Never Have I Ever (18 page)

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Authors: August Clearwing

BOOK: Never Have I Ever
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“Were you not told that our prospective patrons are touring the facility at this very moment?”

“Must have missed that memo,” I said. “Sorry.”

Dr. Fairbanks sighed and looked past me towards the door and spoke to someone. “I’m sorry about this. Normally Piper is much more composed and professional.”

“No, it’s fine; I was rather enjoying the show.”

I knew that voice.

I slowly turned to see the visitor to my hole-in-the-wall I called an office. There, plain as
stood Noah. He wore a simple sleek black suit and a mischievous smile.

As I smoothed out my hair and composed myself, I stammered, “Oh-dear-God.
Sir—ah, N-Noah.

His mouth said, “Good to see you again Piper,” but his eyes screamed, “Hello slut.”

Dr. Fairbanks glanced between us.

“You’ve already met Mr. Wellington then?”

Did he just say
My eyes got so wide I thought they might pop right out of my head.

“Let me clarify that look of shock on her face for you, Dr. Fairbanks,” Noah said as he stepped into the room. “Piper and I met last weekend through a mutual acquaintance. She didn’t know who I was at the time.”

“I see,” Dr. Fairbanks replied. Then he looked back at me. “Well, at least that makes your frivolous display slightly less awkward to explain.”

No, no it really did not. If anything it made the situation even more awkward. I tried not to glower at my boss, but I am more than ninety percent sure I did anyway.

Noah just shrugged and slipped a hand into his pants pocket. “It’s actually nice to see that Piper enjoys her job here. She’s lucky to have a supervisor like you who affords her the freedom to make work a little more interesting.”

Smooth one there Ace, I thought as I backed up toward my desk.

The statement caught Dr. Fairbanks off guard. I could see the wheels turning in his head as he scrambled for words. It was difficult to stun my boss. I had to give Noah credit for accomplishing such a feat. Finally he was able to pick himself up enough to say, “I do try to nurture a productive atmosphere. Our employees are afforded their own quirks as long as they get the job done. Speaking of which,”—
Oh Lord, here it comes
—“Piper, I trust you completed the presentation for our guests?”

I reached behind my back and hit Control S on my keyboard to save the final slideshow.
“Just uploaded it to the server.
You can access it in the media room anytime now.”

“Perfect. Thank you.” Dr. Fairbanks began to head for the door. “If you’d like to follow me, Mr. Wellington, we’ll finish the tour and you can see the details of what we do here.”

Noah’s eyes never left me as he said, “If it’s all right with you I was hoping Piper could show me around a little. I’d like to see her perspective on things.”

I did a double take between the men to glean a reaction from them for the briefest of instants. “Me? I haven’t been here nearly as long as Dr. Fairbanks has. Am I qualified for that?”

“You’re qualified,” Noah assured me. “What do you say Malcolm?”

“Sure. I don’t see the harm in it. At least it wouldn’t be an ordinary tour,” replied Dr. Fairbanks.

What else could he have said, though? Noah was poised to grant the observatory a substantial amount of money for research so practically anything he wanted he would receive. That included me being his tour guide. At least it meant more time with him before he left.

“Okay, sure. Why not,” I agreed.

“The meeting will be in the media room at four o’clock. Piper will show you the way.”

When Dr. Fairbanks closed the door I deflated against my desk and rubbed the stress away from my temples with my fingertips. How could I not have put two and two together in simple arithmetic to deduce Noah’s last name was Wellington?

“For being such a smart person I’m remarkably stupid,” I sighed.

“You’re also too cute for words,” Noah told me, “Especially when you’re dancing.”

I looked up at him and attempted to push the image of him seeing me make a fool out of myself as far away from my recent memory as possible. “Are you agreeing with me?”

“Take the compliment, Piper.”

“Compliment received, Sir.”

“Thank you.”

Now that my boss was gone I managed to relax a little. “One thing’s for sure: you do indeed have an excessively pretentious last name.”

“Did you doubt me when I told you it was?”

“For a moment.
Why hide it from me? Did you know I worked here or something?”

“Not at first. That happened to be a happy coincidence. I figured it out this morning before you left when you mentioned Mount Wilson. The look on your face when you saw me just now was totally worth not telling you.”

I laughed and shook my head. “Why did your parents name you Noah when you’re so much more of a Loki type?”

is a compliment!” he said without hesitation. “But I guess that makes you Terpsichore.”

I looked at him quizzically. And then it hit me.
“Oh, God.
The Muse of dance.”

“Aren’t you just.”

“Forget it,” I laughed in a bid to kill the subject. “Where would you like to begin the tour?”

He waved away the question. “I don’t actually want the tour. I want a second to breathe. Your Dr. Fairbanks is so overbearing and trying so desperately to oversell you guys that I needed a break from the insanity. I’ve already made my decision.”

“You have?”

Noah tilted his head slightly. “Would I waste my time coming here if I wasn’t already convinced of the observatory’s ability?”


“Although,” he continued. He walked toward me, stopping just short of touching me. I stood up off the corner of my desk. “I could be lying. Maybe I just wanted to see you again before I left.”

“I don’t think you have the character of a liar, Sir,” I replied.

His hand left his pocket and slithered around my waist. “See? You’re not as stupid as you think you are sweetness.”

I glanced down at his arm, to the closed door, then back up at his face. The vivid memory of Noah telling me he’d have me anytime and anywhere flitted through me on the back of the fear of being caught doing anything inappropriate at work.
More-so with someone who was about to donate such a large amount of money.
I swallowed down the doubt in my throat. “Not that I’m complaining, but is now the most appropriate time to do this, Sir?”

