Never Say Never (11 page)

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Authors: Kelly Mooney

BOOK: Never Say Never
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I don’t care, I feel great tonight. As I close my eyes, I’m having a hard time not falling over. As I start to give the crowd exactly what they’re asking for, I feel arms suddenly wrapping around me, pulling me down.

“I’m taking you home.”

I hear Cameron’s voice, but I can’t see his face. He has me thrown over his shoulder like some rag doll.

“I don’t want to go home,” I say, kicking and screaming. “Put me down.”

I can hear voices yelling the same thing, “Put her down, man. She’s just getting started.”

He doesn’t. As we’re outside next to his perfect shiny white car, he let’s me down.

“You don’t look so good, Kat.”

Gee, thanks for the compliment. I don’t answer, instead I vomit all over the street, and all over the front of his car.


The next morning I wake slowly, looking around. I’m in my bed, but can’t for the life of me remember how I got here. That is until I look over and see Cameron,(my knight in shining armor) sleeping on my chaise wrapped up in a blanket. A million what if’s are running through my mind. I start to sit up, noticing daylight peeking through the wooden blinds. My head is pounding so hard, I can’t move. I lay back down.

Several minutes later I force myself to get up and get a glass of water. My throat is so dry, I feel like I ingested a thousand cotton balls. After I slam down two glasses, and two Tylenol, I walk out of the bathroom. Cameron is awake, lying still, eyeing me as I walk forward.

He runs his fingers through his hair, “You’re awake.”

I look down, unable to have direct contact with his eyes.

“I’m so sorry you had to see me like that.”

He stands. “It’s okay. You needed a friend last night.”

Oh, my God, last night.

“What happened?” I ask, as I sit on the corner of my bed.

He came closer, studying my face, “Before or after you started dancing on Matt’s coffee table?”

“I can’t believe I did that. You have to know that’s not me. I’m so embarrassed.”

He brushes away the hair resting over my eyes, “Don’t worry about it. I got you outta there before anything too crazy happened.”

I scoot back against my pillows, running my hands through my hair, glancing around the room. Me eyes focus on the alarm clock that reads nine-thirty.

“I should probably thank you for helping me. But, right now, I don’t know how I’m supposed to get you out of here without my Dad seeing you.” I pause. “If he sees you I’m totally screwed.”


“Oh, my God, where’s your car?” I ask.

He sits down next to me, “After I brought you to bed, I pulled my car around the corner. It’s not a problem, Kat. He wasn’t even home.”

I look up at him, “Why’d you come back.”

He laughs softly, “Two reasons: One, the way you were throwing up, I just couldn’t leave you alone, and asked me to stay.”

Great, I asked him to stay, I have no recollection of that conversation.

“Thanks.” I jump from my bed, resting my index finger across my lips, “Wait here. Let me see how I can get you out of here.”

He nods, smiling.

I can’t help but think how good he looks even in the morning. I quickly glance into the mirror as I pass it. Fabulous! I look like complete hell.

I take baby steps toward my father’s room, it’s empty. I run downstairs, smelling coffee lingering through the house. He’s standing in the kitchen, hovered over the Chicago Tribune, sipping his coffee.

“Morning, Kat.”

“You’re here.”

“Where else would I be?”

I shake my head, but don’t answer.



“I feel like a complete jerk. I missed your birthday. I’m so sorry. I mean I remembered, but I forgot last night. I was wrapped up with work and Rebecca.”

I shrug. “It’s fine, no big deal.”

How else am I supposed to answer him, “Yeah, hey dad thanks for being an asshole and ditching me for Rebecca. By the way I have a totally gorgeous guy in my room.”

“You’re wrong. It’s not fine. It’s your eighteenth birthday.”

I stand there silently picking at the blueberry muffin on the counter. He knows they’re my favorite.

“Come with me,” he says, dragging me along by my hand. “I have something to show you.”

He pulls me toward the front foyer, and out the door. All I can think about is the fact that I have a Abercrombie like boy, waiting for me in my bedroom. I quickly think of his brown wavy hair, his amazing green eyes and oh, those muscles that were showing ever so nicely in his Tee.

Sitting parked in the driveway with a big red bow is my eighteenth birthday present.

“Oh my God, Daddy.”

He leans over kissing my forehead, “I had it set up for delivery a week ago and then well, last night. Anyway, Happy Birthday, Kat. I figure you’ll need a car for Arizona.”

My mouth is now completely hanging to the pavement as I try to breath. Sitting there in front of me, is a shiny black convertible Volkswagen Cabrio.

I reach up to hug him, even though I feel like someone is running inside my head, tossing footballs around.

He pulls away, “Kat, you wreak like alcohol.”

Oh, crap.

I shake my head, looking down.

“I was at a party last night. I just had two beers,” I lie.

Please, please believe me is running through my head. I don’t think mentally I can get into this right now.

He looks at me, “No more drinking, Kat. You’re only eighteen.”

I quickly answer, “No problem, trust me.”

He turns toward the garage with his keys in his hand.

“Are you leaving?”

“I’ll be back by one, let’s take a drive this afternoon. We’ll see how she purrs.”


I run back into the house, Cameron is walking down the steps.

“Coast is clear.”

“Yeah. I heard. Nice ride,” He pauses briefly before grabbing my hand. “Why didn’t you tell me it was your birthday last night?”

“I didn’t tell anyone, not even Gabby.”

He takes a deep breath.

“I gotta run. Happy Birthday, Kat,” he says, leaning in kissing my cheek. “I’ll see you at school.”

“Hey,” I say.

As he begins to walk out, I grab his wrist. “Thanks, again.”

He turns smiling, shaking his head. “No problem.”






