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Authors: Elliott Kay

Natural Consequences (49 page)

BOOK: Natural Consequences
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The view of Molly pleased him, too. She lay on her back, her head in a pillow and her panting face in an expression of ecstasy as Onyx licked and kissed between her legs. Her eyes fluttered now and again, alternating between total surrender to her lover’s intimate kiss and eager delight at the carnal
visual of Onyx being taken from behind right in front of her.

By now, they all shared some measure of satisfaction. This new session was less about need and more about opportunistic indulgence. The ladies delighted in their new playmate’s stamina and were glad to take full advantage. Given what they could offer, Alex was quite happy to cooperate.

He held back in his thrusts, savoring Onyx and allowing her to concentrate on her task. He watched the rise and fall of Molly’s pleasures, smiled as Onyx shifted one hand up to clutch at one lovely breast, and like Molly occasionally closed his eyes and simply enjoyed the beauty between them.

While she knew Onyx was enjoying the hell out of her other partner, Molly had no complaints at all about the favors she received. Familiarity and shameless love coupled to provide a wonderful bout of oral service. Onyx went gently at first, knowing how well-attended Molly’s pussy already was tonight, but she also knew when to get serious. Molly let out a grateful, somewhat breathless moan when Onyx pushed her tongue into her, relishing the intimacy as much as the sensations. She whined in the brief moment it took Onyx to replace her mouth with a couple of fingers, but when those digits turned upward and began gently stroking exactly the right spot within her, Molly found herself off to the races again.

Her climax was almost as loud as before, though without quite the same tone. After hours of play and several orgasms drawn from her by both partners, Molly was close to exhaustion. “Lay there and take it” had been Onyx’s instruction, and at this point it was all she could do, anyway. She happily rode out her body’s spasms and let Onyx stimulate her all she wanted to extend her bliss.

As she so often did, Onyx followed up her ministrations with soft kisses and caresses all around Molly’s center. For a moment, Molly even forgot they had extra company. Then, as the pleasant fog cleared, she sensed the rhythmic movement of her lover back and forth against her legs and hips and remembered why.

Her eyes opened. Onyx remained on her knees and elbows before her, grinning lustily as Alex slowly fucked her behind. Molly had only one problem with that, and it was the “slowly.”

“Hey,” she sighed, “you can be rougher with her than that now.”

She saw the flutter in her lover’s eyes as Onyx heard her words, and noticed that the way Onyx rocked back and forth against Alex had already become more pronounced. Molly also saw Alex grin a little. “You sure?” he asked.

“Yeah,” Molly grinned back. “Impress us.”

“Uunnh,” was all Onyx had to say about it. Without Molly to attend, she found less and less reason not to focus on his delicious penetration. Her lover had already taken care of anything else she wanted to communicate, anyway.

His thrusts built in intensity and in tempo, slowly at first but working his partner up to a needful frenzy. Molly watched as the two gave up all pretense of romance or tenderness and just fucked. Her hand eventually snaked down toward her well-pleased sex, unable to resist stimulating herself just a little to go along with the show right on top of her.

Onyx felt like she might lose all control. It scared and thrilled her to be taken like this. He was a good guy, and would never once hurt her, but she liked this so much… “Molly?” she gasped.

Her lover squirmed and scooted downward. Alex hooked his hands around his partner’s shoulders to lift her up and make room. It interrupted his rhythm, but Onyx still felt him deep within and felt all the more intimate for letting him control her body like this. When he lowered her down again, she found herself laying against a familiar, welcoming body.

Then that cock picked up the pace again, threatening to consume every bit of her attention. “Molly?”

She felt a light embrace that still allowed her body to move in reaction to her other partner. She felt a kiss against her cheek. “Wrong name, lover,” Molly hissed. Onyx whimpered out a protest, but Molly shushed her. “We’re both here for you. You can say it.”

“Unh,” Onyx grunted repeatedly. She felt her body build to a great climax. He didn’t let up.

let up. He wanted her. Adored her. Wanted to trust her with everything and keep her and her secrets safe. Wanted to make her happy. Just like Molly.

