Naughty Secrets (18 page)

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Authors: Joan Elizabeth Lloyd

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BOOK: Naughty Secrets
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To his disappointment he came quickly so he began to lick and suck my pussy madly while his fingers thrust inside. Within
minutes I came, but he continued to suck and finger me. He rubbed an area inside me that made my whole body quiver. He thinks
he may have found my g-spot, but I was so deep into the pleasure that all I knew was that I didn’t want him to stop. We are
planning on exploring that area more in the future.

Beware! Those first few drops of pre-come that lubricate a man’s penis are filled with sperm and can contain disease organisms.
If you’re using a condom for birth or disease control, put that condom on before
contact between penis and vagina.

A twenty-five-year-old woman wrote:

For us it was average. The baby finally went to sleep and we jumped into bed. We masturbated together then I sucked him for
a few minutes. Then he went down on me (my favorite part). Then we made love for about two and a half hours. That’s about
an average length of time for us.

A thirty-year-old woman wrote:

My most recent was just your plain “let’s do it and get it over with.”

A fifty-one-year-old man wrote:

I am “gimped up” with Parkinson’s disease. My penis still gets hard, but I cannot move very well. I still love sex, though,
and so does my wife.

Most recently she took off her flannel nightshirt, reached down, and started stroking me. I got hard right away. She took
the upper position, inserting my penis, then moving up and down, putting her breasts in my face. I asked her to slow down,
to prolong it, because it felt so good to me. It was such great physical relief when I came. I told her that it felt like
“heaven on earth.”

A sixty-two-year-old man wrote:

Two nights ago our kids and grandkids had finally gone home after a long Christmas visit. My wife and I had had a bit of quiet
subdued sex while they were visiting but this was the first good sex in two weeks. I gave her a back rub, we cuddled, worked
up to a rowdy sixty-nine, then finished with our favorite doggy-style. Warm, wonderful, and terrifically noisy!



his section combines two questions. The first was: What do you wish your partner would tell you about making love? Many men
and women said that they wished their partner would tell them exactly what the partner wanted or exactly what he or she was
feeling. Amen. Good communication is the key to making lovemaking the best it can be.

A nineteen-year-old woman wrote:

I wish he would tell me how he likes to receive oral sex. By this I mean, what feels good and what doesn’t. Sometimes I wonder
if what I’m doing is pleasurable or not.

A twenty-year-old woman wrote:

I’d like him to give me more directions. I do my best, but he isn’t very good at telling me what feels good.

Have you ever asked? Yes, I do mean asked. Have you ever said, “Does this feel good?” Of course your partner will say yes,
but you can probably tell how strong that yes is. A better question might be, “What can I do to make it better?” If your partner
says, “Nothing,” just say, “Please help me. I really want to know.”

I’m sure you can understand that your partner probably feels the same way. I know it’s risky and embarrassing to say, “Do
it this way,” but there are other methods of communication. You can give your partner help, even if you can’t say the words.
Moan, purr, give your partner a clue that what he or she is doing feels good. Grab hair and guide your partner; use your hands
to demonstrate. It’s really much easier than you might think, and your partner will be grateful.

A twenty-six-year-old woman wrote:

I wish he would tell me some of his fantasies. I would love to hear about them and maybe make some of them come true.

A fifty-nine-year-old man wrote:

I’d like to know her sexual fantasies. I have asked and she says that she does not have any. I think she does and sharing
them would be fun and might lead to some great things.

A forty-seven-year-old man wrote:

I just wish she would say yes more often.

A thirty-two-year-old man wrote:

I think she’s told me everything she knows, but I think she needs to know more about herself. Maybe some talking would help
both of us understand.

A thirty-six-year-old woman wrote:

I wish he knew that, because I believe that I’m not attractive, his saying how much he wants me would really help put me in
the mood.

A sixty-year-old man wrote:

I want to know exactly what turns her on most, how and when she experiences orgasm(s), and… whether she would like anal sex.

A thirty-three-year-old woman wrote:

I wish he would tell me that he loves me. Often.

A thirty-one-year-old man wrote:

I wish she would say whether there is anything else she wants me to do to make her happy.

A fifty-one-year-old woman wrote:

What do I want to hear? Easy. That I’m the best he’s ever had.

A thirty-one-year-old man wrote:

I wish she would tell me why she limits our intercourse to once a month, and what I can do to encourage her to express herself

I also asked the other side of the question: “What do you wish your partner knew about making love with you?” Here are a few
of the answers.

A fifty-one-year-old woman wrote:

There is nothing he doesn’t know about me. From the start of our relationship he’s always wanted to know what felt best and
I’ve always told him. It felt a bit daunting at first, but now it’s just part of our lovemaking.

