My Soul to Save (Soul Keeper) (12 page)

BOOK: My Soul to Save (Soul Keeper)
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I toss him the keys and wonder if they are going to make me sit in the backseat of my own car. Mr. Burkes opens the passenger door for me and takes the seat behind me. The silent guy in the suit, sits behind Mr. White. The Governor guns the motor a couple of times and I quell the urge to roll my eyes. "Is this your car, or daddy's?" he asks slipping the car out of the parking space.

"It’s my car. My father was killed in Afghanistan last year."

"Oh, Brennen I apologize. I have the utmost respect for our soldiers both fallen and fighting."

"It’s okay you couldn't have known."

"What branch was he in?"

"He was a Navy Seal."

"I am truly sorry for your loss Brennen."

"Thank you."

"So tell me, what branch of politics do you want to go into?" His hands caress the soft leather steering will as if it were the curve of a woman’s hip. He's molesting my poor car.

"If I get accepted into law school. I'd like to get on with the DA's office, after that, Congress maybe."

"With a Harvard law degree you realize the top firms in the country will be hunting you down. You'd turn down a six figure salary to work with the DA?"

"Tom, Brennen is going to take your job one day. I know because I will have trained her to do just that." Burks slaps Tom on the arm. "Go ahead asks her what her policies would be. This girls got it all mapped out."

Tom has me talking the entire way to the restaurant and all throughout lunch which is lasting a very long time. I've barely been able to eat a bite. Every time I lift my fork he wants me to go on about this or that. I gather he likes my ideas but that’s all they are, ideas.

"Oh before I forget, the special project I want you to work on." Burkes says after he inhales his last bite. "This state spends about ten grand per student to educate them each year. Look into how the funds are allocated.  I want to see how you would improve the situation."

"That sounds like fun." I say really meaning it. I've always wanted to know how a state like New York, who spends the most per child, can have the most illiterate students in the nation.

"You see, these kids today are sharks, she finds pouring through vats of numbers and figures fun." Burkes says in his gruff voice.

"I'll tell you what I thought was fun when I was eighteen.... On second thought, no I won't," Tom cuts in, and they share a laugh. 

"Do you mind if I get the waiter to take a picture of us?" Sam and I have been picture texting. Mainly because we noticed that one out of five sentences was: I miss you. And
let’s face it, it's only been seven days.

"Of course." Tom flags the waiter down and then scoots in close. Burks slides over and we all say cheese. I shoot the pic to Sam and label it,
Me n the Govenator and my new boss the COS, Mr. Burkes.

He texts back, Congrats and a picture of his room full of boxes.  He's standing in front of his mirror wearing only low hung jeans and his ball cap, the sight of which, ties my stomach up into knots. I wish I was in one of those boxes. 

“Is this the boyfriend?” Burkes asks lighting a cigar and peeking over at my phone.

“Yes, he just moved to Houston. He’s going to Baylor in the fall.”

“Oh? Pity,” is all he says and I’m left to wonder what the pity is, that I have a boyfriend, or that he moved away? Either is creepy really.

By the time they smoke their cigars and we finally return to the office, the interns are just leaving the building and they all stop and stare at my lunch companions with a gleam of jealousy in their eyes.

Once inside, Burkes slaps me on the shoulder and chortles. “Get used to it kid, this is a kill or be killed world you're in now.”

"My prey drive is inherent, but sometimes I like to toy with my capture before I devour it." The men’s eyes narrow in response. Elena was right this is easy.

"Oh good you're back, maybe now we can begin our Fellows meeting," Veronica says trying not to look too pissed. She leads me into a board room where six young men and women are waiting, what looks like for a while now. I wonder how long this is going to take; I need to get back to the bill Linda wants proofed sixty five hours from now.

Veronica begins her speech about the Fellows program and gets me up to speed on the details. Then she asks that we go around the room and introduce ourselves. They all look a few years older than me so I must be the only freshman here and I wonder if I am supposed to share that information or not mention it. They all take their turns and since I took the seat closest to Veronica I get to go last.