“Alex,” she shuddered as the first spasms rippled through her. She felt Molly kiss her again in approval. Felt him relentlessly pushing her to greater pleasure. “Oh, god, Alex, yes!”

Her orgasm stretched out long enough to bring him into his. Onyx felt her body release tension and stress, felt relief and pleasure wash over her as Alex kept pounding and Molly kept approving. She felt his release within her and shuddered in delight, knowing Molly experienced the same thing tonight.

She felt loved.

He didn’t pull out as they settled down, merely holding himself upright on his knees as Molly soothed her. Onyx felt a couple of tears run down her cheeks, which Molly kissed away as she always did. She looked up over her shoulder and let out a nervous laugh, but knew Alex would only smile and comfort her.

He did.

They lay together with Onyx in the middle and the others close enough to reach over her and touch. There was a good deal of that as they cooled down. Onyx felt Alex up against her leg and grinned. “I’m not sure I can do anymore with that tonight if it gets hard again,” she exhaled.

“Yeah, I might be done, too,” nodded Molly. “You gonna be okay?”

“It’s a curse,” he smiled, plainly not regretting anything. “I’ll be fine. Just don’t tease me unless you’re actually up for more. I’m kind of easy and you’re both naked and incredible.”

“Mm. Should we put on clothes?” asked Onyx, happy to be in the middle.

“Please don’t.”

“Hah! Okay.” She let herself just soak in the moment, but eventually opened her eyes up to Molly’s.

“Hey,” Molly said, “would you mind hopping in the shower?”

Alex blinked. “Oh, wow,
do I—?“

“No, no,” Onyx interrupted. “We need to talk about you behind your back.”

He just laughed. “Okay. I can do that.” He hefted himself out of bed, staggered out and closed the door behind him.

The two women stared at one another in the candle-lit room. They kissed with tenderness and passion, and then stared again.

“We’re okay,” Onyx declared quietly.

“Yeah. We are. Maybe better than ever.”

“Thank you for this.”

“Hey, I wanted it, too,” Molly shrugged. “Remember?”

Onyx grinned. “Glad you aren’t disappointed.”

Molly’s eyes widened and she let out a heavy breath along with a shake of her head. “Hell, no. But listen, Onyx, you’ve never been with a guy before Alex. I’m sure you already know this, but he’s—“

She stopped as she heard a warning knock at the door. Alex came in with a tall glass of water and towels from their closet. “Thought you might want these,” he smiled, setting the towels down at the foot of the bed and the handing the water to Onyx. Without another word, he left and closed the door again.

Stunned, Molly turned her attention back to Onyx. “Okay, that dude is
not normal

“That was sweet!” Onyx protested, quietly so Alex wouldn’t hear. “I’ve brought you a towel or water after sex before.”

“I know! That’s what I’m saying.” She helped herself to a gulp of water and then put the glass on their nightstand. “I get why you’re so hung up on him, though.”

“You like him, too.”

“Yeah, I do, but…” Molly let out a sigh as she stared at the ceiling. “So I like him. I’m down with this. I just don’t like him as much as you like him, and I don’t want that to be an issue.”

Onyx shifted on the bed to curl up against Molly’s side. “I don’t like him as much as I like you.”

“Not an issue, love. I know. I just want you to know where I’m at with him and with you and him being a thing.”

“We don’t have to be,” Onyx offered.

Molly shook her head. “You totally do. And I’m not saying I’m not interested, either, because I am. Now more than ever. We’re just on different levels. Nothing wrong with that, right?”

Onyx nodded against her. She let her thoughts unfold. “So… we’re both interested?” she grinned.

“Yeah,” admitted Molly, pretending to be much more chagrined than she actually was. “Yeah, I guess I’m not ready to totally write off all guys after all. But look: we don’t need to put a label on this, right? We don’t need to arrange for regular visitation rights or anything goofy like that?”

“No labels,” Onyx agreed with a shake of her head. “We just stay open to this. Just call it ‘serious friends’ and go wherever it takes us.”

Molly held her grin back, but only for a moment. “You know I’m gonna fuck him a lot, right?” she taunted. “Probably even when you’re not around?”