A forty-seven-year-old woman wrote:

I wish my husband really knew how much I love his lovemaking and how special and beautiful he makes me feel. All I have to
do is look at him and I have an orgasmic experience!!!!!

Several people want their partner’s attitude to be a bit different.

A fifty-four-year-old man wrote:

I wish she would be more adventurous.

A fifty-nine-year-old man wrote:

I wish she would be a little more assertive. Most of the time it’s fine with me giving the directions and her following, but
sometimes I wish she would be more liberated.

A twenty-six-year-old woman wrote:

I wish he knew that I like creativity. Not necessarily bondage and fetish stuff, but just doing something I hadn’t expected—twisting
into a new position or trying something different.

Others had specific things. I just wonder why the writer hasn’t told his or her partner. It’s not as difficult as it might
seem. Asking for something different can be done in a way that doesn’t hurt anyone’s feelings. “I love it when you… I wish
you would do it more.” “You feel so good, but a lighter touch would feel even better.”

A sixty-eight-year-old man wrote:

I wish she knew better how to suck cock.

A thirty-three-year-old woman wrote:

I wish he understood that he has to give me a minute after I climax because my clit is very sensitive.

A nineteen-year-old woman wrote:

I wish he knew that I don’t like my clit to be rubbed a lot. He thinks he’s driving me wild but sometimes it gets irritating.
Another thing is that, since I had our daughter, I am very tender down there where they did the episiotomy. He isn’t very
gentle sometimes and it can really hurt.

A twenty-year-old woman wrote:

I wish he knew that I need more foreplay! Lots more foreplay! I always announce that I’m coming. So if I have not said it,
then I haven’t come and he might want to do something about it. Since I went on the pill and we stopped using condoms he has
been very bad about helping me come.

And lastly, I wish he knew that sometimes I need to be hugged a bit more afterward. Otherwise I just feel like a receptacle.

A thirty-one-year-old man wrote:

That often a fifteen-minute petting session is more satisfying than a five-minute quickie. I know that’s supposed to be a
woman’s plea but it’s just as true for me.

A thirty-six-year-old woman wrote:

I wish my husband would talk more during lovemaking, like, “Do that again,” or, “Touch here.” He says everything I do is great.
Maybe he is afraid that he’ll sound like he’s barking orders at me but I really want to know.

A twenty-one-year-old woman wrote:

It’s pretty simple. The faster and harder, the better.

A sixty-year-old man wrote:

I wish she understood that oral sex with her does turn me on and how much I enjoy tasting her vulva and just eating her for



any people lamented their missed opportunities. Maybe that says something to us! In addition, many wrote that they now regret
they had sex with a person they didn’t care about: one-night stands and the like. I had a lot of one-night stands in the dating
years after my divorce and, though many were less than fabulous, I don’t regret any of them. They were all learning experiences.
I explored my feelings about myself, my likes, my dislikes, most important, I learned a lot about my sexuality.

Okay, so what do I regret? I’m sure there were many times that, in my younger days with a monumental ignorance of sexual matters,
I insulted or otherwise hurt the feelings of a partner. Although I don’t remember specifics, I’m sure I squashed someone’s
ego or made light of something my partner took seriously. Unfortunately, it’s easy to do, and I regret that immensely.

What did others regret?

A thirty-three-year-old woman wrote:

I really regret my first time. It was the wrong person and, unfortunately, I became pregnant. I don’t regret my child—she’s
a wonderful little girl—but I do regret that I didn’t love the man.

A twenty-two-year-old woman wrote:

I regret that I’ve had casual sex. It hasn’t happened often but I have, occasionally, had sex with a man I wasn’t attracted
to. Now I’m sorry because I usually choose not to be with guys outside relationships.

A twenty-three-year-old woman wrote:

I guess I regret sleeping with most of the partners I did it with. As I look back I realize that, if I had it to do all over,
I wouldn’t have slept with any of them.

A twenty-five-year-old woman wrote:

Yes! Cheating. No matter what was going on with us at the time, I should have been faithful. Even though there were clear
signs that he was cheating, too, I should not have done what I did.

A twenty-seven-year-old man wrote:

I deeply regret cheating on my partner. I regret it because it hurt the girl I had sex with to know I was already spoken for.
She really liked me and I was just fucking her. I also hate myself for violating the most important thing in my life—my marriage.
Although it’s long in the past, I still regret that more than anything.

And this forty-year-old married man doesn’t say specifically what he regrets, but it’s pretty obvious from what he wrote:

Straying is very bad business. The other person either ends up feeling angry that she ever got involved with you, or she falls
in love with you. If love happens, she then wants you to leave your wife for her, then ends up being brokenhearted and angry
when you don’t. I think it’s fine to look and admire another, but mated people need to be just that.

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