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Authors: T. Renee Fike

Needing You (28 page)

BOOK: Needing You
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“You ready to go or did you want to stay longer?” I ask sweetly in his ear.

“Sure, we’ve been here long enough, let’s go!” he says as he takes my hand and kisses it. We make our way around to say good-bye to a few of the guys and their girlfriends and then head out the door. The music is so loud you can hear it down the street.

“Thank you Tuck that was fun.” I say.

“Yes it was baby, thank you for coming with me,” he says as he wraps his arm around my shoulders and pulls me into his side. I wrap my arm around his waist and we make the short walk back to my dorm room.

By the time we get into the door, I’m a ball of nerves. I keep trying to calm myself down, but obviously, it’s not working so well. “Babe you’re shaking…what’s wrong?” he asks worriedly. 

“Nothing’s wrong, I just got a chill or something,” I fib.

“No, that’s not it because you weren’t shaking outside. Look if it has anything to do with what you mentioned early don’t worry about it. I told you we don’t have to have sex. I mean it. I’m happy just being with you.” he says as he stares into my eyes.

“I know but….a…well I want to have sex with you. I’m just nervous I won’t …umm..Do it right,” I state nervously.

“Baby, nothing you do would ever be wrong. Let’s not talk about sex okay, let’s just hang out alright?” he asks sweetly.

“Okay. I’m going to go change though,” I say and then disappear into the bedroom.  Okay, so operation seduce Tuck; step one, wear the sexy lingerie I purchased from Victoria’s Secret; step two, light a few candles to help set the mood; step three, make sure there are condoms on the nightstand and that KY stuff. Not sure if we’ll need it, but I see it advertised on television all the time so why not try it out!  Step four, music, definitely music, to help set the mood. I set my iPod to a selection of love songs. I think I’m ready…gosh I hope so.  Okay now, just lie sexually on the bed and call my man back here. Shit…oh well, here goes nothing!

“Are you going to change or stay in your suit?” I yell from my bedroom.

“I was going to wait until you came out of the…..FUCK!  Holy shit you look amazing,” he says as he slowly moves towards me on the bed. “But Harp, I told you we don’t have to do this,” he says as he’s motioning to all the stuff I set up.

“Tuck please, I want to do this, and I want it to be with you,” I plead. Before I know what’s happening Tuck’s lips are on mine kissing me so passionately I can feel my panties dampen with want.  I start to unbutton Tuck’s dress shirt because I want him naked. I want to feel his body against mine.  Once the shirt is unbuttoned, Tuck takes it off and throws it somewhere on the floor. I start unhooking his button on his pants and start to push them down as fast as I can.

“Babe,” Tuck says with a small laugh “we have all night, there’s no need to rush.” I can feel my face redden because he’s right, but well I’m nervous. “We’re going to take this very slow because I want to taste your entire body,” he says as he slowly starts to lick and kiss my neck down to my collarbone, across to my shoulder and down to my breasts.  I can feel my nipples harden into peaks and gosh, my body is craving for him to let my breasts free and to take them into his mouth.  He must sense what I want because he pulls the string on the baby doll camisole thing I’m wearing and slowly starts sucking on my right breast.  He makes sure to pay attention to my other nipple too.  He lightly bites down on my puckered nipple and I moan out in ecstasy. I want him to touch me further down, but he keeps his hands on my breasts and kneads them while he places small kisses all across my chest.  The way he is licking, sucking, and kissing my body is making me go crazy.  My panties are drenched and I want him to touch me.

“Please,” I cry out.

“What baby, tell me what you want me to do” he asks.

“I want you to touch me down there” I ask breathlessly.

“Touch you where Harp?” he asks seductively.

Damn him for making me have to spell it out, he knows damn well what I want. I grab his hand off of my nipple and guide it down to my core, “here touch me here,” I moan by the feel of his hand.

“Baby…do you want me to touch you or lick you here?” he says in a seductive tone, which is only turning me on even more.

“Mmmm yes lick, definitely lick” and does he ever.  His tongue starts sliding along my wet folds and down and into me.

“Damn baby, you’re so wet for me right now,” he says in between licks.

“Ohhh yes, mmm just like that, oh that feels good” I can feel my body start to build and oh my gosh, I’m not sure how long I can take his torturous tongue, but oh my, it feels so good.

