Never A Choice (The Choices Trilogy (Book 1)) (5 page)

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Authors: Dee Palmer

Tags: #The Choices Trilogy, #Book 1

BOOK: Never A Choice (The Choices Trilogy (Book 1))
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“Late Night Calls . . . let me help you?” The voice is slow and sultry and the question threw me. I couldn’t speak.

“Come on sweetie, don’t be shy.” The voice encouraged. I’m pretty sure it was a female voice but it was low so I couldn’t be hundred percent.

“Right, sorry.” I stumbled, “I got your details form the jobs board at my University, you know about flexible hours, extra cash . . . um, could I speak to someone about that?” I definitely sound like I have got the wrong number and am just about to hang up.

“Oh sure thing sweetie, I’ll just put you through to Mags, she’ll sort you out . . . bye!” Her bright voice is cut off abruptly and I am clicked and put through before I could thank her but it gives me enough time to compose myself, maybe not sound such a moron.

“Hello?” I ventured tentatively as the line goes silent.

“Hello my darling, what can I do for you today?” Her voice was equally low and I wonder if that is a job requirement or maybe just something in the water.

“I was calling about the job, but to be honest I don’t really know what that job is, where it is or well any of the details really, so that would be a good place to start?” I try to come across as professional as possible, my voice a little lower than normal.

“Don’t you just have the sexiest voice?” Mags says ignoring my actual question.

“Urgg?” She can’t see my confusion but my eloquent noise must make that clear.

“Well not when you grunt like that you don’t.” She laughs a deep throaty sound but it still sounds inviting not mean.

“Oh!” I am shocked and given I work in the kitchen below that is saying something.

“Yes ‘Oh.’ Now
I can work with.” She laughs lightly this time. “I am going to say right off that I will be able to offer you something but I think we should meet, despite my type of business, I really prefer to do this sort of thing face to face. Can you come by at three this afternoon? We are quiet then and we can go over everything then and start your training.” She is super friendly and can’t hide her enthusiasm.

“Training?” Pretty sure my ‘sexy’ tone had been replaced with pure panic.

“I know I’m getting ahead of myself, but I know people and I have a good feeling about you, what is your name darling?” She encourages.

“My real name?” I ask and she laughs out.

“Yes darling, your real name.” She is still laughing but I can’t take offence. She makes me smile.

“Bethany.” I tell her.

“Take my details down Bethany, and I’ll see you at three.” The light laughter is gone and this is purely business, her tone shifts and she gives me everything I will need to meet her later.

After ending the call I am a little dazed. I now have a pretty good idea what “Late Night Calls” is and yet I still agreed to meet with Mags. More interesting still is that I am actually a little excited about it.

The door to the Late Night Calls office was unnamed and I almost missed it nestled between the arches behind Waterloo station. I knew the pub to the left, The Hole in the Wall, but had no idea there was office space too. I was half right; it wasn’t really office space at all. I press the buzzer and the intercom lights up.

“Please come on up Bethany.” The same voice from earlier has lost a little of its sultriness with the accompanying crackle.

I climb the narrow stairs and tentatively open the only door on the landing. The room is more like a hotel lobby, luxurious and welcoming, a complete contrast to the slightly grimy exterior and not like any office I know.

“Hello Bethany.” The girl behind a small reception desk smiles. “I’m Susan and Mags is just on the phone.” She points to a closed door behind her. “She won’t be long . . . they never are.” She giggles.

“Please take a seat and make yourself at home.” She gestures to the seating area that resembles an adult playpen, without the bars. I could choose from a large corner sofa that takes up most of the room or alternately, I could perhaps romp on the oversized cushions piled high on a faux fur rug. As no one can get up from those things with a modicum of dignity intact I decided not to risk the lure of their softness and opt for the safety of the sofa. I sit on the edge, which is apt because I am on edge. I smile at Susan who has returned to flicking through, what looks from here, like a lads’ magazine.

