Needing Harte (1-800-DOM-Help) (9 page)

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Authors: Marilu Mann

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: Needing Harte (1-800-DOM-Help)
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Harte fought the urge to roll his eyes. Normally he had the utmost respect for his superior, but the questions the man was asking with regard to this case had him stumped. They’d already cleared Carl Davis. The guy had a rock-solid alibi.

In fact, as a big-shot lawyer, his alibi was more than just rock solid. He’d been having dinner with two of the governor’s aides about some charity event they were all involved in.

“I’ve heard rumors that they weren’t just gay, that they were into some really…well, freaky stuff. Whips, chains, that’s just not normal. I want you to look into the lead that this might have been some gay sex thing gone wrong.”

“Excuse me, sir, but I don’t think that has anything to do with this. All indications we have are pointing to either a random mugging or gay bashing gone horribly wrong.” Phipps, the lead investigator, spoke up.

This time Harte couldn’t control his reaction. He’d been so buried under other cases he hadn’t heard about an increase in gay bashing until last night when the uniform had said something about mobilizing the community. “Has there been an increase in gay bashing?”

“You should know, Donovan. You were in the neighborhood last night and got your own head bashed. What were you doing there anyway?” One of the other cops spoke up before anyone else could.

“Shut up, Foley. No one asked your opinion.” McKinley threw the cap of his pen at the other cop. “Donovan doesn’t have to explain himself to you or anyone else.”

Harte glanced at his partner, who looked at him and grinned. He knew that shit-eating grin and knew he was about to catch some major flack.

“Just because he went back to Pulse to watch the pretty boys dance, hell, we won’t hold that against him. I have to admit, if I was into playing hide-the-hockey-stick, I’d have been right there with him. Besides, if my partner is gay, what business is that of yours?”

“What?” Harte’s voice joined the rest of the exclamations and McKinley got to his feet, heading for the coffeepot.

“Puh-lease. He’s way too fucking polite. He’s a good conversationalist. He cooks. He lives in the cleanest apartment I’ve ever seen a man in. My wife has been trying to fix him up with her friends for the last two years.

“And as far as I know, he hasn’t ever taken any of those women back to his place. And I know for a fact one or two of them would have done him in his car if he’d asked. So Harte likes men. So what? Don’t any of you have something you’d rather the rest of us not know that we already do? Like you, Foley. Want to drop those pants and let everyone see what’s under them?”

“Fuck you, McKinley.”

“No thanks, I’m not interested and from what I’ve seen, you’re not Harte’s type either. Besides, I’ve got a hot wife waiting for me at home. Now can we please get back to the case at hand?”

Harte swallowed hard. His partner had just outed him and for now anyway, the guys had taken it completely in stride. No one had pointed at him, called him names or anything like that. They’d all just gone back to work, discussing the case. He waited until the buzz of conversation got a little louder then leaned toward McKinley. “Jeff, what does Foley wear under his pants?”

“Thongs, dude, and believe me, it ain’t pretty. Walked in on him in the locker room one afternoon. Scarred me for life. So, how long have you been gay?”

“How long have you been a redneck asshole?”

“That long? Damn, son, MaryAnn was right all along. She said the only reason you’d turn her friend Stacey down was if you were gay.”

“Why’d you bring it up now?”

“Well, I figure if you’re going to be hanging around the club where your new boyfriend works, someone ought to know so the patrols won’t ask too many questions.”

“He’s not my…”

“Gentlemen? Whenever you’re ready to rejoin the investigation into the murder?” Their lieutenant’s voice rang out loud and clear, causing both Harte and McKinley to turn their attention back to the situation at hand. Harte felt his pocket vibrate and pulled his phone out to see a text message.

Unfettered, 9PM. Be there. No excuses. JW

He didn’t even wonder how Jason Winters had gotten his phone number. The only thing he wondered about right now was how soon he could get out of here.


Harte parked his car and gripped the steering wheel tightly. He’d had a trying day and had the feeling it wasn’t over yet. He and Ramey needed to come to some sort of understanding tonight. Now that everyone he worked with knew he was gay that was one less issue for them to deal with. Any repercussions from that he’d deal with as they arose, but they wouldn’t involve Ramey and they wouldn’t be Ramey’s fault.

