Never Have an Outlaw's Baby: Deadly Pistols MC Romance (Outlaw Love) (34 page)

BOOK: Never Have an Outlaw's Baby: Deadly Pistols MC Romance (Outlaw Love)
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Anton grunted, satisfied with the way I'd melted in his arms. He pushed my legs apart and his fingers went for the waistband to my black panties before I realized what was happening.

“What's the fucking matter? Too scared to answer? Too fucked up already with how bad you want this dick hammering some hot wet truth outta that tight cunt?” I shook my head, denying it, terrified to let him find out I was too sopping wet for words.

Of course, he found out a second later. His fingers brushed over my folds, wet and slick and swollen. My pussy craved his touch, a rough primal magnetism stronger than the hate surging through my heart. I thrashed one more time, mostly against myself, abhorring my body's betrayal.

“I'm gonna make you come, babe, and you're gonna love it. Come on. Fuck my fingers. Show me how you'd ride my cock.”

If I could've imagined this was the way my first time would be with a man's fingers there, I would've whored myself out to some cheap high school kid years ago. Now, I had this brute stroking me, slathering his fingers in my wetness, grinding his fist against my pussy, slowly zeroing his circles in on my clit.

Each time his tips brushed me there, my whole body jerked. Electrified wasn't half of it. No, lightning struck deep again and again, rolling me against him, making me come undone.

My fragile will and virgin ignorance collapsed against his power, his years of experience. He stroked me like he already knew my body, listening carefully to the moans spilling from my tortured throat. I couldn't stop myself.

A single shot of sickness pulsed through my stomach once, and then I was sinking into his pleasure. Into his control. He locked his thumb on my clit and began to rock, circle, and jerk, a steady rhythm taking me over the edge.

My hips turned. They rocked against his hand, and my thighs clenched around him, drawing him to me. I wouldn't let myself look at him. The devilish satisfaction on his face burned without even seeing it, almost as hot as the hand between my legs.

Pushing. Pleasuring. Owning.

My head slipped back and I caught a quick blur of his lips moving. “Shit, you're beautiful when you come, aren't you? Let go, Sabrina. Enjoy these hands. They're just the very tip of the way I'm gonna fuck you when I'm balls deep in that tight pussy. Think about that. And don't you
stop grinding that clit against me.”

His breath was hot, hurried, the same as my breathing. I was turning him on, turning him mad with lust, and for some sick reason I loved it. I tried to resist the burning coal constricting everything in my womb for as long as I could. But all at once, it exploded, sending hot shards up and down my waist.

I clenched my jaw, smashed my thighs together, and rode his fingers for all I was worth.

I came like it was the end of the world. And for me, it probably was. Everything I knew was swept up in the roaring tide that passed through me with the pleasure, hurricane force ecstasy. It promised to leave me wet, exhausted, and destroyed.

I thought it would go on forever. Fiery pulse after pulse ripped through me, curling my toes each time muscles I didn't know I had convulsed. They hadn't ever been worked like this. Self-pleasure was a pathetic substitute for this man's touch, driving me apart with his tireless fingers, forcing me to understand.

When I started to come down from the high, I finally did.

He was in control. All the happy thoughts about resistance died right there in the bed. He was going to lead me to my demise or else my freedom some dark day. One thing was for sure: it was going to happen on his schedule, and there wasn't a single thing I could do about it.

I collapsed with half my sanity, spent and confused. It wasn't until I closed my sweat drenched thighs that I realized his hand was gone. Planting my palms on the bed, I forced myself up, pulling down the gown's hem, hiding the soft, leaking slit he'd ravaged.

The curtain was open. I saw him near a huge fireplace, going through some kind of large cabinet. I was still staring at him when he turned and saw me. My eyes shot to the small box in his hands.

Condoms. Fuck.

There was no putting the brakes on anything, was there? He was going to finish what he'd started, completely chisel out the last flimsy stones I had to hold onto for dear sanity.