"I am Brennen Hale, I moved to Virginia my junior year and I've been assigned to Mr. Burkes, the Chief of Staff."

"Where do you go to school?"
the girl named Ava asks. I look to Veronica for any clue that I should shut up on the subject but she nods for me to divulge.

"I start Harvard in the fall."

"Law?" Ava asks again and she's starting to hit a nerve.

"No, as an undergrad. My freshman year."

"I thought this program was limited to in-state students only, and to college seniors." She looks to Veronica.

"Ms. Hale was handpicked by Mr. Burkes because she has shown exceptional potential that far exceeded that of a typical Fellow. While we may not always give special preference to someone so young and freshly minted from high school, we have in her case.

And now all eyes are on little old me. Once again on a pedestal I don't deserve to be on. Honestly, I wasn't even aware of what video my teacher sent out on my behalf to gain me such esteem. I'd love to get my hands on a copy. A clue to my past, the forgotten one that is hidden away somewhere in this black hole of my mind, a ravine from which I have no way out of.

Ava licks her lips and though I can't read her thoughts, I get the feeling she has it out for me.

"At the end of each day, you all will have a meeting to discuss as a group your assignments and struggles. I urge you to work together as a team to problem solve and learn from one another."  She dismisses us and I click my phone to check the time. Three thirty already. I release a stressed sigh.

"Burkes alre
ady killing you with a workload," the cocky one asks. What was his name again? Aiden something.

"So far it’s manageable, but by no means menial."

"Let me know if you need any help. I'm over in the policy branch and I have a bit more time than I thought I'd have."

"I'm sure Brennen can handle anything the COS throws at her or she wouldn't be here
," Ava sneers out as she leaves the room. Wow, pegged that one.

“Ava where do they have you?”

She gives me a half smile that says I’ll trust you over my dead body. She’s got on a plain black suit that she probably bought for a funeral five years ago. Her dull brown hair is stringy and pulled into a low ponytail. Everything about this girl screams, don’t notice me, except for her in your face attitude that is liable to get her nowhere in this line of business.

“I’m with the secretary of education office.” Great I’d probably have to work with her at some point on this special project. Maybe if I make nice now, she’ll ease up. It’s worth a try.

“Really, that’s one of the most interesting offices I think. Maybe we can go to lunch one day so I can hear more about it.” She has trouble looking me in the eye when she speaks, but she manages a glance.

“Yeah, we’ll see.” She says like she’s unsure of my motive.

“So were you really at lunch with the governor?” Aiden asks after Ava walks away. He’s a nice looking, boy-next-door type.

, and Mr. Burkes.” I really need to get back to work. I start to walk out of the room hoping he takes the hint.

“I’m sorry
, I’m sure you’re busy. I hope to see you around Brennen.”

“You too Aiden.”

I finally settle back into my cozy little desk and get back to work. Occasionally I gaze out the window directly in front of my desk. I have a view of the capitol building from where I sit. I'm pretty sure that the guy out front that's been feeding pigeons all day is a demon, but I'm not one hundred percent. I wonder if he’s here to spy on me.

“Brennen, while I admire your work ethic, I have a husband that needs me to at least pick up a bucket of chicken on my way home.”

“Sorry Linda I didn’t realize it was so late.” I glance at the page marker and notice I’m already past the half way mark. And it gives me an idea.

Once in my car I turn to Elena.

“Can I go to Amorous for a couple of days?”


“So I can finish this project and get a jump start on the other.”

“Only if we can all go to Elijah’s and get pampered by his staff and chefs.” She says smiling.

“I don’t know Brennen, you don’t want to raise anyone’s suspicions. If you turn that work in tomorrow it will raise brows,” Inara says despite Elena's approval.

“Isn’t that what you want me to do, impress these people?”

“Impress yes, think you’re a supernatural creature of divine greatness, no, not the image we were going for.” Inara answers.

