Needing Harte (1-800-DOM-Help) (5 page)

Read Needing Harte (1-800-DOM-Help) Online

Authors: Marilu Mann

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: Needing Harte (1-800-DOM-Help)
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“Are you talking sex, Ramey? Because I definitely feel those needs where you’re concerned.”

“If it pleases you.” He couldn’t resist any longer. Though with any other Dom touching without permission might be a problem, he could almost sense that Harte needed him to make the first move. Though it wasn’t completely in his nature, he found that he had needs where Harte was concerned too. Sliding one hand up the slick leather pants, he cupped the back of Harte’s knee and leaned against him. “Whatever pleases you.”

“Not here. Is there somewhere we can go?”

“There are usually private rooms, Sir. The bartender will know.”

“Tasha!” Harte’s voice drew Ramey’s attention. He could hear the tension there. Rubbing his face against Harte’s thigh, Ramey leaned even more against the other man. He felt the muscle tighten and dared to place a kiss against Harte’s hip. Harte’s fingers threaded through his hair, pulling his head back.

“On your feet, Ramey, now.”

He got to his feet and gasped as Harte yanked him close, kissing him fast and hard, thrusting his tongue deep into Ramey’s mouth. With a soft moan, Ramey relaxed against Harte, kissing him back, rubbing his body against the hardness of Harte’s chest, sliding his hands up and down the soft shirt.

Pushing him back a step, Harte held out a brass key. “Let’s go.”

Ramey fell into step behind Harte, his head bowed, his gaze roaming over Harte’s back and ass. He wanted to lick his way around the other man’s body, nuzzle his balls, suck his cock deep and swallow every drop of cum Harte had to offer.

Trembling in excitement and arousal, he followed Harte down a dimly lit hallway to a room with a plaque on the door proclaiming it to be number four. Harte put the key in the lock and turned the lights on before leading Ramey inside.

Chapter Four

He didn’t even have a chance to look around. Harte had him up against the door kissing him again and Ramey had absolutely no objection. Taking control of the kiss seemed very natural for Harte, and giving over that control was definitely in his own repertoire. Ramey stroked his hands down Harte’s shirt again, this time hoping Harte would give him permission to remove it.

Breaking their kiss and taking a step back, Harte stared at him. Ramey gazed at his face for a few long minutes then dropped his eyes. He started to go to his knees and felt Harte’s hand on his shoulder.

“Stay standing for a minute. I think I know how this is done, but if I misstep, feel free to help me out. Now I’ve been told that every sub has hard limits, some things they absolutely won’t do. Tell me yours.”

“Blood play. I pass out at the sight of blood, especially my own.”

“Fair enough. I heard your safe word earlier. You say ‘blanket’ and the scene stops, right?”

Ramey nodded.

“What else?” Harte fought his raging desire to just begin. He had to know, to learn as much as he could first. He’d been given a gift. He didn’t want to screw it up. Dragging a breath in, he waited.

“Some fire play or wax play is okay. I’m not real big on mummification, makes me totally twitchy, to be honest. Absolutely no scat or urine play. I don’t like needles either, the blood thing again.” Ramey risked a glance upward and found Harte staring at him, looking totally flummoxed.

“You had no idea any of that existed did you?”

“Not a fucking clue.” Shaking his head and laughing softly, Harte backed up and sat on the bed. “Since most of what you said scares me shitless, how about we stick with something simple. C’mere…what should I call you?”

“Pet, sub, Ramey, anything you wish, Sir.”

“You call me Sir, and I heard you call Jason that as well, but Jason’s sub called him Master.”

“It’s your preference, Sir.”

“All right then.” Harte paused to consider the choices. He chose the one with the least negative connotations for him. “Sub. Come here.” Ramey walked forward since he hadn’t been told to do otherwise and knelt on the floor between Harte’s spread legs. He could see the other man’s cock pressing against his leathers and his mouth watered.

Harte leaned forward and kissed him again, sliding one hand down Ramey’s chest to pinch his nipple. Ramey groaned and pressed against that hand. Keeping his own hands to himself was hard, but he managed until Harte leaned back from their kiss.

“Unbutton my shirt, sub.”

“With pleasure, Sir.” Harte rested his weight on his hands as Ramey leaned up and unbuttoned the first button. He spread the shirt open wider with each button, admiring the firm chest appearing before him. The hair on Harte’s chest was only slightly darker than that on his head, sparse around his brown nipples and slightly thicker in the middle. Leaning forward, he dared to lick around one of Harte’s nipples and felt the other man’s hand on the back of his head.

