Never Say Never (10 page)

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Authors: Jenna Byrnes

Tags: #erotic romance eBook

BOOK: Never Say Never
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“Certainly.” The petite, grey-haired woman set a plate of cookies on the coffee table.

“For you, whenever.”

He grinned and gave her a quick peck on the cheek. “Thanks, Mrs. Whitby. And thanks for coming over on such short notice.”


Jenna Byrnes



“I’m happy to do it. You’re such a good son, but you need some time away, too. I can watch my programmes here just as easily as at home. And if Maria wakes up, I’ll sit with her and keep her company.”

“My cell phone number is by the phone on her nightstand.” He headed for the door.

“I remember. Go and have some fun. You deserve it.”

Mitch smiled and walked out to his truck. He wasn’t sure how much ‘fun’ meeting Nick on a more ‘formal’ basis would be, but at least Adam would be there. He pointed his truck in the direction of his old house, Adam’s place, and drove.

The sleek, black sports car in the driveway
had to
belong to Nick. Mitch recognised it from the other night, when he hadn’t paid the vehicle much attention.
Now, I know whose it is.

He parked behind it and skirted between the car and the bushes. He had no desire to touch, scratch or leave fingerprints on the shiny paint job. On the front porch, he rang the bell and waited.

Adam opened the door, looking so handsome Mitch’s breath caught in his throat. The tight, white tank top did nothing to hide Adam’s dark nipples. His pants were gauze, a wild, colourful pattern, loose and breezy.
Thank God
. Had his pants been as tight as his shirt, Mitch might not have been able to handle it.

He was about to speak when the necklace caught his eye. The thick, silver chain was prominent, a reminder of Adam’s new life.

“Hey,” was the only word Mitch could muster.

“Hey. Come in.” Adam held the door open wider. “Thanks for showing up. I hope it’s okay to leave your mom.”

Mitch nodded. “A neighbour is with her. I’ve got a couple of hours.”

“Excellent.” Another voice came from the sofa across the room. “Do come in. Can we offer you a glass of wine?”

Mitch stepped in and saw Nick, each dark hair slicked perfectly in place, wearing black slacks and a matching, button-down shirt. He’d rolled the long sleeves up to his elbows, showing an expensive watch and sculpted, lightly furred forearms. The man had a commanding presence.

Mitch steeled himself and tried to find his voice. “I, uh…”

Nick’s gaze travelled up and down Mitch’s body. “Perhaps you’d prefer a beer?”


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“Maybe one,” Mitch agreed.

Nick glanced up at Adam and smiled. “Would you bring drinks for us, please? I’ll have the Chardonnay. Fix yourself a glass of whatever you’d like.”

Adam nodded and retreated to the kitchen.

“Sit, please.” Nick motioned to a chair across from him.

Mitch frowned but sat where Nick had indicated. “He needs permission to have a drink? You told me things had changed in the past year. I guess you were right.”

Nick continued to smile. “Adam and I have a wonderful relationship. We do things for each other, because we choose to. Believe me, there’s no hidden agenda.”

“Yeah, I heard the ‘we choose to’ line, already. Just not sure I buy it.”

Adam brought two glasses of wine and a bottle of beer into the room. He served the drinks then sat cross-legged on the floor at Nick’s feet.

“Oh, come on!” Mitch muttered. “What, you’re not allowed on the furniture?”

Nick chuckled and ran one hand through Adam’s hair, rubbing his head possessively.

Adam smiled. “Take it easy. I’m fine, man. I’m right where I want to be.”

Mitch shifted in the chair uncomfortably. “Not me. I’m not even sure why I came here.

It’s starting to feel like a very bad idea.”

“I can tell you why you came,” Nick spoke up. “Because you still care about Adam. I can see it in your eyes.”

“It’s too late!” Adam protested. “He left, Nick. You’re here, now. I told you, I’m right where I want to be.”

Nick massaged Adam’s head, tousling his curly, blond hair. “I’m not going anywhere, babe. I’d just like to find out what Mitch had in mind when he came back.”

“My mother—” Mitch began.

Nick raised a hand to silence him. “I know all about your mother, and I’m sorry. I meant, what did you have in mind when you came back here, to this house?”

Mitch took a draw on his beer bottle and looked at Nick thoughtfully. “I wanted to see Adam.”

“Because you still love him? Or were you hoping for a quick fuck? You know, for old time’s sake?”