“Watch me baby, I want you to watch me. I want to see the look in your eyes when you come in my mouth,” he says through sucking on my nub. I lean up and watch this sexy man at work and what a fucking turn on.

“Oh God Tuck….,” I say as I feel my eyes close.

“Open your eyes Harp,” Tuck snaps at me. I quickly open them to watch him licking and sucking on my core.  His hands are still kneading my breasts and every now and then he twists my nipples, which is a feel of pain and pleasure and damn if it doesn’t excite me even more.  The things this man can do to my body are amazing.

“OH MY GOD!” I scream out as fireworks go off in my body. I can’t help but throw my head back as the waves crash over me. Finally when I’m done convulsing, I look at Tuck and he has a smile on his face and his eyes are full of lust.

“Harp, that is the sexiest thing I’ve ever watched in my life,” he says as he moves up my body kissing slowly.

“Please I want you now,” I practically beg.

“Patience baby, patience,” he says through kisses.

“Tuck, my patience is running real thin right now,” I pant at him.

“Baby, I want this to be something you remember forever and I want it to be special so it’s going to be slow, got it,” he states, instead of asks.

“Okay,” is all I can pant out.

“Harp you feel so good baby, I love the way your body responds to me,” he says through more licking and kissing as he comes up my body. I can’t take it; my body is going crazy with want. I grab his head and lean into him to take his mouth. The moans that are coming out of both of us are sexy as hell.

While kissing him, I reach down and touch him through his dress pants and boxers.  I try to push them down while kissing him. He starts to laugh a bit, “Damn, you’re making me crazy. I’m trying to go slow here and you aren’t helping.” I don’t want to go slow though I want him, NOW.

“I think we’ve gone slowly enough, I want to feel you inside me, please Tuck,” I moan through his torturous sucking on my nipple again.

Finally Tuck takes the hint and lets his pants and boxer briefs fall to the floor.  Then he takes a condom off the nightstand and rips it open and places it over the head of his dick and rolls it down. Just watching this is turning me on even more. I lay with Tuck between me leaning down and taking my mouth with his. I feel him slowly, oh so slowly, enter me and though I was scared earlier, I have not one ounce of it in me now.  I have nothing but want and love for his man. He slowly slides in, inch by blissful inch, allowing my body to adjust to his size.

“Oh, oh my gosh,” I moan.

“Are you okay baby?” he asks while looking at me with lustful eyes.

“Couldn’t be better,” I tell him while trying to pull him closer to me. Once my body is adjusted to him, he slowly pulls out and enters ever so slowly back into me. “Please Tuck, you’re torturing me here,” I beg.

“You feel so damn good Harp, I can’t go fast yet or this isn’t going to last,” he says through hooded eyes.

“We have all night remember,” I practically beg. I use my legs and try to pull him further into me. The way he makes my body feel isn’t anything like I’ve ever felt before.  He finally takes the hint and starts moving faster. I can feel my body building yet again, this is crazy.

“Holy shit, oh God yes, please don’t stop,” I say before his lips take mine and he’s kissing me like I’m his last breath. I kiss back as much as I can, hoping he can feel every emotion that he’s pulling from my body.

“Oh damn, oh baby you feel fucking amazing,” he says in between thrusts.

“I can’t take much more…oh…oh gosh, oh my gosh…..Tuck!” I scream out as an orgasm rips through my body. Tuck yell’s my name at the same time coming with me.

Tuck collapses on my body and I can’t help but feel fulfilled by him. Once he catches his breath, “Baby you’re amazing” and then continues to kiss me all over my face. I can’t help but giggle and squirm underneath him.

“You’re pretty amazing yourself,” I tell him through my giggles. I can’t believe he makes me feel so complete.

After a few more minutes of making out with my boyfriend, Tuck finally pulls back and excuses himself to the bathroom to dispose of the condom.  He crawls back into bed with me and wraps me in his arms. “Babe tonight was unexpected but it was perfect, thank you,” he says looking into my eyes and then placing a soft kiss to my lips.

“Tuck….thank you for everything,” I say. I can feel my eyes get watery and I tell myself to not cry.

“Baby I would do anything for you; you don’t have to thank me for anything.”  We lay holding each other and I want to tell him how I feel, but I can’t bring myself to say those three little words because part of me is scared that he may not feel the exact same way.  Don’t get me wrong, I know Tuck cares a lot about me, but love is such a strong word and holds so much meaning.  I can’t scare him off, especially after what we just shared so instead, I hold those three little words in and snuggle closer to his body.


