Never A Choice (The Choices Trilogy (Book 1)) (9 page)

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Authors: Dee Palmer

Tags: #The Choices Trilogy, #Book 1

BOOK: Never A Choice (The Choices Trilogy (Book 1))
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“Hey, you might not be working but I have to finish here!” I reprimand her lightly.

“No no no, I got your message but I want more than a text with a winky face. You must tell me
about Mr Demanding, sorry Mr Hot, Sexy and Demanding. I want more.” She giggles.

“Oh My God Sofs, volume! I sent that text yesterday. We’ve already discussed Mr Stone. I’ve got to finish and I promised Lilly I’d finish her section so she could shoot off for the babysitter.” I continue to gather the salt and pepper mills to refill in the morning.

“Now, why would you do that, you don’t have enough on? Oh while I think if it, you free next Friday? A private do the club is catering for and needs bodies, I put you down.” She helps clear the tables with me.

I’m grinning. “What was that about me not having enough on?”

“This is different and you know it. It’s way better pay and Anthony doesn’t mind as long as he has notice beside you’ll be working with me!” She gives me a hug because she knows I won’t refuse, can’t refuse, she’s is not wrong about the money.

“Look I’m helping you finish, now spill, we talked . . . but nowhere near enough.” She grabs a cloth and I fill her in, again as we work together to clean my section before we move over to Lily’s.

“So, I’m still not sure I see what the big deal is?” She has slowed considerably as she ponders my predicament.

“Really?” I shake my head. “ I guess it isn’t a big deal it’s just that I felt . . .” I shake my head because it feels muddled. “I don’t know, He just seems to see right through me, he’s intense, he affects me.” My words are more reflective as my body seems to all too easily recall its response.

“Go on?” She steps closer.

“Look, I can’t think straight when he is there, I mean when he is
there Sofs!” I place hand right to my nose to emphasise the lack of personal space. “He had his huge cock rammed tight against my arse, right in the lecture theatre! I’ve just never, you know never . . . felt so hot. And then nothing, the next week a no show, which he never does apparently and then when he does turn up this week, nothing. Absolutely nothing, like it was all in my head.” My face is heating and Sofs takes pity on me and swallows me in her arms.

She laughs and presses a kind kiss into my hair. “Huge eh?” She laughs again as I pull back. “Bets, you’re just feeling horny, that’s all, get some perspective. Some rich, good looking guy—How old?” She cuts herself off with her own question.

“Late twenties, I think?”

“Ok, this sexy, young, successful business man wants to fuck you, I’m struggling to see the downside here Bets.” Her eyes crease with amusement and shamelessness.

“Christ Sofs! I didn’t say he wants to fuck me. He doesn’t. Whatever, look it’s not that, I have never had this reaction to a man, ever. I was worried he knew about the age thing, you know after that first meeting so I guess it’s good he’s ignoring me now. I can’t risk losing everything no matter how hot he made me feel-” There is a loud crash from one of the booths and I look to the floor and notice a vase with dried chillies has smashed and the chillies have exploded onto the floor. Lily had balanced several vases on a ledge above the booths that was clearly too near the coats. I rush over onto my knees and start to gather the mess into my scooped up apron.

“I’m sorry Sir I’ll clean this up, did any of the glass catch you at all?” I look up into the dark blue intensity of Daniel Stones eyes.

“Sir? I mouth but with no volume.

“You know Miss Thorne, I will never get tired of you calling me that.” His rich voice is smooth and tempting. I feel a flash of prickles cover my skin and despite the instant heat in my core my nipples peak hard and tight, and my breasts ache. Fuck! What is wrong with me? My heart beat is hammering, not just the raw reaction he induces in me but also the panic at realising he has been here the whole time.

“Sir, Mr Stone what are you doing here?” I was trying for a calm tone but manage to sound angry.

“Not sure that’s very polite Miss Thorne?” His eyes are piercing me and I’m thankful the ambient lighting is going someway to hide the deep colour of my cheeks.

“Sorry, Sir, you’re right it’s just creepy.” Shit I can’t believe I said that out load now that
impolite. He grins and raises a brow. “Sorry, Sir, it is a surprise. It’s a surprise to see you here.”

“Not really, I live close by and I have been here from time to time.” He maintains this intense stare and not knowing what to say and feeling an increasing awkwardness I revert to default waitress mode.