“No frowning, darling, you’ll get wrinkles.” Mags, I assume, enters the room with a dramatic swish emphasised by the flow of her chiffon three quarter length bright pink jacket. She must be in her sixties and is immaculate. Her make-up is a little heavy around the eyes and she has the brightest pink lipstick. Her hair is cut in a sharp grey blonde bob and her tailored suit and silk blouse perfectly fit her shapely curves. She’s wearing six inch gold Loubutons and I know this because they are Sofia’s favourite not because I am lucky enough to own a pair. After taking me in carefully she sits beside me and sighs.

“Well, you are just as sexy as your voice, pity we don’t do video calls.” She pauses. “Yet.” Her smile is warm and she gives a light laugh. I don’t know why, but I find myself grinning back. She is warm and friendly and I am about to be a huge waste of her time. I’m thinking it’s going to take a maximum of five minutes for her to conclude I am wholly unsuited to providing the type of service Late Night Calls offers. She squeezes my knee, her eyes soften and she looks intently into mine. I think that might be a record for interviews not even five minutes and I can feel a ‘don’t call us’ heading my way. “Come on into my office; let’s give you a test run!” This woman has managed to shock me twice in the same day. She grabs my hand and practically hauls me across the room into her office and closes the door before I can change my mind. “Darling, don’t look so nervous, you know what we do yes?” She raises her perfectly drawn on eyebrow at her query.

“Yes Miss.” I quietly reply. She raises both eyebrows in surprise and almost imperceptibly utters “interesting” under her breath.

“Well, I will tell you the whys and wherefores, we will have a little trial and go from there.” She is very encouraging and her face is alight with misplaced enthusiasm.

“Yes Miss.” I hesitate and suck in a shallow breath. “I’ll try.”

“I run an exclusive service.” Mags continues proudly. “Top service, top quality and top price.” She grins. “You work the hours you want, though I would like a minimum of one hour per day, I provide the phone and calls are directed through my switchboard. This protects you
the client. You can work wherever you like, you can come here if that suits and you can earn up to a hundred pound an hour if you can keep them on the phone that long.” She chuckles and I’m starting to wish I was up to the task. She continues, “ . . . or more if you provide one of the speciality services.” At the obvious horror my face must picture, she quickly adds, “Oh darling, I don’t mean
sort of service, I’m no Madam, although I’ve been called worse.” She laughs again. “I just mean we have dedicated lines that cater for specific tastes.” She pauses and eyes me carefully. “Any questions?”

I am actually speechless, another indication of my unsuitability for job totally reliant on speech.

“Alright then, let me hear your audition piece?” She fixes me with her expectant kind eyes.

“Oh.” I breathe. “Well, I’m not sure.” I hesitate and can feel my face flush.

Sensing my extreme discomfort Mags smiles and hands me her phone. “Use this as a prop if it helps, imagine it’s an actual call, all you have to do is imagine.” She is sweet and encouraging but I am so out of my depth, I look at the phone in my shaking hand, sigh and hand it back to her. “Listen, why don’t I let you listen to a few calls first, a few samples as it were, once the initial shock is over, I’m sure you’ll get the idea . . . what do you think?” She places her hand over mine but doesn’t take the phone back.

I am not given to running at the first sign of a challenge even if I am so very far from my comfort zone and I have no idea why she is being so kind but I don’t want to disappoint her.

“Yes Miss, that’s very kind, I’ll do that.” I am too embarrassed to raise my eyes to meet hers at this point, so she takes the phone, presses a few numbers and hands it back to me.

I am thankful she leaves the room as I put the phone to my ear and began to listen to the sample calls. It turns out I wouldn’t need that much imagination as the calls give me vivid flashbacks to many a conversation in the kitchen. The descriptions are full on and the details are explicit, extremely explicit. It isn’t that I doubted my imagination or my ability to be detailed in my descriptions, but my actual lack of sexual experience is undoubtedly going to be a deal breaker here and I know it. Still, as my face continues to flush I continue to listen. The last call starts.

