My Secrets Discovered (4 page)

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Authors: Layla Wilcox

BOOK: My Secrets Discovered
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I patted the hair scrunched up in the clip. “I’ve had long hair all my life. Never short. What did you have in mind?”

“Blondie told me you are ready for change. A new look. Is that true?”

I nodded, but probably looked doubtful.

“Do you trust me to give you a makeover? You don’t know me, it’s true, but I can see you in a way that you don’t. I see a beauty within you that needs to be revealed, not covered up with massive hair that is past its glory days.”

If I hadn’t been sedated by the tea and wine, I might have taken offense, but I looked into Max’s eyes. He was a handsome man about forty years old. Although thin, he appeared toned under his black shirt, unbuttoned to mid-chest, and tight black pants.

I took a deep breath. “You’re right. I don’t know you, but Blondie hasn’t steered me wrong yet. Go ahead.”

Max lit up. “Wonderful. This is what we’re going to do.” He swung me around so I faced away from the mirror. “It will be easier on you if you don’t watch. I will cut your hair, then apply the color. While your hair is processing, you can get your manicure and pedicure. You’ll have lunch while the polish is drying, and then Carina will apply your make-up. Finally, you’ll come back to me, and I’ll blow out your hair. Then you can look at the new you. Ready?”

I bit my lip. This was my last chance to back out. I heard Blondie’s voice in my head.
Keep doing the same thing, and you’ll get the same results

“I’m ready,” I said.

I closed my eyes and felt Max release the clip from my hair. He pulled a comb against my scalp and sectioned off a piece. I heard the snip of the scissors and felt a lock of hair fall past my cheek. I opened my eyes to see a long section of hair lying in my lap.

Max stood facing me as he cut. “Keep your eyes closed for now.” I obeyed.

Snip, snip, snip went those scissors for what seemed hours. I tried to think of some clever conversation, but couldn’t, so I remained silent. Finally, Max spoke.

“I’m going to get your hair color mixed. Do not touch your head or turn to look in the mirror. Promise?”

My heart fell. Was it so bad that he didn’t want me to see? No, it’s probably because he wants me to wait until he’s finished, I tried to assure myself.

“Promise,” I managed to squeak out.

Max put his hand on mine, which was gripping the arm of the chair. “You look fabulous already, but it’s going to get even better.”

I smiled and nodded. “I won’t look.”

As soon as I heard him walk away, I opened my eyes and looked directly into the face of a young girl sitting on a stool in front of my chair.

“Hi, I’m Carina, Max’s assistant. I’ll be doing your make-up after your mani and pedi. I’m here to keep you company while we wait for Max to come back with the color.”

I laughed. “You mean you’re here to make sure I don’t peek!”

Carina grinned. “Yes, that too.”

I saw Max returning with the two bowls and a brush. “Shh,” I whispered to Carina. “He’s coming back.” I quickly closed my eyes.

It didn’t take long for Max to fill my head with foils. Probably because there’s no hair left,
I thought, but forced the scared feeling away.

“Open your eyes now,” Max ordered, and I obeyed. “Carina will take you over to Autumn, who will do your nails. When that’s done, we’ll wash your hair, put a towel around your head, and you can have lunch.”

The rest of the time at the salon is a bit of a blur. I had another glass of wine while Autumn did my nails, and one with lunch. I wondered if Goddessa put Blondie’s herb mixture in the wine because I had a strong urge to masturbate, but couldn’t even relieve myself in the bathroom for fear of ruining my manicure.

Carina did my make-up and brought me back to Max. Once again, he turned me away from the mirror. He took off the towel and sprayed my hair with a water bottle. He then poured some gel into his hands and worked it through my hair. He used a hair dryer with the diffuser attachment and worked sections of my hair with his fingers, which caused me some concern. Was my hair too short for a brush?

Finally, he sprayed, and I felt him pinch a few hairs forward onto my forehead. “Keep your eyes closed,” he said, and I felt the chair being turned around. “All right. Open them now.”

I opened my eyes and stared straight ahead into the mirror. I blinked several times because I saw Max with a bevy of people surrounding the chair in the reflection. But where was I? I touched my cheek, and that’s when I finally saw myself in the mirror. I was the beautiful creature in the chair. I jumped up and moved in for a closer look.