“Of course Sir, if you would excuse me I’ll just get this cleared away. Is there anything I can do for you, get you, is there anything else I can get you or would you like the bill?” I know I’m flustered because I sound like I’m rambling.

“You know there is.” His lips quirk. “But the bill will work, for now.” His deep tone resonates with smooth sensuality.

I flash a quick tight smile and rush to sweep the remainder of the debris on the floor into my apron. I manage to slice my thumb on a small shard of glass.

“Fuck!” I curse in a whisper and quickly stick my thumb in my mouth to stop the blood flow. I glance back up to Daniel when I hear him take a sharp breath or it might have been a moan. I scrabble to my feet and practically sprint for the kitchen. I stick my hand under the cold running tap and wince at the delayed sting that makes my thumb throb.

“I can seal that cut for you Bets.” Joe flashes the flame on the cooker.

“No I’m good Joe.” Burning cuts sealed is not my idea of good first aid, even if it does work. Sofia is right beside me.

“You Ok?” Her nose is wrinkled as she watches the water change from clear to dark red.

“You can add ‘eavesdropper’ to that description you’ve got for Daniel Stone. He’s sitting in the booth at the end!” I nod toward the restaurant.

“No way!” She gasps but also can’t hold back a face splitting grin.

“Yes way! I can’t go back out there, you’re going to have to take his bill over.” I plead.

“Not a problem, can’t wait to see who’s got you so distracted you’re slicing body parts.” She is practically hopping on the spot with excitement.

I’m about to head upstairs as my thumb won’t stop bleeding. It’s throbbing like its been hit with a cartoon anvil and I know I won’t be much of a help finishing up, when Sofia returns.

“He wants to take you home, I said I was taking you but he was
insistent.” She has the grace to look uncomfortable.

“Oh absolutely.” I bark out an incredulous laugh. “I am going to get into his car. I don’t know anything about him Sofs—what did you say?”

“I said I’d get you?” She mumbles and won’t raise her eyes to meet my scowl.

“Where would I get him to take me Sofs? I live here, I can’t believe this!” Joe stands beside me as I peak a look through the kitchen door into the restaurant and see Daniel leaning at the bar. He is wearing low slung jeans, fitted black shirt that skims his defined muscles on his arms and sculpts is abdomen. He is carrying his black leather jacket in the crook of his arm. His hair flops over his eyes hiding his intense brow and he sips his drink as he carefully takes in the quiet of the restaurant. In a suit he is stunning but dressed as casual bad boy he is lethal and he looks like he has no intention of moving any time soon.

“That’s Danny, you’ll be all right with him Bets.” Joe smiles at me and then shrugs like I’m making a big old fuss over nothing.

“Well, I don’t really have a choice now do I?” I‘m exasperated. “He seems to know enough about me already, he doesn’t need to know where I actually live as well.” I am not sure what he does know exactly but I need to find out, so a lift home might be an opportunity to get some information and do some damage control.

“Right, is Marco at his place tonight?” I ask Sofia

“Yes why?” She frowns at my change of topic, clearly not following this simple situation she has just made complex.

“Because I do actually have to go somewhere and his place isn’t far so, it won’t take me too long to get back here.” Sofia looks disappointed. “I would go to yours Sofs but I still have stuff to do tonight.” I feel exhausted, defences are low and it’s not an ideal time to be putting myself in close confines with Daniel Stone.

“Mr Stone.” I’m going to try and steer clear of the ‘Sir’ thing that seems way too natural for me when talking with Mr Stone and only contributes to this strange need I feel to comply with his demands, which for the life of me I can’t understand. He raises a brow.

“Miss Thorne.” He steps closer and smiles. His lips look soft and I feel mine part with a small intake of breath. My throat is dry; there is no way I’m going to survive a car ride feeling like this. “Shall we?” He places his hand in the small of my back, my body jolts and tingles. He gently drapes his jacket over my shoulders against the chill outside. His fingers lightly hold my shoulders and I’m trembling once more at the slightest contact. We walk in silence and as we reach his car, I stop as he open the door.

“Why are you doing this?” My question surprises him, it shouldn’t. His smile boarders on wicked and I shiver but not from the chill in the air.

“Well, Miss Thorne, I think you have some concerns I’d like to address, you have secrets I’d like to know and you have drawn some incorrect conclusions about my intentions.’” His calm recitation of his list doesn’t help one bit in enlightening me.