Mitch’s face heated. “Now, look, I don’t think—”


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Nick continued speaking. “Who was the top in your relationship? Did you fuck Adam’s tight ass, or did you prefer the receiving end?”

Leaning forward, Mitch deposited his bottle on the coffee table. He strained to remain calm, but the arrogant jerk wasn’t making it easy. “I don’t think our sex life is any of your business.”

“Because I’ve had both,” Nick went on. “His cock fills my ass nicely. But I have to say, riding him is my favourite.”

“I noticed.” Mitch eyed him with disgust. “Do you slap a leash and collar on all the animals you fuck, or are you two exclusive?”

Nick smiled. “We’ve been exclusive up to now. But there’s always more room in the stable.”

Mitch leapt to his feet. “You’re one sick fucker. I’m not going to sit here and listen—”

“Sit down,” Nick commanded.

“No.” Mitch stared at him with as much brazenness as he could muster.

They watched each other for what seemed to Mitch like eternally long moments. His heart raced. Something in his gut told him to sit, but he couldn’t bring himself to do it.

Nick finally broke off the stare-down and grinned at Adam. “Feisty one, isn’t he? So tell me, did he top you, or did you top him?”

“We did both,” Adam admitted, then added bitterly, “until he decided the rodeo was more important than me.”

“There wasn’t much for me here!” Mitch shot back, trembling with irritation and embarrassment.

was here!” Adam insisted, his voice shaking.

Mitch inhaled and blew out the breath. He needed to make Adam understand the career choice had been a step he’d felt he had to take. Job-wise, he’d been sinking in a quagmire in California. True, he hadn’t made the best decision on a personal level. But at that time, the job switch had felt like something he had to try. Somehow, he had to convey those thoughts to Adam.

Mitch shook his head. He couldn’t do it in front of Nick. He shifted from one foot to the other uncomfortably.


Jenna Byrnes



“Okay,” Nick raised his hands. “Calm down. We obviously have some issues to work out. But I don’t think it’s anything we can’t fix.”

“What the fuck are you talking about?” Mitch had taken just about enough from the smooth-talking man.

Nick slid his hand down Adam’s chest and fingered the collar-necklace. He brought the hand back up and cupped Adam’s chin as he looked at Mitch. “I’d like to make you a proposition—seeing as how you’re obviously infatuated with my man, here. And I’m pretty sure he’s still smitten with you.”

Mitch took a step towards the door, not quite sure he wanted to hear Nick’s proposition.

Nick smiled. “We’d like to bring you into our bed. There’d be rules, of course, as far as your contact with me. But you and Adam could pretty much have free rein. I think I’d be quite amused, watching…” His eyebrows rose. “Or joining.”

Mitch clutched the wall so he didn’t fall over in shock. He looked down at Adam, who still sat on the floor with Nick cradling his face. “Did you know about this?”

Adam gazed back, an embarrassed expression on his face. “I’m sorry.”

Mitch saw the proposal was as awkward for Adam as it was him. His former lover’s face was flushed pink. A glint shone in his eyes, and Mitch tried to focus on it.
Was Adam aroused by the idea?

There was no doubt about the expression on Nick’s handsome, chiselled face. Pure, animal lust. He looked at Mitch like a starving tiger would eye a chunk of raw meat.

To his utter surprise, Mitch’s cock hardened and lengthened. Embarrassed, he hoped the chair between him and the others disguised his burgeoning erection. Despite his good looks, Nick was an ego-maniacal asshole. Regardless of what the smug bastard said, there was no doubt he’d be in charge and expect to call all the shots.

Mitch tried to clear his mind and think
The immediate reaction of ‘no fucking way’

Am I seriously considering this?

Amazed at himself, he realised he was.



Jenna Byrnes


Chapter Five

Adam swallowed nervously.
What the hell is Nick doing
? He’d mentioned nothing about discussing this topic with Mitch. Adam’s fantasy of bringing his old lover into bed with them had remained just that, a dream in the back of his mind. Had Nick been thinking about it all along? Adam looked up into his Master’s face, but couldn’t get a read on him.

“What kind of rules?” Mitch finally asked.

Adam’s gaze returned to the ponytailed man.
Is he thinking about doing it?
If Adam had been a gambler, he’d have wagered the house Mitch would tell Nick to fuck off then stomp out. But he hadn’t—

Nick continued cupping Adam’s chin, holding him possessively as he spoke.

