Never Have an Outlaw's Baby: Deadly Pistols MC Romance (Outlaw Love) (39 page)

BOOK: Never Have an Outlaw's Baby: Deadly Pistols MC Romance (Outlaw Love)
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Another climax hit me out of nowhere, so fast and unexpected it was almost blinding. It scorched away the rest of the pain and discomfort, leaving only ecstasy in its wake. And it was just one more wave of the long storm he carried through my body, howling into every nerve.

He was fucking me faster when I opened my eyes and stopped screaming.

My fingers ached from clawing at the sheets. I was surprised they were intact. My grip wasn't so good after coming on his dick, especially with the way he was pounding me into the bed.

Grunts spilled out of his mouth. He panted and fucked like the huge Russian animal he was. He shook so hard it looked like the firebird tattoo was flapping its wings, scattering its mythic fire, this time all over me.

What little sense of time and self I had left came apart on his thrusts. I came for the third time, breathless and hoarse, feeling his trim hair grinding on my clit. And he wasn't done fucking me.

He pulled out, flipped me over, holding me by the shoulders. He positioned me on all fours and took me like the mindless, desperate bitch-in-heat I'd become in that moment. Even the beautiful night sky above was nothing.

There was nothing, nothing, nothing except him and I, nothing except this pleasure, nothing except his incredible cock strumming inside me.

“Oh, shit. Shit. Motherfuck! I hope you're close to blowing again for me, babe, 'cause I'm gonna fill this pussy up,” he panted. “I'm gonna make you remember my dick throbbing inside you all damned day. You want me to come hard, don't you?”

I nodded. He reached up, fisted my hair, and gave it another good shake.

“Really? I can't fucking hear you. Listen, if you're not screaming, I'll just fuck you straight through the next hour. You wanna rest? You better work for it. Make me come by brains out. Beg for my fucking seed.”

That was when my hips took on a life of their own. I clenched him with my aching muscles so hard my vision blurred. I wanted to milk his dick dry. I wanted to make him break.

I wanted him to lose this demonic control he'd had over me from the moment we'd met – if only for a few glorious seconds.

I bucked wild onto his full, pierced length, meeting his thrusts as hard as I could. Of course, it only quickened the latest climax, the explosions that seemed like they'd never stop as long as he was inside me. That little bead sitting on his tip scratched me in places no woman could resist, and I was no exception.

My body tensed and I screamed, pushing my hair into his fingers. He nearly ripped it out when his fist tightened.

“Shit! Fuck!” He took another deep breath and threw his hips forward so hard he impaled me on the bed. “Sabrina!”

Hearing my name on his orgasmic lips did it. I came so hard I nearly tore in two, rocking against his dick, losing my mind as he unloaded pure fire into me. I felt it shoot to my womb, fill me, and then flow out of me, spilling out around us.

So much fire. So much of his essence. So fucking much.

Feeling him let loose satisfied me at a level I could barely comprehend. We rocked and came together for what felt like half the night. When my muscles stopped pulsing and I could finally breathe again, I crashed flat, sliding off his dick and feeling lava leaking out of me, running down my thighs.

“God damn it. Fuck...just fuck, babe.” It took him a full minute to collect his breath. “For a virgin girl, you fuck like you were built for it.”

The bed wobbled one more time as he rolled, falling down next to me hard.

We didn't rest for long.

I curled up against his chest, loving his heat, his closeness. My nerves vibrated, confused and alive with heat and a pleasant sleepiness that wouldn't drag me under until he was ready to let me go.

Before I said anything, Anton pushed his hand between my legs. He found my clit in the slick lubrication we'd both left behind. His fingers pinched it, and then they started to fuck me for the second time, reaching up inside me and stroking me just right.

“Anton, it's too soon,” I whimpered. “I don't think I can –“

“Shut it. We're fucking 'til I'm good and spent. I got at least four more rounds before that happens. So do you, Sabrina. When you realize you can keep coming your brains out if I make you, then we can rest.”

His mouth smothered mine before I could protest. More kisses. More fire.

His fingers quickened, rubbing me faster, deeper, and infinitely right. I pushed my thighs together and bucked against his hand, taken to the precipice. When he abruptly pulled away, my face contorted, reminding me of all the conflicting emotions I still had for this man.

But we weren't in this bed beneath the stars to think. Anton spread my legs apart and mounted me a second later, pushing hard and deep, using his dick where his fingers left off.