My heart feels like it could stop any minute as I approach my locker. I can see a pink flyer fastened by tape to the front swaying as air was being pulled in from the doorway. As I get closer it confirms what was being said in the hallways. In big bold red letters it read: KAT HARPER, FREE LAP DANCES AND STRIPTEASE SHOWS BY REQUEST ONLY.

I tear it down quickly, grabbing my books and sprint toward the hallway, that would lead me to Kat. I knew if this was posted on mine, it was sure as hell gonna be on hers. I didn’t want her to see this, she was upset enough already. I kind of figured she’d take a little shit for the dance, but I had no idea how it would go down. I feel oddly protective of her, and have no idea whose idea this was. As soon I find out, they’re gonna pay.

As her locker comes into view, she is already standing there, with her head as far inside as she can get it. I stop, taking a breath before I approach her, knowing this isn’t going to be pretty.

I look around, people are staring, laughing at her, even Max. Guys whistling and asking her how much for the dance? I feel my face turning three shades of red as I see Kat with her face still hidden behind her locker.

I didn’t know what else to do so I yell, “If you know what’s good for you, you’ll get the hell out of here.”

I glance behind her, most people were walking away, except Stephanie and her buddies. They just stand there, laughing. As I walk past Kat I squeeze her shoulder, reassuring her that I am there. My body keeps moving, standing toe to toe with half of the cheerleading squad.

“Hey, Cam. I’d give you a dance for free, no charge,” Stephanie says, smiling with her backpack clutched to her chest.

“If I find out you had anything to do with this Steph, I swear to God it’s not gonna be good,” I snap, waving the flyer that is clutched in my fist.

“Aren’t we awfully protective?” she pauses. “As if I’d waste my time on her anyway, pleaseeee,” Stephanie says, rolling her eyes, throwing her head back, laughing.

“If it’s you, I will find out.”

I turn back around toward Kat’s locker, she is nowhere. I hadn’t noticed her walk away while I was dealing with Stephanie. But, glad I provided her the distraction to duck out.

Normally I’d be right there laughing with the best of them. Today, I couldn’t. Because today it’s about someone that I care for, someone I don’t want to let down again.

Standing outside of History I wait for her to come down the hall. Once she comes into view, my steps meet hers. She isn’t looking up, she has her head buried in her book.

“Kat, how are you?”

She looks up, her brown eyes full of sadness.

“How do you think I am, Cameron? The entire school is laughing at me.”

I don’t know what to say to her to make her feel any better. I’m not sure I can look at her too long before I’d lose it. I put my arm around her shoulder, and whisper in her ear.

“It’s okay, they’ll all forget about it by tomorrow. I promise, and besides I’ve got your back. It won’t happen again.”

She tosses my hand off her shoulder, “You can say that again, because I won’t be going to another party. I was so stupid to think...”

I cut her off, “Kat, don’t let them get to you, that’s what they want.”

The bell rings as she starts to walk past me. “We’re gonna be late.”

She walks away and into History, taking a seat in the front next to Gabby. I walk in behind her, and for the first time, sit down in the front of the class. At the same time I see Max, giving me his usual tsk,tsk,tsk and a shake of the head. I ignore him. I don’t want to let her out of my sight or out of ear shot. She never looks back at me, even though she knows that I am sitting right behind her.

I hear Gabby say, “I’m so sorry.”

She looks at Gabby and shrugs, “You warned me. It’s not your fault. But, would you help me find out who did this?”

Gabby only responds with a nod. I’m relieved and worried at the same time, knowing she wants to find out who did this. The girl I met a few months ago would never take this lying down, and I hope she’s still that girl.

After Mrs. McLaughlin walks in, she announces a pop quiz. One I’m not completely prepared for.

“Class I hope you found time to read over the weekend. You have half an hour to complete this, starting now.”

I can tell Kat’s not too pumped for this as well. I peer over her shoulder ten minutes in, and she still hasn’t answered one question on the sheet. I nudge her desk, trying to bring her back to life, she doesn’t respond. Her head is resting in her hand, halfway lying it down. After the thirty minutes she turns in a half-ass test, only three out of six essay questions answered. I can’t help but feel bad for her.

Max grabs me as we head out, “Dude, what’s up the fatherly protection, we were just having a little fun with your girl,” he says, loud enough for everyone including Kat to hear.

She whips around, “I’m not his girl, asshole.”

Max laughs out loud, “Maybe you should tell him that,” as he pats me on the back.

I swing his arm off of my shoulder, “What’s wrong with you?”

“Me? What’s wrong with you man? Ever since this chick walked into school, it’s all about her.”

Sure I liked her and people knew it, that included Max. I just couldn’t figure out why he was being such a prick. Never in a million years would I think he had something to with this.

By the time I was through with Max, Kat had already made it clear down the hall. Her black hair standing out next to Gabby’s. Part of me wanted to catch up to her, make sure she was okay, but the “I’m not his girlfriend” comment caught me off guard. Officially we weren’t together, I knew this. I guess I just hoped after our several moments together she would have warmed up a little more than this. No such luck.

With Max still by my side, I turn to him, stopping him from going any further.

“Do you know who did this to her?”

There was brief silence between the two of us.

“Nope, no clue man.”

I watch as he answers my question, the pause of his answer makes me wonder if he is lying straight to my face. He is the one person I lean on for everything. I believe him, even if he’s not one hundred percent honest. I can’t imagine him lying, so I start to walk away, “All right, man. Catch you later.”

I bust my ass all morning, asking anyone and everyone. Rumors of Steph’s involvement are flowing through the hallways. So typical. Chicks just confuse me more when they do this shit. Yeah, like picking on the girl I like is really gonna open my eyes to her again. I mean really, what the hell is she expecting?

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