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Authors: Jordan Rowe

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By Jordan Rowe


This story contains explicit sexual content and should not be read by anyone under the age of eighteen. However, for those of you over the age of eighteen…enjoy your Dark experience.

“There is such a thing as the pressure of darkness.”

- Victor Hugo


Jordan Rowe approached the limousine, noticing the license plate. DARK 9.

The female driver opened the door for her. “Welcome to Dark. My name is Zizi.” She wore a tight-fitted white blouse, short black skirt and black sneakers, which actually looked cute on her. The band around Zizi’s thigh-high black stockings appeared as she stepped back. She had pale skin and sharp eyes that were either green or light blue. Her short blond hair fashionably combed to the side, partially covering her left eye.

“Is Zizi your real name?” Jordan asked.

She smiled and pointed to the limo. “You coming?”

Jordan slid inside the limousine while holding her brown skirt so it would not ride up and give Zizi a free show. The seats were black leather. A small fridge doubled as a table and had a tumbler on it, filled with a black liquid.

Jordan waited for Zizi to start the engine. The partition between them was all the way down. She noticed Zizi look into the review mirror, then shoved the gear into drive and sped off.

“You never asked my name,” Jordan said.

“I have your file next to me.” She glanced in the review mirror again. “You look great for your age.”

Jordan sighed. She was forty-two, divorced twice, and just had her hair dyed strawberry blonde to hide the sliver strands that suddenly appeared last week.

“What are you thinking about?” Zizi asked.

Jordan formed a grin. “That I’m getting old.”

“Nah. Forty-two is a great time to start your life.”

Jordan chuckled to herself. She was certainly giving life another shot. Both her ex-husband’s were the same. Rich assholes that paid more attention to their blond-bombshell assistants than her. Jordan kept active with swimming, hiking, and even tried joining a roller derby team.

She just wanted to feel alive.

After her second divorce, she decided to use a portion of the alimony to do something off-the-charts-crazy. A month ago, she applied to Dark. Then over the next three weeks a team of people from Dark interviewed her, did medical tests, and even hooked her up to polygraph machine. Jordan felt like she was applying for a job at the CIA.

“You should have some,” Zizi said, breaking Jordan out of her trance.

“Some of what?”

“The drink in front of you.”

Jordan eyed the black liquid. “What is it?”

“Dark Ice. It will relax you. But since this is your first time, drink it slowly.”

Jordan picked up the tumbler and sniffed. It did not have a scent. She eased the tumbler to her mouth and took a sip. The drink brought her taste buds to life. The liquid slid down her throat, becoming warm as it continued through her body. She could actually feel the Dark Ice making its way downward, igniting her insides as if she had an orgasm.

“How is it?” Zizi asked.


Zizi laughed. “Exactly. You’ll have a shot of that before you enter Dark. It will put you and the others in the mood.”

Jordan took another sip, then placed the glass on the tiny fridge and leaned back. She felt her worries slip away. No ex-husbands. No friends to bitch about their sorry lives. No places that she had to be right now.

“You can rub yourself,” Zizi said. “Just try not to get too involved. We’ll be there in about twenty minutes.”

“Rub myself?” Jordan smiled. Actually, she could feel the moistness between her legs damping her cotton panties. “What the hell is in that drink?”

“No clue.” Zizi’s sharp eyes looked into the review mirror. “How do you feel?”

“Horny,” Jordan said. Her own words sounded foreign. She never masturbated in front of anyone, not even in front of her ex-husbands. But whatever was in Dark Ice, made her want to tear down her panties and finger herself until a gush of relief overcame her body. Jordan felt so good that she would masturbate on the hood of the limousine at Time Square.

“Like I said, you can rub yourself. I’ll put up the partition to give you some privacy.”

“No.” Jordan shifted in her seat. “Just tell me about Dark.”

“There will be nineteen people in your group. Your identification number is nine.”

Jordan squeezed her thighs together and took another healthy sip of the Dark Ice. “Are people attractive in my group?” Jordan did not want some drunken fat slob all over her.

“You won’t ever know. But I can tell you that all of them match your profile. Nine of them are men and ten are women.”

“Have you been inside Dark?”