I came so fast. It would've been embarrassing if it didn't feel so fucking good.

Clenching around his cock just encouraged him to go full throttle. I gushed and thrashed and came on his pistoning erection, loving the way his heavy balls slapped my ass. Anton fisted my hair and brushed his stubble on my cheek, stamping rampant kisses down my neck, focused on my throat.

He fucked me until I thought I'd faint. The stars seemed to move across the sky above and behind him, swallowing up the bed, the house, and this whole ridiculous situation.

Everything was devoured except me, him, and the beautiful silvery void around us.

My fingernails raked hard down his back. The sensation must've struck a nerve because he started to fuck faster still, riding like an animal in heat.

He pulled out, lifted a leg, and got behind me. His huge tattooed muscle held me down while he entered me from the side. My legs flopped like loose scissor blades as he thrust deeper, guiding that metal stud across my velvet like a precision missile.

Dizzying in his strength. Coarse in his whispers. Brutally masculine.

He fucked me like he owned me, and in bed, he finally did.

I reached for the pillows and tangled them in my hands just as the brimstone in my belly went off. Anton jerked my hair so hard I thought he'd tear a clump out, ramming his cock inside me again and again.

He threw his head back and bellowed. “Fuck, fuck, fuck! I'm filling this fucking pussy, babe. Filling you up the way you were meant to be filled. Filling you with the only dick that's ever gonna own this beautiful tight cunt.”

His free hand pinched my thigh, holding me open for him, squeezing deep into my tender flesh. The heady mix of pain and pleasure collided and went nova. The stars became fireworks all over again, smeared across my vision, blinded by silver pleasure.

Tempo. Sweat. Spice. Fire.

All my senses fired on maximum as he drove deep and emptied himself inside me. My pussy instantly came when it took his come, pulsing and burning so fierce it shook every inch of me, threatened to collapse me into his world forever.

Everything became a total blur after that. I think he fucked me a couple more times, holding me by the hair on all fours, pulling it and slapping my ass to keep me conscious whenever my body tried to shut down.

He rocketed my body right to the stars and hauled me back to earth, always pressing his mouth to my ear when he wasn't kissing or biting or tormenting my nipples with his wicked tongue.

“I fuck deep enough to feel your pulse, babe. Don't ever forget it. I'll take your heart. I'll take your soul. I'll take your body. And I'll never, ever wanna let go. Don't get any fucked up ideas, Sabrina. You're bound to me by flesh and blood and sex. Especially the fucking.” He sucked in a hot breath. “You're goddamned delectable, and I'm fucking insatiable. I'll never get tired of shooting off in this hot little cunt. Do you hear me, babe? No? Then I'll drill it in loud and clear 'til it echoes in your body forever.”

I'd never been
by the time it was over. And I mean that in every sense of the word.

I remember him pulling me into his arms and finally listening to his drumming heartbeat guiding me to sleep. We both slept like the dead.

He rose before me, escaped the bed, and left nothing behind. When I got up, he was gone. It was early morning, and a cold one too. I reached for the sheet and pulled it around me, missing his warmth.

As I slid my hand over the empty impression his body left on the bed, I marveled at how quickly I'd fallen. The old Sabrina Ligiotti was hanging by a thread, about to slip into – what, exactly?

His control? Forever?

His presence was awesome. The sex was amazing. But I wasn't ready to submit and serve him on nothing more than powerful suggestions he'd made about my family.

I thought about Uncle Gioulio. If I gave in and let the Ivankov brothers have their way – or, God forbid,
helped them
– my only close flesh and blood would die a horrible death. The Russians wouldn't make it quick and easy.

Whatever I still had to learn about this world, I understood that much. I also knew my Uncle would burn for what he was being accused of. If he'd actually done it, he deserved to.

The proof hadn't sunk in yet because it wasn't total. I needed more than Anton's imposing speeches and a tightly controlled computer to show me what the hell was going on. It wasn't like I could just come out and ask either.

If this was an elaborate trick or an exaggeration to get me on his side, then the answers would always be twisted one way or another. More questions wouldn't tell me anything.

Escape wasn't any less appealing than it was the day before. And maybe it was one step closer now that I'd had an unforgettable romp with Anton. If this night meant as much to him as it did to me, the trust between us had grown.

Maybe I was stupid and naive. I
to believe he needed my help to do the right thing, even if it was making moves that would twist my heart in tourniquets. But I couldn't know until I lied to him and got my freedom.