“I won’t turn it in early, but at least it’ll be done and done right.” I say as we already arrive back at the hotel. Elena checks her watch.

“Alright but do not make a habit of this.” I’m totally making a habit of this. The three of us arrive at Elijah’s mansion not long after.

Chapter 12 ~ Ulterior Motives



I vaguely have memories of this place, glimpses pass like photographs in my mind. Brutus comes running up to greet us by way of slobbering and licking my hand like it were made of sirloin. I rub his giant head vigorously and in turn he shakes his whole body and wags his tailless butt. 

I take a walk around and wonder if Elijah would be angry that we were in his home without him knowing. The kitchen is beautiful with its gleaming white marble counter and dark stained cabinetry. My mind goes to a memory of Elijah’s well hewn form greeting me in here. I was pulling cupcakes or muffins out of the oven and I burned my finger. He kissed it and healed it and then he savored it as I were made of candy. The memory of which, makes my breath hitch. The sight of his full lips grazing over my finger indelibly leaves me craving more. And that is a feeling I don’t like having. 

Now I know why Elena really wanted to come here. She's sneaky with her
ulterior motives.  I peek into his master suite and wonder what kind of memories were made in here. I try and picture him resting his head on the pillow while I run my hand along the cool fabric. Nothing comes to mind. A small picture frame on his night stand catches my eye. I pick it up and examine it. It’s a black and white photo of me, a close up of my face. I’m looking down, my lashes fan out over my cheek. I look sad. This was the day of my father’s funeral. The one day he couldn’t prevent me from being hurt. I lie across his bed and drift off with the memory of that day bleeding into my mind, tearing open freshly scarred wounds on my heart. 

I wake up in the middle of the night not remembering where I am for a moment. Someone covered me with a blanket. The picture frame is lying just beyond my fingertips. I must have dozed off thinking of my dad.  The room is suffuse with silver moon light, turning every object under its spell to an antiqued artifact like a black and white old movie. I stretch my limbs out and wonder what time it is.

The house is quiet and the numerous large windows allow the night’s luminaries to flood the inside. Brutus pads over the tile floor and gives my hand a small lick. “Hey, boy.”

“Miss, is t
here something I can get you?” a petite young blond asks me. She’s in a maid’s uniform and the clock on the oven reads four-oh-five a.m.
“No don’t trouble yourself. I guess I must have fallen asleep a bit too early, so now I’m awake at this insane hour.”

“Oh it’s no trouble Miss, I have the night shift and I’m about to start some of the pastries for the chef.” The mere mention of pastries has me salivating already.

“I could use a cup of coffee I suppose.”

“Very good then, I can bring it to you wherever you’d like to take it, mum.”

“Where's the office? I have some work to do.”

She shows me where it is and I take a minute to freshen up. I grab my laptop and head back to the office in my robe and slippers. The maid comes in with a steaming cup of coffee, instantly
filling up the large room with its aroma. She leaves a silver coffee pot on a tray with cream and sugar and a stick of cinnamon to stir it with. Oh my words, can I live here permanently?

“Thank you. I’m sorry, what was your name?”

“Sadie, and your Miss. Hale, we’ve met before remember.” Of course we probably had, but that was another life that and it was stolen from my mind. I give her an apologetic smile and she returns the look and leaves me to work.

This coffee is good, I’m assuming it because Elijah has impeccable taste as everything I’ve seen in this house would exemplify times ten. His office is masculine but still elegant. Warm wood paneled walls curve around to form an oval shaped room. Behind me
, is a wall of bookcases, and a large fireplace is nestled between two large chairs on the opposite end of the room.

A few hours later, Sadie knocks on the door to let me know breakfast is ready. Elena and Inara walk into the dining room at the same time and we all sit down. The table is decorated with a large centerpiece of fresh flowers. A tray of assorted pastries sits to my left, and fresh fruit to my right. We each have a glass of orange juice and a glass of water and an empty cup for either coffee or tea. Servers begin offering us ham, eggs, and a potato dish of some kind. I’m going to have to run ten miles later on today just to compensate. Inara blesses the meal and we dive in.