Jesus, what were they again? What did I have left?

I tried to think about the article, the blog, my budding career. Everything I'd ever hoped to write and throw on a resume. I tried to think about the Silver Pear, about Uncle Gioulio, the honorable and ruthless blood that led me to his place.

Blood and family. Sophistication and sin.

I was a prisoner of war, wasn't I? Then why the hell was I giving everything to the enemy?

Maybe this was my fate, to pay the price for what my father and his brother had done. I swallowed hard, feeling the dryness in my throat. I tried to brace myself for what was about to come, but I couldn't.

Having his hand seizing me like that, forcing me to come on his fingers, was one thing. Having him deep inside me...shit. Losing my sanity wasn't just a figure of speech if that happened. I didn't know who I'd be, or if I'd ever be a functioning person again if he took me tonight.

I glanced up. Our eyes met, sharing new dark and light. His were strangely calmer – the exact opposite of what I'd expected after he'd taken me, after I'd seen the erection raging in his pants.

“Here.” He dropped the box he was holding on my lap. “This shit doesn't mean anything's changed. We're fucking, Sabrina. But not today.”

My hand was shaking as I gripped the box and turned it over. No, not condoms after all, but birth control pills. Why?

“I'm a bastard on a one way mission. I'm not the fucking monster you think I am.” He paused, reaching softly for my face, making sure I didn't break his gaze by holding up my chin. “I'll give you a few days to settle in. Give that shit some time to work if you're not already on it. Take it. Or don't, for all I care. I got no problem blowing off if you think you're gonna fuck me over not taking it. I'll put a kid in you without hesitation. Shit, I'll need a son or two to take over all the new business we'll be dealing with once your family's outta it.”

“What? What is this?” Blood throbbed in my ears, and I wasn't sure if I was understanding his bizarre threats mixed with reprieve.

“Your chance to get ready for the rest of your life. Your time to get your pretty little head screwed on straight. Your opportunity to figure out that doing what I'm telling you isn't half bad.” He cocked his head. “Neither is fucking me. I know you enjoyed that shit just as much as I did. Next time you open your legs for me, don't fucking fight it. Enjoy it.”

Red heat settled in my cheeks. I flushed like this was a stupid prom date, rather than a ravishing by the heartless tattooed Russian beast before me.

Had he done this to me? All of it? Or was I just born with crossed wires meant to burn me down twenty two years later?

“I'm gonna leave you here to get some sleep. It's been a big day. Don't do anything stupid. We're upstate and there's no way out for miles, even if you managed to get past the guards. You need anything, you knock on the door to the room where I'll be sleeping.” He pointed to the adjoining door on the other side of the room, between two immense bookcases.

He started to walk. I watched the dark shapes on his back shifting as he moved, huge like the tiger I'd seen the first time we came face to face behind glass. And yet, he seemed just as conflicted, like he was still caged.

I didn't understand. He turned, brought his palm to his lips, and – honest to God – blew me a kiss.

I almost threw up. Almost laughed hysterically too. The urges collided, obliterating them both. I sat and stared like the rattled dove I was.

“Goodnight, babe. I'll be by to check on you real fucking soon.”

He tapped a few keys on a panel next to the door, swung it open, and then disappeared, leaving a resounding thud behind him when it swung shut. I waited a minute. Then I collapsed backwards on the bed, feeling the cool, wet ache between my legs where his fingers had been.

Was this what it felt like to be buried alive?

Promises to Keep (Anton)

a long shower and an even longer walk through the estate's corridors after the brush with Sabrina. Fuck, I could still smell her on my fingers.

Scared, sexy, and so damned tempting. I inhaled her scent until the shower washed it all away, wishing I could get rid of the ridiculous hard-on pulling at my skin just as easy.

I should've fucked her. I wanted to. Temptation clung to my gut like an angry dog, hounding me to march back there and put my dick where it belonged.

