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Authors: Elliott Kay

Natural Consequences (48 page)

BOOK: Natural Consequences
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Onyx shifted back into a kneeling position. Her hands lingered over Molly’s arms and her side. She watched as Alex moved in between her lover’s legs.

She knew how good this felt. For a month, she had felt guilty over this; regardless of Molly’s soothing reassurances, it haunted Onyx. Now it stoked nervous feelings that had only teased her in her fantasies. Irrational thoughts ran through her mind as she looked on: What if Molly liked this too much? What if this forged some intimacy deeper th
an what Molly and Onyx shared?

She put it out of her head. T
his had to happen. Change was inevitable. She couldn’t live with the questions hanging over her head. She had to know. She also, despite Molly’s sentiments to the contrary, couldn’t deny to Molly what she’d enjoyed for herself.

Sexual tension and fascination only intensified her emotions. As much as Onyx worried about the potential consequences, she wanted to watch this happen.

Molly felt him move up against her thigh. Her heart raced as the head of his tool brushed against her wet lips and up over the soft patch of red hair above them. She had tried guys a couple of times; intellectually, she knew she wasn’t exclusively into girls. Her previous experiences with men left her unsatisfied, though, and in looking back, she should’ve known ahead of time. She didn’t care for the expectations her male partners carried or the priorities that drove them.

This was different. The way he looked at her and his smile, and the way he talked to her even before his life went nuts had always appealed to her. She felt like she could talk with him about anything… and so she did.

“Why me?” she whispered without even meaning to. It just fell out of her mouth.

He paused. He knelt between her legs, upright and about to go for it when her mouth interrupted. For the first time ever, she even felt embarrassed in front of Onyx—but only for a moment. Alex brought one hand to the side of her head, brushing her cheek with his fingers. “Because you’re so strong,” he answered.

It could’ve blown everything. Alex was a sensitive, caring guy; this was just the sort of thing that would put the brakes on his moves. Molly couldn’t get the words out, couldn’t tell him he’d answered perfectly and that she wanted him more than ever now, or how much it meant not to hear some bullshit about her looks… or just how beautiful he’d made her feel. She wanted to tell him not to stop.

Instead, she felt him between her legs again, and gave up trying to speak. He read it in her eyes, perhaps, or maybe like Molly he was just too horny to stop for anything but a red flag. Any further thought about it was drowned by the wave of pleasure slowly forced into her as they joined.

Onyx watched Alex sink his cock inside her lover. She saw Molly’s instant ecstasy and saw the two form a new bond that neither would forget. Her heart pounded in her chest as she knelt beside the pair, watching Alex make his first few soft but strong thrusts into Molly and listening to Molly’s moans. With all her magic laid aside for tonight, Onyx couldn’t see their auras, but she hardly needed a spell to recognize the gravity of this. The carnal beauty of it had her mesmerized, but in the back of her mind she still heard warnings.

Then she felt them both reach for her. Almost simultaneously, she felt Molly reach between her legs, just
to gently stroke her and convey wordless affection, while Alex rested his hand on her hip. She blinked and looked from one to another. Molly was much less composed, but no less aware. Alex seemed a little swept away, too.

“You’re beautiful,” he murmured, and pulled her in for a kiss.

She heard Molly sigh with pleasure. He kept thrusting slowly and smoothly while he drew Onyx close and brought her mouth to his. Onyx melted into it, leaning on his strong shoulder and on the feminine thigh between their bodies. She felt Molly’s hand roam over her, and though weak and shaken by obvious distractions it was no less reassuring.

Anatomical practicalities aside, no one had forgotten this was a threesome. Onyx was still an equal party. She felt Molly tug at her panties, felt Alex slide his hand down to her other hip and help Molly’s efforts along by selfishly stroking her ass
. She grinned into his mouth.

Soon there was a hand between her legs. She honestly didn’t care whose it was. “Give it to her,” Onyx hissed. “Harder.”