“Oh noes,” Onyx sighed.

“Maybe his girlfriend, too, if I get another crack at her.”

The other witch patted the redhead’s chest. “You mean if she takes another crack at you.”

“Semantics.” She moved over to face her partner. “And this is gonna make me seriously mushy about you for a good long while.”



When Alex returned to the bedroom door, he listened for conversation, heard nothing and knocked softly. Hearing a murmured “Come in,” he opened the door and poked his head inside. Molly and Onyx lay on the bed, still on top of the sheets and still wonderfully naked, wrapped in one another’s arms.

“Am I interrupting anything?” he asked, reading some obvious signals in their body language. “If you need more time, I can crash out on the couch…?”

“No,” said Onyx. She and Molly released one another, with both shifting back on the bed to make room between them. Onyx beckoned to him with a single finger. “C’mere.”

Chapter Twelve: Cuffed and Stuffed


Molly grabbed him by the collar and jerked him close, claiming a kiss before she turned and headed into her next class. Her rough assertiveness didn’t bother him one bit. Their lips soon parted, and then she pushed him back again, somewhat more gently than she had drawn him in.

“I expect a flirty text message once in a while,” she
warned, and then turned to give Onyx a brief and tender hug. A passerby wouldn’t have noticed their kiss. Alex saw it, though, brief as it was.

“Go be mushy or whatever,” she grinned at her girlfriend, and then turned to walk through the classroom doorway.

“Wow,” Alex blinked, still a bit bewildered.

“Yeah, I know,” smiled Onyx. “C’mon.”

Neither of them actually spoke of who would walk whom to where. They simply started across campus and headed for the music rooms where Onyx was due for class. Onyx held her books close to her chest. All Alex had for the day was a brand new thin notebook and pen from the campus store.

“She’s kind of amazing,” said Alex.

“Yeah. I know. Believe me, I know.”

“I didn’t expect, um… that,” he smirked, jerking his thumb over his shoulder.

Onyx just shook her head, but he could see the way she beamed with happiness. “Molly’s all fire and raw intensity, but she’s also the warmer one between her and I. She’s a badass chick on the outside and a teddy bear inside. A bear with teeth and claws and bear muscles, but still.”

“You’re not exactly ice yourself.”

“No, but she says I’m all… I dunno, discipline and resolve. Mostly comes out with the magic and with tense situations. She’s hard on the outside and soft on the inside. I think I’m kind of the opposite.”

“I can see that,” he smiled.
“Iron fist in a velvet glove.” They kept walking, mostly ignoring the other people around them as they moved through the campus of concrete and stubborn greenery.

“I can’t thank you enough for everything,” he said. “For not letting me go. For all the help with my crazy. And, y’know, last night.”

Onyx came to the words she’d been searching for all along. “I’m not looking for a full-on boyfriend. I figure what happens, happens, but I just want you close,” she said. “I have since I first met you. I don’t want you all to myself or anything like that. Even if I give you shit for fooling around, I don’t actually care. You’ve got your loves and I’ve got mine and I’m happy for all that. I just… felt like you’re important to me.”

She squeezed his hand at her side. It was only then that they realized they’d been walking hand in hand. They smiled it off and kept walking.

“Music theory,” she grumbled as they arrived in the room. “Such a mistake.”

“You’re saying I should
cross this class off my list?”

“It’s the professor,” she said, her voice dropping. “She’s a pinhead.”

She kept talking, but Alex missed a few words as his eyes came to rest on the upright piano against one wall. It was black and unassuming, with no exceptional craftsmanship or decoration to make it unique. There were likely clones of it elsewhere on campus.

Focused on sorting out the materials in her book bag, Onyx didn’t notice right away as he moved off. “Thing is, I usually take an extra class or two and drop one if it looks rocky, y’know?
But I didn’t catch on right away that this lady was such a freak, and…” She looked up. “Alex?”

He sat on the piano bench, looking the keys up and down. Everything was clean and polished. There were a few nicks and scratches here and there, but nothing to complain about. He was used to instruments in much worse outward condition than this…

…except Alex had never played the piano in his life.


