Never say forever (Never series Book 1) (12 page)

BOOK: Never say forever (Never series Book 1)
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No, we were fine and I fell asleep. I woke and she was nowhere to be found.” What the hell happened?


Give her some time. She seems upset. Shell come around.” I sure hope so.


I’ll try to message her later. Thanks for your help.” I turn the phone off and kick my car. I know it sounds like a kid thing to do but Fuck! I’m pissed at myself and I don’t even know why. How can she just walk into my life like that and I screw it up in my sleep? I can’t lose her. I have to get to the bottom of this.


Tuesday rolls around. I see her in chemistry, but it seems as if she arrives late that way there’s no time to talk. She bolts out of class the minute the bell rings. I haven’t seen her at the lunch table either. I don’t know if she’s going to a class or just hiding out during lunch. I feel as if I did something really bad.

I send her a text after school.


Babygirl, what’s wrong? I need to see your beautiful face. Meet me at football field after school.


I got no response. I went to the field in hopes shell show up. I sat there for three hours and she never showed. It’s beginning to hurt. I started falling for her and now I’m denied the right to see her.


Wednesday, I woke up sleep deprived. My mind was racing all last night thinking about her. What can I do to get her to talk? I’ve tried everything. I’ve texted, called, even stayed at her locker waiting for her. She never showed. I’m not sure what else to do.


Please talk to me. Tell me what I did wrong so I can fix this. I can’t stop thinking about you. I need you. Please call me.


I know I sound like lovesick bastard but what can I do? I don’t want to choose my pride and just let her go. She has become more than I imagined in our short time together. I can’t just let her walk out of my life without a fight. She still hasn’t responded.


Thursday, I still haven’t seen her besides the back of her head at chemistry class. I’ve talked to Larissa, but she claims not to know anything. As close as we are, I’m not sure to believe her. They were best friends before I came along. They have the bond that can’t be destroyed. But because I’m good friends with her, Ill choose to trust that she’s telling me the truth.


I miss you Serena. Please call me! I need to speak with you.


Still no response. My heart is breaking in half. I can’t begin to think what I’ve done to push her away from me. I’ve barely slept this week because she has consumed my every waking moment. How can I fall asleep when my heart is being torn in two? How can I do any of my normal daily activities when my heart hurts because I feel as if I lost my soul? The only thing to make this better is to finally talk to Serena. If only I can get to her.


Friday, I finally cave and decide to give her space. As much as it hurts to just sit here and wait, maybe that’s what needs to be done. I don’t text her today or call her. I have to fight myself otherwise ill pick up that phone. I need the will power to just say no. It’s hard as hell, because I want nothing more than Serena to just be in my arms again. I may be pushing her further away by always calling and texting. I didn’t want to seem like a stalker but I also don’t want to give up, and find out she found someone to treat her better. This is killing me inside. I have to find the strength to continue on without communication with the only girl I’ve ever loved. Yes, in all this mess I have realized that I have fallen in love with her. Now she’s gone.

Chapter 7



One Week Later



The past week has been rough. I have tried to avoid Aiden at all
costs. He has called and texted me daily. As much as I want to respond, I know exactly how it will end. I will cave and end up back with him, but three months later with a broken heart because he cheated. I did not see him as a cheater, but how else can you explain him calling out another woman’s name? If I see him, I may just forget why I’m mad at him.

The day at the waterfall was really hard. I had to be brave and walk away. I know I did this the cowardly way. If I stayed, I wouldn’t be strong to my word. I walked home that day crying the
whole way. I thought I was cried out by the time I walked in the house. Boy was I wrong. I went straight to my room and laid there for what seemed like hours sobbing. I normally wouldn’t act like this about a guy, but I have come to fall for him. When I heard another name while lying in his arms, it just ripped my heart into shreds.


Larissa showed up that day. I didn’t tell her what happened. To date, she still has no clue. I may be stupid for what I did. But what else can I do when the one person I thought was true has feelings for someone else?


He gave up texting and calling me a week ago. The first few messages he sent me were pleas to have me call him. He seemed desperate. As much as I wanted to cave in and call just to hear his voice, I had to stay strong. Today is the day of the dance. The day I was supposed to go with Aiden dressed up. He would be in a tux. Something I’ve been waiting for. Well that’s shot to hell.


My phone rings just then. I look at it because I’ve been screening my calls in case Aiden calls. Larissa pops on the screen.


What’s up Larissa?” I answer.


Get your stuff and come over. We’re getting ready for this dance.” She seems excited.


I’m not going. Aiden and I were supposed to go and it looks like that’s not happening.” I mumble.


You are going and you are going to like it. Don’t make me come there and drag you to my house. Besides, Aiden probably won’t even be there. He was planning on coming with you. Guys usually don’t show up without a date, unless they want to be labelled a loser. You don’t have anything to worry about.” She assured me.


Whatever. I’m only doing this for you.” I said.


Get your dress and get your ass over here. Times a wasting.” She chirped.


Yeah, yeah, yeah. I’m on the way.” I know I don’t sound enthusiastic, but I’m not very happy about attending this dance.