She'd be the best fuck of my life. I knew it. And if it wasn't for those big dark doe eyes drilling into my soul, I would've already found out how hard her pussy clenched around my cock when she came.

Shit, let's be honest. Any pussy would've been divine after three hundred and ninety days in Correctional. But hers tapped buttons no other bitch would ever reach because she was so innocent, so taboo, so fucking wrong for me. My dick begged me to jerk it off the entire time I washed my hair.

I resisted. I wasn't taking my nut until I blew it all over that girl locked in the chamber attached to mine. I'd give her a few days, maybe two or three, to settle in. All the time I had left before my cock overrode everything else in my skull and fucking her was as much a need as sucking oxygen.

Also about the time I estimated I'd need to get her on my side, to make her want it and want me without hesitation.

Lev and Daniel were waiting for my plan. I knew I'd have to explain what good the girl was now that I'd busted out, and why we shouldn't just shoot her dead and dump her carcass in the closest landfill.

I dried my hair, dressed, and took the long way through the big house. It used to be my old man's, a vacation ranch spun off to a family friend after papa's murder. The cops would be too busy the next week or two combing Chicago for my escaped ass. They'd go after all the obvious places first, and there were a lot of them with all the warehouses, bars, and lounges under our name. They'd never look here, or not when it mattered.

By the time I was back in the city, it was gonna be for a quick hit and run. If it went off as smoothly as my jailbreak, the Ligiotti clan would be decapitated, and I'd be on my merry way to blow this country and leave Uncle Sam hanging with his dick in his hand.

Clear your fucking head, man,
I told myself. The tension rolled through my body like a razor blade riding my bones. There were about ten reasons why my fists were hard as hammers at my sides, and they all had to do with
Shaking off the adrenaline rush of fucking my way out never felt like this.

I took an extra lap down the hall, shaking off my wood. I pinched my teeth together. The only thing my brothers would find funnier than my weird obsession with this chick was walking into the dining room sporting dick like a goddamned horny teenager. I shook off my erection before the meeting.

I rounded my way back, opened the door, and saw them sitting at the long dining table. My seat was at the head of the table. An honorable gesture from both those beautiful bastards.

No sooner than I was in my chair, Lev looked at me with his eyebrows up. “Did you fuck her yet?”

“You think that's really my first thought after breaking out of prison? Jesus Christ. It's been boring as fuck behind bars, but I'm still man enough to put business first.”

A smile spread across his broad face. “Brother, we both know what's on your mind. I can't fucking imagine being denied pussy for a year. You're a braver man than me.”

I suppressed a growl and turned my chair, looking at Daniel. He was all business, same as usual, his attention on some paper in front of him.

“Well, what's the fucking story? Have we got the guys in place for this ambush before old man Ligiotti hears I'm a free man?”

“Financials aren't a problem. Neither is manpower.” Daniel looked up. His face looked like a smoother, slightly younger mirror of my own. “Only problem is getting close to him. If he'd showed up last time, like we planned, we wouldn't be having this fucking do-over right now.”

I slammed my fists on the table. “Like I don't know that! It wasn't my fault. We all signed off on the intel that said he was supposed to be at Club Duce. Gioulio was due to be greeting those sick fucks before he turned his new girls loose. Somebody tipped him off.”

“Got a feeling all our asses would be in jail if you'd triggered the blast a minute or two later,” Lev said, wagging his finger. “The girls were on their way. Just them and their handlers. Gioulio changed plans at the last minute.”

I shrugged. “Might've been a mercy if they'd died there. You guys got me out of prison, quick and easy. Those girls he's got chained up? They're the ones who're really suffering. The bastards keep them in cages like dogs 'til they're brought out to suck and fuck.”

“Yeah. If only that was the only thing going on at Gioulio's parties.” Daniel stopped short of listing the sadistic shit we'd discovered.

It nailed me in the fucking chest to this day. No, we weren't out to play hero. Killing the head of the Ligiotti family and taking their business was priority number one. It was a selfish goal to enrich our family, secure ourselves. But just between us brothers, we'd hoped killing those fucks with a well timed explosion would set the women free too.