I wasn't sold on anything yet. It was my job to make him believe I was. I'd say anything and everything to make him trust me, set me free, send me back to where I came from.

If I could return to the outside world, I'd be able to confront my uncle and all this insane history face-to-face, without anything suspect in the way.

Bowing my head in the early morning light, I licked my lips and tasted him. It felt so good when he was owning my body last night. Still, I'd never let him have everything else until I was sure he deserved it.

Things had taken a truly crazy turn, and now there was nothing left to do but follow the crooked path. It wasn't about old blood feuds and wars between mobsters anymore.

It was about him and I.

If the fiery gravity I felt here on the bed was real, more than just mind blowing sex, then I had to get to the truth. That's what they always say sets a person free, right?

Too bad they never tell you it's bipolar, a split revelation with the power to enslave, liberate, or destroy. Much like the firebird branded on Anton's body. I was ready to discover what it would do here, even when every possibility offered death or triumph.

Spellbound (Anton)

the only one who'd spent the entire fucking night blowing off steam. Shit, I wasn't sure what the hell I hadn't blown last night with her. Felt like I got hit by a semi when I dragged my ass downstairs the next morning, tasting her sleepy lips one last time before I left. The kiss reminded me the marathon night of fucking must've taken a year off my life, and it was so damned worth it.

Daniel was passed out in a chair by the window, an empty bottle of good vodka at his side. In the master office, Lev's naked ass was pressed against the glass, his big arms wrapped around the slim blonde I'd seen taking care of shit around the house.

Jesus Christ. None of us had time for this shit. Party time was over with planning to do.

When I ripped open the door, the girl woke his ass screaming. I pretended I wasn't the world's biggest, most thoroughly fucked hypocrite.

“What the fuck are you doing?! This is what I left you down here to work on all night while I did all the important shit? Look at this! Goddamn, brother. Now we'll have to find a new maid too.”

They never lasted long when somebody's appetite got the better of them. If she was lucky, she'd get a fat payout and a one way ticket back to her old country, cold cash and a hard warning to forget all about America and working for the Ivankov brothers.

Lev stood up and covered the girl with his naked body, shielding her from me. Fuck. Way too early for the sight of my brother's naked body. He looked like an overgrown tiger standing on two legs.

“Asshole! Why can't you knock first?” He stepped up and slapped my chest.

I stumbled backwards, fully ready to send my fist into his jaw. Then I heard the footsteps behind me, fast and uneven. Daniel tackled both of us, knocked us onto the floor, all while the blonde bitch squealed and grabbed for her clothes.

She was out the door, running somewhere more discrete to dress while we all grappled with each other. I got in a couple punches and blooded Lev's nose. I was about to bust his fucking lip – best way to show him I was serious – when Daniel started laughing like an idiot.

“What's so damned funny?” I growled, wrapping my free hand around his throat.

“Just realized this is what it's come to. You and the Ligiotti bitch upstairs. Lev, burying himself in housekeeper pussy.”

“And you with your fucking bottle,” I snarled, tightening my fingers around his throat.

He moved surprisingly fast for a man with a hangover, jerking his head to break the lock I had on him. “Yeah. Point is, we're all procrastinating now. No more lying, brothers. We're afraid to do this fucking job, aren't we? What happened before killed us. Sucked the wind right out of our sails. We screwed up We let that bastard get away, and almost killed some innocent girls on top of it. Thank God somebody was looking out for them.”

My fists weakened. Lev took the opportunity to throw me off him, roaring as he stood and marched across the room, finding his clothes.

I got back on my feet and contemplated a re-match while his back was turned. Forget it. Both my brothers were being total cocks, but Daniel had a point. He'd also just spat out the shit that used to keep me up all night behind bars, the guilt and amazement that things hadn't gone off worse when Gioulio escaped our bomb.

We'd killed a bunch of twisted fucks and almost bagged him, yeah. But we could've just as easily killed the slave girls. Nobody wanted to fuck up and miss him again, and getting clean blood on our hands was worse than spilling our own.


I pointed to Lev. “Soon as this jackoff is dressed, let's get some breakfast and talk business. No more drinks or fucking. It's time to be adults and get our shit in order.”