Alex obeyed. Molly gasped. Onyx pulled back, wanting to settle this matter of her panties and access to her body while Alex settled the scales between herself and her girlfriend. She made room for Alex to lay against Molly and then slipped up beside them, heedless of the bumping of the bed and the loud noises coming from the recipient of Alex’s attention.

“Feeling guilty at all?” Onyx grinned beside Molly’s ear.

“Unnh… yeah!” Molly confessed with a moan.

“Good,” smiled Onyx. “Enjoy that, too.”

Molly let out a whimper of gratitude for her girlfriend’s understanding, and then gave up a longer series of moans as Alex fucked her. She bucked her hips against his. Molly brought her legs up around his waist, encouraging him to go as hard and deep as he possibly could. She could think of little else.

Committing himself to his partner completely, Alex let his possessive instinct run free. It only ever came to the fore in moments like this. He wasn’t the jealous type, nor was he comfortable with territorial attitudes in relationships. But with the moans in his ear and the occasional kiss on his neck or bite on his shoulder, and when he felt the embrace of Molly’s thighs on his hips and her hands on his back, and with the silken grip of her sex around his as he thrust again and again, Alex had no worries about respect or propriety.

Their bodies came to an understanding. All else took a back seat.

Molly lost control first. She gasped out her lover’s name and his. She dug her fingernails into his sides and pushed up with her hips against every thrust. Alex fucked her straight through orgasm, moving his head aside enough that Onyx could plant yet another reassuring and understanding kiss on Molly’s mouth.

Her partner relaxed his rhythm. Alex looked up at Onyx to make sure she didn’t feel left out. Onyx just grinned. “How’re you doing?” she asked.

“Onyx, your girlfriend is insanely hot,” Alex breathed.

“Yeah? I think so. Haven’t had enough of her yet, have you?”

“Not really—“

“Ooooh, god, ‘s mutual,” sighed Molly.

“—but we don’t want you left out anymore,” Alex huffed. He kept moving his hips, still going in and out of Molly. She felt too good to stop.

“Yeah, love,” Molly agreed. “You need… oooohh… some attention, too.”

“Sure do,” said Onyx. “You just keep doing what you’re doing. Something seems unfinished here. I can tell,” she winked. “But, now that she’s had a little

Onyx shifted around on her knees once more, this time throwing one leg over Molly’s shoulders so she could kneel directly over Molly’s
face. Onyx put her hands on their other partner’s shoulders to help settle in her balance.

Alex heard Molly let out a note of approval. “I’ll just be down here, then,” Molly giggled, and then Onyx
purred with appreciation for the first lick of Molly’s tongue against her lips.

The dark-haired witch leaned on Alex’s shoulders, smiling up at him as her eyes fluttered. “Hi there.”

She had never seemed more beautiful than now. Alex kissed her hungrily, all his self-control falling away once more as two women indulged him in such intimacy and affection.

“Mh. Hey. Wait,” Onyx said, shifting back a bit from him. He watched as she tried to steady herself, which didn’t really work out until Molly stopped licking. Onyx chuckled, reached behind her back and unfastened her bra. Her eyes met his as she let the lace garment fall away.

“Molly was right,” Alex smiled with a shake of his head. “They’re beautiful. Like the rest of you.”

Onyx rolled her eyes and then leaned back against him, letting Molly resume her naughty work. “Shut up and grope me,” Onyx sighed happily.

The need to keep a steady pace for Molly only intensified his need for release. It was a long, sensuous road to orgasm for him, and for Onyx, and on the way to Molly’s second. None of them finished together. All three were happy to keep at it until the scales were even.


* * *


“I have better sex than any angel ever,” the breathless blonde declared to the ceiling. Spread out on her back and utterly ravished, Rachel’s body bore everything from hickies to bite marks to slight red trails of blood from Lorelei’s talons. Only the bottom sheet of the bed remained; the rest sat on the floor in a torn and slightly wet pile. There were still a few candles lit, but the well-loved angel gave off more than enough of a glow to illuminate the room.