We'd slaughtered their asses before the women showed up, so that was something. None of the girls died that night. It even gave the bastard pause from everything we'd heard, rattled him so bad he let the sex ring languish for a couple months. Too bad it didn't last. Gioulio started pimping them out to a new line of Chicago scum the day after I went behind bars. The city's filled with fucking rats, always ready to come outta the woodwork and do favors for anyone willing to satisfy their psycho needs.

“Look, Anton, we've been working on the logistics of a follow up hit the whole time you've been behind bars,” Daniel said, reaching across the table to freshen his mug with more hot water from the samovar in the center. “Hell, we would've taken that bastard out ourselves by now if we didn't have to worry about somebody killing you dead on the inside in retaliation.”

“You should've done it anyway. I could've handled myself in there.”

A white lie. Yeah, I knew how to fight. I'd broken the bones of any fuck who tried to get smart or slip their dick into my ass in jail. But there were other tortures I didn't handle so well.

Solitary was hell. All three times I'd been there, my mind went crazy, wondering if I'd ever see a human face again. It was worse being caged with a cellmate, which was fucking plenty to deal with by itself.

I had to be out in the world. I was too used to business and play, killing and fucking, laughing with my brothers and looking for a chick worthy of expanding our family with my wild seed.

Never again. I'd never let those fuckers drag me back to that place for defending my family and butchering some dirty bastards with lived like angels and pleasured themselves like pigs. I'd do this shit with my brothers, accomplish the mission ahead, or die trying.

“Whatever. What happened – or didn't happen – is all done. We're here tonight to figure out how we're gonna dig Gioulio's grave.”

“Right,” Lev agreed. “Is that where the sweet ass hanging out in your bedroom comes in?”

“We should've drugged her and dumped her on the way here. Bitch is Ligiotti trash. I'm glad she was there to help you out, but I don't understand why the fuck you wanted to keep her here. She's a risk.”

“Because she's gonna be our Trojan Horse,” I growled, half a heartbeat away from slamming my fists on the table again. Couldn't believe how callously my brothers were talking about that girl. Vengeance is some poisonous shit.

“Yeah? And have you got a plan, or are you just bullshitting as you go along?” Daniel quirked an eyebrow.

“Nobody knows what we're up against like I do, D. I read about her old man and his asshole brother. I know what happened. And I definitely know the right questions to ask to get her on board.”

Lev shook his head, downing the shot of vodka waiting in his glass. “You think she'll turn that easy? Especially when the hard questions are coming from you? Why the fuck should she trust anything coming outta your mouth?”

I nodded, anger bristling in my veins. “She will. You forget I've already sat down a time or two with this girl. She knows me.”

Not to mention laid her down, pinched her ass, made her gush and twitch on my hands,
I thought. Fuck, what I would've given to do a whole lot more with her that instant.

“I know what makes her tick. She's not complicated. Her uncle never told her shit about the family business. Fucker tried to keep her outta it. Not outta kindness neither. He's got plenty to hide to keep his ass whole, prevent any shakeups in his crew. It's up to me to show her all the dirty laundry that's been stuffed in her closet all these years.”

“Just remember we're trusting you on this, brother,” Lev said. “You're trying to turn blood against blood, and history tells us you've got stiff fucking odds of pulling it off.”

His hand moved for the vodka bottle again, but I was faster, pulling it towards my chest. My brother glared jealously.

“You think the odds weren't total shit for me breaking outta prison? We made it work, Lev. We always do. We owned those fucking odds and bent them to our favor. Division of labor. You boys keep figuring out the best way to drop that fucker, and leave the rest to me. I'll have Sabrina Ligiotti begging me to help kill her uncle in a week.”

Just as much as she'll be begging for my dick,
I thought, feeling more hellfire churning in my balls.

t was a short
, fitful sleep. The only kind I'd expect my first night as a free man.