Lev turned, buttoning his shirt, giving me a demon glare. “Don't act so damned high and mighty, dear
I know you were fucking the night away like me. Least I know how to stick my dick in a place that's only gonna cause us a

I suppressed a growl. Hearing him let Russian slip, the harsher foreign tone we'd been raised with from our father reminded me these fucks weren't my enemies. Not by a long shot. These boys were all I had. All I'd get to help me do what I came to do. All I had on my side to wrap this shit up and find out if there was more to Sabrina than discovering how many nasty noises she could make underneath me while I fucked her into the mattress.

Daniel smoothed a hand across his face, wiping at his hangover's afterglow. He looked at me with the same bright blue eyes set in my own head, only his were duller from the binge drinking.

“Breakfast it is. Bring the girl down. We'll all interview her to make sure she's truly ready to go out on her own.”

Frowning, I pushed myself well into his personal bubble. Daniel stumbled back a couple steps and then caught himself, ready to fight if he had to. He lacked some of the brawn Lev and I had, but the boy made up for it in brains instead, and he was a sneaky motherfucker when push came to shove.

“No. What happens today is between the three of us. I'm not letting your bullshit undo all the fucking progress I've made this past week. She's ready to go.
opened her eyes. She's a believer after seeing all the fucked up shit her bastard uncle's been hiding. I didn't have to twist her arm an inch.”

Thank fuck for that. If Sabrina hadn't cracked, my brothers would've been riding my ass to resort to darker means, longer captivity, and all the pitch black bullshit that came with making a hostage work with us.

We weren't the good guys. I'd never had any illusions about that. Sure, there were lines the Ligiotti bastards crossed that we never would, but it didn't mean we were exempt from using blades and cages and brutal threats when there was a damned good reason.

Daniel sniffed. Lev came up behind him, and I was the first one out. My brothers followed behind me to the dining hall, where I called the servants over the intercom and told them to get the morning grub going.

Ten minutes later, after some coffee and half a plate of good eggs and salami, I was in my right mind to work this shit out. Hopefully without putting a few more bruises on the boys at my side.

“We're gonna need that interview, Anton,” Daniel said, forking food into his mouth. “Let us talk to her. Unless you can convince us she's done a full one-eighty in a week's time, we need to hear your girl with our own ears.”

Lev chuckled, taking a big bite out of a green pear. “We all have a way with women, brothers. But, tell me, Anton, since when does fucking a bitch turn her against the only family she's ever known?”

My fists hit the table hard. My brothers both jumped, and then settled back into their seats with a glare.

“The dicking didn't do shit. She wanted it. It's not goddamned mind control, and you boys are smart enough to know it,” I growled. “Sabrina's changed her mind because I showed her the fucking truth, cold and up close. I told her that all the upstanding citizens I blew to kingdom come were gutter feeding rats, and I backed it up with proof. She's gonna help us get to Gioulio one way or another.”

“Yeah? What's that? Radio collar?” The tone in Daniel's voice said he was only half-serious. We'd done the wire thing before with a few other fucks under our care.

Of course, none of those fucks were one hundredth as pretty as Sabrina. I'd never fucked any of them 'til the point of collapse. They never clawed underneath my skin neither, making me fly into a chest thumping rage whenever I thought about 'em getting skinned alive by our enemies.

I grabbed my forehead and steadied myself, wondering what the fuck she'd done to me.

No joke. If she hadn't felt so fucking good last night, virgin and all mine, I would've believed she had something up her pussy to poison a man's mind.

“What the fuck? Are you okay?” Lev took another bite, his big blue eyes showing brotherly concern.

“I'm fine. Look, I'm telling you she's gonna work with us. If she doesn't, you can take me out to the courtyard and put a fucking bullet in my head. And I'd deserve a whole lot worse for fucking over this family on a gut feeling.”

Daniel held out a hand. “Stop right there. I'm willing to give this crazy shit a chance because we've got no better way to get to the Italian, but you're gonna need more than guts backing this up. I've been wanting to try out my new gear anyway.”

“The bug?” I exhaled slowly. “What good's it gonna do? Yeah, we'll be able to see where she's at and what the fuck she's doing. But really, if she wants to fuck us over as soon as she's outta our grasp, it's not like we can come roaring in to deal with it. Not when she's in family territory.”

Lev folded his arms and Daniel glared at me like I'd flipped my fucking lid. Maybe I truly had. I'd fucked and unloaded in that sweet thing six or seven times last night, mere hours ago, and my cock was already throbbing the more I ate, hungry for more.