“I could say much the same for myself,” murmured Lorelei. She returned to the bed with a pair of champagne flutes, kneeling beside the angel to offer one glass and clinking it in a silent toast before she took a
sip of hers.

Rachel sat up only long enough to down her glass in one move. She tossed it over her shoulder lightly enough that it landed on the carpet without breaking it. The succubus put her hand on her chest then, shoving her down onto her back again and straddling her at the hips.

Lorelei towered over her. She kept her glass in one hand and claimed one of Rachel’s breasts in the other. The angel just arced her back to meet Lorelei’s grip. “Mh. You’re amazing,” Rachel sighed.

“I had help tonight,” admitted Lorelei.

“Help that you trained,” the angel grinned.

“I find the role of mentor delicious,” Lorelei mused after another sip. “But we shouldn’t discount his own natural talent. Or his passion. Or your influence.”

“Hah! If it was just me and him, it’d be wham, bam, thank you ma’am every night and… well. Whatever.”

The words faded away from her. Lorelei looked down curiously. “What is it?”

“I don’t like thinking of it being just me and him,” Rachel said. “I wouldn’t give him up for anything, but… I could never give you up, either.”

“Nor I,” agreed the demon. She looked at Rachel with thoughtful affection. “
Sometimes I almost forget which of us is older.”

“Age and mileage, right? You’ve been through a lot more than I have.” Rachel paused. “You’ve endured more. Overcome more. I like thinking of you as the older one. The one with more experience. I don’t think you’re ever gonna know how much I look up to you.”

“We all hold one another in a certain degree of awe. All three of us.”

“Yeah. Yeah, we do.”

Lorelei fell silent for a moment. “You would have told me everything.”

“Yes. Still would. Y’know, with the right persuasion

“You must not.
is unconditional,” Lorelei said, gesturing to the disheveled bed. “
am unconditional. For you, and for him.”

“I know. I get that now. I’m just sayin’… I’d put myself in your hands anytime. For as long as we’re both still around.” She slid her fingers along Lorelei’s arm.

“Even if I play rough with you?”

“Oh, especially if you’ll play rough with me,” grinned Rachel. “You had me goin’ with the roses and the candles.”

“Tonight has been no less romantic for me,” shrugged Lorelei. “There is trust. Intimacy. Pleasure.” She tossed her empty flute onto the pile of torn sheets. Lorelei laid down atop Rachel, wrapping her in a warm embrace and intertwining her legs with her lover’s.

The soft kiss they shared contrasted sharply with the raging needs of the last few hours. Rachel trembled as Lorelei brushed her fingers through blonde hair. “Can I be underneath you forever?” Rachel asked.

“I’ve much too deep a submissive streak of my own to be on top forever,” smiled Lorelei, “but we could surely alternate every century.” She saw a troubling thought pass over Rachel’s eyes. “No, Rachel,” she said soothingly before her lover spoke. “I will not let him go of old age, either. We will find a way.”

“Might have to be naughty about that.”

“You’ve never struck me as the type to adhere well to every rule.”

“No. Maybe not.” They sank into another kiss, but Rachel could not hold it long. She broke off in a loud moan of surrender. “Oooh, holy fuck they’re at it again,” she grinned joyfully.

“Did you think this was finished?” smiled Lorelei.

“I thought
might be. I knew we were just taking a break. Damn, this is like being in bed with four people all at once.”

“In a way, we are.”

Rachel breathed heavily and writhed against Lorelei, feeling every bit as good as if their other lover was within her. “You knew this was coming, didn’t you?”

“I did. You receive only his pleasures. I gain this, but also feel his desires.”

Rachel shuddered. “Who is it now?”

“Onyx. Again. They are making… arrangements.”

Rachel’s hands slid down Lorelei’s back to clutch at her ass. “Luckiest angel ever.”


* * *


Beautiful as Onyx was from the front, Alex found the view from above and behind perfectly appealing. She had a great back, after all, and an even better ass. She pushed it back against his hips, taking his full length inside her and sending his heart pounding again.

BOOK: Natural Consequences
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