My hair was cropped quite short, but in a pleasing style. The blond highlights were perfectly placed to look natural, yet eye-catching. My reflection mirrored an elegant woman with high prominent cheekbones, emerald deep-set eyes, and soft, full pink lips. I came to Goddessa a mousy, matronly housewife, and was leaving a sexy, dynamic bombshell. My eyes teared up, and I grabbed a tissue off the counter top in front of Max’s mirror.

I could not stop looking at myself. Max was right. There was a beautiful woman inside that needed to be released, and the Goddessa team did well to uncover her. What I was feeling inside was deeply personal, and I knew the real me had been unleashed. I felt overwhelming sexual desire fill me, and a longing between my legs screamed to be sated.

In the mirror, I saw everyone behind me. I could tell they weren’t sure if I felt awful or thrilled—after all, my eyes were filled with tears. I turned around and threw myself at Max. As I hugged him tightly, I could feel the bulge in his pants stiffening. I released him and we both looked down at his emerging erection.

Max shrugged and smiled. “You are beautiful.”

I nodded. “Thank you. Thank you.”

I hugged each one of them. As I did, I noticed an attraction—and it wasn’t all in my mind. I felt magnetic, as if I were drawing the sexual energies of the planet to me. It didn’t strike me odd at all that I felt this pull from women as strongly as I did from Max. It seemed completely natural that there was something in me that appealed to everyone. My transformation had opened me to all possibilities, and I knew from that moment on there were no rules.

Chapter Four

Once I got home, I made the executive decision that sex goddesses don’t cook dinner on Saturday afternoons, and I called in a take-out order from our favorite neighborhood Italian restaurant to be delivered in about an hour. That would give me time to receive the order, put it in the refrigerator, and finish getting dolled up in my new dress before Mark came home from work.

I ran upstairs to start my bath. I absolutely could not wait to get in the tub and play with the shower massage. I stripped off my clothes. I could only see myself from the waist up in the small mirror over the vanity. It was still a pretty big shock to see my hair, but I was enthralled with the image of the woman who stared back at me. She looked so confident and sophisticated.

I turned my attention to the tub. It was almost full, and I gently lowered myself down, eager to spread my legs and open the water streams of the handheld showerhead on my pleasure spot. As soon as my bottom hit the tub, I felt a terrible stinging around the area that had been waxed. I looked down and was horrified to see tiny red spots of irritation where the hair follicles had been pulled out.
Not sexy at all.

I looked over to the corner shelf where I stored my creams and oils for the bath. I selected an unscented soap and gently washed the area with a soft cloth. The redness seemed to diminish, and I focused on rubbing my clitoris and stroking the soapy folds with my fingers. I relaxed back into the bath pillow and reached for the massager handle. Turning it to a gentle setting, I sprayed up and down the length of my pussy, teasing myself until the pull in my belly was almost unbearable. Then I pushed up the pressure, pointing the jets directly on my clit until the waves of contractions unleashed within me.

I turned off the water, and lay still with my eyes closed, feeling satisfied and relaxed. I noticed my orgasms were longer, harder, and more fulfilling—practice makes perfect. I giggled, and promised myself I’d increase the sessions until I was the queen of orgasms.

I was getting out and drying myself when I heard Mark come in downstairs.
He was super early. I grabbed a shower cap and put it over my hair so he wouldn’t see my new hairdo and wrapped a big towel around me. I timed my exit from the bathroom with his entrance into the bedroom.

“Mark, you’re home much earlier than I expected. Everything all right?” I tried to be super casual.

“Yeah, I wasn’t feeling well, so I called it a day.” Mark sat on the bed and started to take off his shoes. Even ill, he still was a neat freak, and followed a precise routine when dressing and undressing. “Jen, I hope you won’t mind if we don’t go out tonight. I’m not up to it.”

My heart sank to my stomach. If he didn’t feel up to eating dinner, it wasn’t likely he’d be up for the night I had planned. Then I got an idea. “No, we don’t need to go out. I’ll order in some dinner. Why don’t you take a shower and lie down for a while?”

“I think I’ll skip the shower for now and try to sleep it off,” Mark said, leaning back to recline on the pillows.

