My Tomorrow (20 page)

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Authors: Megan Nugen Isbell

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: My Tomorrow
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I had no clue what to wear to a Tokyo nightclub.  I certainly hadn’t brought anything appropriate for a night of clubbing.  As I was debating what few choices I did have, there was a knock on the door and then I heard Court’s voice.

“Hey, girl,” he said as he strolled inside once I’d opened the door. He looked all set for a night out in a pair of black skinny jeans and a black sweater over a striped collared shirt.  His hair was spiked and a pair of ox blood Doc Martens finished off the ensemble.  He stopped once the door was shut and gave me the once over before shaking his head. “I was afraid of this.”


“That you’d think jeans and a t-shirt would be okay for our night out in Tokyo.”

“Gimme a break, Court.  I didn’t pack for clubbing.  We were coming here to work.”

“No worries, Nat. I always come prepared.”  He held out a shopping bag and I looked at it questioningly. 

“What is this?” 

“Just something I saw today while at the Ginza.  It was going to be a birthday present, although I don’t even know when your birthday is.  I guess I just wanted you to have a killer outfit for tonight in case you agreed to go out, which luckily you did.  It would be a shame to have to wait until your birthday, which is when exactly?”

“November nineteenth,” I laughed, taking the bag.

“Only a few weeks away then. Perfect timing.”

“You didn’t need to do this.”

“Oh, yes, I did and you’ll see why when you take it out of the bag.”

The excitement was plastered all over Court’s face and I knew he couldn’t wait for me to look at it.  The bag seemed light, which immediately raised my concerns.  I reached in and pulled out a piece of black fabric.  I held up the garment, which I discovered was a dress…or something claiming to be a dress.  It looked like nothing more than a slip to me.

“You’re not serious, Court.”

“That’s the rudest reaction to a gift I’ve ever experienced,” he scoffed, grabbing it from me and holding it up to my body. “This dress is going to look amazing on you.  Just give it a try.”

“Fine,” I said, not bothering to argue.  I’d try it on for kicks, just to be polite. “I’ll be right back.”

I disappeared into the bathroom and slid on the dress.  It clung to my body tightly and hung to the middle of my thighs.  The top, which was held up by two thick straps that met at the back of my neck, made my chest look about two cup sizes bigger than it actually was.  There was no way I was leaving the hotel in this get-up.

“No way, Court,” I said, stepping out of the bathroom.  A low whistle escaped his lips when he saw me.

“Holy shit, Natalie.  I knew that dress was made for you, but damn…I’m good.”

“I look like a prostitute.”

“Hardly.  A high class call girl, perhaps, but definitely not a prostitute,” he said with a playful laugh, which I greeted with a glare and he stopped chuckling. “Honestly, Natalie.  You look amazing.  Seriously, drop dead.  I never knew your legs were so long.  Those black heels you were wearing earlier will look fab with it.”

“It’s not exactly the season for this dress.  I’m going to freeze.”

“No, you won’t.  That’s what coats are for.”

“Seriously, Court…you don’t think I look cheap?” I asked nervously.

“Definitely not.  You look smokin’ hot.  Now take your hair out of that school marm bun and freshen up your make-up.  We need to meet Drew in the lobby in fifteen minutes.”

I sighed and reluctantly walked over to the mirror.  When I pulled the bun out, my hair spilled to the middle of my back in waves from being confined all day.  I fluffed it a little and then turned my attention to my make-up.  I was going to keep it light and natural like always, but Court insisted I vamp it up.  I applied my eyeliner more heavily than usual and Court just so happened to have a tube of cherry read lip stick.  He’d obviously been thinking in detail about our night of clubbing while at the Ginza earlier.  Once the make-up was taken care of, I squirted on some perfume, slipped on my heels and was ready to go. 

Drew was already waiting for us when we reached the lobby.  I had a hard time not staring as he stood, looking casual, relaxed and alarmingly hot in a pair of dark jeans and a vintage looking zip-up.  He was doing something on his phone, but when we approached, he put it away, looked at us with those intense green eyes and said, “Alright, Court, lead the way.”




