Never Have I Ever (56 page)

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Authors: August Clearwing

BOOK: Never Have I Ever
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All in all it is what makes life worth living. I wouldn’t have loved Noah any less had Ethan’s intervention not transpired, but it would have taken me much longer than it did to appreciate our love as genuine. While everything doesn’t necessarily happen for a reason, every action we take will have an equal and opposite reaction. It is written in the laws of physics, and in the laws of life. What we do with that information, and how we react and adjust to actions upon us, is what defines us in the end.

Then again, that’s only my hypothesis. Even if all of my reflection turns out to be utter bullshit, I’ll always take solace in the wisest of words from the great Neil Armstrong: Every human has a finite number of heartbeats. I don’t intend to waste any of mine.

As Noah and I curled naked and imperfect around each other for the first time in eight months, neither did I.






I hold no delusions about what I have written here. Erotica, by its very nature, is porn with a plot. No one style of sexual writing will appeal to everyone. It would be boring if it did. My hope, however, is that I was able to weave the plot into the porn well enough for you to take something more away from these pages than just another trashy stroke novel. These characters, their faults, their trials, and their relationships mean something to me. They have since the inception of the concept of this novel.


Perhaps they mean something to you now, too.









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