Necromantic (16 page)

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Authors: Cole Vance,Rick Gualtieri

BOOK: Necromantic
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For now, though, I had work to do. First, I needed to get cleaned up. I probably looked as if I had just walked out of a fraternity gang-bang. After that, I needed to head to the Office-Mart to grab the order of mandrake that was probably waiting for me. I briefly toyed with the idea of seeing who was working today, but pushed it away. I had promised myself not to lose focus. Besides which, Julie was local. It probably wouldn’t do her any good to fuck a random stranger that might recognize her face in town. No, I would just drive...

Goddamnit! Did Julie even have a car? For all I knew, she either took the bus or just walked over. The local campus was only about a mile away.

I quickly washed up and dressed, sliding my ass into the extra tight jeans Julie had brought. Up top, she’d worn a tight belly shirt, showing off a generous amount of toned midriff. I didn’t know what she was like personally, but I sincerely doubted she spent too many nights alone not of her own volition. Going downstairs, I looked out the window and silently cursed. No car in sight.

I was tempted to bag it for that trip. The mandrake supply that was left would be enough to last at least a few more weeks. It would be cutting it close, but...

Oh, screw it

I walked into Harold's office and grabbed his keys. It wouldn’t kill me to borrow his car just this once.

* * *

The trip was uneventful, mostly. It was a quick in and out affair, or at least it was thanks to my willpower. The person working the counter that evening had been a young female brunette. I hadn’t thought anything of it, that is until I turned around and caught her checking me out. That was unexpected. Even more so had been my sudden arousal by it.

I had never been into other women before. Still, I found myself tempted. What would it be like to feel her lips against my vulva, her tongue exploring me? Nobody knows a woman’s body quite like another woman. I found myself actually contemplating it, my nipples beginning to harden against the thin fabric of the shirt I wore.

I stopped myself at the last second, though...even if just barely. That conquest could wait for another night. Besides which, it gave me something new to think about.

That didn’t mean I was entirely innocent, though. I did give the counter girl a smile back and perhaps put a little extra wiggle into my step as I left. No point in leaving that door completely closed for the future.

I quickly got in the car and drove back, trying to shake that far too tempting fantasy from my mind. Parking Harold’s sedan, I quietly let myself back into the house then headed toward the kitchen. My plan was to replace the mandrake before hopping onto the computer. All in all, it was turning into a pleasant evening.

Needless to say, thoughts that like are a bad one. Dead or not, they’ll always jinx least, that's how things tend to work for me.


Chapter 23

I placed the package down on the center island and walked over to the cabinet containing the spell components. I was just reaching to open it when I heard a voice behind me.

“Leaving so soon?”

I spun around, probably far too quickly. What the hell was he doing awake?! My breath caught in my throat as I took in the scene.

Harold stood there in the kitchen doorway, entirely naked. He assumed a casual pose, his still flaccid member hanging between his legs. For all I knew, he could have just gotten up to take a piss and noticed me missing.

“Um, I have to get back...” I paused, racking my brain for an excuse.! “I have some studying to do.”


“Big test next week.”

“I see,” Harold said, moving into the room and taking a step toward me. “So then, might I ask what you’re doing in here?”

“I was thirsty.”

“Oh, well then, that’s okay,” he replied evenly...a little too evenly. “Perhaps I’ll join you.”

Grabbing a glass off of the counter, he opened the refrigerator. He pulled out the pitcher holding the neon green liquid, the one I had mistakenly sampled some time back. “Care for some?” he asked, pouring a bit into his cup.

“That looks...kind of weird,” I said, not quite sure how to answer.

“Don’t worry. It’s just a drink,” he replied, taking a sip. “Good for the stamina.” He had barely just swallowed, but already I could see it having an effect. Harold’s dick gave a twitch and then began rising to attention, quickly swelling until it reached maximum size. “Ah, that’s better.”