I’ve got your big hard cock in my hand,”
the breathy voice began, “
can you feel my tight fist, I’m gonna pump you hard, I’m gonna pump you into to my hot wet mouth mmmmm”

I can hear the callers deep inhaling breath.

Your are so hard against my tongue, its hot and wet and I’m licking around the head and all the way down. I can feel your veins throbbing as I lap and lick it, its like velvet over iron and tastes so good I can’t get enough. Ahh I can feel your rock hard cock is twitching in my fist, I think I’m going to lick you all the way down to your balls. Mmmm I’m cupping your balls with my other hand and I’m fucking you with my fist but I want more are you going to give me more?
She pauses and breathes loudly. I’m shifting in my seat, more than a little uncomfortable, she continues.

“I am going to take your big hard cock and push it between my tight swollen lips and take you deep, deep in my throat, and you’re going to fuck my mouth, yes?”

“Mm yeah that’s right”
The deep rasping reply of the caller was the first real indication that there was someone on the receiving end of this call.

Fuck my mouth and make me swallow.” S
he gives a long drawn out satisfied moan. The line goes dead.

“Wow!” I say as Mags returns. If I thought I was red before I must look like I’m about to haemorrhage.

“The endings are always a little abrupt but they are paying by the minute so what do you expect, really?” I am hoping that’s a rhetorical question because all powers of speech have deserted me. She hands me a glass of water which I gratefully accept.

“I’d love to be that confident. I mean she seemed to really . . .” I’m struggling to articulate full sentences now, another stellar example of my ineptitude for this role. “And she was in control, assertive. I don’t think I would be able to . . . you know . . . but-”

Interrupting, Mags states, “You’re a virgin.” She smiles warmly.

“Well, yes to this sort of thing.” I attempt to qualify her statement.

“No darling, I mean you are a virgin, you’ve never had sex.” It was no longer a question; it was a statement of fact. “It doesn’t matter you know,” she continues.

“Umm, not to presume to tell you your business but I would think that was kind of important, if not
most important part.” I frown as she shakes her head at my incorrect conclusion.

“Don’t get me wrong it
unusual in this business but you are not ‘an innocent’ or if you were you would’ve run a mile as soon as you realised what we did and you certainly wouldn’t have been able to endure a whole sample call. So despite the adorable colour in your cheeks, you are still here. You have a great voice, a good imagination I assume?” She raises a questioning eyebrow to which I nod my reply. “And you’re a submissive!” My eyes widen. “Quite perfect.” She adds.

I laugh out loud, wow, that couldn’t be further from the truth. I don’t remember a time when I didn’t make every decision myself. There is no one to tell me what to do, not that I would let them and I kick arse at Krav Maga each week with Marco. Does that sound submissive? I know she has made a mistake but I like her and I find I can’t be affronted by her misguided character assessment.

“Darling,” she soothes. “I know people, I read people and I can read you like an ABC or should I say D/s.” She chuckles. “You are all Yes Miss, No Miss, without a hint of irony.” She seems so pleased with herself I almost hate to disillusion her.

“I was being polite.” I point out politely.

“Yes you were, but there’s more, trust me and what a wonderful way to explore this “worldview,” through the safety of your telephone.” She was being genuine and I can’t take offence even if she is way off the mark.

“Look I have a proposal, take your time, think it over and do some research but remember to clear your browser history!” She laughs at her own joke. “I would like to take you on as a submissive for one of the premium lines. There will obviously be some artistic licence, you won’t be a ‘to the letter’ submissive, after all, can’t very well hold a conversation over the phone if your gagged.” Again she seems to find herself hilarious. I take another sip of water and give a very nervous laugh, trying to share her carefree attitude to the whole other world crashing into mine. “If you agree we will start you off one hour each night, from midnight onwards tends to be busiest. It’s completely anonymous and completely safe, no one needs to know. You look like a girl who can keep a secret?” She looks directly at me. She is either the master of the understatement or she really can read people.

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