“Harder.” Complying was easy and he sucked and nipped at Harte’s chest even as he continued to unbutton his shirt before pushing it open completely. They were both breathing harder when Ramey finished with the last button. Harte yanked on the hem and tossed the shirt off the bed. “Stop.”

Ramey stopped but couldn’t resist licking his lips again, keeping Harte’s taste in his mouth.

“There’s a selection of paddles on the wall over there. Go pick one and bring it back to me.”

With a nod of his head, Ramey started toward the wall on his knees. “On your feet, I want to watch that ass.”

“Yes Sir.” With a smile he couldn’t hide, Ramey got to his feet and walked slowly toward the wall, looking at his choices as he went. Paddles of every shape and size hung on pegs on the wall. Some were fur-lined, some had blunted spikes, some were made of wood, some of plastic.

Taking one off the wall, Ramey tested it against his upper thigh, slapping it hard but not as hard as he thought Harte would. The sting caused him to draw in a deep breath and, pleased with his choice, he turned to face his Master.

That particular thought stopped him in his tracks even as he devoured the sight of the sexy man reclining on the bed. Harte’s blond hair gleamed, his eyes were bright and a smile rested on those harsh features, making him look younger. Knowing he could easily commit to this man without ever even having sex with him caused Ramey’s feet to move forward. He reached Harte and knelt, presenting the paddle he’d chosen across both open palms and bowing his head.

Harte took the paddle from him as he sat up. “Up here. Put that sexy body right here.

Wait. Lose the G-string. I want to see that cock.”

Slipping the G-string off, Ramey felt his dick bounce. He barely resisted stroking himself as he looked at Harte’s face. Harte’s eyes had narrowed a little and his mouth opened as he licked his lips. Harte reached forward and cupped Ramey’s balls, squeezing them once, then again before releasing them to stroke Ramey’s prick. “No hair, huh? I figured as much when I saw you onstage, but wasn’t positive.”

“Hairless works better under costumes, Sir.”

“Hmmm….Now, across my legs, sub. Five swats to start and we’ll see where we are.”

“Yes Sir.” Stretching himself across Harte’s legs, he felt the smoothness of the leather under his body. Harte’s warmth came through to keep him from feeling at all chilled and Ramey held himself ready. Harte slid one hand down his back to his ass, squeezing each globe, pressing slightly against the welts from his earlier flogging. Ramey hissed in a breath and released it in a rush when the paddle hit his right butt cheek.

“One, Sir.” He heard the breathlessness in his own voice, the anticipation. Another sting-ing swat landed, this time on his upper thigh. “Two, Sir.”

Harte rubbed the spot he’d just swatted. “Damn, that’s a pretty sight. You okay, sub?”

“I’m good, Sir.”

“Good, ’cause I’m not done with you.” The third and fourth swats landed on his left butt cheek and left upper thigh and Ramey heard his voice going higher even as Harte’s seemed to be getting lower. The fifth strike hit him and Ramey felt his body floating. It took him a moment to realize that somehow Harte had picked him up and put him face-down on the bed.

Ramey started to slide his knees up to better present his ass for what he hoped would be a hard, fast fuck, but felt Harte turning him to the side. “You okay, baby?”

All he could do was nod at the endearment, but apparently that was enough. Harte got off the bed and unlaced his pants. Ramey lifted himself a little to watch and caught Harte’s chuckle.

“Too bad I didn’t bring my handcuffs. I’d love to cuff you to the bed and fuck you that way.”

“Yes Sir.” Harte laughed out loud then, even as he held up a familiar-looking bottle.

“They think of everything around here. Condoms and lube in a nice little basket, right beside the bed. You ready for my cock, sub? Or do you want a few more swats?”

“Cock, please, Sir.”

“Where do you want it, sub? You want it in your mouth or your ass?”

“This is your ass to fuck, Sir. Your mouth to take. Whatever pleases you.”

Harte’s eyes seemed to spark at that and he got on the bed at Ramey’s side. He leaned down to kiss him again, another one of those awe-inspiring kisses. Ramey sighed as Harte moved away from him. He could get so used to those kisses. “I’m going to fuck you, sub.

Hard and deep, and you’re not to come until I tell you to, clear?”

“Yes Sir.”

Harte moved behind him, pulling one of the pillows down from the head of the bed and shoving it under Ramey’s stomach as he rolled him back onto his stomach. “God, that’s a pretty sight. That ass is nice and red and you’ve got an amazing body, baby. Must be all that dancing, huh? Keeps you in shape, doesn’t it?”