“Obviously, you know I’m the Dominant in this relationship. I’d be your Dom, too.”

Mitch’s face turned red. “I don’t think so, partner. Not sure what’s happened to Adam, but I’m not into collars and leashes. The whole idea disgusts me.”

Then why are you still here?
Adam couldn’t help wondering. He saw something in Mitch’s face, and it looked a lot like interest.

Nick spoke up. “The collar wouldn’t be a requirement. Submission is as much a state of mind as anything. Adam submits to my desires and, in return, has his every yearning satisfied. It’s a fabulous arrangement.”

“Says you, sitting on the sofa while he stays at your feet.” Mitch shook his head.

Nick smiled. “You’re bull-headed, aren’t you, cowboy? Perhaps we should go at this another way.” He leant down and patted Adam’s back, just above his ass. “Crawl over and kneel in front of Mitch. Show him how it feels to have someone submit to him.”

Adam’s heart beat wildly.
Is he serious? Submit to Mitch?
He looked at his former lover, into the man’s eyes which had captivated him for a good part of his early adulthood. He’d loved Mitch with all his heart. Adam had known things weren’t perfect in their relationship when he’d started his new job and his schedule had changed. He’d never dreamed Mitch NEVER SAY NEVER

Jenna Byrnes



would leave rather than staying to work it out. The memory cut him deeply. It was hard not to think about it as he gazed into the familiar, dark eyes.

He looked up at Nick. “I’m not sure this is a good idea.”

Nick shrugged. “Really? Most of my ideas are next to brilliant. On your knees as instructed, please.”

Adam could hear the teasing tone in Nick’s voice, but he wasn’t sure to what extent the man was joking. He got to his knees and remained in place.

The second bout of hesitation earned him a firm slap on his ass.

“Hey!” The sting of embarrassment hurt worse than the spank.

Through gritted teeth, Nick smiled. “Crawl over and kneel in front of Mitch. You’re making me look bad.”

“Stop!” Mitch exclaimed. “I don’t want this. Adam, stand up.”

Adam glanced from Mitch back to Nick. He had a history with the former, but time had passed. Nick was his present and hopefully his future.
I’d do anything for Nick
. “Yes, Master.

Sorry, Master.” Head down, he crawled until he knelt before Mitch.

“I told you, I don’t want this,” Mitch hissed. “Stand up and be a man!”

Nick stood, and Adam felt the imposing presence behind him. “Make no mistake, he’s all man, cowboy. Submission doesn’t take away masculinity, more like enhances it. I have the utmost respect for Adam. I also enjoy keeping him in line. If you ask him, I’m positive he’ll tell you he enjoys it, too.”

“I’m not going to ask him,” Mitch fumed. “And I’m not going to do this. You’re a self-centred bastard who gets off controlling people, and I refuse to have any part of it. You might have brainwashed Adam into thinking this is what he wants, but you’ll never dominate me.”

Adam heard the low rumble of Nick’s soft chuckle. “Never say never, cowboy. Things look differently in the throes of passion than they do at other times. I think we might come to an understanding, yet.”

“Oh, yeah?” Mitch stepped backwards towards the door. “Well, I think you’re fucking nuts. I’m outta here.” He glanced down at Adam on the floor. “Get up. Don’t be a pussy.”

He left, slamming the door behind him.


Jenna Byrnes



Adam’s heart echoed the thud that seemed to shake the walls. He wasn’t firmly invested in Mitch any more, but he hated to see him leave in such an aggravated state.

“Turn around,” Nick said softly.

On his knees, Adam turned towards his Master and looked up.

A wide grin split Nick’s face. “He’s a fiery one, your cowboy. Should make for some good times once we get him corralled.”

Adam tried not to gape. “Are you serious? Mitch wants nothing to do with us. He was pretty convincing. Permission to speak candidly, Sir?”

“Of course.” Nick ran his fingers through Adam’s hair.

“I’m shocked you’d suggest what you did without talking to me first. Mitch and I had a volatile break-up. I really don’t want to get involved with him again.”

Nick dropped to one knee so they were face to face. “Are you sure about that? I’ve seen the way you look at him, with a sad sort of longing. Have you noticed the way he watches you? Holy shit! He can barely keep his eyes to himself, let alone his hands. There’s no doubt he’s still interested.”

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