Never Say Never (13 page)

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Authors: Jenna Byrnes

Tags: #erotic romance eBook

BOOK: Never Say Never
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“Yes! Oh, yes. Do it. Harder. Faster.” Adam’s voice had a note of desperation.

Mitch pounded deep until he couldn’t anymore. A blast of sensation rocked through him. Filling the rubber in Adam’s ass in spurts, he held on to the man’s hips with all his strength. It was all he could do to remain standing. “Fuck, oh fuck,” he muttered.

“Mmm, Nice.” Adam reached around and rubbed one hand over Mitch’s face. “Good as I remembered, too.”

Fingers holding the rim of the rubber, Mitch eased his cock out. He disposed of it in a wad of tissue then tossed it into the trash can. He grabbed another wad for Adam to clean up.

When his lover stood, Mitch glanced down at the table and blinked. “You didn’t come?”

Adam shook his head, attempting to catch his breath. “It’s okay. It felt fucking fantastic.”

Mitch grasped his shoulders. “It’s not ‘okay’. I want you to come. Lie down and I’ll take care of you.”

Adam hesitated. “Could I stand? You sit, and I’ll stand in front of you.” He reached for Mitch’s arm and squeezed it. “And Mitch? Scold me.”

A light bulb went on in Mitch’s head. Adam’s needs
changed. His old lover needed more from a relationship, now. For better or worse, Nick had changed things. Adam was a born submissive, but neither of them had known it until Nick came along.

Can I be what he needs?
Mitch dropped to the edge of the easy chair and leant forward.

I’ll have to try if I’m to have any hope of winning him back, away from Nick.
“Get in front of me, you little cocksucker. Stand here and put your dick in my mouth. I want to see cum in the next few minutes, or there’ll be hell to pay.”


Jenna Byrnes



Adam’s shudder washed through them both. He inserted his leaking erection into Mitch’s mouth.

“Now, fuck me,” Mitch mumbled around Adam’s cock, almost unintelligibly.

“Yes, Sir.” Adam’s grinding rhythm increased in tempo. “I want to please you, Sir. And my Master.”

Mitch grasped Adam’s ass cheeks and squeezed. For just a few minutes, he wanted Adam to forget about Nick and focus on him.

His lover groaned and grabbed his head. “Yes! I’m close. Please…touch me.”

Mitch squeezed Adam’s bum roughly and groaned encouragement.

Adam yanked his hair and shouted, “Fuck, yes!” His cock erupted in streams of sticky, white cum.

Mitch held tight as the man’s body quivered. He swallowed the first few blasts then pulled back, offering Nick a cum shot. The final spurts caught the corner of Mitch’s mouth before they dripped off.

He released Adam and stood. “So hot. I do love your cock.” He swiped a finger over his sticky face and inserted it into Adam’s mouth.

Adam sucked his own cum willingly, hungrily.

The door to the observation room opened, and Nick stepped out.

Mitch couldn’t resist taking a jab at him. He slicked a glob of cum on his finger and extended it to the taller man. “Care for a taste?”

Nick’s face was flushed. He ignored the offer and walked to the exit. “You two clean up. I’ll be having a drink at the bar.”

“Nick?” Adam said, concern evident.

The man didn’t turn around. He waved a hand and repeated, “Do it.” Motioning to a placard on the doorknob, he added, “Hang this out when you leave.” Nick walked out and closed the door.

“He looked pissed,” Adam mumbled, hurrying to clean up and dress.

Mitch strolled into the observation room and turned on the light. In the trash can by the door, he spotted a wad of sticky tissue. He smiled and returned to Adam. “He’s not pissed, he’s just horny. He got off watching us, but I’m sure he’ll expect more when you get home.”

Adam moved in front of Mitch. “Want to help me give it to him?”


Jenna Byrnes



“I don’t think so.” Mitch cleaned up and dressed and made sure the room was in decent shape. The placard, like the ones in hotels, instructed housekeeping to make up the room.

Mitch smiled and hung it on the outer doorknob.

Before they got completely out, he turned to Adam for one last kiss. “Tonight was great.

I’d be up for it again if you are.”

Adam smiled. “It was great. I don’t know. Are you up for Nick joining us?”

Mitch shook his head. “I only want you, babe. You’re all the man I need.”

Adam didn’t return the compliment. It was obvious he’d slipped too far into the world of D/s to be happy with regular sex, anymore. The thought sank in Mitch’s stomach like a rock.