“Nah. I can’t afford it.”

Jordan thought about the hundred thousand dollar check she wrote, which will cover her for a year. “Will anyone know I was there?”

“Nope. You will not know the other eighteen people and they will not know you. And this group is assigned to each other. So every time you return, it will be the same people.”

“How long will I be inside?”

“It depends on you. Some people last for an hour, some three hours. I heard of a group that lasted seven hours.” Zizi glanced in the mirror. “We are about five minutes away. There’s a mask in the mini-fridge. You’ll have to put that on.”

Jordan opened the fridge. Inside were ten bottles of water and a black silk mask. She slid it on and shut the fridge. The coolness of the mask soothed her warm skin.

Five minutes later, Jordan heard the sound of a garage door opening, then closing. Zizi shut off the engine. “Okay, we’re here.”

Jordan pulled off the mask. Her nerves kicked into overdrive. “I’m not sure I can do this.”

Zizi turned around and smiled. “When you get inside, drink down a shot of Dark Ice. Then in about ten minutes, you’ll be able to do anything.”


Zizi opened a door. “Your room is in there. Once you close the door, no one else can get inside, not even me. When you are ready to leave, get dressed and come out here. I’ll be waiting.”

For some reason, Jordan lunged forward and gave Zizi a hug. “Wish me luck.”

Zizi kissed her on the cheek. “You’ll do just fine.”

Jordan pulled in a deep breath, entered the small room and closed the door. The lights were dim. The walls dark brown, with a matching leather chair in the middle of the room. In front of the chair was an open trunk with a towel hanging on the lid. Next to the chair was a round iron table with a shot glass full of black liquid, which Jordan assumed was Dark Ice. At the opposite wall was a glass door, exposing a small shower, toilet, and sink.

In the upper corner a nineteen inch flat screen came to life.

“Hello, welcome to Dark,” said a young man with loose curly brown hair that was long at the top, but short on the sides. His eyes had dark maroon circles around them. He smiled as he spoke. “My name is Becket. No one can see you, not even me. There are nineteen in your group, all chosen to fit your profile.

“Each of you has been given an identification number. When you enter Dark, you will be able to see your number on the wall, which will lead you back to your room. Under no circumstances are you permitted to enter another room. If you are feeling uncomfortable in any way, you can leave.

“It is very important that you crawl and move slowly. The most common injuries are when two people bang their heads together. The second most common injury is when someone is trampled. So I urge you to crawl…and move slow.”

Jordan sat down on the leather couch. Her veins pumped with nervousness as Becket continued with his instructions.

“You are not permitted under any circumstances to ask another person in your group their name. In fact, we encourage you not to speak to anyone in your group while inside Dark. We go through great lengths to protect your identity and are very serious about earning your trust.”

Becket formed a large grin. “Well, that’s just about it. Since this is the first time for all of you, I suggest you drink down a shot of Dark Ice and take a moment to relax. Your limo driver should have given you a sample of Dark Ice, so you already know how potent it is. You should now undress and be ready. Please do not bring any clothing or jewelry inside of Dark. You are to be completely naked. You may stay inside Dark for as long as you wish. When you are finished, return to your room.”

The flat screen shut off.

Jordan reached for the shot glass and drank down the Dark Ice. She returned the shot glass to the table and leaned back on the couch. The liquid soothed her pumping veins. In seconds, her mind became distant as a layer of dampness covered her skin.

She kicked off her boots and stripped off her blouse, skirt, bra, and panties, then tossed them in the trunk. Without giving it a second thought, she lifted her leg over the arm of the leather couch, leaned back, then rubbed the edge of her clit, feeling a stream of wetness.

There was something about the unknown that aroused her. Or maybe it was the Dark Ice. Perhaps it’s because she was about to do something totally crazy.

The flat screen popped back on. “Okay,” Becket said. “We will be turning down the lights. The wall in front of you will open. Crawl through and enjoy your Dark experience.”

The screen went blank.

Jordan did not want to move. She thought that Becket could make a fortune by selling Dark Ice to the public. It made her feel absolutely perfect, without a single care in the world.

It also made her feel more aroused than she had ever been in her life.

