My Wicked Devil (Club Wicked) (28 page)

Read My Wicked Devil (Club Wicked) Online

Authors: Ann Mayburn

Tags: #Contemporaryu, #bdsm

BOOK: My Wicked Devil (Club Wicked)
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There were a couple of times where he really wished he was still her Dom so he could spank her ass. Her round, beautiful, fucking perfect ass. No, no thinking about that. He desperately tried to think about something not sexual and keep from remembering what it felt like to bugger her.

Tight, hot, and perfect.

Kira stretched out next to him, drawing his attention to her body as she let out a soft sigh. At nineteen weeks, the bump on her belly was now a pronounced curve, something visible even in the empire-waisted gowns she now favored. Well, gowns combined with running shoes. She’d said a tearful good-bye to her high heels last week, saying her feet were too swollen to fit in them.

Now, full of eggplant parmesan and chocolate raspberry cake from the party, she was as content as a well-fed kitten. Kira smiled at him. “Feet, please.”

Rolling his eyes, he pulled her feet onto his lap. “You are utterly spoiled.”

She merely smiled and closed her eyes, the movie she’d put on a background hum of noise. They’d been spending more time together at night, and he rather liked the quiet intimacy of it. So many steps had been skipped when they first got together, and he tried to use this time to let her know that no matter what, he’d be there for her.

Clearing her throat, she wiggled her toes at him. He shifted her feet forward a little bit, not wanting her to feel his erection. Things had finally smoothed out between them after many long talks about what went wrong. He admitted he may have been a bit overbearing, and she admitted that she might have a problem with impulse control, at the top of their lungs. Those hadn’t been easy conversations, and more than once, it had ended with one of them leaving in a huff, but it had cleared the air between them. He didn’t want to freak her out and push her right now. Her hormones were a mess, and it wasn’t unusual for her to go from weeping, to laughing, to weeping in less than a five-minute time span.

Made a man want to drink.

He pressed into the arch of her foot, earning a groan that made his dick jerk. It reminded him of the noises she made when she came for him. Not touching her in a sexual manner was getting harder and harder, no pun intended. Her body had begun to fill out, and her already nice breasts were now the things of his hottest wet dreams. His friends had been full of advice on how to woo her back, and their number one rule was to let her make the first move. He assumed the men might have a point because both Isaac and Jesse were engaged to women that adored them. Wouldn’t hurt to heed their advice.

But fuck, he thought he might die of blue balls first.

She moaned again and rubbed her heel into his thigh, perilously close to his cock. This evening her dress was a pretty light blue color that reminded him of a spring sky. Her hair was on top of her head in a messy bun, and she’d placed a small white rose from Jesse’s garden behind her right ear. She wore a pair of dangling blue topaz earrings that brushed against her neck, marking places on her that he’d love to kiss. The feeling of her smooth skin beneath his fingertips was enough to have him ready to rut on her like a beast.

She was absolutely stunning.

He was so wrapped up in his thoughts he almost didn’t hear her say his name. “Yes, love?”

“I asked if you were excited about finding out the sex of the baby next week.”

He laughed. “Excited and terrified.”

“Why terrified?”

“Because I’m afraid that if we have a little girl like you, I won’t stand a chance against her. And if we have a little boy like me, you’ll run for the hills.”

She smiled at him and toyed with a stray strand of her hair. “Thank you for taking such good care of me.”

“It’s what a Dom, I mean, a friend does.”

She opened her eyes the slightest bit, leaving them heavy and with an unexpectedly sensual look. He noticed for the first time that she’d put on some kind of silvery eye shadow. It made her already beautiful eyes glow. “Did I tell you about one of the fun parts of being pregnant?”

He snorted and pulled on her big toe. “I must have missed it somewhere in between your constant caterwauling about all the not fun things about being pregnant.”

She laughed. “Poor Bryan. You really have been so kind to me.”

He met her gaze for a moment, then looked away, scared she would see his true feelings for her. How desperately in love with her he was. Trying to keep things light, he picked up her other foot and began to press on her heel with his thumb. “You better make sure I get lots of those ‘World’s Best Dad’ coffee mugs.”