“Think about it,” Adam urged. “Nick’s a great guy. The three of us could have good times together, I know we could.”

Mitch screwed up his face and rubbed both hands over it. “Damn, damn, damn! I just can’t see myself in a collar, man. Never pictured you in one, either, but I’m adjusting to the image.”

Adam pressed him back against the doorjamb, wedging a knee between Mitch’s legs.

“It’s not about the collar, babe. It’s the attitude. I love the way Nick makes me feel.”

“I didn’t make you feel good?” Mitch asked, knowing the answer.

Adam smiled. “You always made me feel good. Being with Nick is different. A different kind of good. It’s hard to explain, but I wish you’d give it a try. I know it’s what he wants.”

“Are you sure, after tonight?” Mitch shrugged. “Let’s see what happens. He may not feel the same way, anymore. He left in a snit, remember?”

“Speaking of which, we’d better get out there. If I’m late, there might be punishment involved.” Adam stopped and smiled. “On second thought, let’s be a little late.” He pressed Mitch against the jamb and kissed him.



Mitch picked up some trash from the coffee table in his living room Monday morning.

The hospice sent someone to clean house once a week, and he didn’t want them to think he NEVER SAY NEVER

Jenna Byrnes



was a total pig. When the bell rang, he opened the door, expecting to see Kim, the usual worker. Instead, he saw Nick in a stylish blue suit, holding a bouquet of roses.

“Going to a funeral?” Mitch crossed his arms over his chest.

“I hope not. I was actually going to work, but I wanted to drop these by for your mother. Adam said she likes flowers.”

Mitch scowled. It was hard to read Nick’s expression behind his dark sunglasses.

“You’re joking, right? An egotistical boor like you doesn’t care about my mother. What is this, really? A ploy to win me over?”

Nick raised his glasses and rested them on his head. A smile played over his lips.

“What, you think I appeared in a cabbage patch somewhere? I have parents like everyone else.”

“Oh, I’m sure you have parents. I envision them like Boris and Natasha, a diabolical couple in hiding somewhere, plotting world domination.”

Nick laughed.

Mitch looked up as a car parked in front of the house and the cleaning woman got out.

Approximately thirty, with shiny, blonde hair and a little extra meat on her bones, she was a nice woman who did a good job for his mother.

“Hi, Kim.” Mitch stepped out of the doorway onto the porch, allowing her entrance.

“Good morning. How’s Maria today?” She gave Nick the once over, offered him a quick smile and stepped inside.

“She’s doing okay.” Mitch shook his head at the way the woman had looked at Nick.

He’s good looking, sure, but is he worth all the hoopla?
Gazing at Nick with a fresh perspective, he realised the truth.
Nick’s fucking hot
. Even the cleaning woman knew it.

From the doorway, she looked out and asked, “Anything special today?”

“Nope, the usual stuff. Thanks. I’ll be right in.” Mitch pulled the door closed between them.

Nick gazed at him. “Girlfriend?”

He smiled sarcastically in return. “Cleaning woman.”

“Ah.” Nick nodded. “It’s good you have help.”

“Yup. I’ve got pretty much everything I need. Thanks for the flowers. I’m sure my mother will appreciate them.” He reached for the bouquet.


Jenna Byrnes



Nick held them tight. “You have
you need, Cowboy? Sure there’s nothing you’d like to add to the list?”

Mitch rolled his eyes. “You can stop calling me ‘cowboy’ any time. I wear the hat to keep my hair in place and the sun outta my eyes.”

Nick leant against the doorjamb, looking at Mitch as he sniffed a rose. “I like your hair. I think I’d enjoy running my fingers through it.”

Mitch shifted nervously from one foot to the other. “Look, Nick. I guess you’re an okay guy. Better, maybe, than I gave you credit for at first. But I’m just not interested in--”

“Not interested in what?” Nick leaned in close. “More sex with Adam? My tongue shoved down your throat, or my cock up your ass? Because all those things interest me a great deal. The more time I spend with you, the more I want to bend you over and fuck you senseless. And get my hands on the monster in your pants. A taste of that
interests me.”

Mitch’s heart slammed against his ribs.
The man has a smooth line, no doubt about that

“You talk a good game, but I have to repeat, I’m just not interested in a group thing.”

“You could go for more sex with Adam, though.”

