“It's my shop. You can get your hair, nails, and toes done there, along with a massage or facial.”
Jaylin sat up straight and rubbed his chin. “That sounds intriguing, especially the name.”
“Of course, I thought of you when I decided to name the place Jay's. I never really got a chance to thank you for all that you did for Mackenzie and I.”
“And I never got a chance to tell you that it wasn't no problem. It was the least I could do.”
I stood up again. “I'd say we give a toast to remembering the past, and focusing on the future.”
This time, Jaylin didn't stop me as I walked away and came back with a bottle of Moët and three wine glasses. We lifted the filled glasses and clinked them together. Scorpio took only a few sips and then sat the glass on the table.
“I think I'd better get going,” she looked at Jaylin. “Again, I just wanted to say hello and wish you well.”
“Well, let me walk you out,” Jaylin suggested. He placed his glass on the table, and before they moved toward the exit, Scorpio thanked me and gave me another hug. I watched as they made their way to the door, and even though I hated to admit it, they made a very attractive and sexy couple. It was a damn shame why some things don't work out, but there was no denying it hadn't worked out for a reason.
By the time they reached the door, Jaylin turned to me. “I'll be right back. I'm gon' walk Scorpio to her car.”
I nodded and picked up our glasses of Moët to take them to the kitchen. On my way there, I stopped in my office to make sure my designs were neatly stacked in my portfolio. As soon as I sat in my chair, the phone rang. I picked up and it was Nokea.
“Hey, Nokea,” I said.
“Hi, Shane. How are you?”
“Good, good,” I said leaning back in my chair.
“That's good. And, how's Sam?”
“She's doing fine.”
“You be sure to tell her I said hello, okay?”
“I will. I promise you I will.”
She paused. “Where's that husband of mine? I want to find out what time he's going to drop off my package at my parents' house.”
I sat up and swerved my chair around. I hated to lie to Nokea, but it damn sure wasn't in my best interest to tell her he'd just walked out of the door with Scorpio. Just as I was about to open my mouth, I looked out of the window and saw Jaylin standing in front of Scorpio talking, while the door to her car was opened. They stood pretty close and my eyes were like binoculars.
“He's, uh, in the bathroom, Nokea. I'll have him call you the moment heâhe gets out.”
“Is he okay? We spoke earlier and he said he was going to the bathroom. He isn't sick or anything, is he?”
“Naw . . . not at all. He wasted some ink on his hands when I was showing him one of my projects. That ink is hard to get off, and you know how Jaylin is when it comes to cleanliness.”
“Yes I do know. Just tell him to call me when he's finished.”
“Will do. And, kiss my godchildren for me, okay?”
“Most certainly,” she said and then hung up.
I stood up, still tuned into Jaylin and Scorpio by her car. They'd moved in even closer and when her hand moved up the side of his face, I felt for the brotha. He took her hand off his face and kissed it. He held her hands tightly together with his; I wondered what he was saying. I noticed her open his jacket and wrap her arms around his waist. He planted a kiss on her forehead and she backed away from him. Conversing a while longer, she finally sat in the car and he closed the door. She pulled off and he stood on the curb and watched her. Trying to interrupt his thoughts, I reached for my phone and dialed his cell phone. I watched as he reached in his pocket and answered.
“Say, dog, where you at?” I asked.
“I'm on my way back up,” he said. I saw him cross the street so I knew he wasn't lying. I turned my chair back around and pulled it up to my desk.
“You all right?” I asked.
“Yeah, I'm cool. I'll see you in a bit.”
A few minutes later, Jaylin stepped back into my office. He took a seat on my gray and black contemporary sofa and sat back.
“Nokea called. She wanted to know what time you're going to her parents' house.”
“I'll call her,” he said in a low voice.
“Are you sure you're cool? I need all of you here with this meeting I'm about to step into.”
Jaylin rubbed his hands together and then traced his goatee with the tips of his fingers. “Like I said, I'm cool. But, that was hardâreal hard.”
“You know I didn't want to complicate thingsâ”
“Shane, you don't have to keep saying that shit, man. I know you ain't intentionally try to make my ass uncomfortable. It fucks me up how my heart can't stop pounding.”
I didn't say anything because I figured right about now Jaylin needed to get some things off his chest.
He walked over to the window again and looked out. He then slightly turned his head towards me. “Ain't she a fine motherfucker, man?”
“No doubt,” was the only thing I could say.
“Damn!” he yelled. “I can't believe how being around her still makes me feel weak!”