“She's not going anywhere unless D does his thing, brother. I'm not gonna fucking allow it. You know I'm right. Papa would start kindling a fire in his fucking grave from the spin if we let that bitch walk home without something on her. You believe your hunch is right. We want to believe it too. Keeping tabs on her will prove everybody's sincere. Maybe we'll even let her go without that friendly talk.”

I swallowed. Fuck, much as I didn't want to admit it, he was right. And this time, the gut feeling about sending Sabrina back had damned well
be right. If she turned tail and fucked us over, betrayed me...

She'd die. And I'd probably die in the process putting her and her twisted uncle down.

No, damn it, this
to work.

“Okay,” I said at last. “I'll slip it on her tonight before I tell her the news. She'll be ready to go tomorrow.”

“Make sure she is,” Lev said, ripping down to his pear's core with his teeth. “We've already taken some serious delays. You know the state's bringing the Feds in to hunt your ass, right?”

Daniel nodded. “It's a small miracle they haven't dropped in on us yet. Keeping the family name off this place will give us shelter for awhile, but it's only a matter of time before some badge comes sniffing here, looking for Anton.”

I didn't say anything. I wasn't a fucking fool. I knew damned well my chances to help end the war with the Italians were ticking away by the second.


The big clock beneath our grandfather's portrait clicked behind me, a real world reminder of everything around me narrowing like a goddamned noose.

I'd make this shit work. Sabrina would waltz in, work with Gioulio to get us his location, and then I'd swoop in and carry her away after putting lead in that fucker. I'd carry her away like a caveman if I had to. No fucking way was I leaving her behind to rot.

And next time, I'd take my girl away from this shit for good. Far, far away. Somewhere we'd be safe from being separated. Anywhere we could both put this dark shit behind us and get down to what really mattered.

he was
in the bath when I found her that evening, probably soaking her sore muscles after the night we'd had. I couldn't help but suppress a grin that I'd done that to her.

Her hands sloshed through water when I pushed open the door. “Don't you ever knock?”

“Not necessary, babe. It's not like there's anything in here I haven't seen before – and I'm gonna see it all again up close real fucking soon.”

She quirked an eyebrow. “You're very sure of yourself.”

I shrugged. “It's easy to know my odds after the way you screamed on this dick last night. You gonna bathe here all night or have you worked up an appetite yet?”

“I'm starving.”

“Then let's get you dressed and have some dinner. I got the chef to set us up in a special spot. I think we can dine outside tonight. You won't run off.”

I stuck a hand in my pocket and fingered the bug. Fuck, slipping that little black chip into her shit tonight felt wrong. But it was the only sane thing to do before I sent her on her merry way, the only way my brothers were gonna let her go back to Chicago at all.

There was still a damned good chance everything could go wrong once she was outta here too. Who knew when I'd get to run my hands through that soft black hair again? What if it was months before I tasted her sweet cunt, or felt the way it jerked around me when I slammed my cock to the hilt?

Fuck, fuck fuck.
I was already missing her, and she wasn't even gone yet.

“Let's go,” I growled, stepping up to the tub and pulling her up with one hand.

She looked so damned delectable I wanted to rip off my clothes, push her back into the water, and fuck her right there. I'd make the water in the tub rain all over the fucking bathroom with how bad I
to be inside her, raw and desperate, fevered as the way my skin burned a few degrees higher just looking up and down her sleek, naked body.

“Okay, okay! I'm coming,” she said, flopping over the little step against my chest.

I reluctantly let her go and handed her a towel. Then I tugged her back into my grasp while I dried her off. Any excuse to get my rough hands on her was a good one. Something about the bath made her skin smoother than ever, exquisite in a special, feminine way.

My dick wanted to rip right through my trousers and push between her legs. The fiery pull between us was magnetic, pleading, do-or-fucking-die.

Goddamned it. I had to get her dressed now before I forgot all about the shit I had planned in the gardens. If I didn't, my appetite for anything besides serious fucking would be wiped.

“Pick something warm,” I said, dropping the towel and walking her over to the closet. “It's a chilly night out there. There's a little jacket in there if you really need it.”

She disappeared into the big walk-in closet. I waited outside it, re-thinking my dumbass encouragement for dressing in layers. Well, fuck. It's not like whatever she picked would be staying on all night anyway.

We'd all wind up naked, whether it was in the grass or in this bed. I was gonna fuck her like it was our last time tonight – and if God was cruel, it might be. My heart pounded lava through my veins, and it all went straight to my dick, hammering away in my pants 'til she finally stepped out.

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