“Brennen, you look like you’re in good spirits today.” Sometimes I forget how old they really are but when they talk like that it’s hard not to notice.

“I feel fine.” I say, taking a chocolate croissant from the pile and passing it to Inara. “I woke up early and got some work done.”

“That’s good. You fell asleep pretty early. You look like you’d been crying last night when I checked on you. Are you sure you’re alright?” Elena asks and I see the hidden agenda behind her eyes. She’s so easy to read.

Don’t show them you’re vulnerable.
“Never better Elena.”

“Good to know Brennen.”
She matches my tone. Inara looks helpless, once again caught between the pair of us, both vying for control.

“So it’s been a while since anyone’s heard from Elijah. What do you think is happening with him?” I ask just to make conversation. Elena contorts her jaw and reminds me of a tea kettle about to come to a screeching boil. I ready myself for her temper to strike or steam to come flying out of ears.

“Since we haven’t heard from Elijah, you can bet your unharmed little soul that he’s in the depths of hell, being tortured over and over until he can no longer even beg for mercy.” She clenches her napkin in her hand until her knuckles are white.

“Although he’ll cry for help again and again, no one will come. He’ll wish he could die just to end the pain, but he can’t die Brennen. And then they’ll start again.”

My chest heaves in unheard sobs and the thought of Elijah in any amount of pain. It sends a wave of nausea through me and I race to the bathroom. I cry hard and long resting my cheek on his cool bathtub for relief. Panic fills me and I vomit the contents of my stomach.

A hand moves along my shoulder to comfort me. Inara is who I expect but it’s not her, it’s Elena.

“I’m sorry. I guess I thought if you saw this place and how empty it feels without him in it, you would remember. I just want him out of there Brennen. I can’t take the thought of him being harmed.” She hugs me and sobs into my shoulder and we let our silent tears roll out of our eyes for a man that has shown us what it means to love someone. Even though I can’t remember it, I know I loved him.

“I want him out too. I want his grace back. The only reason Elijah is there is because of me, Elena. I did this to him.”

“No, Nehemiah did this to him. He’s the one to blame. If he wouldn’t have tried to play God, none of this would have happened. My breaths come in shuddering spurts as I try to recover from crying so hard.

“Inhale slow deep breaths and slower back out.” I do as she says and my breathing returns to a normal cadence.

“I feel so helpless.”

“I know, I do as well. But if I know Elijah, he will come out on top in the end. Let’s just think about that for now. It’s all we can do.” Maybe I could do that if Elena hadn’t painted such a graphic image in my mind, now all I see are his beautiful blue eyes turned up in agony and defeat. Now all I can picture is him being taken to the edge of death only to inch his way back from its throes. Elena sits with me on the floor for a while. Maybe she’s reliving her words as well or perhaps she’s just being supportive. Either way I’m glad she’s here with me.

Inara finally wanders into the bathroom and it’s up to her to get us moving again. My mother files in behind her. Now we’re having a party. Of course Elijah’s bathtub could easily accommodate the four of us.

“Alright you two, Inara says you’ve been holed up in here half the morning. What’s wrong?” my mother asks. Her tone is thick with worry. Elena and I both stare up at her as if the problem were so glaringly obvious she’d be remiss not to know. 

“I know you’re both worried about him. But calm your fears, I've seen fragments of the future, and Elijah will be back soon enough.”

“Tell me everything you saw Emmagen,” Elena says rising from the floor and pulling me up with her.

“Only if you two come out of the bathroom for goodness sake.” We follow her into the bedroom and I plop down on the plush bedding and stare up at the raised ceiling. It’s painted a shade of muted blue somewhere between day sky and night with tiny bursts of stars barely beginning to shine through. His bedding is a metallic pewter color velvet, bordered in silk and embroidery, all combining their luxurious components to make his bed an oasis in the middle of the room. My mother sits beside me and lifts my head onto her lap. Elena and Inara take the end.