He got out of the car and took a deep breath. Heading toward the club, he felt the weight of the day pressing down on his shoulders. As he knocked on the door and was greeted by Hayden again, he felt some of that weight lifting.

“Good evening, Master Harte. How are you tonight?”

“I’m okay, Hayden. Thank you. Have you seen Jason, I mean Master Jason, tonight?”

“Master Jason and his Leo, along with Ramey, are already inside, Sir.”

“Thank you.” He walked past the doorman and into the club. There was a different vibe in there tonight, or maybe he was the one who was different. Harte bypassed the bar, though he did wave at Tasha as he went past. His goal was the three men sitting at a table. Okay, tech-nically, one guy sitting at a table and two men kneeling at his feet.

“Winters.” Harte gave back the same icy stare the guy hit him with.

“Donovan. Have a seat. We need to talk.” Harte saw Ramey stiffen even as Leo reached up to touch Winters’ knee.

“I’m listening.” Harte took the unoccupied chair and rested his arms on the tabletop.

“I’ve decided that you aren’t good for my friend. I think you need to explore with some other sub, not Ramey.”

“Well, if I understand the way this works, that’s not your decision to make. Ramey isn’t yours. He’s able to make his own decisions about who he becomes involved with and what that entails.”

“What could you possibly offer him? A life of living in secret? The inability to go out in public without fear of reprisal from your job? Ramey deserves more than that.”

“You’re right. As of today, however, my job isn’t an issue.”

“You’re giving up being a detective?”

“No. I never said that. But my partner outed me. I had a long talk with my lieutenant and my captain this afternoon. I told them that being gay had never hindered my ability to do my job in any way, that I’d been gay a lot longer than I’d been a cop, and if they had an issue with it I’d turn in my badge. Since I’m damn good at my job, they’re not stupid and they don’t want a lawsuit for wrongful termination on their hands, they declined.” Harte paused and met Jason’s eyes again.

“I told them there was someone I was interested in, that I’d met him during the course of my investigation into the death of a gay individual, and that I intended to pursue a relationship with him. I have removed myself from the investigation into Kevin’s death so there won’t be any issues with the DA’s office once his killer is found.”

Harte gave a short laugh. “I also told them that I wasn’t giving up my position of first base-man on the department softball team, and since the chief desperately wants the trophy back from the fire department this year, they’ll leave me alone on that as well. Now, anything else you want to know about my job and how it’s going to interfere with my relationship with Ramey?”

Harte shifted back in his chair with his arms crossed across his chest. Winters narrowed his eyes.

“Your relationship with Ramey? Donovan, one scene does not equal a relationship.”

“You’re right, but if you’d stop interfering, maybe Ramey and I could discuss this on our own.”

Winters stared hard at him for a moment then glanced at Ramey. “Ramey? Do you want to have a conversation with Master Harte?”

“Yes Sir.”

“Good.” Harte held out his hand, daring Winters to try to stop them from talking. Winters placed Ramey’s leash in his outstretched palm, then closed his hand over Harte’s with the leash trapped between them.

“There’s something you need to know, Donovan.”

“What’s that?”

“Ramey is an incredibly loving individual and he has a lot to give to the right Master. I’m not sure you’re that man, though I’m willing, for now, to give you the benefit of the doubt.

However, know this. Ramey is not just my employee, he’s my friend. If you hurt him in any way, you’ll find yourself in trouble with the majority of the gay community. Doors you aren’t even aware of will be closed to you, and losing your job will be the least of your problems.”

Winters let go of his hand and got to his feet.

“Leo and I will leave the table to you. Ramey, you’re not to leave Unfettered without talking to me first. Clear?”

“Yes Sir.”

Without another glance, Winters led his sub away. Harte clenched his fist on Ramey’s leash, trembling in rage. Winters had just openly threatened him and the Dom in him was having a hard time dealing with that. However, he had something much more important to deal with than that arrogant asshole. He had a sub he needed to clear the air with and a man he definitely wanted to have sex with again kneeling on the floor in front of him.

Harte sat down and tilted Ramey’s head back so he could see those bright hazel eyes again. “Ramey, I want your eyes on me, understood?”

“Yes, Master.”

The thrill that went through him at those two words caused his heart and his cock to swell.