“No, no. Listen to me. A hot shower will help you relax and wash away the tension of being crouched over your desk all day. I’ll start the water running for you so it’s good and steamy when you get in. Then I’ll fix you a nice cup of tea to sip on before you lay down.”

I didn’t give him an opportunity to respond. I went into the bathroom and turned on the shower. When I came out, he was getting undressed, putting his clothes in the hamper, and placing his shoes in the floor rack of his closet.

“Good, “ I said. “When you come out, I’ll have your tea ready.”

Mark smiled at me. “Thanks, Jen.” He came close as he passed me on his way into the bathroom. “You look—good, even in your shower cap. Did you do your make-up different or something?”

I was thrilled that he noticed. “Yes! I was getting ready to go out when you came in.”

“Sorry to disappoint you. Maybe tomorrow?”

“Sure. But I think you’ll feel better soon.”

While Mark showered, I fixed a very strong brew of Blondie’s tea in a tall mug and took a few sips of it to make sure it still tasted good. It was even better strong. I went upstairs and put the mug on a coaster on the nightstand next to his side of the bed. I then went into my closet to put on my new lingerie. I’d have to skip the dress, but I could certainly wear the high heels.

I slipped into my shoes, then the thong and bra before pulling the nightie over my head. I burst out laughing. My shower cap was still on. I took it off and went out to check myself in the bedroom mirror when the doorbell rang.
Oh, no!
I had forgotten about the dinner delivery

I raced back to my closet, grabbed my robe, and flew downstairs as fast as I could in those high heels. I looked through the peephole, and sure enough, I could see the back of a young man holding an insulated bag with our dinner. I opened the door.

“Come in while I get my purse,” I said, and went into the kitchen without waiting for him to turn around.

When I returned with my wallet, the young man was inside. He was a nice-looking boy, probably in high school and the captain of some sports team because he was very well built. He smiled at me and looked down at the package to find the receipt.

“Mrs. Hauser?”

“Yes, that’s me. How much do I owe you?”

He checked the receipt. “$22.60.”

I took out a twenty and a ten. “The rest is for you.” I wanted to get him out of the house so I could get upstairs and position myself properly on the bed before Mark got out of the shower.

I noticed his eyes were directed at my chest. When I looked down, I realized my robe had opened, exposing me from my pushed up boobs down to the tiny triangle of the thong that could easily be seen through the sheer nightie. I closed the front of the robe and pulled the belt a little tighter.

He lowered his eyes and slid the covered dishes out of the thermal bag. As our hands touched in the exchange of food for money, I felt a rush of excitement travel through me. My eyes met his, and I could see he felt it, too.

“Um, are you—? Is, um, David Hauser your son?” The boy looked into my eyes.

“Yes. Do you know him?”

“Sort of. He was few years ahead of me in school. He’s at U. F. now, right?”

“Yes. Well, thank you very much, but I need to put these hot dishes away now.”

He seemed embarrassed. “Oh, yeah. Sure. See you, Mrs. Hauser. And thanks for the tip.”

I couldn’t wait for him to leave. The dishes weren’t really hot, but he was, and I was slightly appalled by what I was thinking. I watched him amble back to his car through the dining room window. I wondered what his name was and if he’d make my next delivery.

I shook my head. What the hell was I thinking?

After placing the dinners in the refrigerator, I headed upstairs to position myself spread eagle on the bed. Before I reached the bedroom, I heard the mattress creak. I sighed. It was too late for the surprise I had in mind.

Plan B. What would that be? I slipped into David’s bedroom and checked myself in the mirror. I took off my robe, smoothed the straps of the nightie, and fluffed the ends of my abbreviated hair.

“Mark,” I called out. “Drink all of that tea now. It’s a special herbal formula that will make you feel much better.”

“Yeah, I did already. It was good. Something new, Jen?”

I took a deep breath and stepped out into the hall, positioning myself in the doorway of our bedroom. I could see Mark leaning back against the pillows with his eyes closed.

“Yes, something new, Mark.”

He opened his eyes at the sound of my voice. His sat up, his eyes wide and round. He opened his mouth, but no words came out, just some noise from deep in his throat—almost like he was choking, but not in an unpleasant way. I didn’t need to hear what he had to say. I could see the reaction I was interested in. His boxer shorts were filling out in front like he was mainlining Viagra.

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