She stayed silent, watching him touch her. He had the distinct feeling she was checking him out, in a sexual way she hadn’t used since they’d broken up. The old electricity started to fill the air between them, and he debated on going with it or pulling back. The last thing he needed right now was her pissed at him for overstepping his bounds.


The husky tone to her voice almost made him groan. “Yes, love?”

“Aren’t you going to ask me what one of the nice parts of being pregnant is?”

He smiled, but the delicious tension didn’t ease between them. “Sorry. I missed my lines. What is one of the fun parts of being pregnant?”

She traced the tip of her finger down the side of her neck, drawing his gaze to the delicate curve of her collarbone. “It makes my orgasms insanely good.”

He froze, unsure of what she was doing, hoping and praying it would somehow involve letting him bring her pleasure in a much more carnal manner. Clearing his throat, he resumed rubbing her feet. “How so?”

“Well, the doctor said it’s because there is so much blood in that area now, that in some women their vaginas become extrasensitive.” She ran her finger over the edge of the top of her dress, her hard nipples tenting the thin fabric. “I’m one of those lucky women.”

“Well, that… Fuck, Kira. What do you want me to say? You’ve spent the last six weeks laying down all these rules about only being friends, and then you pull a mind fuck on me like this. It’s not fair to either of us, and I won’t put up with it.” He moved her foot off his lap. “I need to go.”

She sat up quickly. “Wait, please don’t go. I… Shit, I’m doing this all wrong. Please sit back down.”

He took a weary seat and ran his hands through his hair. “I’m trying as hard as I can to respect your boundaries, but even I have my limits. So you need to think very hard about what you’re doing here, because I won’t be some fuck toy you can pull out whenever you want and then stick back on the friend shelf when you’re done.”

To his shock she reached over and cupped his cock, giving it a squeeze through his pants that had him arching into her touch. “I know that.”

“Bloody fuck.” He shuddered as she continued to squeeze him. “Woman, don’t think that just because you’re pregnant you won’t have to face the consequences of your actions. I’ll still punish you.”

She removed her hand, but before he could mourn the loss of her touch, she straddled his lap. “I want those consequences. I miss you, my lord.”

His stared at her, not quite sure he’d heard her correctly. “What did you call me?”

Her flush spread from her chest to her hairline, but she managed to hold his gaze. “My lord.” She leaned forward and gently brushed her lips over his. “This doesn’t mean I’m going to put up with you trying to run my life outside of the bedroom, but I’m willing to give it a try again if we go slow.”

He gave a tortured laugh as her hot core pressed against his erection. “This is going slow?”

“No, but right now I need you to be my Master. I miss it. I miss you. Just please go slow.”

He shook his head. “How slow are you talking about?”

“Slow and deep. I want as much of you inside of me as I can take.”

His dick tried to punch a hole through his pants, but his mind hesitated. Maybe she was having one of those hormonal surges that crept up on her every now and then. Except those usually left her throwing something at his head in anger, then crying that he made her throw something. He wasn’t sure who the insane one was here: her for having a split personality or him for sticking around to deal with it.

“Are you sure?”

She jerked down her top and bra so her breasts spilled out. With a quiver in her voice, she placed her hands on his shoulders. Those soft, lovely hands he’d missed so much. “I trust you, my lord.” A shift in her posture brought his gaze down to her breasts, and his mouth watered.

For a long moment, he stared at them, marveling at how her nipples were now a deep rose color instead of their usual pink and how they’d gotten a bit bigger. Delicate blue veins were visible beneath her pale skin. He traced one with the tip of his finger, fascinated by the lush changes of her body, overwhelmed by her faith in him. Though he’d never considered it before, there was something extremely sensual and arousing on a primitive level about knowing that this woman carried his child.

Cupping her breasts, he then brought the tip to his lips and gently brushed his beard over the nub. Her instant gasp and the jerk of her hips made him smile. “How sensitive are these now?”

“Very, very, very sensitive.”

He gave her nipple an experimental lick, delighting in how she groaned out his name. Her tits had an additional weight to them now, and he wondered how heavy they would get when her milk came in. Keeping his touch light, he toyed with her breasts, going from one tip to another, worshipping her with his mouth and tongue. She began to rock on his lap, driving his arousal to the point where he feared he would come in his pants.

