Neil, Louisa - One Queen with Two Kings (Siren Publishing Ménage and More) (3 page)

BOOK: Neil, Louisa - One Queen with Two Kings (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)
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“Later, my sweet. We’re both here now. Let’s say the
I do’s
and then we’ll have a lifetime to talk.”

Several of the guests laughed, but Thea didn’t. She pulled from his grasp.

“Outside, now,” was all she said before calmly walking to the door. She stopped to look back at him, noting the cruel look in his eyes
and wondered why she hadn’t noticed it before. Just as she moved out of sight, his comments stunned her.

“Not to worry folks, just a few pre
wedding jitters. I’ll get her a tranquilizer, and we’ll be set in no time.”

Thea wasn’t a woman who used physical force to convey her emotions, but just now, she’d have given a lot to land him one clean punch to his perfect patrician nose.

“A means to an end,” she whispered, waiting at the office door for him to join her. A quick sweep of the room told her it was empty. Only the closet door open an inch let her know Alex was nearby. Lloyd entered behind her and slammed the door shut.

“Really, Thea, maybe you do need to be sedated. How could you embarrass me like that? Why, there are friends and business associates out there. I’ll tell you this. Once we’re married, you’ll never embarrass me like that again, do you understand!” He stood so close to her his breath blew in her face with each word. So did the sickening smell of the alcohol he’d been drinking.

“Lloyd, please sit. This is important.” He only stared down at her. Today he didn’t intimidate her. She stood her ground waiting for him to take a seat. “Did you think I wouldn’t find out?”

His head came up quickly, his black eyes finding her
as their target and glaring. Today she kept his stare, not backing down. For long moments, neither said a word. Finally, Lloyd sat back in his seat, one leg crossed over his other knee. He moved the material so as not to crease his trousers before he slowly reached in his pocket and pulled out his cigarette case. Thea waited him out, knowing he was buying for time.

“So you’ve found out. It’s too late to do anything about it, and we both know it.”

“Is it? Is that what you really think? Tell me, Lloyd, what would you have said if I had found out after we were married?”

“It wouldn’t have mattered. Once I had you, touched you and made you mine, Dexter never would have wanted anything to do with you again.” The smug smile she was presented chilled her to the bone. It took a moment for her to realize they were talking about two different topics.

“Is that what you had decided?” She was stalling for time, her thoughts swirling as to the meaning behind his words.

“You’re mine now, Thea. And in a few minutes, we will both walk back out there
and you will pretend you’re in love with me. Because if you don’t, you’ll never know the correct coordinates to try and rescue your beloved Dexter.”

She didn’t quite manage to hold back the gasp that escaped her throat. Pulling all her courage forward, she sat on the edge of the desk and forced her face to relax into a calm smile.

“If Dexter is alive, our marriage would be voided. I’d still be legally his wife.”

“It wouldn’t matter. By that time I’d have control of your votes. That’s all that really matters. Did you think I loved you, Thea? That I really wanted you as my wife?” His laugh was that of a demented person. “Can you really imagine I’d be faithful to you?”

“How did you plan on getting control of my votes, Lloyd?”

“Simple, really. I almost have them already. A few hints dropped to the right people about your mental stability was all it took. Your father’s poor health went a long way in my direction too. Of course, I’m making the grand sacrifice marrying you, with all your drug problems.” His laugh was cruel and his look sinister.

“You snake!” She rounded on him, pulling herself back just in time.

“Maybe, but by rights you should have been mine from the start. Dexter took what was meant to be mine. I’m simply taking it back. You will marry me, Thea, and you will be the adoring wife. An heir is important, but after that, I don’t really care what happens to you, as long as I get custody of the kid.”

“And with my child, control of my stock and votes, possibly the whole company?”

“Something like that, but now it’s all out in the open, I’m beginning to see another way. Maybe I don’t have to toss you aside. We could be an amazing team, Thea. Think of the possibilities.” He gazed out the window
and she wondered what changes he was mentally making to his plans. It gave her a few seconds to control herself.

“Why would anyone believe I had a drug problem?” She kept her voice soft, hoping to lull him into talking.

“Most of them already believe it, Thea. People are apt to believe the worst about a person just to feel better about themselves. A few well
placed hints to the tabloids would enhance the rumors. The truth doesn’t really matter in a case like this. Just the hint of a problem and the gossip will brand you an addict for the rest of your life. Now, what judge in his right mind would give a child to you, no matter how much money your family has?”

Again, she cringed at his sinister tone. “Seems like a lot of planning and time wasted, Lloyd.”

“I’m a patient man, Thea. When Dexter’s plane went down, I saw an opportunity and took it. Waiting the two years for you was a waste, but I had to handle you carefully. Now that you know what is expected of you, I think we might be able to come to a mutually satisfying agreement. But make no mistake, I am in charge
and I plan to stay in charge.”