“Absolutely. Alone with Adam. With a little more time, I’m sure I can win him back.”

Nick chuckled. “Adam and I have a special bond. If we
to allow someone into our lives, fine. But it’s
choice. Make no mistake about it. Adam is mine. Him leaving me for you? Never going to happen.”

Mitch folded his arms across his chest, tossing Nick’s words back at him. “Never say never, my friend. You have Adam buffaloed for now. Like I said, I just need a bit more time to remind him how things used to be—when he was an equal partner.”

“You think he and I aren’t equal partners? You really don’t understand the Dominant/submissive relationship, do you? It requires the utmost trust on each part. Adam and I are very much partners. Life partners.”

Mitch glanced through the window of the door and saw Kim had started dusting the front room. “I’ve got to go,” he said to Nick.

“Have dinner with us. No strings, just dinner. I’d really like to get to know you better.”

“It’s hard for me to get away.”


Jenna Byrnes



“I understand.” Nick held the roses out. “Give your mother these, would you? With my best regards.”

Mitch stared at the flowers then up at Nick. “You really did this for mama and not me?”

Nick smiled and took hold of his sunglasses but didn’t pull them down. “You’d have to be an egotistical boor to think I did it for any other reason.”

Uncertainty floored Mitch. If he wanted to get closer to Adam, he needed to snatch every opportunity. “I suppose I could do dinner.”

Nick’s eyes lit up. “Wonderful! Tomorrow night?”

“Just dinner,” Mitch repeated, scowling. He knew it was a bad idea to spend time with Nick, who definitely had his own agenda. He’d have to be very careful.

“See you tomorrow.” Nick replaced his sunglasses and strode down the sidewalk to his car.

Mitch watched the sleek, black vehicle pull away, wondering how big of a mistake he’d just made.



Adam straightened a pillow on his sofa. “If anything happens, you think we should stay here or go back to the Rose & Thorn dungeon? I liked it there. It was a very nice place.”

Nick strolled from the kitchen with a glass of wine in his hand. “You’ve fluffed that pillow six times. Sit down and relax.” He sat on the sofa. “We should stay here. There’ll be plenty of time for the Rose & Thorn. They have lots of different rooms with all kinds of equipment. Sometime, we’ll check them out. There’s one room with various straps and hooks for tying people up. I’d love to see you spread-eagle, your hands and feet bound.”

Adam took the chair across from him. “Sounds interesting. I’ve never been tied up. But then, before I met you, I’d never done a lot of things.”

Nick smiled. “I like that you’re open-minded and willing to experiment. I think we’re going to have a lot of fun. Now, we just have to convince Mitch to loosen up. He’s a little gun-shy.”

“He ought to be,” Adam muttered. “I want him to be sure about what he’s doing. I’m not the same doormat I was a year ago. If he walks out again, there’s going to be hell to pay.”


Jenna Byrnes



Nick sipped his wine. “Mitch is going to do what Mitch is going to do. If he leaves again, so be it. Let’s have fun while it lasts. What you need to remember is you’ll
have me.”

Adam fingered the silver collar around his neck. “I believe that with all my heart. At first, I was afraid you were already getting bored with me and that’s why you asked Mitch to join us.”

“I’ll never get bored with you, lover. Variety is one great thing about a BDSM

relationship—so much to experiment with, so many things to try. Involving Mitch is for our amusement and pleasure. Looking at him makes me hot. The long hair, my god! I’ll have to hold myself back. I’m dying to wrap my fist around it and yank.”

Adam chuckled. “Be careful. He might deck you.”

“I can’t wait to get my hands on his gorgeous cock. Remembering the beast gets me instantly hard. Recalling you, taking the thing in your mouth and your ass…fuck! I might come just thinking about it.”

“Now you’ve got me hard.” Adam waggled his eyebrows up and down. “Hope he gets here soon.”

The doorbell rang, and they smiled at each other.

“Remember, he thinks he’s just here for dinner,” Nick advised.

“No promises.” Adam went to the door and opened it. “Hey, Mitch.”

“Hey.” Mitch stepped inside.

Adam thought he looked unusually tasty in his button-down, blue shirt and tight jeans.

But something was different. “No hat?”

Mitch shrugged. “I’m not a cowboy, anymore. Maybe it’s time for a few changes.”

Nick joined them, carrying three glasses of wine. “Change is good. Hello, Mitch. I thought we might share some wine before dinner.”

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