He bent down and kissed my neck, inhaling the scent of me as I found the gentle aroma of his cologne. Suddenly I realized that was where the peppermint fragrance of him came from.

“That depends on two things, my pet,” he said at an octave above a whisper; “Does the door have a lock, and does the thought of being caught like this with me make you wet?”

My fingers curled around the lip of the desk. “Yes,” I said with little hesitation, “To both questions.”

He almost whimpered, “God that turns me on. If I had the time I’d bend you over this desk right now and fuck you till you screamed.”

“We have twenty minutes before four o’clock,” I encouraged, perhaps a little too eagerly.

Noah shifted away from me. I suddenly felt cold. “As much as I want to, I’m afraid I can’t. I was only able to push my flight back to six so I need to leave now if I want to make it through security. I won’t even be able to stay for the meeting.”

At least I hadn’t done all of that work for nothing. The higher-ups at
were purportedly in the building, as well. Still, I was none too thrilled that his teasing wouldn’t lead to further acts.

“Don’t look at me like that, it only makes me hate that I can’t have you right now even more. However, I do have a surprise for you before I go. You left in such a rush this morning I wasn’t able to give it to you.” His hand moved to the button on my pants. It strained against the slit there and snapped open.

I tensed and stared at the door, my blood pumping a little harder as I resisted the urge to stop him.

“Pull them down and spread your legs,” he directed.

“But, the door.”

“Forget the door.”

Reluctant though I was to do it at my workplace, I did agree to submit to him and had little choice. I unzipped my pants and slid them down my thighs. He stopped me before they reached my knees and ran his fingers along the pale blue cotton of my panties.

“Good girl.”

Noah traced his fingertips between my legs, evoking a shudder from me at the sensation of his contact to my nether lips through the cloth. He knelt down and pulled my panties aside. Even though the air in the office was warm it breathed cool against my skin for an instant before his tongue replaced the emptiness. I instinctually spread my legs to the limit the width of my pants would allow as two of his fingers dipped into the folds of my sex to discover the slick wetness there.

“That didn’t take much effort,” he jested. “It’s very good to know I entice you even before I touch you.”

He closed his eyes and savored the taste of me while he sucked my juices from his fingers. When he finished he reached in his breast pocket and produced a small vibrator roughly four inches long and an inch wide. I was consistently amazed at the things men could conceal in a suit’s pockets. It glided inside of me with barely any pressure added to coax it in place.

“Turn around. We’re not quite finished.”

I obeyed. He placed his hand on my back and bent me across the desk. The terror of someone coming into the office tripled in intensity when he said, “Spread yourself for me,” and again I obeyed by reaching behind me and pulling my cheeks apart. Embarrassment flushed over me.

I never saw him take anything else from his pockets since I was now facing the wall, but after a few seconds something cold and lubricated began to prod against the tight opening of my ass and slowly enter into me there. The plug that he was pushing into me was much larger than the one he used that weekend. This new one burned when it pushed me open. I plastered my eyes closed and sucked in a long breath.

“Relax your muscles and it will be easier,” Noah told me.

“Oh fuck it hurts,” I groaned, successfully keeping my tone low despite the strong sense of discomfort. It might have hurt less had it not been for the vibrator filling my pussy as well.

A moment later the familiar crest of pain gave way to the thinner base of the butt plug as it stretched me to accommodate its width.

“All done my dear; you took that rather well. I’m proud of you.”

The fabric of my panties was moved back into place. As he stood up he hit the switch to the vibrator between my legs. He spun me back around. I clutched his arm while the strong vibrations of it began to course through me. The toy was quiet and fairly discreet but quite powerful. It sent a constant, unrelenting tingle deep into me. I even felt the affect of it in the plug.

“Now,” he paused for an extra second to pull my pants back into place and zip them up. “I want the vibrator to remain in you every day that I’m gone. If it gets to be too much you may turn it down. Never off. You may take it out at night. When you do you are to clean it off with warm water and soap. The batteries will only last so long. Change them out immediately when they die.

“The plug is to help train you for me when I get back. You can alternate days with that for now. Every other day you will put it in along with the vibrator for at least two hours. Clean it when you’re done of course. Keep in mind that you still need permission to come.”

My hand was still gripping his arm. I was staring at nothing in particular, though in my vision was the white and black contrast of his shirt and suit jacket, and attempting to control my body’s reaction to the stimulation. How did he expect me to stay composed during the day with this thing—this constant reminder of him—inside me?

“This is a test, my pet,” he explained further. “I expect you to follow through. Do you understand my commands?”

“Even at work and in class?”

“Especially at work and in class.
And I know it makes you hot just thinking about it, doesn’t it?”

“I’m not sure if I can keep myself from—”

He cut me off by placing his hands on either side of my face and lifting my head so he could look into my eyes. “You can and you will. Even though I’m not around, you still belong to me. My orders should still be followed. I’m confident in your abilities to please me.”

“I understand, Sir. There’s just one thing…”

“What’s that?”

“What about when I start my period next week?”

Conveniently men always tended to forget about that little piece of female physiology. A good point about birth control, aside from preventing pregnancy and dulling cramps, was that I always knew exactly when my cycle was up.

He chuckled, having realized it himself at that point. “You may have a break from this training during that time and only that time. Is that clear?” I nodded; unable to force words to my lips at the moment while I battled the pleasure of this new found way to tease me. Noah smiled a warm smile and kissed me. “I’m lucky to have found such a lovely little slut.”

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