I see is Kat and how much I want her and only her.

In a way that should piss me off. Kat has made it clear this week, she’s not interested. Every time I try to approach her, she walks away, leaving me speechless. Even as she pushes her ice queen act on me and everyone else. I know there has to be more to it.

I know her father blew off her birthday and if I’d known, I’d probably would have made a bigger deal out of it. This was going to be my present to her. What she does with it, is for her to decide. I just needed to get the balls up to do it.

I push myself forward as I run my fingers through my hair, then jam my hands in my pockets.

Here we go.

“Hey girl.”

She grabs my one hand out, leading it to her waist. Normally this again would be enough to get me going, but not today.

“So Cameron, my folks will be out all night. They’re heading to some stupid play in the city. Come over after the game, okay? You don’t need to pick me up”

I’m trying my best not to look at her, when she grabs my chin forcing me with no other option.

“Yeah, you bet. I’ll see you around nine.”

She pulls me in closer, kissing my cheek.

“You’re not gonna want to forget your camera tonight. Trust me,” she says, with her hot breath and mouth nibbling on my ear.

I shut my eyes, not able to look at the girl I’m about to take down. “Don’t forget that red dress.”

The bells rings, breaking up this awkward moment between us. She starts to walk away, and yells out for all to hear, “Just let yourself in. I’ll be upstairs.”

I smile, nodding.

Max appears out of nowhere.

“Dude, you and Steph hooking up tonight?” He asks, as he grins with his, I know what’s going on tonight look.


“That’s not what I just heard.”

I don’t answer.

“What cat got your tongue?”

I slam him up against the lockers, my fist curls around his collar. “What the fuck is your problem?”

His smile fades from his face, “Hmm, my problem? What’s your problem?” he asks, with anger laced in his words.

I’m still holding him back. “The cat got your tongue comment. You don’t think I know what you’re talking about?”

He pushes me off as I release my grip. “Relax man, that girl has you so worked up. I mean look at you. You just tossed your partner in crime into the locker.”

“Sorry, man,” I say. I mean what else could I say? He’s right.

“No problem,” he say, tsking as he walks away. Shit, I wish he’d stop doing that.

History has gone decent all week. In the sense that Kat at least talks to me, a little when required. Kat sits in front with Gabby, I sit behind her, she pretends I barely exist. She’s got this ice queen act of hers down pat. I just hope my plan works, because I don’t know how much more I’m willing to take from her.

I arrive exactly at nine. I know she’ll be alone and waiting. I ring the doorbell, no answer. I turn the knob reminding myself of our conversation at my locker. Normally a night like this would be every hormonal teenage boy’s dream, but as I climb the stairs toward her room, I freeze as she calls out my name.

“Cameron, is that you?” She yells out.

I yell back, “It’s just me.”

I know where her room is and her voice is not coming from that direction. I force myself forward and in the opposite way, and walk straight into her parent’s room.

“Cam, come to me.”

I can hear water running and smell some sort of flowery fragrance as I enter. I look around, she’s not there.

“Where are you?”

“I’m taking a bubble bath,” she says. “Come join me.”

Oh, Shit!

“I can wait until you’re done.”

I walk in, she’s lying there immersed in bubbles. The tub is big enough for five people, but you can be sure as hell that I’m not getting in there.

“Hey,” I say.

She smiles as she whooshes the water around, “Take your clothes off, it’s nice and hot in here.”

As I stand there, staring, it’s hard not to. I feel the erection building, but right now I need to focus. I need to focus on the big picture and not getting laid. Because, somewhere inside of me, I know Kat will be worth the wait. This is not going well. What the hell do I do now?

“How ‘bout I just wait in your room?”

She sighs, pouting and then stands straight up, naked, covered in frothy white bubbles.

I turn to give her privacy, even if that’s not what she wants. I walk out and into her room. A room that looks like someone tossed fifty bottles of Pepto Bismol all over it, covering every inch. Really, how much pink does one girl need?

I look behind me as I hear footsteps. She’s following...still naked. Jesus, this girl is something else. She should be hanging with Hugh Hefner, not me.

She pushes me down on her bed, straddling me. At this point, with a hot wet naked girl on top of me, I have no idea how to get out of this one.


“What happened to that dance you promised me?” I say, trying to make one last ditch effort.

She leans in, whispering, “I thought we could just skip that part and get to the good stuff.”

“Trust me Steph, that is the good stuff. Besides a promise is a promise.”

She bites down softly on her lip, then traces mine with her tongue. “I think you’re already turned on,” she says, as she reaches down rubbing my full blown erection.

I wish I didn’t have one, but I do. This is gonna be a lot harder than I thought.

“C’mon, just a few minutes.”

She sits up, “Fine, but do I have to wear the dress?”


I watch her as she grabs the towel from the floor, making her way over to her chair. I flip open my phone, hit record and let the show begin. Now, if I can just get rid of the hard on I’m sporting, this will go well.

I hate to admit it, but this girl is rocking an awesome body, and rocking the chair she’s straddling. I can’t think about that, not now. After my phone registers three minutes of Steph grinding her parents’ chair, I turn it off. If I don’t leave now, I probably won’t. I’ll probably do the unthinkable.

I force myself to stand up, placing my phone in my front pocket. She’s smiles, probably assuming that I can’t resist her anymore. Guess again.

“I gotta jam.”


“I’m leaving.”

She pulls the towel around her, “Where the hell do you think you’re going?”

“Home and put some clothes on for Christ sakes.”

“Excuse me?” She asks, walking forward, closer to me.

I look right at her, “I honestly don’t know what I ever saw in you. I mean look at you.” I scan her naked body with disgust, knowing this probably sucks for her.

She looks down, pissed and hurt at the same time. The waterworks start to build and I know that’s my cue to leave. I keep walking, never looking back at her once.

I hear her yell out, as she slams the door. “You’re such an asshole.”













I peel myself out of bed, not even sure why, but I do. I quickly glance at the alarm clock, it’s already eleven. I haven’t slept this late in forever. The one thing I’m happy about is the fact that it’s Saturday. No school, no flyers being passed around, no laughing through the halls at my account.

I walk, opening the door to the balcony, the sun shining on my face lifts my spirits up momentarily. I’m in desperate need of my cinnamon latte, so I pull some clothes out of the bottom drawer, getting dressed. I realize I can’t hide forever, so I continue into the bathroom and make the finishing touches.

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