The club was just as I’d expected: loud, crazy and thankfully dark, aside from the neon strobe lights.  Court looked in heaven the second we stepped inside. 

“I’m gonna go check your coat and then we’ll get started,” he shouted over the loud techno music as he practically tore the jacket from me, leaving me feeling naked and exposed.  Drew was still beside and I turned to face him finally.  I saw his eyes spanning over me and I instantly felt the tension I’d been trying to ignore flowing between us. 

“Nice dress.”

“Thanks,” I said softly. “It was Court’s idea.”

“Good idea.”  His voice was low, but I heard it and it made me blush. 

Court reappeared and started grinding against me to the thumping beat.  I couldn’t help but laugh and he stopped dancing long enough to grab my hand, leading me onto the dance floor.  It’d been forever since I’d danced.  I wanted to resist, but Court was too much fun and soon I’d let go of my inhibitions, moving and swaying to the music.  It felt good to let loose and it felt even better once Court briefly left me alone, returning a few minutes later with a drink. 

“I’m not exactly sure what it is, but the bartender said it’s great.  Something with sake.  Drink up,” he said and I did.   It burned going down, but it tasted good.  After the second one, I felt all my worries melting away.  I was just on that verge of tipsy and a little drunk and it felt great. 

“This place is amazing!  The bartender told me they even have these special rooms…ya know, in case you meet someone special,” Court shouted as we danced and I just laughed.

“Are you planning on needing one?”

“Yes.  With that dude over there.  The one with the shaved head.”  I looked over at the muscled guy Court was talking about. “I think he’s been eyeing me.  I’m going over.”

“I wish I had your guts.  Good luck.”

“Don’t need it.  Will you be okay without me?” 

“Of course.  Go have fun.  I need a break anyway,” I said, fanning myself with my hand.  The combination of alcohol and dancing had left a light sheen over my entire body.

I watched as Court walked away. He approached his prey with such confidence and once I saw the guy smile, I knew I wouldn’t be seeing Court for a while, maybe not again the whole night. 

Court and I had been dancing for nearly a half an hour straight.  I had no clue where Drew was and as I leaned against the wall to catch my breath, I scanned the club.  I eventually spotted Drew standing by the bar.  I wasn’t sure what I expected him to be doing, probably hooking up with some skanky girl, but not hanging out like a lonely heart.  He looked up a moment later and our eyes met.  I could feel my heart start to beat faster when I saw him walking towards me.  Despite our venture out on the town earlier, I’d hardly spoken to him all day.  Court was gone for the foreseeable future though, so I had no choice now. 

“How’s everything going?” he asked once he was leaning against the wall next to me.

“I’m good.”

“You and Court looked to be having a good time out there.”

“You saw that lame attempt at my dancing then?” I laughed.

“I wouldn’t call it lame at all,” he said, and then his eyes looked down as his lips curled up into a half smile. “It was actually pretty damn hot.”

My cheeks instantly flushed and I looked away, unaware that my breathing had intensified. 

“Are you glad to be getting home tomorrow?” I asked, changing the subject.

“Not really.”

“Why not?”

“It’s back to reality then.  What about you?  Are you anxious to get back?”

“Yes,” I said quickly. “I miss Ethan and…”

“Do you?” he interrupted.

“Excuse me?” My eyes snapped up until they met his and I looked at him resentfully. 

“Do you miss him?”

“Of course I miss him.  What kind of stupid question is that?”

“It’s not stupid.  It’s just a question.”

“Yes.  I miss him.”

Drew pushed away from the wall, setting the drink down he’d been holding, and turned his body so it was framing mine.

“You always get so defensive when I broach the subject of Ethan.”

“Because it’s not your business.”

“Probably not,” he said, leaning in closer, his warm breath tickling my cheek. “But I see how you look at me.  The way you watch me.”

“I don’t look at you in any way.”

I felt his fingertip trace my collar bone and I bit my lip trying to contain the feelings brewing inside me. 

“It’s not the look of a girl missing her boyfriend.”

His fingers continued to stroke my neck and my breathing was becoming rapid now and I couldn’t ignore the throbbing between my legs.  He was too close and he smelled too good. 