Knowing she was right next door, ripe and ready for the plucking...fuck. I woke up six or seven hours later with my dick beating beneath the sheets like a second heart. Took a few minutes to clear my head, get the hard-on under control, and then dress.

Shit. Light streamed in through the enormous window overlooking the countryside, a pale October sun peaking over the horizon.

I waited an extra minute for my cock to stop straining in my pants before I went to the door joining my room with Sabrina's. Hoped to hell she'd have a talk with me on peaceful terms. Pinning her to the nearest wall and pinching her swollen little clit between my fingers would be fun, sure, but I didn't think I'd be able to control myself again.

Next time I got my skin on her pussy, I wasn't gonna be able to hold back 'til I conquered every inch of her. I had to fill a hole, and my dick would have his pick. I'd fuck her mouth 'til she gagged, take her ass 'til she screamed, fill her sweet fucking pussy up 'til she –

No. Stop it, you bastard.

You gotta treat this just like the prison break. This is business. This is a job. You can get your dick as wet as rain after Gioulio Ligiotti's choking on his own blood.

There are hundreds of chicks who'll be glad to fuck and suck. There always are.

I steadied one hand on the cherry wood door, feeling for the silver knob with the other. The thoughts weren't much comfort.

Yeah, pussy always came fresh and easy ever since I'd been old enough to pump lava outta my balls. But there wasn't much to admire about the girls who sank to their knees right away, wet and moaning before they even felt my fingers, my hands, my lips.

I liked it rough. Challenging. I liked to fuck the girls who didn't admit how bad they wanted it – and the dark haired Italian thing behind the door had every reason in the world to hate my guts.

Too fucking bad. Ready or not, here I come.

I didn't knock. It was my fucking house, my rules, and nobody matched my dominion here except Lev and Daniel.

My dick started throbbing against my zipper again. So much for settling the fuck down.

The curtains were still drawn around her bed. I quick stepped my way over there and ripped the partition at the base open, hoping I'd see her naked.

“Goddammit. What the fuck?” The bed was empty.

For a second, I rushed out, stalking the room like a wolf who'd caught a rabbit's scent. My brothers had this room cleansed of anything heavy and sharp she could pick up and use against us before she arrived.

Where the fuck could she go? There was no place to hide, nowhere to roost for an ambush.

A low growl slipped out my throat. Then I noticed the big vanity, where she'd shed her gown, an empty glass of water next to it.

Of course. I felt like a fucking idiot. Old Grigor, the family servant, had been through already, or else had one of his underlings take her down to breakfast. I'd overslept.

Snarling, I stepped out and punched the code into the panel, opening the locked door and stepping into the hall. It was a quick march down to the dining room, all while I wondered how long I'd been off in la-la land dreaming about all the dirty shit I wanted to do to this chick.

The double doors to the big dining room swung open. There she was – right next to my two brothers near the head of the table – a nice spread of food, juices, and coffee laid out for the trio.

“Good morning, Anton.” Daniel smiled coolly.

I stepped over and took the seat next to her, glancing at her face as I sat. She was red eyed, frustrated, like she was holding in tears or volcanic rage. Maybe both.

“What the fuck's going on here? Somebody should've woke my ass up so we could all sit down together.”

“You needed your beauty sleep, brother.” Lev grinned. “We thought we'd better let you rest while we met the house guest ourselves. It's only been twenty minutes or so. You came down sooner than we expected.”

I looked at her. “What did they say to you?”

“Your brothers...they're complete
” she said, a hateful glint in her eye. “Just like you.”

The anger stabbed deep. But what really got to me was seeing the little plate beneath her, a few orange slices and a muffin sitting on it. All untouched.

I bolted up and slammed my fists on the wood. “Breakfast time's over for you two fucks. Go work on the shit we discussed last night. I told you I'd handle the rest – and it's gonna get handled a helluva lot easier without you fucks rubbing your noses in this shit.”

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