Chapter 27

The next week goes great. Tuck and I are closer than I could ever imagine. We have sex a few more times since our first night together and even when I think it can’t get any better, somehow it does.  Our first night we ended up having sex three times throughout the night, the second time instigated by Tuck and the third was me waking him up because my body craved for him to be inside of me again. Who knew sex could be so amazing…I surely didn’t, but it’s not like I had experience in that area. Tuck took his time exploring my body and allowing me to explore his and I love to learn and explore everything, Tuck related.

There are times I find myself just staring at him, still not believing this sexy brown-eyed man is mine and here in bed with me, but he reassures me all the time that he’s mine and that he’s not going anywhere.

I love his chest and I tend to put my hands on him a lot. I mean, all the freaking time.  I can’t help but touch him whenever I get the chance.  Now I’m not a girl who shows a lot of PDA, but when Tuck’s around, it’s like my mind does its own thinking and I can’t help but touch him.


Finals are next week and I know I won’t see him much this week, so I’m trying to soak in as much of him as I can.  I have a lot of studying to do and so does Tuck, so we make an agreement that we would settle down for this week so we can focus on school and then we can go from there.

I’m nervous, because after finals, I need to head back to Virginia to face my parents because my dad’s trial is soon. I hate the fact that I have to do this, but I need to do it for myself and for Allie.  She deserves to know he’s rotting away in prison for what he’s done to us.  He took her life away and if I can give her a sliver of peace, then that’s what I need to do. Tuck assures me he’s going to be there and I know he will, he won’t let me do this by myself.

Studying for finals suck! There’s so much we learned during the semester that I have no idea how I can remember it all. I try reading and read some more until my freaking head feels like it’s going to burst. I haven’t seen Tuck since this afternoon and I could use a break.

We decide it’s best to study apart because trying to study in my dorm together proved nonexistent, the only thing studied was of our bodies. So, we agree to study in our own rooms this week.  I can’t wait until finals are over!

I’ve been studying for the past six hours and my eyes are ready to shut. My brain is fried and I can’t take it anymore.  As I close my book, there’s a knock at my door. I look out the peephole and see Tuck standing there. My heart does a little flutter.

“Hey baby,” Tuck says as he enters my dorm and kisses me quickly. “I think we studied enough tonight and I want to sleep with you in my arms.”

“My brain hurts,” I admit to him while snuggling into his chest.

He laughs, “Let’s go to bed beautiful girl.” I lead Tuck to my bedroom and crawl into bed with Tuck snuggling right into me. As much as I want to touch this man all night, I’m exhausted.


Finals sail by and thank goodness I couldn’t be happier that they’re over. Unfortunately, Tuck and I are flying out tomorrow to head to Virginia. I’m dreading this, but I can’t back out now.  We have plans to hang out tonight with his frat buddies at PowerTrips as a celebration because the semester’s over.

“You ready babe?” Tuck asks as I walk into the living room.

“Sure, let’s go,” I say as I walk over to him toward the door.  We leave my dorm and head to PowerTrips.  I’m thankful that I work here because if not, I wouldn’t be allowed in because I’m not 21 yet.  We get to the bar and the place is packed.  Parker’s band is playing one final time tonight before they head out on tour, so I get why they’re extra busy. Normally I would be working tonight, but since we’re leaving early in the morning, I wasn’t scheduled.

I’m glad I know a few people tonight outside of Tuck and his friends. Tuck has a hold of my hand and leads me to the back corner where his friends are. As I pass by, I wave to Natalie and Marcus who are working behind the bar.  We say hi to all Tuck’s friends and Tuck sits and since there’s nowhere else to sit, I sit on his lap. I see a few girls give me the stink eye, obviously jealous, but I just ignore it. Tonight is about having fun. I know Tuck wants to take my mind off of next week, but it’s hard not to think about it.

After a few minutes, I excuse myself and go say hi to Eddie. We talk for a few minutes but then Colin needs him, so I make my way back over to Tuck. I see a few girls try to talk to him but he ignores them like they aren’t even there. I can’t help the stupid grin that is plastered on my face because of that. I squeeze past the two girls and resume my place on Tuck’s lap. “Hey baby,” he says as he kisses my temple, “we can leave whenever you want to tonight, okay?”

BOOK: Needing You
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