He continued to torment her, to let her body know he could be trusted to give her what she needed even if her mind still didn’t fully trust him. They had shit to hash out; he knew there would be some tough fights on the horizon, but this physical bonding between them would go a long way toward repairing the gulf.

She ground her pelvis against his, her hips jerking and her breath coming out in harsh pants. The lovely scent of her arousal surrounded them, and he rubbed his chin back and forth over her breasts, making her hiss and writhe.

Reality intruded for a moment, and he forced himself to pull back from her bounty. “The doctor said intercourse is okay, correct?”

“Yes. As long as you don’t hog-tie me and hang me from the ceiling, it will be fine.”

Gently squeezing her breast, he gave her a smile that let her see how much that mental image aroused him. “We’ll save that until after the baby arrives.”

Her eyes grew big and round, fear and desire mixing into a heady blend that called to him. “Yes, my lord.”

If he didn’t get inside of her soon, he was going to die.

“Get up and take off your panties. Then I want you to open my pants, straddle me, and ride me until you come.”

“Yes, my lord.”

He had to help steady her while she pulled her underwear down, but her long skirt hid her sex from his view. Not that it mattered. Right now he wanted to be inside her with a desperation that bordered on insanity. Together they opened his pants, and when she pulled his stiff dick out, she made a happy little purring sound. Her full breasts wobbled with her movements, and he wondered if her pussy had changed as well.

“Gather up your skirt. I want to watch my cock slide into your cunt.”

She shivered but did as he asked. At the first sight of her very swollen sex covered with a tempting layer of russet curls, he bit back a groan. He’d only seen her cunt this deep of a red color after they’d done a particularly hard caning session. Cupping her with his hand, he found her soaking wet.

“Is this sweet cunt more sensitive as well?” He slid his finger between her labia, and she almost fell against him. Laughing, he cuddled her close. “I’ll take that as a yes.”

Her warm breath heated his skin as she whispered, “Please. Let me suck you off.”

“Later. Right now I need to be inside of you.”

Reaching between them, she fisted his cock and guided it to her entrance. Just as the tip pressed against her, he grabbed her hips in a firm hold. “Promise me you’ll stop if it hurts. Please, Kira.”

“I promise.” She pressed her face against his neck and groaned as the first inch sank in.

Holy shit.

Her pussy was hotter, tighter, and more amazing than ever. If this was what sex with a pregnant woman was like, he might keep Kira pregnant all the time, even if it meant dealing with her split personality. Sliding into her was almost too good, and he had to pull back his lust and try to regain his focus on her.

She clung to him, gently rocking, until he was seated all the way inside. They stayed like that for a long minute, the occasional reflexive clenching of her pussy making him twitch. She slowly moved back up, the air shockingly cool on his dick after the heat of her body.

She rubbed her lips against his neck, then whispered, “I missed you so much.”

His throat closed up in a most unmanly fashion as he held her tight. “Me too, love. Me too.”

They fell into an easy rhythm, long and stroking glides that had them both panting and straining. Her first orgasm almost caught him by surprise. One minute she was moaning and sighing; the next she snapped her hips, and she screamed out her release. The strong contractions of her vagina against his cock felt like a hand squeezing his dick, and his toes curled at the overwhelming sensation.

He managed to bite his inner cheek hard enough to hold back his own orgasm as she writhed and moaned on his lap, her plump bottom resting on his thighs as aftershocks radiated through her. Eager to see how easy it was for her to orgasm now, he gripped her hips hard.



Reaching between them, he gave her nipple a gentle pinch that had her yelping. “Come again. Ride me, Kira.”

She drew in a quivering breath and did as he asked. Bracing her hands on his shoulders, she raised herself up until only the tip of his cock remained inside, then came down hard enough that the sensation of being fully sheathed snapped through him like a whip. He removed his hands from her hips and grabbed the cushions of the couch, afraid he’d bruise her if he touched her right now.

Up and down she went, her eyes closed, her face slack with pleasure. The bounce of her breasts captivated him, and when her next orgasm rolled over her, he grabbed her and held her close, suckling her nipple while she screamed and contracted around him, her little fists grabbing his hair and trying to pull him off her breast even as she thrust her chest to his mouth. God, how he loved a submissive’s internal battle to do as her Master wished even as her body screamed about the sensation being too much.

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