Thinking quickly, hoping I could turn the situation around, I stepped toward him. I put a seductive undertone into my voice as I said, “Well, maybe I don’t have to leave quite yet.” I reached out with my hand and brushed it against the tip of his now fully erect cock. His manhood might be recharged, but, hopefully, his body wasn't. With any luck, a good hard fuck would send him back to dreamland.

He smiled at my touch. Without saying anything, he grabbed the sides of my shirt and began lifting it. I raised my arms to accommodate him. A moment later, he unceremoniously tossed it to the side. I stepped forward, topless, and began to stroke him.

“So why did I hear the front door open and close?” he asked, looking me in the eye. All at once I felt far more naked than I was.

“I was just stepping out for some air. It’s a nice night.”

“Really?” he asked, sounding not altogether convinced.

“Let’s not worry about that right now.” I slipped out of my shoes and then unbuttoned my jeans. Trying to look more wanton than nervous, I slowly wiggled them down past my ass - hoping I was putting on a good show. I kicked them to the side, then slid my panties down.

“That’s better.” I stepped up to him and lightly ran my tongue over his left nipple.

“I could have also sworn I heard my car,” he replied, running his hands through my hair. “But that couldn’t be right, could it? You told me you couldn’t drive.”

I did?

“Must’ve been someone el...URK!” I gasped as his hand balled into a fist and yanked back my head.

Harold pulled his arm up, yanking me to my tippy toes by the hair. Tears immediately welled up in my eyes from the pain.

“Oh, look at that,” he calmly said, dragging me over to the box I’d left on the counter. “What do we have here?”

“Please!” I whimpered, trying to sound scared. It was pretty easy, since I really was. My rational mind insisted there wasn’t much he could do to me; that I was already dead. That didn’t matter, though. The pain was real. At that moment, I was as alive as anyone else. Much to my surprise, I realized I didn’t want to die...again.

“Tsk tsk,” he chided, giving my head a shake. “Be good or else.” The threat was obvious.

With his free hand, Harold tore the package open. Every time I so much as twitched, he would yank harder. Much more and I -
- would be scalped.

“Powdered mandrake root?” Harold asked, looking at the contents. “Let me guess, you have a chemistry test this week.”


Harold spun me around before I could say anything more. The breath was forced from my lungs as I was roughly pushed up against the kitchen island. His hands forced my head down, bending me over it. The cold marble of the countertop was an immediate shock to my naked torso, but not as much as what he did next.

I let out a yelp as the tip of Harold’s dick pressed against my ass. I felt the fingers of his free hand spread me and he began to push inside.

“Let’s see just how tight you are, my dear,” he said with an almost eerie calm as he violated me. This wasn’t like the previous times. Those women had been experienced. Julie was very young. In the art of anal sex, I had little doubt she was still a virgin. This was confirmed a moment later when Harold entered me from behind. I felt like I was going to be torn asunder as he pushed inside of me inch by inch. I cried out in both shock and pain.

“What’s the matter, Lydia? I thought you liked this.”

How did he…?!

“Lydia?” I gasped. “I don’t...”

“Don’t assume me stupid, my dear,” he growled just before thrusting again. “Did you really think I wouldn’t know?”

* * *

Harold continued to assault me with both his cock and his words. I don’t know which stung more.

“How could I not know?” he asked. “I told you, no one has ever been able to please me like you could.”

I fought to keep my voice steady, not wanting him to know how badly he was tearing me apart. “How long?”

“I’ve suspected for some time now. Tonight just confirmed it,

I immediately realized my error. How could I have been so sloppy? He hadn’t told me her name. How else would I have known it? One stupid little slip up had done me in.

“It was clever of you, I’ll give you that,” he continued. “Somehow you figured out how to extend your stay. Am I correct in assuming it has to do with the mandrake?”

I gritted my teeth, both unwilling to answer and not wishing to cry out.

He answered my silence with a series of thrusts, the bastard. I reached out with my hands and grasped the far edge of the island in an attempt to get away, but it was futile. He had me pinned and knew it.