I grab my things and head to Larissa’s. The dress I got is really pretty. I’m not a dressy type of girl, but when I bought this dress I was excited for dressing up for Aiden. It is a strapless white dress with rhinestones at the top. The waist has a turquoise wrap. The bottom had ruffles and had turquoise at the bottom. I also got silver/white sparkly high heels to match.


I arrive at Larissa’s and she immediately starts doing my hair. My hair is already slightly curly but she’s using her curling iron to make more curls. She finished with my hair and starts on my makeup, using a green/blue eye shadow to match my dress. She finished the makeup. I grab the dress and the shoes from my bag and head to the bathroom. Once in there, I start undressing. I put the dress on, which seems a little bit tight. I put the shoes on and already feel the pain in my feet. I’m going to be hurting tomorrow.


Once I finish, I look in the mirror and almost do a double take. I don’t even recognize myself. I step out and Larissa whistles at me.


Girl, you are looking pretty! All the guys are going to be wanting to dance with you. Sit down for a minute.” She walks over to a bag and brings it out. “I know you had a bad experience before, but I’m not drugging you. What do you say we pregame this? We can’t have liquor at the school. We can drink in the parking lot before going in. That way, you can walk in those heels all night with no pain, and you can ease the hurt over the past few weeks.”


Yeah, I’m down.” Anything to ease the pain. Maybe if I drink, Aiden won’t be on my mind. It will make this dance even better.


Okay. I’m going to mix this up and we’ll be on our way. Better yet. Let’s walk to school. We can drink on the way to school. I’ll put it in a bottle that doesn’t look suspicious.” She mixes a drink and puts it in a large water bottle.


Let’s roll.”

We start walking to school, fancied in our dresses. She hands me the bottle and I don’t hesitate. I bring it to my lips and gulp it. It burns down my throat. I hand it back. We are talking about everything, mainly girl stuff. I’m used to the burn now. I’ve had quite a few drinks of it, and I’m really starting
to feel it. I know this because my feet don’t hurt, they feel numb now. I can do this. We both take turns and finish the bottle before getting to school. She pops out a pack of gum. “Just in case they smell the liquor on our breath. Take one.” She hands it out to me. I gladly accept.

We make it into the school gym where the dance is. I can’t stop my eyes from nervously glancing around for signs of Aiden. He wouldn’t come here without a date. Why would I even worry about it? Upbeat songs begin to play and before I know it, I’m on the dance floor dancing with Larissa. With all
the turmoil and heartache the past few weeks, surprisingly I’m having a good time.

People are brushing up against me as were dancing. I feel someone behind me grinding. I move away, I’m not sure who it is. I throw my hands in the air and I’m dancing
fast when I swear I just saw Aiden. I stop dancing and leave the dance floor. I look everywhere but I don’t see him. I think my mind is playing tricks on me.


I go to the drink table to get a glass of punch. I just finished pouring the glass when a hand landed on my shoulder. I turned around and stood face to face with the blue eyed boy that stole my heart.

What do you want Aiden?” I know I’m being mean, but I’m still hurt.


We need to talk. I’ve been trying to reach you,” he states.


I’m aware of that. I don’t want to talk, which is why I never answered,” I say with a fake smile.


I don’t care if you don’t want to talk. I need answers,” he looks right at my eyes.


Now’s not the time,” I reply.


Can we please go somewhere and talk. I’m begging you. After we talk, and you never want to see me again, I promise I’ll leave you alone. But please Serena! I deserve this,” he said pleading with his eyes. I can’t help but give in. He’s right. He deserves to know why I turned my back on him. I wasn’t expecting him to come to this dance but I need to face this. Now or never.


Fine. Ill meet you outside. Let me go tell Larissa,” I said.


Thank you,” he said and walked outside.


It took a while to get through the mob of people on the dance floor, but I finally located Larissa. “Hey, Aiden’s here. I’m going to leave here and we are going to talk. Are you okay here alone?” Her eyes just got bug-eyed. She must be surprised.


Go ahead. Go talk to him. I’ll find a way home if you’re not back.” She hugs me and turns around and shakes her ass at someone. At least she’s having fun.

I leave the school and go up to Aiden’s car. He opens the door for me. “You don’t know how much this means to me. I’ve been dying all week.”


Yeah well let’s make this quick.”


Where do you want to go? We can go to our waterfall place, that way no one will be able to listen to our conversation,” he suggested.


Whatever. That’s fine.”


I know I’m bitter, but I want more than anything to just get this over with. He starts up the car and all I can seem to do it look out the window. I can’t even look at him. I stare out into the night sky, just hoping for this night to end. I’m done already. I just want to be home in bed. This night did not turn out to be what I expected. My night is going to end with tears just like all the other nights the past few weeks.




I can’t believe I’m here with Serena. I didn’t think I would get the chance to talk to her again. She seems very temperamental with me. This past week has been pure torture. I have seen her through school but she seemed to be ultra sly and sneak away before I could reach her.


I took a gamble today with the dance. I honestly didn’t think she would show up, since she never thrived to go in the first place. I went in hopes she might show. I know she was looking forward to me dressed in a tux. I showed up to the dance and my heart nearly hit the floor when I glanced at her. Her beauty shined. She was stunning. Right then I knew, she had to be mine. I’m not letting her go.

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