“Even so, what makes you think Dad will step back and hand over control to you? If anyone gets control of Wainwright Industrial, it should be Alex by rights.”

“Accidents happen,” he tossed back at her. The chill that ran through her sickened her, and she continued out of pure self-preservation.

“And the same for Dad?”

“Whatever. Something would have come along.”

“Yes, I see. But what about Dr. Lancing? Surely you didn’t bribe him?”

“That old dinosaur, twisting his words was easier than twisting yours.”

“Did you ever really search for Dexter’s plane, Lloyd? If we are to marry and form this alliance you seem to want, I need to know the truth. If he should turn up one day, you’d be married to a bigamist.”

“Yes, a convenient way out, don’t you think? I’d have been the long-suffering husband who married the unstable widow and was now stuck caring for your child. Makes me qui
the martyr without doing anything. Just remember the terms of our prenuptial agreement, Thea. I own you now, until the day you die.”

“Did you search for him?” Her tone was brittle, and she closed her eyes to gain control before she said or did something to make him stop talking.

“We searched, but found nothing. Of course, it might have helped if we were looking on the correct side of the Pacific.” His laugh moved through her like a knife.

“You bastard. You left my husband and his best friend on some deserted island?”

“There’s no way of knowing if they survived the crash. Actually, I had a wonderful two weeks in paradise. The native women are very accommodating for a price.”

“That’s it!” Thea walked to the door, opening it wide when she realized he followed closely behind her. Her father was standing in the hallway. Beside him
Dr. Lancing
and beside him
Dexter’s parents, Patrick and Marie Norden. Marie moved to her, taking her against her body for the comfort they both needed. There were several company security officers standing to the side.

“Thea, we’ve already made some calls. There’s a rescue team gearing up as we speak, and my assistant is heading to the office to pull the files. We’ll all go back to the house and figure out where to find them,” her father told her.

She nodded to him, understanding his words, and took the handkerchief Patrick slipped into her hands.

Behind them, most of the wedding guests stood in the hallway watching the spectacle. Thea pulled herself together as she moved toward them.

“Everyone, thank you for waiting. It’s obvious there won’t be a wedding today, however the food and wine
paid for
as is the music. I suggest we all enjoy the afternoon
not as a wedding reception but as a
close call
party instead. The bar is open, and I’m sure we could all use a drink.”

Some of the guests waited, rooted to their spots, wondering what would happen next. Most of the low whispers were remarks about the terrible man she almost married. Some of guests couldn’t believe a man could sink to such depths. Alex’s voice rang through the room.

“Thea, could you come to the office, please?”

She smiled the widest smile she had since before Dexter left on the fateful day for his business trip. Two long years she thought he was dead, along with his best friend, Russell Grant.

Lloyd Jenkins looked around and realized their conversation had been broadcast throughout the country club. In the distance, the orchestra started playing “Happy Days Are Here Again.” She didn’t pull back her smile. Instead, she went to Grace Owen, her best friend and maid of honor. She, too, had known unthinkable sorrow when her beloved Lucas was lost in military service. She’d always been sad he’d never gotten to meet his son.

“Thea, why didn’t you tell me he was pressuring you?”

“It doesn’t matter now, Grace. Even if Dexter and Russell aren’t alive, at least we’ll know the truth. Come on, let’s get Lucas from his sitter. He deserves to party too!” She moved away with the fair-haired woman, stopping to scoop up the young boy who toddled toward them.

“Thea, your gown!”

“Who cares,” she said to Grace, cuddling the child close to her, taking a bite from the chocolate bar he held. His right hand left a perfect chocolate print on her shoulder as she carried him into the ballroom. Thea didn’t wait to watch Lloyd being escorted from the club. Since he had no family to invite
there was nobody she felt she needed to comfort. She didn’t feel the need to console any of his friends. For the first time in years
she felt alive. Her best hope was the men would be found alive. If not, at least she and their families would have the closure they’d been lacking these last years since the plane crash. No matter what happened, Thea had just gotten a reprieve from the life Lloyd had intended.

Chapter Two

Alistair Wainwright stood beside his daughter and son, both of them smiling as he hadn’t seen in years. For Alex and himself, seeing the immediate change in Thea had been heartwarming. While he knew she would grieve for her husband, he also knew she’d found herself again. It was the high price it had almost cost her that terrified them. They talked to their friends and family of a narrow escape and teased openly. It amazed him the amount of gossip and innuendo that had formed around their family
and he hadn’t a hint of it happening.

“I’m going to change out of this dress. I’ll be back in a few minutes. Then I want to dance!” she told Alex and her father. He noted a glint of light reflecting in her eyes, the aqua color inherited from her paternal grandmother, Theodora. She’d also inherited her dark chestnut hair and her light complexion
which gave her an ethereal quality. She was the angel he’d missed for the past two years, reincarnated before him this very day.

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