When next he spoke, his voice was thick and heavy. My only consolation was that he was so obviously enjoying what he was doing to me that he wouldn’t be able to last long. The only question was:
then what

“Fine, don’t talk,” he said. “It doesn’t matter. When I’m finished here, I’m throwing out everything and starting fresh.” His hands reached around and grabbed hold of my breasts, squeezing them painfully hard. “Do you hear me?” he growled. “I’m not done with you. Not now, not
!” I could tell he was close, just by the sound of his voice. “I’m going to keep bringing you back, Lydia, for as long as I please and there is
you can do about it.”

I had to keep him talking. I didn’t think he would kill least I hoped not. However, he was certain to keep me restrained until he was sure I was gone this time.

“You killed me, you motherfucker!”

Harold stopped his assault for a moment; no doubt, it was as much to draw things out as it was to hear what I had to say. “Finally remembered how you died, did you? Took you long enough.”

I hadn’t, but there was no need to let him know that. He had just confirmed it, anyway. “I remembered all right...remembered what a limp dick excuse for a man you had become.”

There came an angry snarl from him, followed by several quick thrusts into me, driving himself in, balls deep. I bit down on my tongue, not wishing to give him the satisfaction of hearing me scream.

“You drove me to it, you bitch! I told you I was working to fix it, but you couldn’t let up. You never did know when to shut the fuck up and just do as you were told. But I showed you, didn’t I? You’ll never belittle me again. You'll never say no to me again. The only thing you’ll do is take it in whatever way I want to give it to you. You exist only to please me, bitch!”

His breath was coming in ragged gasps now. It was only a matter of seconds before he came. I didn’t know what would happen afterward, but if I didn’t think of something quickly my fate would surely be sealed.

“You’re pathetic, you know that, Harold? The only way you can get it up is with the help of your moldy old god. What did you have to do, suck Osiris’s dick to get his help?”

profane the father,” he panted, increasing his tempo. “I am his servant, his faithful high priest. You are my gift from him, his reward for my diligence. You are

His body tensed up and a hot stream of fluid erupted from him, filling my nether regions. I couldn't help but let out a pathetic hiss of pain. It felt like I was on fire back there.

He was right. There was nothing I could do. Whatever happened next, he would bring me back again and again to debase and humiliate me. I knew that I would never again have the chance to be free. I had squandered my time foolishly.

Tears spilled down my cheeks as I stopped struggling and accepted my fate.

He pumped his hips twice more, emptying himself, before bending down to whisper in my ear. “You are bound to me...

Wait a second!

Harold was the priest...bound to me? My mind began to race, the pieces of the puzzle starting to fall into place. He had called Osiris the father. The father...but wasn’t he a husband too? Osiris had died, been brought back, but chose death again...choosing to exist amongst the dead, the

Oh my God! It all finally made sense. It was still a long shot, but it was better than nothing. If I lost, then I wouldn’t be any worse off than I was now. I had to fight back.

Harold was still bent over me, chuckling into my ear. I could feel his semi-rigid cock still planted in my ass. “What did you think of that, bitch?” he asked from directly above me.

I had only one chance.

“This!” I shouted. Using all of the flexibility of Julie’s lithe body to my advantage, I arched my spine and threw back my head. The top of my skull smashed directly into Harold’s face with a resounding crunch. I heard him cry out, and then the pressure was gone. He was both off of and out of me.

I quickly turned to find him holding his shattered nose. I was momentarily saddened that I hadn’t gotten a chance to do the same thing to his dick, but pushed those thoughts away. A busted nose was painful, but it wouldn’t stop him. Sadly, as good of shape as this body was in, Harold was still much larger and stronger.

“You fucking bitch!” he slurred through his hands. “You broke my nose!” He made a grab for me, but I was ready. I nimbly sidestepped and moved to the opposite side of the island, putting it between us. It wasn’t much, but it gave me the breather I desperately needed.

“I still owe you for my neck,” I growled back.

Harold lunged over the countertop toward me, quicker than I would have given him credit for. For one terrifying moment, I was in his grasp again. Fortunately, his hands were now slick with blood and I was able to pull free.

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