“What are you saying, Jay?”
“I'm saying that I . . . I just wanted to take off those tight ass jeans and wear that pussy out! That's what I'm saying.”
I snickered, as my dick had jumped at the same thought. “I feel you” I said. “I show-nuff feel you like a motherfucka.”
Jaylin kept at it. “Why she so fine like that? There are some beautiful women in Florida, but they don't come like that. And if they did,” he laughed, “my ass would be in trouble.”
I was kind of shocked by the things Jaylin said, but I knew he couldn't lie about the way Scorpio made him feel. “So, what's the plan,” I asked.
“The plan is . . . She asked me to meet her for dinner tonight.”
“And what's the verdict? Are you or aren't you?”
Jaylin took a deep breath and walked back over to the couch. He unbuttoned another button on his shirt and lightly rubbed his chest. “I don't know yet,” he said. “The last time we had dinner together, it was cut short and we wound up in a hotel room fucking. If I meet her, there's no doubt that history will repeat itself.”
“Then don't goâunless you want to fuck her. It's as simple as that. If you want to fuck her, go. And, if you don't, then don't go.”
“Shane, you'd better not ever repeat this to anybody, do you understand!”
I placed my finger on my lips. “Secrecy, dog. Your words are safe with me.”
“I wanna fuck her so bad that I can taste it. I ain't never been one, nor will I ever be one to crave for something and not have it. Whatever I decide, you need to know that I love my wife, my kids, and I would never do anything to intentionally hurt them. Since I've been happily married, I have had no desire for another woman until today. Do not judge me, my brotha, and understand that I am human, and sometimes, the flesh gets weak.”
I was silent because I definitely knew where the night was headed. A part of me felt angry for bringing them back together, and even though Nokea probably would never find out, I would always know the truth. I knew that if something went down tonight, I had to laugh in Nokea's face and pretend that everything was good. More than anything, I knew that this love affair between Jaylin and Scorpio would be an ongoing thing.
When 2:00
rolled around, I was pleased. Jaylin, Felicia and I sat in the boardroom with six investors from the Mayor's Group. After Jaylin threw down on his professional speech about how competent Davenports was to move forward with their project in downtown St. Louis, I knew the offer was in the bag. When he finished, I picked up where he left off and shared with them the ideas I had for bringing our city back to life. Many developers had already begun to do so, but my ideas added an exquisite taste of its own.
During my presentation, I noticed Jaylin drift off several times. I had to call his name three times to verify that he'd heard what I suggested. I knew he hadn't heard me, but he agreed with everything I said. Nobody else seemed to trip, but no doubt, I knew where his mind was.
By the time our meeting was over, it was almost 6:00
Felicia and I were overjoyed, as the Mayor's Group agreed to let Davenports be the designers for their five and a half million dollar project. Now, we wouldn't see all of that money, being the designers and all, but a large chunk of it was going to make its way into our hands.
After they left, we all sat around laughing and talking about what had went down. I thanked Jaylin repeatedly and so did Felicia.
“We are in debt to you forever, my brotha,” I said, shaking his hand.
“Hey, y'all doing all of the work. I just made the introduction possible.”
“Well, we really appreciate it,” Felicia said. “If only you'd let me repay you.”
“You can repay me by getting along better with Shane. I understand that there have been some squabbling matches between y'all.”
“There are always squabbles within a partnership, Jaylin. Some things can't be avoided,” she looked over at me. “Right, Shane?”
I shrugged my shoulders. “Hey, it's whatever. I'm just glad we closed that deal, and now we can move forward. If either of you would like to join me, I'm going to dinner with my marvelous woman, and after that, we're going home.”
Felicia decided to go with me, but Jaylin said he'd pass. I'd guessed his mind was made up about tonight, so I didn't want to interfere any longer. Since he was staying at my place, I tossed my keys to him and told him I was most likely spending the night at Sam's place. He said that he wanted to chill for a moment, so I told him to lock up Davenports after he left.
ow or why did I do that to myself? Seeing Jaylin again gave me no peace at all. Actually, it brought out my true feelings for him no matter how hard I tried to convince myself any differently, I was still in love with him.
Thing is, he'd looked even better than the last time I'd seen him. His hair seemed healthier and Lord knows his body was even more intact. When he hugged me, I felt his nine plus inches of pleasure rubbing up against me. I didn't know if he was hard or not, but just the feel of it made me trickle in my panties.