Though he’d probably hurt Ramey in ways he’d never truly know, the other man still elected to call him “Master”, to claim him. Now Harte had to prove to Ramey that he was worthy of that appellation.

“First, you were right.”

The look of shock on that gorgeous face was worth dropping that bomb. “You heard me.

You were right. Not telling my co-workers about us was wrong. It was weak. I didn’t do the coming out but I would have. For the chance of us being more than just a hook-up or a couple of one-night stands.”

Ramey gulped as he nodded. Harte didn’t stop. “Two, I want you as my sub and as my partner. Can you be both?”

When Ramey didn’t answer, Harte felt his stomach drop. Then it hit him. “You may speak freely, Ramey.”

“Thank you, Master. I’m glad you’re out at work. I can be your sub and happily. I…”

Ramey looked down then seemed to remember Harte’s command as he looked back at him.

“I’m just not sure I can be a cop’s partner.”

It hit him harder than he expected. Harte rocked back in his chair then let the legs hit the floor with a resounding thud. “You want me to give up my job?”

Ramey interrupted him before he could say anything else. Laying a hand on his thigh, Ramey pressed his cheek against his own hand. “Oh it’s not that. Let me start over. I didn’t say that right. Master, it’s just that I don’t know if I can be the kind of partner you could be proud of. I’m a flamer who takes his clothes off for money and I like to dress in leather.”

Harte snorted. “You think I didn’t notice? You think I care? You’re also someone who can kick some serious ass when necessary. The job you did on those two bastards the other night? Come here.”

Standing, he drew Ramey to his feet. He cupped Ramey’s face, reveling in the strength he saw and felt there. “Sub, I don’t know how or why this happened, but I’m falling for your flam-ing stripper gay self. I want all of you. I don’t care what others say. If they can’t see the beauty and courage in you, I don’t want to be around them. You are what matters to me.”

He caught Ramey up into a hug that melted into a kiss. When he felt his cock growing hard, he growled, “Do I need to talk to Winters first? I want you now.”

“Yes, you do need to talk to me first. Leo, stay here.”

When Winters didn’t order Ramey to stay as well, Harte felt a relief he didn’t expect. It seemed like tacit approval from Jason Winters. Harte nodded at Ramey. “Stay with Leo.”

Then he spun on his heel to follow the other Dom into a small storeroom behind the bar.

They both leaned against the shelves eyeing one another. Harte knew how to play this particular scene, he’d done it enough times with suspects.

He won the waiting game when Winters cleared his throat. “I want you to know that I treasure Ramey as a friend. I meant what I said about not hurting him. Last night I questioned my own judgment about letting you test out your latent Dominant side on him. He’s too rare to treat casually.”

Harte nodded. “Agreed. And I’d chop off my own left nut before I hurt him. He’s opened up something in me no one else ever has. Ramey feels like my missing piece.”

Even as he spoke the words, he cringed at the over-emotional sound of them. But he had to be honest. Winters had to understand what Ramey meant to him.

“I do understand what you’re feeling, Harte. You’ve just echoed words similar to the ones I said myself about Leo. I trust that you won’t hurt him on purpose but what about unintentionally? Ramey isn’t someone you can hide in your closet when things get rough.”

At that, Harte pushed off from the wall. Jason did as well. The two men stared one another down until Harte finally spoke. “I want to punch you for saying that. I wanted to kill you for telling me he was too good for me. Then I realized you were right. He is too good for me. His submission is a gift and I will never stop thanking him for that. Dammit, do you want me to say to you what I haven’t said to him yet? Fine. I love him. It’s fast and it’s crazy and different from any other relationship I’ve ever had, but I want him in my life and at my feet forever.”

Something changed in the other man’s face. Where there had been ice, Harte saw thaw-ing. Jason reached out his hand and Harte took it.

“That’s all I needed to hear. Now let’s go get our boys. What do you say we put them up on the stocks for some spanking? I’ll show you some of my techniques.”

Harte smiled as he shook Jason’s hand. “I’m all about learning how to pleasure my sub and turning his ass red. Lead on.”

Harte saw the sigh of relief Ramey released when he and Jason returned to the table. Following Jason’s lead, he took Ramey’s leash and led him toward a corner of the room. Jason spoke to one of the guys wearing the bright vests, a Dungeon Monitor, he remembered, then motioned Harte forward.

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