He tapped a couple of keys. It was an ordinary piano, one just like thousands of others, and it sounded clearer and prettier than anything he was used to playing.

He tapped a few more, playing out just a few measures of “Camptown Races.”

Onyx stood beside him, watching his hands—mottled and discolored, but healthy and strong—hover over the keyboard.

His foot tentatively slipped up over the pedals
. His fingers found new keys without initially pressing them. He tested out a couple more melodies.

And then, without warning,
he began to

It wasn’t her kind of music, but any fool could recognize
his skill and talent. This was some old piece, with some name Onyx would never remember on a test but would probably impress her theory professor. Over the course of minutes, without talking to her or looking up or even breaking concentration, the music picked up in tempo and complexity, rose and then picked up again. She recognized patterns and wondered if he added personal flourishes.

Smooth and confident movements from his fingers brought out the full sound of the instrument. To Alex, the piano in front of him was a work of wonder. It had an engraved factory logo noting its mass production, but it was still so much better than anything he’d ever played on before.

His eyes widened and his chest rose and fell with excited breath. He chuckled. He played. He
at her.

He made this look easy.

“Alex,” she said, no longer afraid of snapping him out of some Zen piano trance after he winked at her, “what… what is this?”

“Haydn,” he said, still playing. “Sonata 46. I think. Not completely sure.”

Onyx just stared at him. “You’re playing a sonata.”


“You didn’t tell me you played piano.”

His grin widened. “Well, I’m only doing the first movement.”

“Fine, be mysterious,” Onyx sighed, nudging him. “I can’t say I’m surprised. You have a musician’s hands.”

He stopped cold, staring at the piano. His face turned to her, but his thoughts seemed distant. “What did you say?”

“I said you have a musician’s hands,” Onyx repeated. “I’ve always thought so. Why, is that weird?”

He blinked, trying to grab hold of the memory that teased at the edges of his conscious mind. Something about springtime and burning diesel…

He shook his head. Turned back to the piano. Tapped a few more keys. And then his grin returned. “Can you do me a favor?” he asked. Alex pulled his phone out of his jacket. “Can you video a few seconds of this?”


* * *


Lorelei stared up at the ceiling, feeling content and enjoying the loving mouth and affectionate hand roaming her body. The sun had been up for some time now, bringing enough light to the closed blinds to illuminate the bedroom. Lounging on their bed, Lorelei soaked up the lingering afterplay of her lover. Everything about Rachel’s body language and touch spoke not only of devotion, but veneration.

“I needed this, Rachel. I needed you,” she said, stroking the angel’s hair. “Thank you for last night. This morning. Now.”

“Totally mutual,” Rachel murmured. “I should probably get going, though. Let you get on with whatever you have to do today.”

“I’ve no plans as yet,” said Lorelei. “I could enjoy this high indefinitely.”

Rachel’s physical affection paused. “You know as far as I’m concerned the same rules for Alex apply to you, too, right?” she asked. “I’m not worried about you doing any crazy soul-stealing tricks or abusing people. We all know those days are done. As long as I’m not shut out or neglected, you can do whatever you want. Tramp it up all over town. Have a ball. No reason to hold back on my account.”

“Rachel… I have had my own dalliances,” Lorelei told her.

“Yeah. I know.”

“How did we never speak explicitly on this before?”

Rachel just sank back down against Lorelei’s chest. “Didn’t need to, obviously. I knew what you were when I jumped into bed with you.” As Lorelei’s head reclined back onto a pillow, Rachel’s teeth dragged against her nipple just enough to draw out a reaction. “If it gets you hot to think of it as cheating on me, though, I totally understand. I’ll even demand make-up sex.”

“Mmh. I’ve come to appreciate love and loyalty
… but a little treachery now and again would still be delicious.” Her fingers ran through the angel’s hair. “You are perfect, you know.”

“Angel. Can’t help it.”

“You’ll pay for that remark,” grinned the succubus, who then jerked again as Rachel’s teeth teased her other nipple.

They heard her phone ring. Lorelei reached out to put a pillow over it.