“You shouldn’t have worn this dress.  I might’ve been able to stop myself if you hadn’t worn it,” he said, his lips lingering even closer.

“Stop yourself from what?” I managed to whisper.

“From doing this.”

He suddenly grabbed my face with his hands and crushed his mouth against mine.  His teeth were biting and pulling my lips as his tongue thrust deep inside my mouth as if he were trying to possess me.  I was shocked for a moment, but before I could realize what I was doing, I found myself kissing him back with an eager lust.  It was nothing like the kiss we’d shared at his apartment that night.  That kiss had been innocent.  This one was primal and I soon felt Drew’s hands grabbing at my body, toying with the hem of my dress as I felt him hard against me. 

“What about Court?  What if he sees us?” I gasped between breaths.

“Fuck Court.  I don’t give a damn who sees us.” 

The assault on my lips continued and with each thrust of his tongue, the urgency grew for both of us. 

“Stay here.  Don’t move,” he said suddenly, pulling back and holding up a finger to me and I didn’t move.  I stayed frozen as he rushed away.  My eyes spanned the club frantically.  I should go.  I should run.  I shouldn’t be here and I shouldn’t be waiting for him.  I knew I shouldn’t, but I couldn’t stop myself.  I couldn’t stop feeling his lips on mine and the way he tasted in my mouth and the way he’d felt against me. 

When he suddenly returned, there was urgency in his eyes.

“Come with me.”

It wasn’t a question.  It was an order and I followed.  He held my hand as we pushed our way through the crowded club.  I had no idea where he was taking me.  There was no rational thought left in my body so I didn’t even care. 

When he came to a door and stopped, my conversation with Court earlier came to mind and I knew where we were.  I didn’t question him though when he pulled out a key, slid it into the slot and opened it.  He immediately pulled me inside the room, slamming the door behind him.  I could still hear the thumping of the base from the music in the club, but it was quieter in the room.  It was dimly lit, but there was enough light to see Drew was staring at me in a way that betrayed why he’d brought me here.  He quickly closed the gap between us, wrapped his strong arms around my waist and crushed me against him.  His lips overtook mine again and I opened my mouth willingly, welcoming him back inside of me.  I felt his palm cup my breast over the fabric of my dress.  I wanted nothing more than to remove the barrier and feel his skin on mine.  I felt him pushing me towards the bed and setting me down so I was sitting up with my legs hanging over the side.  He knelt before me and reached up, unclasping the straps of my dress, pulling the top down and then he reached up, gently taking one of my breasts in his hand while he began planting kisses all over my body, which was quickly not becoming my own.  I had lost all sensibility and Drew was in complete control.  He stopped for a moment, but just long enough to remove his hoodie and undershirt.  I couldn’t take my eyes from him.  I knew he’d be beautiful, but not quite this perfect.  I gently stroked my fingers across his chest and was surprised to see goosebumps explode beneath my touch.  We still hadn’t said a word to each other since we’d locked ourselves in and I feared any words would cause me to tumble back into reality. 

I felt his hand slowly crawling up my thigh, inching underneath the dress until he was tugging at my panties, pulling them off until there was nothing separating me from his touch.  When I felt it, I lunged towards him, throwing my arms around him.  I was all but gone when his fingers finally resurfaced.  He stared at me, not with a smile or a frown, but with determination and conquest and as he pulled the dress from my body so I was fully exposed to him, I wanted to be conquered.  I’d been fighting the feelings since the moment I laid eyes on him.  The sexual tension had always been there and it was finally too much for both of us.  He stood in front of me, towering over me from my sitting position on the bed.  I watched as undid his belt, then his button and zipper and his pants fell to the floor.  A moment later, his boxer briefs joined them and I could tell he was ready.  He came towards me and I instinctively scooted back on the bed as if I was trying to get away from the hunter, even though I wanted nothing more than for him to catch me.  He crawled onto the bed, slowly inching towards me until my head rested on the pillow and he had me pinned down with nowhere to go and as I stared hard into his green eyes, I didn’t want to be anywhere but here. 

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