I'd asked him to meet me for dinner tonight, and at first, he declined. I assured him that dinner was all I wanted, and then he said he'd think about it. Honestly, dinner was the last thing on my mind. I wanted him inside of me and I wanted him bad. I didn't care that he was married, and his kids weren't important either. The more I thought about how Nokea took him away from me, the more and more I desired to have him.
Tonight, though, was going to be my night. If I ever had to pull myself together and make magic happen, I knew it was all up to me. I told him where and how to reach me, and once he calls, I'll soon have my way.
When Bernie knocked on the door, I was sitting in my office envisioning tonight. She'd known I'd gone to see Jaylin, and once she finished with her customer's hair, she came to chat.
“By the look on your face, I can tell it must have been difficult.”
“Have a seat, Bernie,” I said. She took a seat in the chair in front of my desk. “Seeing him was unlike anything I'd ever experienced. It's like I was in shock or something. My words didn't seem to come out right and I got seriously tongue tied. And, that doesn't even account for the butterflies that roamed around in my stomach.”
“Okay, so the worst part is over with. Now what?”
“Now, I'm waiting on him to call so that we can have dinner.”
“Dinner? Where at?”
I shrugged my shoulders. “I don't know, but honestly, fuck a dinner. There's no way I can eat when all I can think about is him making love to me.” I shook my head. “Bernie, I can't wait for you to meet him. Girl, he can put Denzel Washington, Shemar Moore, Blair Underwood, Idris Elba . . . all of those fine men to shame.”
“Nah, I don't know about all of that. Shemar and Idris, uh, maybe, but Denzel? There ain't no man who's been capable of pulling that off but Obama.”
We both laughed, and I somewhat agreed that I'd taken my comment too far.
“So, what time is this dinner supposed to be?”
“I told him to call me at eight. It's almost 7:00
and I'm staying right here until this phone rings.”
“I have never, ever seen you so giddy about a man. Jaylin must have really put something on you.”
“That's putting it mildly. Once upon a time, we really had something special. I was supposed to be his wife, Bernie!” I yelled and slammed my fist on my desk. “It should have been me and not Nokea!”
“Damn, calm down. It's gon' be all right, you know.”
We smiled and I rolled my eyes at her. “I know it's gon' be alright. As soon as I take back what is due to me, you damn right it's gon' be fine.”
“I can't seem to figure out if you're out for revenge against this woman, or if you really want to be with Jaylin.”
“Both. For me, this is personal, and I can't wait to feel him inside of me again.”
“That's some deep shit, Scorpio. I don't want you to mess around and hurt yourself. You've already allowed him to do it once, and it'll be such a shame if you let him do it again.”
Bernie went back to her work station and I stayed in my office waiting for my phone to ring. When I finally got my call, it wasn't until a quarter to nine and wasn't exactly what I expected.
“I'm kind of tied up tonight. We're gonna have to make plans for dinner the next time I come to St. Louis.”
I took a deep breath and held my aching stomach. “You can't even take one hour of your time to have dinner with me?”
“Not tonight.”
“What about tomorrow?”
“I have plans.”
“What about lunch?”
“Damn, baby, I said I'll see you the next time I come back.”
“Jaylin, you know that's a lie. We haven't seen each other in a long time and I don't understand why you're trying to avoid me.”
“I'm not trying to avoid you, Scorpio. I'm a busy man, and besides, I'm married now. I ain't got no business having dinner or anything with my ex-fiancé.”
“So, you don't trust yourself? Is that what you're saying ?”
“No, what I'm saying is what I said before. I'm marriedâ”
“That's bullshit and you know it,” I yelled. I had to take a deep breath and calm myself. “You know damn well that you can make time for me if you want to.”
“Well, I don't want to.”
“And, why not? This time, though, I want the truth.”
He was silent. I could tell that he moved the phone away because I heard him say something in the background.
I spoke softly, “Tell me why you can't have dinner with me?”
“Be . . . because I love my wife, my kids, and I am truly thankful for everything that I have. Being alone with you will cause me to jeopardize that. I don't trust myself, Scorpio, and I know that if I see you tonight, I'm going to have sex with you.”
The feeling of what he said made me squeeze my legs together. I continued to speak in my soft, yet seductive voice. “So what, Jaylin. I'm dying to have sex with you, too. I've been feeling you inside of me all day long and I'm ready for the real thing. Tomorrow night, or whenever, you'll be back at home and no one will ever know what happened between us. Just allow me this one night, okay?”
“It's not that easy, baby. I'll know what went down between us and I can't face Nokea, knowing that after all we'd been through, I wound up right back in your arms.”