“You sure about that?” Rachel asked.

“He’ll forgive us.”

“Yeah, but there are still baddies out there.”

A fair point.” Lorelei rolled away from the angel, rose sensuously to her hands and knees to taunt her partner more, and then picked up the phone. She looked curiously at the screen and played the video message.

And then her heart began to pound.

“Hey,” Rachel said, now laying on her back and staring up at the ceiling. “That’s Haydn, isn’t it?”

“No.” She swallowed hard. “It’s Alex.”

Her partner rolled up on her knees and moved to look over Lorelei’s shoulder. She could feel the renewed heat and arousal in her lover. As soon as the clip ended, Lorelei immediately replayed it. “You know,” she breathed in awe, “he worried, when we first came together, that he would bore me before too long.”

Rachel looked up at her lover’s awed expression. She knew Lorelei’s passions and interests. She shared a few, though perhaps not as intensely. Rachel couldn’t help but grin. “
He’s pretty good on that piano.”


“I mean, he’s not like a virtuoso or anything, but that’s some skill there.”

It was a long moment before Lorelei said anything. Rachel waited. “Lover, I gotta get going.”

Lorelei nodded. “I think I may have to meet him on campus.”

Rachel’s grin widened. “Just make sure I have enough warning to brace myself for that.”


* * *


“Now I will repeat this, because I can’t emphasize it enough: I know he may not look it, but the suspect is exceedingly dangerous. He may be armed. He’s fought his way out of captivity before.” Hauser looked out at the dozen uniformed officers in the room, searching for any signs of doubt.

Pictures of Alex Carlisle and a map of the college campus covered the presentation screen of the conference room. All the officers were fairly familiar with the campus already; it was, ultimately, only a couple of blocks away from the precinct headquarters. One of the diagrams had positions and numbers listed to make sure all the bases were covered for the arrest.

“We all know our positions. We all know the plan. Are there any questions?” Hauser asked.

A black officer near the back raised his hand. Hauser read his nametag. “Officer Johnson?” he asked.

“Yeah, if this guy is so dangerous, why are we picking him up in the middle of class on a campus? Wouldn’t it be safer to pick him up somewhere else? Like his home?”

Hauser nodded. “That’s a fair question. Everything in our psych profile and our direct observation shows that he’s less likely to put up resistance in public. If he perceives a threat to other people around him, he’ll back down.
If we try to take him in private, he’ll probably resist and someone will get hurt. I know that’s a little counterintuitive—“

“So wait,” spoke up the fit, young officer beside Johnson with a skeptical
frown, “we don’t want anyone to get hurt, so we’re gonna use a bunch of innocent people as a deterrent?”

“I figure the twelve police uniforms will be the real deterrent, Officer Murray. Any other questions?” Hauser asked. He winced when Johnson and Murray glanced at one another and Murray raised his hand again.

“I’m sorry, I just wanna get this part straight: we’re the good guys here, right?”

“Murray, Johnson, outside,” sighed Sergeant Barnes. “I’ll talk to you in a minute. Everyone else, are we all ready to go?” he asked as the pair of officers headed out of the room. “No? Okay, good. Let’s roll on out and wait for the go order from Agent Hauser.”

Watching the room clear out, Hauser turned to the lieutenant by his side. “Is there going to be a problem with those two?”

“No,” the lieutenant shook his head. “Just a little attitude, and
they have a point. But they’ll do their jobs. I got ‘em transferred up from South Precinct for just this sort of thing. Believe me, if this guy does put up a fight, you want Johnson and Murray there to end it.”

It wasn’t the answer Hauser wanted to hear, but he decided to roll with it. He hit his cell phone and brought it to his ear. “We still have contact?” he asked.

“Yeah, we spotted him. He walked with the Goth girl to some other classroom not on his schedule, but now he’s headed to class. Dancing.”

“Dancing?” Hauser blinked.

“Yeah, sort of. I mean not like a full musical routine, or anything, but he’s boppin’ along all happy-like. Not a care in the world. Looks like swing to me, maybe?”

BOOK: Natural Consequences
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