My mother combs through my hair with her fingers. I can’t help but sigh. I miss having a mother’s touch. My face is probably streaked with tears and my nose is all stuffy.

“I saw him having a meal with you all and Jesson.”

“Jesson is in Europe with Emily for the summer.”

“The rest of the time I saw him he was alone, so it’s hard to place the time when he’ll be back.”

“I still hate that he could be hurting right now and here we are lying in his bed in absolute comfort.”

“Brennen you know he would love knowing you are lying in his bed right now,” Elena says in a dreamy voice.

“Elena,” m
y mother scolds.

“Now I want both to you to stay vigilant. I don’t know what happens between his return and your happy reunion.”

“Well we wouldn’t be happy if he had done something wrong,” I’m quick to point out.

“You will treat Elijah like he is Lucifer himself
, and you will not go near him. He could be just as deadly. Are we all clear on this?”

“Crystal,” we all chime out in unison, sounding like Tom Cruise in A Few Good Men. At least it gets me to smile.

“When he is sighted, call me and I will send a team of Elite down to vet him.”

Elena salutes my mother while leaning against the bed post.

“Let’s get out of this house and go have some fun. I need to get my mind off of all of this,” I say.

“Get dressed and grab your shades. I know just what you need.” I lift a brow and wonder what Elena has in store for us now.


“Now the key is to grasp with your legs, but balance your weight between your thighs and your arms.” Elena smiles as she hoists me up on Elijah’s horse, bareback. Her own horse is a beautiful white Arabian just as feisty as she is. Inara chose to stay behind and visit her home for the day.

I’m sure she’s sick of the two of us by now. Elena slaps my horse on the rear and it roars to life beneath me, instantly taking off into a sprint. I hang on for dear life and try and remember what she told me to do as trees and boulders whiz past me. We finally make it out to the clearing and my horse breaks into a full gallop, racing Elena’s horse and gaining momentum.

She gleams out a smile and steers into me forcing us to go left. And there’s a large downed tree right in our path. I close my eyes
and ready myself become airborne. I wait for the painful impact to come. Fearing the half ton animal’s hooves splitting my skull open most of all.

But he lands the jump. I live to see another day. I catch up to Elena and smile passing her with ease.


I arrive back at the office the next morning with a little extra spring in my step. Not only is my work all done, but I have a least some hope that Elijah will be okay soon. The Porsche’s quiet purr beneath my feet makes me smile. I love this car, and by love I mean I don't want to get out. I think I should move my office down here to the parking lot just so I can sit in the buttery soft leather seat all day. But people are starting to stare.

Ava startles me by opening up my passenger door and sliding in next to me.

"What the heck? You scared the crap outta me," I scold. She flips her dreary little head around and cuts me a look from the bottom half of her glasses.

She snatches my purse and starts rifling through it. "Dude!" I grab my bag out of her grubby little fingers.

"Chill I only needed to borrow some powder, I'm all shiny from the humidity this morning."

"First off, ew. I don't share make up. If fact there is not a whole lot I do share, so go find someone else to give you a matte finish." She looks a little pissed off when she gets out of my car, but oh well. Elena is snickering in the back seat. I whip around as if to ask if she wants some of this too. But they're both already out of the car.

"Here you are, you'll be looking for this in about ten minutes." Elena hands me my flash drive.

"What? This was in my..." In my purse and that little weasel Ava, thought she could pull a fast one over on ol' Elena. This means war. "Why in the heck would she try and steal my flash drive?"

"To make you look incompetent."

"Well I would be incompetent not to save all of my work to the cloud as back up. But thank you for thwarting the misdeeds of my bumbling enemy."

"I wish I could see the look on her face when she realizes she doesn't have her prize anymore." Elena exudes like an evil queen.

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