I wasn't trying to hear him. “Do you remember how and when we used to make love everyday? How we'd wash each other in the shower, and I'd let you have your way with me anywhere, anyway, and anytime.”
Jaylin was silent, so I continued.
“Well, I remember. I want to feel your dick Jaylin. What is so wrong with me wanting to feel and taste your cum again? You want to taste me, don't you?”
“Maybe,” he said. I felt his voice getting weak.
“Then, come claim your pussy. It's always going to be yours, whenever and however you want it. If my memory serves me correctly, I'll be bending over by the time you get here. Jay's closes at midnight. I'm kicking everybody out by 10:00
, so tell me, Can I expect to see you walking through those doors shortly thereafter?”
He breathed heavily into the phone. “Listen, I'll call you back. I can't answer that right now, I'll just hit you back in a bit.”
He hung up and I made my way up front to tell everybody to quickly wrap it up. I had a feeling he'd come tonight, and I didn't want no interruptions.
Bernie and Jamaica were the only two still doing hair. Yasing was on her last customer for the evening, so the pressure was not on her. Jamaica had just washed her customer's hair and it looked as if she had another hour or two to go. It was already after 9:00
, so I had to make some other arrangements.
“I apologize everybody, but Jay's is gonna close in about five minutes. Again, I'm sorry for the inconvenience, and I'll give you all a free gift certificate to come back another time.”
The last few customers tripped a bit, but not as much as Jamaica and Bernie. After the customers left, we quickly discussed it.
“Couldn't you meet him somewhere else,” Bernie said. “Putting our customers out like that was kind of cold.”
Jamaica put her hands on her hips. “You mean to tell me you kick them out over some dick? You can't be serious.”
“Bernie and Jamaica, y'all please understand. This might be the last opportunity I have with him, and since he's so close by, I couldn't take a chance on asking him to meet me some place else. I know y'all felt like this for a man before, so don't be mad at me, okay?”
Both of them looked at me and broke off a half ass smile. Jamaica rolled her eyes, and Bernie walked to her work station to get her purse. “Call if you need me,” she said. “And, don't do nothing I wouldn't do.”
“Well, that means suck his dick, lick his balls, and if you got any whips,” Jamaica said, looking at Bernie. “You might want to use those, too.”
We laughed and Jamaica and Bernie walked out together going off on each other. Shortly after, Yasing left and I locked the door behind her.
I went back into my office and straightened up a bit. This would be Jaylin's first time in Jay's and I wanted him to see how my place had it going on.
After I finished tidying up a few of my stylists' workstations, I went back into my office. I put on a CD by Miles Davis that reminded me of Jaylin and poured myself a glass of wine. I lay back on the couch and slid a few pillows behind my head and back. Thinking more about him, I sipped the wine and looked at my hard nipples that were visible through my red shirt. I placed the glass on the table and removed my top. My hands roamed over my breasts and I massaged them together. I visualized the tip of Jaylin's tongue circling them and let out soft moans as if I could really feel him. Getting more excited, I unbuttoned my jeans and slid my hand down between my legs. I didn't have on any panties, so my hand grazed the smooth neatly trimmed hair on my pussy. Letting out more moans, I turned to my side and squeezed my legs tightly together.
I heard hard knocks at the door and listened to someone loudly call my name. When I jumped out of a deep sleep, I was still shirtless and my hand remained between my legs. Knowing that it was early morning, I was furious because Jaylin hadn't called back. I quickly put on my shirt and zipped my jeans. Before going to the door, I pulled my hair back into a ponytail, and just to confirm the time, I looked at the clock sitting on my desk. It was 7:45
, and obviously, my opportunity had passed.
With a serious frown on my face, I hurried to the door to see who was outside banging. It was Bernie and she grinned as I slowly opened the door.
“Is he here?” she whispered.
I shook my head and tears welled in my eyes.
She locked the door behind her. She pointed her finger at me, as I was almost ready to lose it.
“Don't you dare!” she yelled. “I have watched you hurt yourself one time too many about the thoughts of this man! You need to stop, move on, and recognize what in the hell you got to offer somebody else! Do you understand?”
I closed my eyes to fight back my emotions and nodded.
“Now, got get changed. Let's go workout, and if you ever mention his name to me anymore, I'm gonna kick your butt!”
I managed to grin and went to my office to change into my workout gear. Bernie and I didn't talk about Jaylin, but I wasn't going to let him go that easily. I knew he was in St. Louis for one more night, and in knowing so, I had another plan up my sleeve.