She turned and slid off the couch to the floor as the lights softened, eventually bringing the room to darkness. Jordan felt a cool burst of air and could hear the wall moving in front of her, but she could not see a thing.

Jordan then crawled forward and entered Dark.


The only thing Jordan could see were lit numbers about twenty feet in the air circling around the area. She looked behind her and saw the number nine, which led back to her room. There was no way to tell the size of the area, but it felt big as a gymnasium.

She moved across the thick matted floor on her hands and knees.

In preparation for this, Jordan had shaved and waxed every part of her body; legs, armpits…even down below. She did not want someone touching the hair on her body and being turned off. She then wondered if the other eighteen people in this room felt the same way.

Also, what did they look like? How would they feel when she first touched them? Skinny? Fat? Muscular?

Jordan had been with women before, but only a few times. Also, both her husbands had attempted to arrange a threesome. She knew it was more for their pleasure, rather than for hers.

The only other fetish that her first husband had was to wear masks during sex. Not the kind of silk masks that covers your eyes, but Halloween type masks. Clowns. Zombies. Aliens. And other monsters.

Jordan realized that the darkness brought out her deepest thoughts; images that she attempted to hide in her subconscious. She hated both of her ex-husbands and never wanted to think about them. However, in the dark, it was just about impossible to control her wandering mind.

Someone brushed by Jordan. She waited on her hands and knees for the person to return.

They did.

Jordan could hear them breathing, but was not sure if it was a man, or woman. The person touched her arm, then flinched back. Jordan’s heart banged so hard against her chest she felt dizzy.

“Can I come closer,” the female voice asked.

Jordan did not know what to say. “Sure,” she whispered.

The hand reached out and blindly touched Jordan on the neck, then moved her fingers downward to Jordan’s arms. The woman gently pushed Jordan to the floor and crawled on top of her.

Jordan felt clumsy as she moved her hands along the woman’s body. The woman had wide hips with a modest amount of muscle and plumpness. Her breasts seemed a little on the smaller side for the size of her frame. Jordan continued her examination, feeling a thick amount of long hair that ran past the woman’s shoulders.

They kissed.

Her lips were thin. Her fingers trembled along Jordan’s shoulders and the weight of her body shifted to the side and crawled off. “I could use another shot of Dark Ice,” the woman said with pleasant laugh. Her accent was Latino, or perhaps Spanish. Jordan could not tell the difference.

Someone else brushed by Jordan’s feet. A hand reached out and touched her ankle. The fingers were thick and strong.

It was a man.

He let go of her ankle. Then for the next few seconds, Jordan remained on her back, anticipating either the girl to reach over and touch her, or the man to crawl on top of her.

Neither happened.

Instead, just inches from her ears, the woman next to her began moaning. The man’s breathing a steady rhythm, followed by deep groans.

He was fucking her.

Jordan felt embarrassed and even a bit jealous. Why did they both pass on being with her? She wanted to crawl back to her room, get dressed, hurry to the limo, and never return to this place.

Both the man and woman grunted with the obvious sound of a simultaneous orgasm. Other moans could be heard in the distance. Jordan was still laying there like a fool who had not been worthy of their attention.

“You still there?” the woman asked.

Jordan turned her head, wishing she could see the woman.

The man touched her thigh. “She’s still there. I’ll show you.”

Jordan felt both sets of hands touch her. She quivered, not knowing what to do. Should she touch them back? Or are they just mocking her?

The next sensation was nothing like she had before. Both the man and woman found her pussy with their tongues. They licked the sides, then deep in her, both moving at a different pace. Jordan arched her back and rubbed her own breasts. She felt so good that she could have floated to a different planet. She trembled through several orgasms as the licking continued with relentless strokes.

Then, she felt the man inside of her as the woman eased her body next to Jordan’s. She kissed the woman as the man slid his cock in and out, bringing her to another orgasm. The woman squeezed Jordan’s breasts as Jordan wrapped one arm around the man and the other around the woman.

The man fucked her slow at first, then picked up the pace. His thrusts became more intensified, letting out soft groans. The woman shoved her tongue deep inside of Jordan’s mouth.

Jordan had yet another strong orgasm.

Then, someone else joined them. It was another man.

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