“Yes Sir.”

“Ramey, you have permission to talk anytime we’re together. I like the sound of your voice, understood?” Harte covered his cock in one of the condoms as he spoke.

“Yes Sir. Thank you. Please fuck me.”

“With pleasure.” Harte squirted lube onto Ramey’s ass, pushing one finger into him and spreading the lube around. He squirted more lube around his opening, probing with two fingers, stretching him, and then Ramey felt the head of Harte’s cock pressing against his ass.

With slow rocking motions, Harte pressed his cock inside Ramey as he squeezed Ramey’s sore ass at the same time.

Ramey had to concentrate hard not to come, but Harte had told him not to so he wouldn’t.

He could feel every long hard inch going into his body and arched his back so that Harte’s strokes hit that spot inside that made chills break out on his body. Harte leaned over him, fucking hard and fast even as he kissed and gently bit at Ramey’s neck. Turning his head, Ramey hoped for a kiss and Harte complied with that unspoken request.

Ramey moaned and moved one hand down his body to pinch the head of his cock. He removed his hand before Harte could reprimand him and tried to concentrate on the feel of Harte’s cock sliding in and out of his ass instead of on his need to come.


Harte squeezed his eyes shut even as he moved his hips harder and faster, shoving his cock deep into Ramey. The little sounds Ramey made, the small motions as he pressed back into Harte’s thrusts. The absolutely gorgeous redness of his ass from Harte’s paddle. All of it was going straight to his head—and not the one that did most of his thinking. He’d nearly come just from entering Ramey, but fucking him was possibly one of the best experiences of his entire life.

He felt Ramey’s hand move again and knew the other man was heading for his own cock.

With a devilish grin, he reached around Ramey’s body and stroked the steel rod for himself.

Ramey cried out, bucking harder against Harte’s thrusts as he fought his own need to come.

Sliding his hand up and down Ramey’s cock with the same rhythm he used to fuck him, Harte leaned as far as he could over Ramey’s back and whispered, “Come,” in his ear.

Ramey shouted as cum spurted immediately from his cock. Harte kept stroking him until he felt Ramey shudder, and then he let go of his dick, grabbed his hips and really pounded into him until his own orgasm hit him. Squeezing his eyes shut and feeling his muscles quivering, Harte gave himself over to the rapture, filling the condom with his own cum.

Gently pulling his cock out of Ramey, Harte fell to the side, breathing hard. Ramey slumped beside him. Harte felt Ramey take his hand and forced his eyes open to see Ramey licking his fingers, cleaning the come from them. Harte chuckled softly. “Give me a minute, baby, and I’ll get something to clean you off.”

“No Sir. That is for me to do. Thank you.” Ramey pressed a soft kiss to his mouth and Harte felt him getting off the bed. Since he still couldn’t feel his legs, he stayed put. A soft warm wet cloth caressed his skin, wiping away sweat and taking the spent condom with it.

“I thought after-care was the Dom’s responsibility.”

“It is, but this is my pleasure, if you allow it, Sir. You are so gorgeous, Sir.”

“Ahhh, c’mere.” Pulling Ramey down beside him, he kissed him again. He adored kissing Ramey, the guy responded so readily.


Ramey curled into Harte. He knew they couldn’t sleep here even though he wanted to do just that. Harte explored his face with his lips, sometimes just touching him gently then pressing a warmer kiss to his flesh. A niggling doubt weaseled its way up. What if this was just a one-time thing? What if Harte was just trying the lifestyle out?

Then Ramey remembered that this hot man who’d just paddled then fucked his ass was a cop. What if…

“Sir,” Ramey pressed his hands against the hard chest to create a little breathing room. “I need to know. Is this…are you…”

His heart began to race as his skin grew cool. Harte’s blue eyes seemed like endless points of sky. Ramey felt dizzy as his mind raced. The guy was a cop. Ramey was a stripper.

No way would this ever work. As Harte drew in a breath, a soft knock came at the door.

Ramey jumped at the reprieve. “I’ll see who that is.”

Ignoring the “no” felt like nails down a chalkboard, but his sense of self-preservation kicked into overdrive. His relief at seeing Master Jason and Leo nearly made him weep. He tried to be casual but his voice trembled.

“The bartender told us where you were. I should have been clearer about leaving. My intention was that you not leave the main room, Ramey. Donovan, you and I will discuss this.”

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