I slide into the car; it’s an F-type Jaguar Coupe. I know this because Marco loves cars, I know nothing else other than its pretty, dark green, sleek and shiny with a pristine soft cream leather interior. I look at my poorly bandaged thumb and see it’s started to seep already. I wince as I grip it tightly to try and stop the flow. The pain will help me focus on the burn of the cut rather than the liquid pool of heat building between my legs.

“What’s wrong?” His voice is filled with genuine concern.

“Nothing, just trying not to bleed all over you very clean and very
interior.” I smile waving my injured hand. “No 12 Guard Gardens, it’s about 2 miles, won’t take 5 minutes in this thing.”

“Thing? Thing.” He repeats, clearly affronted. “This is an F-type R five litre V8 550 PS super charged engine with 680Nm of torque, nought to sixty in four seconds with a top speed of over one eighty.”

“Very useful in a city with a top speed of thirty miles per hour.” I snort, it’s not very ladylike but can’t be helped. “Sorry, it’s a car, you know A to B.”

“You don’t drive?” He faces me for a moment but even that short moment has my senses on high alert.

“I do but I don’t, I love to walk.” The remaining journey is in silence. The tension is palpable. He pulls up outside Marcos’ flat.

“You didn’t address any concerns?” I question the silence now that I start to undo my seatbelt.

“Your home?” He asks ignoring my question.

“Yep, that’s right! Thank you Mr Stone.” I go to open the door. He reaches across and holds my hand against the handle. My breath hitches.

“More lies Miss Thorne?” He is leaning into the small space between us and his rich aroma is intoxicating, my fingers twitch to run through his hair, maybe touch his face. Unfortunately, his question is more like a statement and diminishes any rising temptation and I tense with renewed panic.

“I live here.” I try to sound convincing.

“Mmmm, perhaps this will help.” He is still leaning into me, still holding my hand on top of the handle of the car and God he still smells so fucking good. “Firstly, your concerns: I have no interest in your degree,I know who you are because I was introduced to you and I am thorough in gathering information about people in my life but you have secrets and as thorough as I am I would like you to tell me yourself.”

“You questioned my commitment to my course. No you didn’t question it you attacked it and picked on me in the process . . . but regardless I would still attend your lecture programme, I’d be an idiot not too.” I drop my head and sigh. “Forgive me if I assumed you had an interest in my degree. I was clearly wrong.” I mutter and added even more quietly “ on every count.” I push against the handle and he releases his hold. The door opens and I get out.

“Yes Miss Thorne, you were wrong, your friend however, was spot on. I do want to fuck you.” His voice is like silk, sensual, sinful silk. “ To clarify, the comments I made however forcefully, were said to make a point. You have a sound business proposition but you won’t secure the necessary investment to develop your idea further with your current ‘hope to attitude’ . . . and Miss Thorne . . . I didn’t pick
you. I
you.” I can’t bring myself to look into his eyes. A tiny moan escapes the back of my throat and is captured silent in my mouth. I walk away visibly shaking and ring the bell on Marco’s door and wait, I’m in shock.

A sleepy Marco comes to the door and I push past his confused state.

“Sorry to wake you Marco, but don’t ask.” I peak through the glass in the door frame. “I’ll be five minutes then I’m gone.” Marco presses his nose against the glass beside me.

“What are we looking for Bets?” His eyes are squinting and he takes an exaggerated yawn.

“That.” I point to Daniel’s car as it pulls from the curb and the red lights disappear down the road. I turn to give Marco a quick kiss on the cheek and leave him a little stunned as I close the door behind me and begin my walk home, to my real home. I set a brisk pace along the main road. It’s not ideal walking late at night but it’s a pretty safe area and I’ll grab a cab if I see one but it won’t take me long if I don’t. I would normally be nervous at the speed the car was approaching but my heart is racing for an entirely different reason as I recognise the growl of the heavy engine of a super-fast sports car. It stops abruptly just in front and a very stern Daniel Stone exits, slams his door and storms up to me. His face is dark, scowling and fiercely handsome.

“Get in the car!” His voice is deadly quiet and I take a step back. He moves to match my retreat.

“I don’t give a fuck about your secrets Bethany but you are not walking in the dark, alone!” He tries for a more gentle tone. His face softens and his anger is replaced with obvious concern. “Now, please get in the car.” I pause but only for a moment before I do as he says. I remain quiet as he starts the car and pulls away.

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